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Courting Miss Greene Ch. 03


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"Oh, don't look at it!" she exclaimed and sat down on her buttocks at once.

"Why not?" Robert sat down beside her. "I liked what I saw."

Lizzy blushed a furious red. "No man has ever seen me naked. At least not since I was toddler."

Robert bit his tongue. He did not want to tell Lizzy he had already seen her before in the bath. It would make a funny tale in a few years, but not right now. He brushed away her hair with the back of his hand and continued to play with it. He looked into her eyes. "Come on," he smiled. "I'll make it worth your while."

"How?" she asked.

"Well, there's only one way to find out, isn't there?" he teased.

Lizzy blinked at him. She was no longer entirely clueless after reading some of those naughty stories, but she had no hope of catching up with Robert in terms of experience. She allowed him to turn her around and push her head down onto the pillows, leaving her bottom in the air. She turned her head to look at him while she spread her knees and arched her back to give him a better view.

"Oh, baby..." he muttered in a low, breathless voice. "That's right. Yeah, just like that." He used both of his hands to massage her thighs and buttocks.

Lizzy closed her eyes and clenched the pillows in anticipation when he leaned in towards her. She could feel his hot breath on her skin before he started to plant gentle kisses all over her. The feeling tickled her, but she no longer felt like giggling. All of a sudden she felt his warm tongue licking at her slit in small, rapid strokes. Lizzy shivered. It was so embarrassing, but she could not deny how good it felt. Her breath became shallow when he probed deeper into her. She was about to start moaning when Robert stopped.

"Hold on, baby," he said. He lay down on his back and moved up until his head was beneath her. He pushed her down onto his face, licking at her little nub while he pressed a finger into her wet tunnel.

"Oh, Robert! Yes!" cried Lizzy, bucking her hips while he increased the pace. It was so much better than anything she could have done to herself. Running out of breath, she grabbed the headboard to push herself up. "Oh, Robert! I can't take it anymore! Uuuuhh!" she cried.

Robert did not stop when Lizzy shuddered in silence and pushed herself down on him. After a few seconds he could feel her spasm around his finger. She let out a high-pitched squeal and continued to whimper while she rotated her hips. Robert smiled. The little sounds she made were music to his ears. He waited until she was done and helped her lie down beside him underneath the sheets. She snuggled against him, but she looked a bit embarrassed when she gazed up into his eyes.

"That wasn't so bad now, was it?" he asked.

Lizzy blushed. "No," she said in a small voice, "but I didn't do anything for you."

Robert laughed. "You came on my face!" he said.

Lizzy shrank away into the sheets. "S-Sorry!" she stammered.

"Don't apologize, baby," he replied with a smile. "It kinda boosts my ego to make you come that hard. You seem a little flustered though. Perhaps we should call it a night. Do you wish to sleep over? You could see how you like my snoring now you can still change your mind."

Lizzy giggled. "I snore too! Well, says Abby!" She bit her lip, remembering she wasn't supposed to mention her sister.

"Really?" laughed Robert. He wrapped his arms around her. "I'd love to hear that, baby. Your voice has a way of turning me on." He paused for a moment. "So I can't promise you I won't ravish you in the morning."

Lizzy gasped in shock.

"Robert Clark!"


The older Mrs. Clark was surprised to find Elizabeth with Robert at the breakfast table the next morning. She had not heard the girl leave the guest quarters. Normally, Elizabeth would have waited for her older sister to come out, but Abigale was still inside her room. The older woman's heart missed a beat when she came to the only conclusion she could think of. She cast a suspicious glance at the young couple, but bit her tongue. Her husband, entering the room after her, gasped when he undoubtedly reached the same conclusion. She elbowed him in the ribs to make sure he would not address the issue.

Robert and Lizzy pretended nothing ever happened. Ethan, Ginny and Abby exchanged knowing glances when they joined them at the table, but did not mention anything either. Uncle Albert came in last and was completely oblivious to anything unusual, although he mentioned having heard some strange noises last night. Robert's face reddened. He had not thought about the proximity of his personal quarters' to those of his father. Lizzy had no idea about that, but her face reddened as well when she saw Robert's reaction and concluded she must have been the moaning banshee Uncle Albert was talking about. Everybody else tried very hard not to laugh at their obvious embarrassment, speculating it must have been the wind or whether Alder Hill was really haunted.

Abby's heart pounded while she listened to all the old ghost stories that were subsequently dished up along with the food. She could not hide her particular interest in any tales involving young men or unusual sightings in the guest quarters, causing the others to inquire whether she had experienced anything unusual herself. Abby brushed them off by claiming she was sure she must have been dreaming. She did not want Robert to place a guard on her balcony, nor could she confess to welcoming the intimate attention of a complete stranger.

Robert, Lizzy and Abby decided to join Ethan and Ginny at the archery range that afternoon. Abby was impressed by her older sister's skill with the bow. She realized she had been wrong to mistake Ethan's words for mere flattery and apologized for being a skeptic. Lizzy also did well, but it was undoubtedly because of Robert's help with her aim and posture. Abby frowned while she observed them. What a great excuse for a public display of affection! Ginny convinced Abby to try taking a few shots herself, but she refused any assistance and kept assaulting the grass as a result.

Much to Abby's dismay, the mysterious man did not appear that night. She blamed it on her carelessness during the conversation at breakfast. The man probably intended to punish her for her curiosity, but that would mean he must have been spying on her during the day, or it was because of her own subconscience if she truly had been dreaming. Abby vowed to herself she would not try to find out who or what the stranger was, deciding it was better to be ignorant than to stay alone.

Back in Robert's quarters, Lizzy was kept neither ignorant nor alone. She insisted on reciprocating the favor she had received from him the previous night, but Robert came to the shocking discovery he had never exposed his manhood to an innocent maid before. Lizzy giggled and assured him she had closely studied the pictures in that book he had given to Abby earlier.

Robert remained careful not to shock the girl so he let her face the wall while he took off his pants. When he sat on the bed behind her, he guided her hand to his crotch so she could feel him first. Lizzy was grateful for that when she examined him because she realized she had underestimated his size. She gulped when he hardened under her touch and his hot breath on her shoulder became more rapid. He was clearly enjoying it. Lizzy realized it gave her pleasure to know she was giving pleasure to the man she loved.

Lizzy paused her hand when she recalled Robert had used his mouth on her. She made him lean back against the pillows and placed her hands and knees on either side of his legs with her head above his crotch. She carefully inhaled his masculine scent, trying not to let it intimidate her. Robert suggested she could face the other way so he could pleasure her like before, but Lizzy refused because she wanted to be able to look at him. When she started licking him, the sensation of her warm tongue against his sensitive skin took his breath away. Lizzy glanced up at Robert and smiled, knowing she was on the right track when she watched his facial expression changing.

Robert tried not to curse while Lizzy went down on him, but... damn, she was good! He looked down, fixating his eyes on her sweet face while she licked and sucked at his throbbing flesh. She looked darn pretty like that. He put his hand on her head. "Oh, baby..." he muttered. It encouraged the girl. She moaned through her nose while she tried to take him into her mouth. It worried him to see her face redden. He did not want to choke her. Lizzy lowered her head to let him slide further down her throat. Robert tried very hard not to buck forward with his hips, but he grabbed her head and pushed her down gently every other second. Lizzy realized what he wanted and bobbed her head up and down in the requested rhythm. When she ran out of breath she stroked his length with her hand and sucked on his balls instead. It was too much for Robert. His head fell back into the pillows. "Oh, fuck!" he cried out and instantly regretted it.

Lizzy glanced up for a moment, biting her lip. "Don't stop, baby. Please..." he begged. The girl was quick to obey his wish. She continued with more fervor now. Robert soon felt his climax building. He cursed again, unable to stop himself. Fortunately, Lizzy ignored it this time and even increased the pace to such a speed, her hand became a blur. Robert groaned. He was getting close now! Lizzy held his glans against her tongue and gazed up at him while her hand kept going. He steadied her head with both his hands. "Aaaah, Lizzyyy...!" Robert held his breath and clenched his teeth while he went over the edge.

Lizzy was not sure what fascinated her most: the way his stiff member twitched in her hand, the salty spurts that landed in her mouth, his breathless voice, or the bewildered look on his face. She slowed down the stimulation to a gentle stroke, guessing it would be rude to just drop him before she was sure he was done. After a while, Robert removed her hand. "That was it, baby," he said. He was breathing heavily, but gave her a contented smile. Lizzy sat upright and licked her lips, making sure she had swallowed everything.

"Damn, girl. What book did you read?" asked Robert.

Lizzy grinned at him, amused he did not know. "I'm not going to tell you," she answered.

Robert blinked at her. "Why, you really are a naughty one!" he exclaimed.

Lizzy lay down on top of him, resting her head on his chest. "But you like me when I'm naughty, don't you?" she asked.

"Hell, yeah..." muttered Robert. He put his arms around her back and turned them over, lying down between her spread thighs. Lizzy gasped when she felt him press down on her, but Robert knew he would not get hard again for a while so he did not hold back when he kissed her.

Later that night, Lizzy enjoyed the warmth of Robert's embrace. She looked around the room and grinned to herself, listening to her fiancé while he snoozed behind her. It should be much like this once they were married. Lizzy was amazed Robert had left her a maid for the second night, even though he had been quite hard the previous morning. At least she knew how to help him with that now.

With a naughty grin, she drifted off to sleep.


Thomas was in trouble and he knew it. The little trick he intended to play on Abby had gotten way out of hand. He was used to having complete control of any situation. However, this time things were different. This girl was different and Thomas felt different when he was with her. He could not predict how all of this would end, but he suspected it would end badly indeed.

His original plan had simply been to impersonate the dream lover Abby had spoken of. He wanted to make her dream come true, just a little bit more vivid than a normal dream would have been. Thomas thought it would amuse Abby when he would reveal himself at the dance, but she had invited him into her bed as if he were a real man and he had been foolish enough to accept her offer. Even though he had given her the drink, he had spoken to her plainly while she was awake. It must have confused her. It even confused him.

What was he supposed to be now? A dream, a man, a ghost? Thomas could not think straight anymore. He did not know how far he would go if he got into Abby's bed again so he had decided to stay away last night. He knew Abby would never forgive him if he would take her all the way. The only alternative would be to not reveal himself at the dance, but he had not thought of another way to win the challenge. Then again, he had gone too far already. Abby's wrath would come down upon him regardless of what he would do now.

That darn challenge!

He should have kept his big mouth shut. There was no way he could have won the challenge by any respectable means. Thomas was no gentleman, nor would he ever be, and he knew that. He had always known that. When Thomas was a boy, Robert was widely admired and respected as a well-mannered and responsible young man. Their father relied on Robert to take care of the finances, security issues, and other household matters in his absence. Thomas, being fourteen years younger, did not want to grow up in the vast shadow of his older brother. He knew what was expected of him, but he chose to take a completely different direction in life, making up his own rules as he went along without caring what other people thought of him. He managed to get away with most things, playing the clown when he crossed the line and making a joke out of everything. Some people had to be paid off if they got really angry. His father, who had already been getting on in years when Thomas became a man, lacked the energy to discipline him and his brother did not have the heart. Their mother had died shortly after Thomas was born and Robert, being sentimental, thought of his little brother as a reminder of her.

A motherless, undisciplined, spoiled, rich brat, Thomas' behavior went unchecked for years. He had offended so many people he could not even keep track of them, and it had given him quite a reputation as well. His family still loved him regardless, and he could make women love him by seducing them. There had been plenty of tips and tricks for that in the naughty book section. In spite of many heated encounters, Thomas never lost his heart to a woman. He never really thought about love and he was not looking for it either.

Yet he found himself waiting outside on Abby Greene's balcony again as if she were the only thing that mattered in his world. Then again, Thomas realized it was probably true and it had been true ever since the moment he first laid eyes on her. His heart jumped when the girl entered the room, closed the door behind her and locked it. He watched her undress and comb her hair. He did not think she would be able to see him, but all of a sudden she leaned forward to peer more closely into the mirror. Without thinking, Thomas moved in for a closer look as well, wondering what she had seen. Abby glanced over her shoulder with a startled expression on her face. For a moment Thomas thought she gazed straight into his eyes, but that was impossible. He should be just a blur to her. He froze, hoping Abby would blame her imagination for whatever she thought she had seen.

Abby froze as well, knowing the man would disappear as soon as she would take her eyes off of him. She stood next to the dresser, entirely naked yet unashamed. Perhaps he had been there last night as well and she simply had not seen him. Abby did not want him to leave. She wanted him to make love to her. He must want to as well. Why else would any man keep coming back to a woman? Moving slowly, Abby climbed onto the bed without taking her eyes off of the dark figure outside on her balcony. She bit her lip, thinking of how to proceed.

Eventually she decided she had nothing to loose. The dance was coming up in a few more days and she would return to Windfarn. Whoever the stranger was, Abby was sure he was connected to Alder Hill and certainly would not be coming back with her. She should make the most of her time here or go home a virgin. Abby gathered her courage. She would try to entice him to come to her again. She knew Lizzy would be spending the night with Robert so there should be no interruption this time. Abby only needed to be careful not to scare him off. The man obviously did not want her to know who he was. If he did, he would have told her himself. No, Abby would not pry into his business. She only needed to show him how much she wanted him. Abby resorted to her female instincts, using seductive body postures to signal to the man outside.

Thomas had no problem deciphering her messages. He grew increasingly frustrated he could not answer her from where he was standing. Yes, he liked her body, all of it, yes. Oh, she was in the mood. Nice! She wanted him to come in... Damn! How could any man refuse? Thomas could not stop himself. Before he knew it, he opened the balcony door and entered the room. There was a candle burning on the nightstand so he knew she could see him clearly. He had come to her as a real man and should behave as one. Thomas took off his hat and waved it when he bowed to greet her. He noticed Abby freezing for a moment when she realized he truly was for real, but she smiled at him and welcomed him into her arms. It was a risk. He knew Abby had not drunk anything tonight. She could simply yank the mask from his face and all hell would break loose, but it was too late now. He was already lying on top of her, kissing her passionately while groping her body.

Abby kissed back the stranger. She could hardly believe what was happening. Her little effort had paid off and she did not regret it. Abby promised herself she would not regret anything that would happen tonight, whatever that might be. The stranger was definitely not a dream nor a ghost. He was made of real flesh and blood, just as she was. He was still fully clothed, but she could feel him harden while he grinded his hips between her spread thighs. Abby reached down and tugged at his belt to help him.

The man stopped her hand. "No, my love..." he said in a breathless voice.

"Don't you want to?" asked Abby.

"I do, but you don't," he replied.

It made no sense to Abby, but she did not want to enter into a childish argument. "How far will you take me?" she asked instead.

"As far as you like," he answered, "but I won't be coming with you."

Abby blinked at him. She thought back on the previous nights when it dawned on her: he had only pleasured her and done nothing for himself. She had done nothing for him either and it made her feel guilty to realize that. All of a sudden she got naughty. "Well, if you're gonna keep your pants on, won't you at least take off your shirt?" she asked.

For a split second it looked like he would smile, but he clenched his jaw and kept a straight face. Abby wondered about that while she watched him sit upright and oblige to her request. She gasped when he exposed the smooth skin of his muscled torso to her. The sight made Abby shiver. She ran her hands across his chest before she grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back down on her. Their bodies moved together when they kissed again, even more passionately than before. Abby believed she had a right to demand it since he would not take her all the way.

In the end, he did not even need to use his hand to make her come. It was not as intense as she would have liked, but it was good enough. Abby wondered for a moment whether he had come in his pants. She hoped he had. At least that would have been something. They lay together for a while, gazing at each other. Every now and then he would kiss her on the lips while he held her in his tight embrace.

"Oh, Abby, my love..." he whispered in her ear.

Abby frowned at that. He was obviously infatuated with her, whoever he was. She would have liked to say she loved him back, but that would clearly be a lie. Abby respected him enough not to lie to him so she only kissed him instead.

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