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Cuckolded by my Daughter's Friends


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I had to think for a minute, as I didn't understand what she meant. It came to me suddenly as I remembered how Lacy had addressed her. "Yes, I understand..... Mistress."

With that, she released my testicles from her vice-like grip. "Good boy." She smirked at me. "There may be hope for you yet."

As soon as she released her death-grip on my, I curled up in a fetal position, whimpering with my hands in my crotch because of the lingering pain. I already told you that I am a wimp.

"Good news, Slut. Your wedding rings were delivered this morning, right on time to welcome your husband back. I know that welcoming your husband back after an extended absence is a sentimental time for you both, so I will leave this here for him to return them to you. When you are again wearing your rings, you are to come out to the back yard and resume your duties in serving our guests." Donna said magnanimously. Turning back to me, she continued. "We are having a party in the back yard. My friends don't want a pervert ogling them in their bikinis, so you are to stay inside. I'm sure that you will have plenty to do to keep yourself occupied. Get unpacked and do your laundry. Lacy now has too many other responsibilities to do your laundry. In a few hours, I will send for you to man the grill for dinner. I set out some steaks, shrimp, and veggie skewers for you to do on the grill. DO NOT even think about spying on us through the windows. If I catch you doing that, you will really not like the punishment." She dropped a box on the bed, then left the room.

It took a couple more minutes for the pain to dissipate. I was finally able to get myself together and get up. Lacy was now kneeling on the floor with her hands clasped behind her back. Her ass was resting on her heels, and her knees were spread about a foot apart. Her back was ramrod straight, and her tits were thrust out.

"Why are you sitting like that?" I asked.

"This is my rest position. I am to be in this position unless Mistress or someone above me orders differently." She calmly informed me.

"Well, you look ridiculous like that. Get off the floor and go sit on the bed."

She didn't move.

"What the fuck? Get up and sit on the bed."

Still, she didn't move.

"Why aren't you doing what I asked?" I said in frustration.

She sighed. "I was hoping that this wouldn't happen."

"What?" I asked.

"This morning, before you got home. Mistress informed me that you were to be lower on the pecking order than I am. I am only to respond to commands made by those above me. Since you are not above me, I do not need to respond to any commands or requests from you - especially those that counter Mistress's orders." This was getting worse and worse.

I went over to my dresser and pulled out some underwear, shorts, and a t-shirt. After putting them on, I went back to the bed to open the box with my wife's wedding rings. I thought it odd that the box was so big just to hold her rings, but we had gotten enough Amazon boxes stuffed with packaging that only held small items that I really didn't think much of it. When I opened the box, I was shocked to find a large butt plug inside. I was confused because Donna had said that the box contained her wedding rings. Perhaps the rings were buried inside the box. I pulled the packaging and the butt plug out. The butt plug was made of a hard plastic. Setting everything aside, I searched the now empty box. Nothing. I even pulled up the inside flaps thinking that her rings may have gotten stuck underneath. Still nothing. I started to get a bad feeling about this.

I hadn't really even looked at the butt plug when I pulled it out of the box. Honestly, it didn't even interest me. I wasn't into anal sex. Straight missionary position was good enough for me. I didn't even really care for doggie style. The most extreme we ever did was when she was on top riding me. That was OK, but it wasn't that big of a deal for me either. Sure enough, when I picked the butt plug up and really looked at it, her wedding and engagement rings were embedded in the end of the plug. Only about a quarter of the rings were sticking out of the base of the anal plug. It was just enough for the diamonds to stick out and enough for a string to be threaded through them to pull the plug out. Instead of wearing her rings on her finger, she would now be wearing them on her ass. Was there no end to my humiliation?

"Oooohhh. Kinky." Was my wife's only response when I showed it to her.

"Well, Mistress will be expecting me to be wearing my rings, so you better put the plug in me." She stated as she bent forward. She lifted herself so her thighs were perpendicular to her lower legs and bent forward so her arms were on the floor in front of her and her head rested on the floor. This left her ass high in the air. "Use the lube that I used for your hand-job to lube the plug up." She instructed. Defeated, I squirted some lube on the plug and spread it all over. I gently pulled the plug that was currently in her ass out and replaced it with the new butt plug. I was shocked when she took the plug that I just pulled out of her ass and began licking and sucking it clean. "Mistress gets upset when I don't clean my toys as soon as I am finished using them." She spoke. After a few minutes of using her mouth to clean the plug, she got up and left the room. She went into the hall bathroom to finish cleaning the plug, then took into our old bedroom to put it away. A moment later, she was walking down the stairs to go out into the back yard and begin entertaining the guests.

"Wait a minute!" I had a sudden realization. "You're going out in the back yard naked? You're even going to participate in sexual activities with those girls out there? Don't you remember that our back yard isn't exactly private? Hell, both neighbors on each side of us can see into our back yard, as well as the house directly behind us and the two houses on each side of them. They'll be able to watch everything that you do."

"Oh, that's not a problem. Mistress invited all the women over last week. Did you know that the house right behind us is owned by a lesbian couple with twin 19-year-old daughters? They are more than fine with a little exhibitionism. Mistress even lets me play with them occasionally. As for our next-door neighbors and the two other houses behind us, Mistress explained to them that I would not do anything with their husbands as I am married to you. They can look, but not touch. As for the adult women, I will begin hosting a Wednesday morning coffee next week. You will need to be out of the house from 9:30 until noon on Wednesdays."

Resigned to my fate, I began unpacking. Although it had been several years since I had to do my own laundry, I still remembered the basics. Actually, it really hadn't been that long. Being gone for a month, I had to do laundry on the road. It is simply impractical to take an entire months' worth of clothes on a business trip. I usually only packed a week's worth of clothes and used a laundromat near the hotel. My suits went to the drycleaners.

Yes, I'm a wimp, but I still have a dick. At this point, I'm not going to call myself a man, because a man would have put up more of a fight. The best I can do is say that I am a guy, even that sounds wrong. OK, I still have XY chromosomes. Whatever. The important issue is that I still like women. Women in sexual situations still get my dick hard. Even being a wimp, naked and nearly naked women are irresistible to me. I couldn't help it. I don't know if this was planned out or just a coincidence, but the window to my bedroom was facing the back yard. Not only that, but it was cracked open supposedly to circulate air and remove the stale air from the long unused room. It was the sounds through the open window that first got my attention.

"Slut! I see you are wearing your wedding rings again." An unknown woman's voice came through the window as I was separating my coloreds from my whites.

"Yes, Miss Amber. They arrived back this morning. Steven just put them in me a few minutes ago." Lacy replied.

"I must say, they look better on you now than they did before."

"Thank you, Miss Amber. Is there anything else I can get or do for you?"

"Not at the moment, but I will want to fuck your cunt while you are wearing your wedding rings in your ass later."

I couldn't stop myself. I moved over to where I could glance out through the window. I saw my naked wife walking from scantily clad woman to scantily clad woman with a silver tray in her hand. She would take drink orders from each woman as they molested her naked body with their hands. I stood off to the side and peeked around the curtains on the window for about half an hour. I could hear almost every word they said. I watched as one of the girls ordered her to service her. I watched as my wife climbed onto the bottom of the lounger, peeled the crotch of the girl's micro bikini to the side and proceeded to lick her pussy until she orgasmed. I watched as other girls fondled my wife's pierced tits and cunt. I couldn't help but stroke my dick as I watched what was happening in the yard below me.

Semantics. You may have noticed that I always referred to my 'manhood' as a dick. That is what it is. It's a dick, not a cock. My dick is only 3-inchs long and not very thick, as I have mentioned before. In fact, I am being very generous at even calling it a dick. More appropriately, it is simply a penis. It would require a few more inches in length and girth to be called a cock. I did once refer to it as a cock, but I was laughed at because of that. Since then, I have simply referred to it as a dick.

I was watching Lacy being fingered by my daughter as she was showing Sarah her wedding rings when I got a chill up my spine. I quickly looked around. I suddenly spied Donna staring straight into my bedroom window. I immediately jumped back out of site from the yard below. I thought that I had been pretty well hidden behind the curtains with only a very small part of my face exposed to watch the display below. After a couple moments of reflection, I decided that Donna had not been able to actually see me, but she was just paranoid and was looking to see if she could actually catch me. I figured that the best course of action was to stop watching and get on with what I was supposed to be doing.

I finished separating my clothes and took them over to the laundry chute. A couple minutes later, I was in the laundry room starting my first load of clothes. I tried. I really tried. Seriously, I'm a straight normal guy. There were seven beautiful young women in microscopic bikinis and one gorgeous late 30s naked woman in the back yard. As I was walking through the livingroom on my way back to my bedroom, I glanced over to the kitchen. The garden doors to the back yard had the blinds wide open. Right there, in broad daylight, I saw my naked wife kneeling with her face planted in a large breasted girl's crotch while another young woman was behind my wife driving a large strap-on dildo into her. It wasn't my fault. I was transfixed by the sight in front of me. I defy any straight man to see that scene and turn away. I don't even remember my legs walking forward towards the doors.


I woke out of my trance to find myself standing right in front of the double doors staring out into the back yard. My hand had somehow snaked its way down my pants and was rubbing my rock-hard dick.

"Are you fucking masturbating? God Damnit! When I have guests over, I expect them to feel safe and respected. Instead, I get a fucking pervert ogling them."

I turned around to see Donna standing there in her tiny black bikini. The bottoms were so small that it barely covered her slit. Her black landing strip was fully displayed above the miniscule fabric. She stood there wearing 3-inch heeled slippers with her arms crossed under her 40DD breasts and her hip cocked to the side. Guys, you know the posture I'm talking about. It's the 'Totally Pissed Off and I'm in Deep Shit' stance that women somehow just naturally get.

"Take your Goddamned hand out of your pants. What the fuck do you think you were doing? I was quite clear that you were to either stay in your room or do your laundry. I was very specific that you were not to be peeking out the windows into the back yard. Now, when I come out of the bathroom, I find you masturbating as you are staring out the window at my friends when they expect privacy. Fucking up before you really know the rules is sone thin, and I can be lenient about that. Disobeying a clear direct order is something else. That I can't overlook."

"Please. I couldn't help it. I was just walking through the livingroom and glanced into the kitchen. I didn't mean to. I didn't even realize that I was walking into the kitchen or that I was rubbing my dick." I begged. Yeah, I'm sure that I already told you that I'm a wimp.

"Regardless of whether you did it on purpose or not, you need to be punished for it." As she spoke, she stalked forward and grabbed my left ear.

It was utterly humiliating. I was led out into the back yard by my ear. She held my ear, so my neck was twisted, and I was bent over. It was like I was 7-years old, and my mom was pulling me by my ear. All the girls turned and looked at us as she led me through the yard.

"I found this pervert ogling us through the window." Donna announced as she led me through the yard. "Kim, please go get the red bag from the closet in my room."

I saw a petite black girl nod, then turn and scamper off towards the house. Donna led me to the middle of the yard and finally released her hold on my ear. Unfortunately, she then grabbed my wrists and pulled them up over my head. She's taller and far stronger than I am, so she had no trouble holding my arms straight up above me.

"Strip him." She commanded.

In less than a second, several nubile young women in their tiny bikinis converged on me and began removing my t-shirt, shorts, and underwear. When my shorts and briefs (white, of course) were around my ankles, two of the girls grabbed my legs, one at a time and lifted them to slip my feet out of my clothes. My t-shirt was pulled up and off my head. One of the girls, who was just an inch shorter than I was, pressed her barely contained breasts up against my chest as she pushed my shirt up my arms as high as she could. Donna adjusted her grip so another girl could pull my shirt completely off. That girl was taller than me, and her bikini clad breasts ended up in my face. My dick had begun to soften from the pain and humiliation of being led through the yard by my ear. Those succulent breasts rubbing on my bare chest and face brought my dick back to full hardness.

The petite black girl, who I now knew was named Kim had returned with a red canvas bag. Once I was completely naked, Donna had two of the girls bend me over the back of a chair. She pulled a butt plug out of the bag and gleefully showed it to me as she lubed it up. It looked huge to my inexperienced eyes, but I later found out that it was a relatively small plug. After the plug was well lubed, she walked behind me and began inserting her lubed finger in my ass. Once she deemed that I was lubed up enough, she began pushing and twisting the plug into my asshole. I had never had anything pushed into my ass before. There was a burning pain as the plug finally entered my ass. It got worse as the plug went deeper and began stretching my ass more and more. I was crying and begging her to stop. Finally, when I thought I couldn't take any more, the plug slipped all the way in, and my asshole shrank back down onto the shank to hold it in place. I couldn't believe it; my dick was harder than it had ever been before.

Donna had the girls stand me up. I was more humiliated than any other time in my life. Here I was buck naked with a raging hardon in front of my wife, daughter, and all of her friends. To make matters worse, they were all laughing at me and pointing at my dick. "My God! The last time I saw one that small was when I had to babysit my three-year-old cousin and give him a bath." "I didn't even know that they could be that small on an adult." "No wonder his wife became a lesbian. That thing is so small, he is practically a girl." "Right? It looks more like a clitoris than a penis." "And look how tiny his little testicles are. It makes me wonder how he could even father a child."

You would expect that all this humiliation would cause my dick to wilt, but you would be wrong. I couldn't believe it, but the more the girls humiliated me, the more aroused I became. My dick began to throb, and I began to unconsciously thrust my hips.

"Look, he's trying to fuck air." One of the girls called out.

"Slut!" Donna called. "Get a cup of ice. This pathetic waste of breathable air has his tiny dick hard. You need to fix that, but he doesn't deserve to cum."

Two minutes later, Lacy was kneeling in front of me with my dick sticking in a cup of ice. The cup was completely full, so my entire dick and testicles were encompassed in the ice. It didn't take very long for my dick to shrink. I can't tell you how frustrating it was to be so horney that I was about to cum, then have my dick put on ice - literally - and shrink down a small nub. That's when Donna pulled the next item out of the bag. I had no idea what it was. Had I known, I would have fought with all my strength, as futile as that would have been. It was actually in two pieces. One was a cylindrical cage like object that was about 1-inch long and half an inch in diameter. The other piece was a small ring with a hinge on one side and the two free ends looked like they connected in a slot and tab. My arms were moved down behind my back, and one of the larger girls put me into a full Nelson to hold me. Two other girls came in and wrapped their arms around my thighs. Finally, the girl holding me from the back, put her knee in my back just above my ass and pushed it forward. I was being held immobilized. I watched horrified as Donna slipped the small cage over my flaccid dick. She pulled my testicles down, then closed the ring around the skin between my testicles and my crotch. At the bottom of the base of the cage was a tab with a slot in it. She closed the ring around my testicles with the tab sliding through the slot on the cage and the ring. It suddenly dawned on me what was happening. I'm not stupid; I've heard of cock cages before. I just have never seen one or envisioned myself ever wearing one. Before I could even attempt to struggle, Donna had closed the small lock on it.

"You fucked up big time." Donna grinned at me as she made a big show of placing the keys to the lock on her necklace. "I was going to be nice and allow your wife to get you off once every couple of days, but your punishment is that you now need to be a good obedient boy for the next two weeks before I will remove the cage and let her get you off."

I didn't realize it before, but the butt plug she put in me had a strap on it with a hole at the end. She pulled the strap up and inserted my now caged dick through the hole to secure it in place. My horror increased when she reached around and twisted a knob on the base of the plug. Apparently, the plug had a built-in piston. I felt the plug begin to move in and out. It felt like I was being fucked in the ass.

I was pushed down into one of our metal lounge chairs. Donna had two of the other girls hold me in the chair as she began pulling things out of the bag. First was a set of leather wrist and ankle cuffs. Sarah took one wrist cuff and bound my right wrist to the arm of the chair. Another girl bound my left wrist to the other arm. Two more girls bound my ankles to the front legs of the chair. Donna then took a long leather belt, threaded it through the back of the chair and around my waist, then buckled it tightly behind the chair. I was thus immobilized and bound tightly to the chair. With the butt plug now firmly pressed against the seat of the chair, the fucking motion was more intense. That's when I discovered the true evilness of my dick cage. Yes, I've stated the small size of my dick before, but it is still larger than rigid confines of the cage I was wearing. Between the stimulation of my asshole and prostrate by the butt plug and the view of all those nubile young women in their bathing suits, my dick had again begun to expand. Unfortunately, the cage had a hard limit on the expansion volume allowed for my dick. That allowed volume was considerably less than the natural limits of my dick. It didn't take long for the pain to become excruciating. The last torture came when Donna pulled out a pair of nipple clamps connected with a chain. I cried out when the clamps tightened down on my nipples. Once they were tightened, Donna tugged on the chain a couple of times to ensure that they were secure. That caused a new wave of pain that, surprisingly, sent a jolt straight to my dick.

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