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Cruise Ship Hypnosis Pt. 02 Ch. 01

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Part 3 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/24/2016
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In Cruise Ship Hypnosis Pt. 01, Katie Thatcher was introduced as a stage hypnotist entertainer performing a popular cruise ship show. More importantly, she is also a trained hypnotherapist who holds group sessions to help with a multiplicity of problems such as ending a smoking habit, losing weight, etc. She also holds private sessions for people with more delicate and personal difficulties. Her husband, Matt, serves as manager and agent. In Cruise Ship Hypnosis Pt 01, her role as hypnotherapist leads her, reluctantly, into a moderate sexual relationship with Janine which, she fears will put her on the proverbial 'slippery slope' toward using hypnosis to take advantage of clients. While not absolutely necessary, I would recommend reading that episode to provide a better picture of Katie and Matt's backgrounds and of the events referred to in this story.


Katie and Matt had discussed their experience with Janine in minute detail and, as Katie had feared, temptation was there in each of the cruises they had been on since then. As might be expected, Matt saw a potential...well, I don't like using the term "victim" because that seems harsh. "Seducee" is probably a better word? Whatever, there always were physically attractive women who, for one reason or another, on stage or in group (occasionally private) sessions were placed in a trance by Katie. They then could be subject to post-hypnotic "suggestions" like the red bikini worn by Janine. He believed that Janine had suffered no harm and had actually enjoyed the sexual byplay with the two of them and, therefore, he felt no guilt.

Katie, on the other hand, felt that they had taken advantage of Janine which was a violation of her ethical standards. She did have guilt feelings despite agreeing with her husband that no damage had been done and that Janine had enjoyed being naked and fondled by both of them. She was also troubled by her own sexual reaction since she never had had any physical interest in another woman.

In any case, they had gone back and forth on the subject and, other than occasional teasing from Matt about the availability of sexy women they encountered, the idea of further adventures was pretty much gone. With the end of the winter cruises in the Caribbean they took time off while the ships were repositioned and then flew to Europe for the spring and summer season. They boarded their new ship, moved in and were prepared for another season of stage performances and problem solving along with the fun of seeing new sights when ashore. It was then that the temptation reappeared as the result of doing a good deed.

Katie and Matt were having breakfast at the buffet the second day of the cruise, talking about the show they were to put on that night. Suddenly, they became aware of another couple standing at their table, seemingly waiting to be noticed. Katie looked up and, startled, said, "My god, looks who's here! Jane and Tony Fletcher! Now this is a surprise! How on earth did this happen?"

Matt, recognizing them also, added, "Sit down and tell us what you've been doing since we saw you...what, two years ago?"

"Oh, this is good! We weren't sure that you would remember Jane and me after all this time. We know that you meet hundreds of people."

"Well, yes, we do," Katie said, "and we promptly forget most of them when the cruise ends, but you two were special and we had a lot of fun with you. I can't believe that we ended up on the same ship, particularly since we're on a different line now! We wanted to see northern Europe, particularly Norway and Sweden, but we never expected to meet anyone we knew. This certainly is a coincidence!"

Jane joined in, replying, "As Tony said, we're really happy to see you and that you remember us, but meeting you is not really a coincidence!"

"No, we searched for you on the old cruise line, but couldn't find you, of course. We finally tracked you down by getting in touch with the cruise director of the ship where we met you. We're on this ship because you are on it! Could we go somewhere quieter where we could explain?"

Katie and Matt looked at each, completely puzzled. Matt answered, "I don't know why we're so important, but, sure. Our suite is down one deck and we can talk there. I assure you, you have piqued my curiosity!"

As they entered the suite, Matt exclaimed, "Wow, this is nice! You've moved up in the world! Our stateroom is nice, but this is luxurious!"

"Yeah, I was able to negotiate a really good deal. Katie's act is extremely popular and is in demand. Now, what on earth is going on?"

It was Tony who explained. "Ok. We have a real problem. We were married three years ago. A year before we met you. We both want kids, probably several of them, but nothing has happened. We finally decided that something was wrong and we both had medical checkups. Everything seemed to be fine - viable eggs and plentiful and potent sperm, but still nothing. We even went to...what was that specialist title?"

"A reproductive endocrinologist."

"Oh, yeah. In any case, the only thing that came out of all of this was that they thought that our principle problem was tension. Maybe you'll recall that Katie hypnotized Jane last time for just that. She just couldn't relax and tension was causing all kinds of physical problems - couldn't sleep, continually having eating and digesting difficulties, losing weight, etc. No one could help and she was getting worse until you had three or four sessions with her and she's been fine ever since. She's still in good shape except when she's fertile and we're trying to get her pregnant. We tried another hypnotist but no result. So, we've tracked you down and chose this cruise because you are on it and that she will be fertile during it!

"Oh, Katie, I can't tell you how much I hope you'll be able to help me!" Jane actually began to cry as she blurted out, "I just don't know what I'll do if I can't have a baby of my own!"

Katie, of course, was immediately sympathetic. "Come on, Jane, don't cry! If your problem is tension and not being able to relax, I should be able to help. We were able to deal with the same type of problem last time, so I don't see any reason that we can't do it again. Look, we have our on-stage act this evening and, if you want, we can get together afterwards and talk about it."

Jane's face brightened up immediately as she managed to gasp out. "Thank you so much! I'm at my wit's end from worrying, but I really have confidence in you. That other hypnotist was supposed to be very good, but I never could let myself go with him. We booked this cruise because I really thought that you could help."

"Well, this is a first for me - someone taking a cruise just because of me! We have two performances tonight, 7:00 for the crowd that eats late and 9:00 for those who eat early. Why don't we meet in the buffet at 10:30 and we can set up a schedule.

When they were alone, Katie was still amazed that the other couple had taken a cruise just to see her. "Heaven's, they've probably paid over $5000 on this trip, hoping that I can help them. Of course, they will be enjoying the cruise, but I seem to be the real reason. That's weird! Still, people spend thousands in efforts to have babies and I should be able to help. Both of them were really good subjects that last time and, as I remember, they both went under easily when I used my regular post-hypnotic trigger word. I should have no problem lowering her tension level." She paused, and, getting no response, looked up at Matt and saw him staring at a piece of paper in his hand. "What's that, dear?"

"It's a note that Matt handed to me as they were leaving. Here, you read it."

"The information I gave you is not completely true. The problem with our having children is far more serious than Jane knows. While I hate to impose on you even more, I really need to talk to you privately as soon as possible. She has an appointment in the beauty parlor in twenty minutes. I will stop by your suite as soon as she leaves. If you can see me then, I would be very appreciative. If not, I'll try to see you another time at your convenience.


"What on earth could this be about? If it's more serious than he said, what could I do about it? I can hypnotize her and try to work past her hang ups, whatever they are, but I'm no doctor!"

"Well, we have nothing urgent to do this morning, so let's wait to hear what he says. We do really like them and if he has some way that we can help, we'll see what we can do."

They didn't have long to wait for, shortly, Tony appeared at their door and, as they sat down, he began to talk. "As I said in my note, Jane and I have a serious problem, one that, I'm afraid, hypnosis is not enough to solve. Her debilitating tension that I described is very real and, if you can improve that, it would be a major step forward. That mental problem is real and, of course, can make impregnation highly unlikely. However, our real problem is physical.

"Our doctor sent us to the reproductive endocrinologist because he was suspicious that something more than psychological problems was involved. The specialist ran a bunch of tests and determined that something called 'cytoplasmic incompatibility' was our problem. It appears that I could get other women pregnant and other men could get Jane pregnant, but my sperm won't work with her eggs! My sperm actually ruins the egg by attacking the coating that covers it. It's rare, 1% or less, and they don't have a cure.

"I talked with the specialist privately, and Jane doesn't know about this incompatibility and it will kill her if we can't have a baby ourselves. We can't even use in vitro fertilization because it's the same sperm. The doctor suggested using a sperm donor because she would still carry the baby, but I don't think that she could accept that if there was any other possible alternative. Suddenly, I had a brainstorm, a way for Jane to become pregnant in a manner that would eliminate all of her problems!"

Up to that point, they had kept silent except for appropriate expressions of shock and sympathy. It was then, however, that he threw a bombshell which was met with stunned, open mouthed, silence.

"Please hear me out before you blow up and throw me out of the room. One of the main reasons that I agreed to join this cruise and find you two is that I want Matt to impregnate Jane while she thinks it was me!"

The initial shock wore off and Matt was the first to react. "Are you out of your mind? Why on earth would you want your wife to become pregnant by another man and, even if you did, why me! You really hardly know me!"

Katie started to join in but Tony put his hand up, stopping them both, saying, "Let me explain. God knows, I understand that the whole idea is bizarre, but, while I don't like it - I hate it, in fact - I'm suggesting this for Jane. Why you? We're almost the same height and build, same color eyes and hair and neither of us has any outstanding facial features. Nobody could ask why does that child have blue eyes, why is his nose or ears so big, etc. We have that picture Jane took of the two of us side by side, showing our physical similarities, which is partly why I thought of you. I also know that we have the same British genealogy. I know from the last time we were together, playing basketball, that we are athletically similar. In other words, we could never get a sperm donor that was a better match."

Finally, Katie chimed in. "You obviously are right in terms of physical compatibility and, knowing Matt, you hardly could do better in getting a donor. However, a sperm donor, as I understand it, ejaculates into a test tube and the sperm is placed in the recipient's womb. All very impersonal. Now, we have no test tubes, no laboratory, so I have to assume that you are suggesting, to put it bluntly, that Matt have sexual intercourse with Jane and get her pregnant in the traditional way."

Tony, obviously, was abashed in hearing Katie baldly describe precisely what he was proposing. "Well, yes, that is what I meant. Believe me, it is not easy for me to come in here and tell you that I want Matt to screw my wife, but if that is what is needed to give her what she so desperately wants, so be it!'

To Matt's considerable surprise, Katie continued, "How would you propose that this would occur? Have Matt come into a darkened room, get in bed with Jane and, as you said, screw her without her knowing that it wasn't you? It hardly sounds like a workable plan."

"No, that obviously wouldn't work. I really hadn't gotten much past broaching this highly unlikely idea, anticipating having it being rejected - maybe in anger. In the back of my mind, of course, was the idea that you could hypnotize her in some way to make it work. I know that this sounds like some wild-eyed, crack-pot idea, but I guess that I'm as desperate as she is, but for a different reason. It's an insane idea, and I would if never even consider it if I could think of anything more reasonable."

During this discussion, Matt was staring at Katie in amazement for she was actually discussing this "wild-eyed, crack-pot idea" with equanimity rather than rejecting it out of hand. If it would be a big deal if Tony arranged for his wife to be fucked by another man, it logically would be an equally big deal for her to permit her husband to do the fucking. Somehow he just felt like a spectator as the discussion went on. He was really speechless when she ended the conversation by saying, "Right now I don't know how I, or we, feel about the entire situation and I certainly don't know how it would be carried out, but we'll talk about it and see you at the buffet later."

As Tony left the room, Matt looked at Katie in consternation. "What on earth are you doing, hon? I'm sure that you can get her to relax and remove a lot of her tension, but that's all that you can do! There's no way that you could hypnotize Jane and get her deep enough that she would let me fuck her and, even if she would, you wouldn't let me do it! It would have been kinder to have let him down right away."

"I really don't know. I feel so bad for her, actually both of them. And he loves her enough to let another man get her pregnant because she wants it so badly. Wouldn't you like to fuck her?"

"Oh no you don't! I know a trick question when I hear it. Anyway, I feel bad for them, too, but it just wouldn't work and, man, could we get in a lot of trouble if we tried! As you say every show, you can't make someone do something that they really don't want to do - they would break out of the trance - and Jane damn well wouldn't want me to fuck her and knock her up! I do respect Tony though. It takes a big man to even consider such a sacrifice."

"Ok, that was a trick question in a way, because I already know the answer. If you said 'yes' you would expect me to be upset. If you said 'no', you obviously would be lying. The odd thing about this is that I know that the answer is 'yes,' but it doesn't bother me! After we saw Janice Johnson naked, we did a lot of talking about what it would be like to touch her and, maybe, have sex with her. That was just wild speculation, but thinking about it really turned both of us on. Well, we didn't really have sex with her, but we certainly touched her! I didn't mind you touching her; in fact, I liked it, even when you felt her pussy. When Tony first mentioned you screwing Jane, instead of feeling jealous I had that same reaction! I don't understand myself at all, but for some reason, the idea excited me!"

"Wow, that does amaze me! Ok, yes I would love to fuck her! But how would you feel if I did knock her up?"

"That's what really shocked me! The chance that you would get her pregnant sent a wave of heat through me! For some ungodly reason, that thought really thrilled me. I can't understand it or defend it, but that is what happened."

"My god, that certainly changes things! All right, I'm bowled over! I'm really going to have to work on comprehending and absorbing that, but even if that is your attitude, it still doesn't solve the problem of hypnotizing Jane to the point that she would accept the suggestion that she let me fuck her. You fooled Janine Johnson by stopping her from seeing me, but Jane would damn sure know that it wasn't her husband on top of her, fucking her!"

"And that is what I'll have to change! For years I've intellectually worked on scenarios in which I could get a person to overcome their mental hang ups. In this case, there is no way that Jane would go along with Tony's plan. At least I don't think so. She would want her husband to screw her and get her pregnant - so I'll have to figure a way to make her think that you are Tony, her husband! That is going to be a challenge! However, fortunately Jane is what we call a "fantasizer" which will really help.

"Almost everyone can be hypnotized, but the ones who go into the deepest hypnotic trances are people who fantasize a lot - which may mean getting immersed in, or getting lost in, books, movies, TV or just day dreams. It doesn't mean sexual fantasies although those don't hurt. What's important here is that under hypnosis they experience what are called hallucinations. Remember, I told you about negative hallucinations that permit them to be instructed to not see things directly in front of them which is why Janine couldn't see you. Open hallucinations, on the other hand, permits the hypnotist to suggest that they do see things - such as Janice seeing a red bathing suit or, I hope, Jane seeing Tony instead of you! This will be a challenge, but I think that I can do it.

As would be imagined, the discussion went on for some time, particularly covering the difficulties and dangers (e.g. Jane coming out of it at the wrong time). They had to leave the subject to prepare for the evening performance and to schedule some group meeting and a few private sessions to which they were already committed. They were tired and a bit harried when they finally met Jane and Tony at the buffet after the show. Still, they were reenergized as they talked to them, for this new challenge also represented real fun. They were able to get Tony alone and he confirmed that he was completely committed, had no second thoughts and told them to do what was necessary to carry out the plan.

As he said, "Obviously, I'm not happy about this situation or tricking Jane this way, but I'm going to treat this, as much as possible, as just a different form of artificial insemination. Matt, you have no romantic relationship with her; she certainly isn't doing anything wrong, so all we're doing is placing the sperm inside her using a different method of delivery. At least, that is the way I'm trying to picture it - but it's hard to do, of course."

"All right," Katie replied, "we'll assume that we will go on with this. First, let me say that I've never tried anything like this, but Jane is as good a person to work with as we could find. There's what is called the Stanford Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility which measures the vulnerability of patients to hypnosis, and, on that scale, Jane, fortunately, is very susceptible. As I told Matt earlier, she's a "fantasizer" and that's why it worked so well with her last time. If the subject responds to hypnotic suggestions, it is generally considered that hypnosis has been 'induced,' and what we need is to create a deep hypnotic induction and convince Jane that Matt is you because there is no way that she would let any man but her husband have sex with her."

"That part really worries me too. If she became aware of what was happening and that I set up this whole business, I don't know how she would react, but I do know that it wouldn't be good. You're the expert and I'm not questioning your ability, but how will you be sure that she's in a deep enough trance?"


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