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Cruise Ship Hypnosis Pt. 03 Ch. 04

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Part 11 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/24/2016
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The two of them continued their sex-play for another half-hour. Tongues teased and titillated, fingers stroked and penetrated. Cunts and asses were probed and finger-fucked. Everything was kissed and licked. Finally, two satisfied women lay there, breathless and happy.

After recovering, Katie got down to business. "This is fun, Cindy, but we need to get back to your Lyle fantasy. You said that you want to make the Lyle fantasies work again by making them more real. Do you still feel that way?"

"Definitely yes! I don't know how you will do it, but those fantasies have really worked well when I needed them and, besides, I enjoy thinking about them. They are lewd and I don't know how I ever came up with them. They are about as far from anything that I really could see me doing as I can conceive of." She hesitated for a moment. "Actually, as you know, my sexual experience is very limited. I fantasize about Lyle because he's the only man, other than Richard, who has felt my pussy since we were married, much less doing anything more.

"Standing there in the pool and letting him feel me and, even, have his cock against me was a major adventure. It's fun to let my imagination fly and dream of things with him that I could never think of actually doing. In fact, as I told you, Lyle, as a person, doesn't appeal to me particularly, but the fantasies do. I really miss getting myself excited as I picture myself doing those forbidden things. Now I lie there on the bed, alone or with Richard, and I start thinking my favorite fantasies - and nothing happens! If you can do something that will bring that excitement back, make it seem more real, god's yes, do it!"

"I think that it would be more real if we change the fantasy and have it take place here on the ship. It would be more up to date rather than years in the past. The events would be the same, just a more interesting location. What do you think?"

"I think that I would like that. Do whatever you have to do to make those fantasies I described as real as possible! You made the Judy fantasy into a Katie fantasy. It felt so real when I used it as a fantasy last night because, of course, it was real. I feel guilty even thinking this, but I wish that you could make my Lyle fantasies real so they would work the same way!"

"Do you mean that you would like to actually have sex with Lyle?"

"Well, since I know that it can't really happen, it's easy to say yes, but, damn it, if he were here, I think that I would say the same thing. It's not Lyle, himself, of course, but if having sex with him the way I did with you would enhance my relationship with Richard in the same way, I would jump at it. Anyway, do what you can to make it as real as possible under hypnotism and I'll hope that it works as well."

"All right, Cindy, relax and sleep." She waited until Cindy clearly was under before asking, "Can you hear me, Cindy?"


"Do you remember the fantasy you had about taking your bathing suit off under your coverup and opening it for Lyle?"


"Now, I want you to remember every detail of that fantasy as you described it to me. Think of every step you take and everything you do. You love everything that happens and would like to make it more real. Does any of that bother you? Does doing any of that with me cause you to be concerned or cause you to have any thought that you'll be doing anything that goes against your feelings of right and wrong?"


"All right, Cindy, when I wake you up you will forget all of this discussion. You will put on your bathing suit. We will go to the pool area together. I will point to a man and say 'There's Lyle.' You will recognize him immediately. You will also see Richard and Cora and you will join them. At that point you will enter into the fantasy. I will be there, but you will be unaware of me except to hear me. You will get in the pool or whirlpool and be beside Lyle and act as you did at his pool. You will enjoy Richard and Cora being there while you're doing something surreptitious. There will be a conversation, but it won't mean anything since you are only interested in what you and Lyle are doing.

"You will get out when you hear me say to move on with the fantasy. You will dry off, put on your coverup and take your suit off under it. You will be very excited about being naked under that coverup as the others sit around and talk. When you are naked under your coverup you will say, 'I think that I want to get dressed and get something to eat.' Lyle will come with you back here to the suite and you will do all of the sexual things you have fantasied about after being in the pool. I will be here, but you will not be aware of me. When you finish, you will imagine Lyle watching you dress and the two of you rejoin Richard and Cora. You will get a thrill from them knowing that Lyle might have seen you nude when you dressed."

Katie repeated those instructions several time until she was sure that Cindy had absorbed them. She concluded with, "Cindy, when you hear me say 'go,' you will waken and we will go to the pool and you will enter the fantasy when I point to Lyle. When I say 'stop,' you will leave the fantasy and wait for instructions."

Katie turned to Matt, who had been watching her performance in fascination, and quietly said, "Ok, honey, you go up and see if you can find a private place in a pool or, if not, a whirlpool that's empty. We'll be up in a few minutes. Remember the scenario and have fun!"

She waited until Matt slipped out of the room and said "go." Cindy immediately came to, unaware of any time having passed. They put their suits on, Cindy's being more conservative than Katie's bikini - one she thought more appropriate for a 35-year old mother of two teenagers. Still, her figure was far better than the average 25-year old! They left the suite on a mission to reactivate an important fantasy.

They left the elevator and walked out onto the pool deck, each picked up a pool towel and looked around the area. Not surprisingly, they found quite a few people in the swimming pools. It was a lovely, warm night on the Mediterranean as they cruised past Sicily so that was to be expected. However, Matt had found one of the Jacuzzi-like whirlpools available and was waiting beside it. Katie began the show by pointing to him and giving the signal, "There's Lyle." There was an immediate, perceptible change in Cindy's demeanor. There was an eagerness which hadn't been there before as she saw Richard and Cora there with Lyle. It was at that point that their perception of events diverged. Katie saw one thing and Cindy saw and experienced another.

For Katie, everything was rather simple and straight forward. Matt was standing there alone beside a whirlpool that was empty of people. She watched Cindy come up and briefly say hello to a couple of empty lounge chairs while greeting Matt with a sort of coquettish and suggestive smile. Cindy and Matt climbed the steps and sank into the hot, swirling, bubbly water and reclined back on the seats. Katie followed them in. They moved very close to each other and from their position, she assumed that something was going on under the surface of the water.

Periodically, the pump shut off, the swirling and bubbling stopped and the water cleared up. Lyle would reach over and push the button to start the pump for another cycle. During that brief period, Katie saw that Cindy's tits were out of her bra and that her pants were down on her thighs. She managed to catch Matt's eyes for a moment and received a wink and a Snidely-type leer in return. She just sat there enjoying the water until the end of that cycle and the water cleared again. This time Cindy's pants were in her hand and Matt's cock was out against her leg. The mutual fondling went on for a few more cycles, about a half-hour, when Katie leaned over to Cindy and quietly said, "Move on with the fantasy."

Cindy complied with the instruction without being aware of hearing it. Matt, of course, was waiting for that move while enjoying exploring Cindy's tits and cunt as well as having his cock being stroked under the water. They got out with Cindy having a conversation with Richard and Cora in her mind. Moving behind them, she dried off, put on her coverup and, hesitantly, slipped her suit off, ending up naked under it. After walking around a bit, Cindy said, aloud, "I think that I want to go in and get dressed and find something to eat." Matt, as Lyle, was, of course, waiting for that and joined in. "I'm a bit hungry myself. I'll come with you." At that point, the two of them headed for their rendezvous in the suite.

Cindy's view of the events was considerably different for her reality changed immediately after hearing Katie say "There's Lyle." Katie disappeared from her consciousness and was replaced by Lyle who she saw standing by a whirlpool hot tub. She also saw Richard and Cora sitting in lounge chairs next to it. The first thought that went through her head was, "Oh, I hope that they won't want to come in! It's been a long time since Lyle and I were alone in the pool! She came up to them and they exchanged comments which she never remembered later. A bystander would have been amused to see this attractive woman standing in front of two empty chairs talking to a non-existent audience and apparently hearing a response!

She turned to Lyle and asked, "Are you going into the whirlpool now? I think that I would like to soak in the bubbly water for a little while."

"Lyle replied, I was just going in and I would love some company. Neither Cora or Richard is interested."

A very happy smile appeared on Cindy's face as she looked forward to repeating their pool fun. She climbed the steps and sank into the hot, turbulent waters right beside Lyle. Happily, she could see down over the edge well enough to be sure that Cora and Richard were still ensconced in their chairs. Freed from the threat of discovery, Cindy made no protest when Lyle immediately began exploring her "charms," in this case, her tits. Cindy just relaxed and let the exploration proceed.

Cindy was very aware of the lights that illuminated the pool area, particularly those directly over them. When in Lyle and Cora's pool at night, there were outside lights but the pool inself was relatively dark and the water was opaque. Now, the water was swirling and bubbly which hid her body. She felt Lyle's hands on her bra and, then, under it, but she was still hidden from his eyes and he fondled and squeezed her tits. Suddenly, the pump went off, the water quit swirling and bubbling and there, exposed through the now-clear water, were her naked breasts. Both were completely out of her bra which was nothing more than a band around her torso, hiding nothing.

"Oh my god, by breasts are completely exposed!" A surge of heat went through her already aroused cunt as she saw his hand come in and cup her breast as he looked through the water at it. She glanced over to make sure that Cora and Richard hadn't moved and, without planning, raised up from her seat, bring the tits almost to the surface so that they would be more visible. As Lyle reached over to push the button to restart the pump cycle, she was almost giddy with excitement. It was one thing to stand in a dark pool while a man fondled her hidden breasts, but another to be exposed so that he could actually see his hand on her! She loved it!

Lyle, of course, moved onward and very shortly afterwards, his hand was in her pants and, not long after that, her pants were down around her thighs. He had felt her cunt before, but these conditions were so different. The swirling water and the almost effervescent bubbles just made the whole situation feel different. "Oh, my god, that feels good! Damn, I wish I could take my pants off, but with Cora and Richard right there I'd better not! Oh my heavens, he's pushing his finger into to me!" She slumped down until the water was at her chin so she was better positioned for him to finger-fuck her. She actually began humping against the fucking finger just as the pump went off again.

She looked down through the water and saw herself, splayed open as far as she could manage with her pants around her knees and saw Lyles hand. "His hand is right on my pussy and I can feel his finger! I shouldn't do this, but, oh, it feels so good!" As Lyle pulled his hand away to reach the button, Cindy was able to see down through the water at her exposed cunt. Half reclined as she was, she could see her whole body from her tits to her knees. All that white flesh, only interrupted by the triangle of hair at the base of her stomach. Before she lost her nerve, she took her pants off completely so that she could open her legs wider for when his hand came back.

She had never been so publicly exposed in her entire life, and a man, not her husband, was enjoying that view. Rather than responding with her normal shyness and modesty, she relished the exposure and glanced up to see Lyle's reaction to her near nudity. Happily for her new shameless and wicked attitude, he was staring with the lustful expression that suited her mood. Seductively, she smiled at him as she straightened up and, for a moment, raised her tits above the water. She dropped back down as Lyle reached again to push the button before settling down beside her again.

Cindy was shocked at herself as she felt the excitement grow. "I don't believe I did that! I actually showed him my bare breasts in the daylight! I never did that before with him! But, oh, was that sexy! I...I wonder what he's thinking. Thank heavens Richard and Cora didn't come in with us!" Ooh, he has his cock out against me! I wish I could see it and...and...and feel it. Damn it, I...I'm going to feel it!!"

As Lyle started the pump again, he had reached down and opened his trunks and taken his cock out. Moving back in close to Cindy, he started exploring her again while rubbing his hard cock against her leg. His fingers began playing between Cindy's open legs, penetrating her cunt and even, briefly, her ass. He began moving his cock more aggressively against her before grabbing her wrist and pulling her hand against it. Cindy was already getting her nerve up to touch him so he met no resistance and felt her grasp his cock and begin to feel and stroke it.

"Oh my god, it's in my hand! This is awful, but I love it! I'd like to feel his balls, but I...I don't think I'd better do that. I can't believe that I have his cock in my hands! Ooh, he's rubbing my clit. If...if he keeps that up I'll go off. I wonder if he would come if I work harder on it. I don't believe any of this! Oops, I think that the pump is stopping again. Maybe I can see his cock before it starts again!"

The water did stop swirling and cleared up and for a moment, as Cindy peered through it, she saw Lyle's cock with her own hand wrapped around it. I an unexpected surge of shyness and embarrassment at seeing her hand there, she pulled it away and got a glimpse of the bare cock before Lyle turned and restarted the pump. He returned to her side and began feeling her again.

Suddenly, Cindy seemed to hear a voice in her head saying "Move on with the fantasy." She didn't wonder where the voice was coming from or what fantasy it was talking about, but she decided that it was time to leave the water. She moved away from Lyle, pulled her pants on, fit her tits back into her suit top and got up. Lyle made no objection and they joined Richard and Cora on the deck.

Cindy stood in front of Richard and Cora as she dried off, feeling pleasantly guilty over her immoral but exciting behavior in the whirlpool bath. Thoughts of more such behavior roiled her mind, wondering if she could do what she was thinking of. As she talked, she moved behind their deck chairs, put on her coverup and, before losing her nerve, reached under it and pulled off her bathing suit. Hiding it in her towel, she said, "I think that I want to get dressed and get something to eat."

She was thankful that neither of the other two wanted to join her, but was delighted to hear Lyle say, "I'm a bit hungry myself. I'll come with you."

A wave of excitement coursed through her as she realized that her nebulous plan was working out. She didn't know just what she wanted, or would have the nerve to do, but she knew she wanted something more to happen. As they left Richard and Cora, her excitement mounted as she felt the eyes of other people on her as she walked along, completely naked under that short coverup.

She could feel the air between her legs on her barely covered cunt, knowing that she could be exposed by any inadvertent movement. Overwhelmed by that thought, she deliberately bent over when returning her towel, feeling her coverup pulling up over her ass cheeks and exposing her cunt. She had no idea if anyone was looking, but an intoxicating surge of sexual heat suffused her body and overcame any reluctance to take the next step in her hazy plan to do something more with Lyle.

She was literally trembling with arousal when she and Lyle reached her stateroom, wanting badly to expose herself to him. She had imagined doing so ever since they started their little sex play in the pool and wondering how he would react. In addition, ever since the first time she had felt his cock under the water, she had wondered what it looked like. It had felt much like Richard's - the same length and thickness as far as she could tell - but she was curious anyway.

"What will he do if I open my coverup? Do I have the nerve to do that? Would it really be wrong?" These thoughts dominated Cindy's mind as they walked into the room. She hadn't remembered that she had left her bra and panties on the bed when she had changed into her bathing suit and she flushed from a combination of embarrassment and arousal as she saw him glance at them. Seeing them reinforced her awareness that she was naked under her short coverup and a compulsion to expose herself overcame her normal inhibitions and fear. Without making a conscious decision to do so, her hands gripped the front of the coverup and pulled it open, permitting his eyes to feast on her nude body!

Those eyes focused on her the erect nipples on the firm mounds of her tits before dropping downward to the curly hair marking the pathway to her cunt. Here was a virtually naked woman, a married woman, exhibiting herself before him! He has felt everything, even seen most of everything, in the pool, but that had merely been moderately innocent, but this was an actual offer of more. Admittedly, he had fantasized about doing something more, but having it offered was still a shock.

He quickly overcame that natural hesitation and moved forward, embraced her naked body under the coverup and kissed her with passion. Cindy returned the kiss hungrily as his hand began exploring, feeling her tits and cunt out of the water for the first time. He squeezed her tits, tweaked and pulled her nipples, before running his hand between her legs and feeling her very wet, excited cunt.

Cindy's mind was in tumult as conflicting desires washed through her. "I'm naked! He's seen everything! Oh, he's squeezing my breasts - it hurts but it feels so good! My, god, he's pulling my nipples off...oh, yes, feel my pussy...his fingers are inside...oh. oh...ooh! Cindy was writhing against him as he teased and abused her body, responding mentally and physically to whatever he did.

Suddenly, he released her and stepped back as he undid his pants and let them fall to the floor. Cindy was startled when he pulled away, but even more sexual heat flowed through her as she saw him standing there nude, his cock protruding like a torpedo toward her. She was finally seeing what she had speculated about, his rigid cock. She was never able to separate the conflicting thoughts flashing through her mind. What did she want, what did he want, how far should she go - all this overlade with a burning sexual desire unlike anything she had felt before. Still, hanging over all of this was the specter of adultery and what would it mean. She was shocked later when she realized that subconsciously she actually was trying to determine what part of the month it was!


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