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Cuckolded by my Daughter's Friends


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"I should mention that throughout that week, Mistress had several of her friends over, and I serviced all of them. Except for the two days that I was not allowed to orgasm, I would also entertain them by using the dildos and vibrators to masturbate in front of them. I found that the humiliation really aroused me.

"It was the Saturday after the second week that you were gone when Mistress picked out a thin white halter top and a light short skirt that only went halfway down my thighs to wear. Of course, there were the obligatory 6-inch stilettos as well. The only thing under the clothes were black seamed stockings and a small garter belt. She had me shower, shave from the neck down, fix my hair, and put on makeup. The makeup was sluttier than I have ever worn before with darker eye shadow and bright red lipstick. She had me put on the stockings and garter belt, then she inserted a large butt plug with a large heart-shaped faux jewel in the end. I finished dressing, and she led me out to the garage. Mistress opened the garage door before allowing me to get into the passenger seat of my car. She ordered me to lift up my skirt before I got in, so I would be siting with my bare ass in the leather seat. Unfortunately, Mrs. Johnson happened to be walking her dog right in front of the garage when that happened. She saw the entire thing. She came over that evening to inquire about what was going on. I, of course was naked when I answered the doorbell. Mistress had me get coffee for them, then I was ordered to lick Mrs. Johnson's pussy as Mistress explained our new relationship. Just so you know, Mrs. Johnson and a couple of her friends are now regular visitors at our house.

"Anyway, Mistress didn't tell me where we were going. She just began driving. By this time, I had learned, painfully, not to question Mistress. Our first stop was the adult toy shop at the edge of town. When we walked in, Mistress demanded that I remove my rings and give them to her. I have to admit that I was very concerned about that. I do love you, and these are the symbols of our love. I guess she saw the hurt on my face, so she assured me that she would return them to me in a way that would not only continue to allow me to wear them and show my love for you, but also now demonstrate my commitment to her. She promised not to damage them, and that she would give them back so I could wear them with pride. I slipped them off and handed to her. She then pointed to an aisle and told me to select a collar and leash to present to her. As I turned to go look for my new collar and leash, she turned to the counter."

With all the surprises and strange things that were happening so far, I hadn't even noticed that her wedding and engagement rings weren't on her left hand. I looked now and saw that they were indeed missing.

"I actually took quite a bit of time with this. I didn't want to just grab any collar; I needed to make sure that I carefully selected it. I looked at every one they had available. I narrowed it down to about three of them. I tried each of then on to see how they looked and felt. I finally made my decision, then chose the leash that best matched the collar. After selecting what I wanted, I went to the counter where Mistress was. I showed her what I selected, then she had me hand them to the girl behind the counter. The girl informed us that it would be about 15-minutes. As she disappeared through a doorway, Mistress led me around the shop. We (by 'We', I meant Mistress) ended up selecting a few more items to purchase while we were there. Of course, I used my credit card to pay for it all. As soon as the transaction was completed, the salesgirl went back through the door and returned a minute later with the collar and leash. I hadn't known that Mistress was having them inscribe a brass tag and installing it on the leather collar."

Sure enough. This was the first time I had a chance to really look at her collar. It had a brass tag attached to it. It said 'Sole Property of Mistress Donna. If Lost, Contact (XXX) XXX-XXXX.'

"The shop girl handed me the collar and leash. Mistress than informed me that I was to present her with the collar and request that she accept me as her slave. She informed me that the proper way to do this was to strip naked, but stockings, garter belt, and shoes were perfectly acceptable. The main thing was that my cunt, ass, and tits were exposed. I was to kneel before her and offer myself to her as my owner. It was also supposed to be done publicly, so there were witnesses to verify that I was not being coerced. I'm sorry to tell you that I never even hesitated. There were about half a dozen other customers there, along with the salesgirl and store manager. I quickly stripped off my skirt and halter top right there in front of the counter. I dropped to my knees and offered up my collar to Mistress Donna. 'Mistress, I offer up my heart, body and soul to you. Please accept my collar as a symbol of my submission. I vow to be your loyal slave and obey your every command.' Mistress smiled and took the collar from my hands. 'I accept your submission to me. When I fasten this collar around your neck, you become my sole property. I vow to protect you and keep you from harm as long as you wear this collar.' She replied. She then buckled the collar around my neck. The cashier handed her the small lock that you see on my collar, and Mistress used this lock to secure it to my neck. She has the only key, so she is the only one that can remove my collar.

Along with the cashier, there were three other women in the store. In celebration, Mistress had me kneel before these women and lick them to orgasm. The men there wanted their turn, but Mistress explained to them that not only was I now a complete lesbian, but I was also married. She refused to order me to violate my vows by having sexual intercourse with other men. They weren't really happy about that, but we did manage to leave without me being violated.

"I got dressed, and we left the sex shop. Mistress drove to the center of town. We parked in a parking lot for several independent shops. Mistress helped me out of the car, then buckled the leash to my collar. I was then led down the sidewalk to one of the businesses. It turned out to be a rather shady tattoo parlor. Mistress informed the woman at the reception counter that we had an appointment and what the name was. After checking the schedule, she escorted Mistress and me to a room in the back.

Mistress ordered me to strip off my skirt and top, then sit I what looked like a modified gynecologist chair. Shortly thereafter, I was bound to the chair. My arms were bound to the armrests. There were leather straps secured above and below my tits securing my torso to the chair. Another leather strap secured my hips just above my cunt to the chair. Straps secured my thighs just below my cunt to the legs of the chair. Ither straps secured my legs to the chair. I was basically immobilized. I had no idea what was going to happen. Mistress assured me that everything was OK. There was going to be some pain involved, but she insured me that it would be mild. I relaxed at that.

"Once situated, a woman in her mid-thirties came into the room. The first thing she did was to apply an ointment to my nipples and the folds of my cunt just above my clitoris. She then made some detailed measurements between my nipples and from the top of the folds on my cunt to my clitoris. She said something about letting the anesthesia work, then moved over to a table and began working with some thin chains. After about 10-minutes, she returned to me and began testing the sensitivity of my nipples and cunt. The anesthesia must have worked, because I had very little feeling in those areas. I watched in fascination, completely immobilized, as she proceeded to pierce both my nipples, then insert the 1-inch diameter rings through them. She took the gold chain with another 1-inch diameter ring in the center and verified the length before attaching it to both rings in my nipples. When that was completed, she pierced another hole in the folds of my cunt. Another ring was installed there. She then attached a couple links of chain with a steel ball attached to that ring. She checked the measurements on that as well. The steel ball was set so that it would constantly bounce on my clitoris. When she was satisfied with the placement of everything, she closed the rings and gave Mistress the magnetic keys to unlock the rings. She also handed Mistress other accessories that she could use to change the piercings. Last, she used a different anesthesia to my tongue. Mistress informed me that I was getting a stud in there to enhance the pleasure she received when I licked her pussy. Once the piercings were done, another woman wheeled a cart into the room. That woman was a tattoo artist and gave me a tattoo just above my newly shaven cunt.

"Before I left, I had to 'tip' all the women by licking them to orgasm. Mistress then gave me my clothes back so I could walk back to the car without getting arrested. Once we got back to the car, Mistress ordered me to remove my clothes. She locked them in the trunk, and we drove home with me being naked. I have been naked ever since. Even when she ordered Door Dash, I had to answer the door naked. If it was a guy, he could feel me up, but that's it. If it was a girl, I would 'tip' her by licking her pussy. Mistress explained to me that it was partially that she was turning me into a lesbian, and partially that she didn't want me to break my vows and have me engage in anything sexual with a man besides my husband. She decided that I could get past having sexual encounters with another woman, but another man would be the breaking point."

That pretty much covered the main points as to how my straight loving wife became a lesbian sex slave and me a cuckold to my daughter's best friend.

"Wait a minute. You hate those derogatory words. Why are you now referring to your vagina as a cunt and your breasts at tits?" I asked.

"Mistress explained that to me. Little girls have vaginas. Grown women have pussies and breasts. Slave sluts like me have cunts and tits. You need to remember that and refer to them properly or Mistress will punish you." Lacy explained.

"But I thought that our sex life was fine. You were fine with the frequency we were having sex. You told me that you had a low sex drive like I did."

"Well, that was kind of true. I was OK with doing it a couple times a week. Even just once a week was OK. The problem is that I still needed that once or twice a week. I had to masturbate a couple times a week when you were out of town. When Mistress took me that first time, something broke inside of me. After being fucked to oblivion with that big dildo, I began craving sex almost constantly. By the second week, I had given myself, body and soul, to Mistress Donna. She began letting the other girls use me. At the end of the week, she took me down to a local parlor and had me pierced. I even got this tattoo." She said as she leaned back to show me. Sure enough, there was a tattoo just above her pussy. It was in a stylish script. It read, 'Sole Property of Mistress Donna. Use of this cunt is by her permission only.' I had also noticed the stud in her tongue as she was talking.

"Pet, show your husband to his room. You may welcome him home with a hand job. You may also allow him to use his hands to play with your tits and cunt. Since you've been a good girl today, you deserve a reward. He may lick your pussy and give you two orgasms. Later tonight, he can come into our bedroom and watch us." Donna commanded.

"Thank you, Mistress. You are very generous." Lacy replied.

Apparently, our talk was over. Donna and Lacy both stood up. I went over to collect my luggage as Donna released Lacy's hands from behind her back. Lacy and I followed Donna up the stairs, me carrying all my luggage. At the top of the stairs, Donna turned and went into my former bedroom while lacy led me down the hall. I was shocked to see that she took me to the smallest bedroom. This room didn't even have an ensuite bathroom. I would have to use the bathroom in the hall.

"Wait." I said. "Why can't I have one of the larger rooms with a bathroom?"

"Mistress has determined that those bedrooms are needed for guests. Sarah has the other one. Mistress has determined that since you will not have company in your room, you do not need a larger bedroom. Also, you will not need a private bathroom for the same reason. Sarah and our guests that spend the night often will be entertaining others in their rooms, so they will need larger rooms with larger beds and private bathrooms."

"But this room only has a small twin bed." I complained.

"Of course." Lacy responded. "As I said, Mistress deemed that is all you will need since it will only be you in the bed. Besides, you do a lot of traveling, so you will really not be using it as much as the other rooms will be used. On the occasions where I do come in here, it will only be for a short time so you can lick my cunt and I give you your hand-job."

She was still naked, and she didn't seem to be at all concerned about that.

"Lacy, aren't you going to put some clothes on?" I asked.

"Of course not." She replied as if that were the stupidest thing she had ever heard. "Mistress has forbidden me from wearing clothes when I am at home. When I need to go out, she picks my clothes out for me. Besides, everyone here has already seen me naked plenty of times. Besides, if I were to wear clothes, I would just be constantly taking them off and putting them back on so the girls can use me, so putting on clothes is rather redundant at this point. Being naked all the time gives them free access."

We entered the room, and I set my luggage down beside the small closet. Lacy asked if I wanted a hand job or a titty fuck. She told me that I could play with her tits and cunt while she gave me the hand job, and she would even kiss me as she was doing it. The titty fuck would only allow me to squeeze her tits while I fucked them. I chose the hand job.

I had to strip off my clothes and lay naked on the bed. She sat down beside me, used a bottle of lotion conveniently placed on the bedside table to lube up her hand, then began to slowly stroke me. As she began stroking my dick, I reached over and started paying with her pierced nipples.

"Oh God." She moaned. "These piercings make my nipples way more sensitive. I can almost orgasm just from playing with my nipples now."

I should mention that my dick has been hard as a rock ever since I got over the initial surprise of walking in and seeing my wife naked and being fucked by that machine as she was giving oral sex to another woman. Their description of their activities over the last month almost made me cum in my pants. It has also been a month since I have had sex. So, it is with that in mind, is it any wonder that I blew my load all over her hand and my stomach in less than a minute? I begged her to keep going so I could have another one, but she informed me that her Mistress had not said anything about a second hand-job. There had only been permission granted for one. With that, she handed me a box of tissues and had me clean up.

As I stood to throw the tissues away, she reclined on the bed and spread her legs.

"Remember, Mistress said two orgasms." Lacy reminded me.

I crawled between Lacy's spread legs. I had noticed earlier that her pussy was now completely shaved. Her juices were drooling out of her pussy at this point. As I began to slide my rms under her thighs, she raised them up and pulled them back until her knees were beside her breasts. This gave me better access to her pussy and allowed easier reach for my hands to play with her tits as I was licking her. Having a small dick, I had learned quicky how to eat and finger a pussy.

I began by taking a long, slow lick from the bottom of her slit to the top. As I flicked my tongue when I got to the top of her slit, I flipped the small steel ball attached to her pussy ring. The ball flipped up, then came back down to smack against her clit.

"Ooohhhhh, YES!" Lacy cried out. I love that ball. Every time I move, it bounces against my clit. It keeps me aroused all day long."

I continued to lick and suck up all her fluids. I stuck my tongue up her opening as far as it would go, then wiggled it. My hands weren't idle; I used them to squeeze her tits and flick her nipples. She was moaning and crying out in passion. After so many years, I knew the right spots to hit. She was also already really ramped up, so it didn't take long for her first orgasm to crash through her. I backed off a bit to let the orgasm wash through her and begin to dissipate. I knew that she would be too sensitive right then, so I concentrated on licking up the fluids that spilled around her pussy. Once she had sufficiently recovered, I renewed my onslaught. I began pinching and twisting her nipples between flicking them with my thumbs. This time, I attacked her clit. I alternated swirling my tongue around it and lashing her clit directly up and down, then back and forth. She cried out as she released another flood into my mouth.

Fuck, what Donna had said, I dove in for another round. I had always licked my wife to at least three orgasms before. Suddenly, Lacy forcefully shoved my head back.

"No. Mistress only gave permission for two." She huffed out.

"Fuck what she said! You are my wife! Who is she to say that I can't give you another orgasm if we both want it?" I was sorely tempted to just climb up and stick my dick in her, regardless of what that bitch said.

"I am her Mistress! She knows that you will both be punished if disobey me." I heard Donna's voice from behind me.

Before I could even respond, I felt pain like I never even knew existed. It felt like my balls had just been put in a metal vice.

"Listen close, Microdick. I understand that this is a shock to you, and you are just starting to come to terms with this. I'm going to let this go for now, but you need to understand that your wife now belongs to me. I am the one that allows her to give you relief. I do that out of my compassion. I can stop that whenever I wish. Your only recourse is to divorce her, but that would leave you flat out broke and alone. You would also end up paying for her to fuck whoever I allow her to fuck. Believe me, I will have her fucking a lot of men and completely humiliating you. No woman would ever touch you unless you paid for them. I will also make sure that you will never have enough money to pay for anything but the skankiest whores. Are you willing to pay for whores that will most likely give you diseases?"

I am a coward. I've known that my entire life. Donna didn't even need to tell me all that. I caved as soon as she grabbed my tiny balls.

"OK, OK. I'm sorry. Please. Forgive me." I begged. Not only had she gotten a vice grip in my testicles, but she was a lot bigger and stronger than I was.

"Please, Mistress. I pushed him off as soon as I realized what he was doing. Per your orders, I only had two orgasms." Lacy begged.

"I know, Pet. You have been a good girl. It wasn't your fault that this idiot tried to push you farther." She smiled at my wife, keeping a firm grip on my testicles. She then turned and glared at me. "As for you, get this through your head; I am now the head of this household. I make the rules here, and you are expected to follow them. Disobedience will result in punishment. The severity of the disobedience will be matched by the severity of the punishment. Since this is all new to you, I will generously let this infraction go, but the next infraction will be dealt with harshly. Do you understand, Bitch?"

"Yes, I understand." I groaned out in agony.

"Answer me properly, Bitch!"

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