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Curiosity is the Lust of the Mind Ch. 02

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Abbie and Dave go on an outdoor adventure.
6.2k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/29/2022
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I'd been seeing Abbie a few times over the last month, but between us both, we'd decided to keep it a secret. Abbie wasn't sure her parents would approve of the age gap, me being as old as them both not helping, but also she said it gave an air of excitement that nobody else knew about us.

It didn't stop her from brushing her hand across my crotch at work occasionally or turning and bending, pushing her arse into me, usually while someone else was around. She enjoyed the thrill of being such a tease, usually followed the same night by a photo or video of what she was doing while thinking about it. A couple of nights previous she'd been watching a film with her mum, her dad being out at work still, and had covered her legs with a large cushion. Her phone was on the arm of the sofa so it faced them both, she'd been sneakily taking photos as she pulled down her vest top to expose her pert 32B tits, or pulled her shorts out to show her pussy, glistening as she got more excited, her mum oblivious but she could have so easily got up at any second and see what Abbie was doing.

I know now that Abbie watches more porn than I do, each time she gets a chance to come to my house she always asks to watch some. It's usually the same scenario, she'll quickly strip right off but make me stay dressed, and lie on the sofa, head in my lap. She likes to feel my cock twitch at certain scenes, fidgeting to rub her head across it, liking that I'll sometimes gaze at her petite body instead of watching the porn. Now and again she'll pull out a little notebook, and writes things down, then continues to watch.

"What do you write down?" I once asked.

"Notes. Suggestions and Ideas. Maybe you'll find out sometime," she laughed, holding the notebook away from me.

Tonight she'd turned up unexpectedly, and I was already watching a film. She mock groaned when I wouldn't put a porno on but lay down anyway to watch it. There was a scene where the beautiful lead actress had been to dinner with a guy, who told her he'd drive her home. Halfway through the journey he stopped the car and leaned over to grab and kiss her. They argued, and she got out of the car and ran, through some woods that the road was by, with open fields on the other side.

She was wearing a summer dress and had kicked her heels off to run quicker. As she ran her dress kept getting snagged by branches, ripping it and pulling bits off. She ran quicker, still hearing him chasing, and saw a large hedge, squeezing through but it was that tight a gap that it pulled the rest of her dress off. She found herself standing in a small village, surrounded by people staring in amazement as she stood almost naked in front of them, just in her lingerie, her bra torn exposing one breast.

Abbie suddenly bolted, sitting upright and grabbing her notebook, a look of pure excitement on her face.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Oh nothing, just a really good idea," she smiled broadly while answering, "When do you next have a holiday?" she continued.

"in a couple of weeks, I'm off all week, why?" I told her.

"Oh, another idea," she grinned.

She wouldn't divulge any more information, except to prepare for an early start one morning. My mind raced to wonder what she was up to. Two days later after making me think of all the different things she could have planned, she told me. Well, some details anyway.

"I've booked Thursday and Friday off, I've told mum that we're helping do a change around at one of the other offices, and we need to set off really early on Thursday morning and will be there Friday too, maybe the weekend if we're behind," she explained.

"What to do?" I asked, "and what time?"

"You'll have to wait and find out, oh and you can pick me up at 6 am, we're driving to the coast. Mum knows someone will be fetching me so you pulling up outside won't be a problem," she told me.

I was even more intrigued now. Two and potentially four days meant she had something pretty big lined up. The coastal town she told me about was thirty minutes drive away, the only reason she'd give me was she didn't want to be too close to home, even if it would be early morning.

The Thursday came and I pulled up outside her house, Abbie bounding out and her mum came to the door to wave her off, waving to me too and saying thanks for fetching her. If only she knew why I thought. Actually, if only I knew too.

It was quite warm for late Spring, Abbie wearing a pair of jogging trousers and trainers, and a loose-fitting t-shirt. Getting in the car and waiting until we'd driven off a while, she fished into her backpack she'd bought, and pulled out a summer dress. Stopping at some lights she hopped into the back, lying across the seats as she changed into it. Looking in the mirror I noticed she had gone braless, even though her pert breasts didn't need one, but couldn't see her legs properly. Stopping again she quickly got in the passenger seat and put her seatbelt on. She looked at me and smiled, pulling up her dress to reveal hold-up white stockings and a white thong.

"You said you liked me in white stockings right?" she beamed.

As we got closer to the town she checked her phone, telling me she had a sat nav on, and guided me around corners and turns until we reached a car park on the edge of the town and pointed towards the corner telling me to park there. Behind the town were hills and a lot of trees, but the town itself was reasonably flat. We got out of the car, Abbie looking around. The main street was the other side of the car park, with a few buildings hiding where we were parked.

I looked around me, looking for an idea of where things were for later, signs for toilets, restaurants etc, and a sign saying where the town's shopping centre was. I turned to speak to Abbie and saw her peeling her dress off, pulling it over her head. She smiled as she saw me, and turned and slid her thong down her stocking-clad legs. She threw the thong and dress to me, telling me to hold them for her, and reached into her backpack, and pulled out a metal buttplug with a jewelled end.

Abbie slid her mouth around it, then rubbed it along her wet pussy, then lifted a leg and slid the plug effortlessly into her arsehole, groaning a little as she did.

"Right, ready now, let's go," she said.

"Where?" I said, holding the dress out for her to put back on.

"We're going to have a walk around the town while you video me, hopefully, we can get some unsuspecting people in the background," she answered.

"What about if we bump into people?" I asked.

She smiled broadly and walked off towards the road, stopping to pick something up from the pavement. The jewel shone in the rising sunlight.

"Video!" she said, pointing to her dress.

There was a pocket on the dress and her phone was in it, she told me she wanted me to use hers and that she'd edit it later. The main street was deserted this early, but it didn't stop Abbie from giggling with nervous trepidation. We walked around the town, past estate agents and clothes shops, one shop having lights on and early morning cleaners working inside. Abbie stopped and asked me to stop filming and take pictures with them oblivious behind her.

Abbie was getting more and more turned on, the buttplug working her insides with each step, even more so when she heard two cars drive on the road around forty feet behind her. She giggled again, but didn't run and hide, nor look behind her. She leaned her back against a bollard and posed for pictures with the cars stopped at traffic lights. One of the cars honked its horn as the driver saw her as he left the lights, Abbie smiling broadly.

I'd been filming in front of her as she walked towards me, a little safer as I could see if anyone was around. The town was starting to get a little busier now, a few people out walking dogs and some early starters opening the shop fronts. Abbie told me to film behind her now, her pert buttocks rising and falling mesmerisingly, the jewel on the butt plug shining in the sun.

Abbie walked towards the seafront, slowing as she neared a junction. She looked back at me, took a deep breath and walked towards it, not knowing if anyone would be around the corner. Suddenly she stopped and jumped.

"Oops, sorry," she blurted out, her hand going to her mouth.

An old lady walking her dog appeared from the other street, shocked but smiling.

"Ooh don't worry dear, you didn't hit me. You look beautiful by the way, If I had a body like that I'd show it off too," she grinned.

She saw me with the phone filming and waved and smiled, continuing down the road with her dog.

"Oh fuck, my heart is beating fast, that was such a rush," Abbie gushed.

We crossed the road towards the beach, a pathway split the beach from a grassy area with brick and mirrored gazebos and benches looking towards the sea, the road close behind. She sat on one of the benches, her shoulders against the glass, and lifted her legs in the air.

"Take pictures of how wet I am," she instructed as cars drove past just a few feet away from us.

Abbie changed position and stuck her arse towards me, looking through and smiling at the cars. A few of the drivers looked if they noticed her. She reached behind herself and pulled her buttocks apart, then stood up.

"Do you want to walk along the pathway now?" I asked.

"No, along the road, it's should be about a thousand metres and then the pathways meet, and then we'll walk back along the beach path," she said.

"There are a few more cars now," I told her.

"I know, it's exciting isn't it," she beamed.

I smiled broadly. For someone who hadn't long lost her virginity, she seemed to have no inhibitions, always pushing herself. Lost in my thoughts I looked up and saw her walking away from me already. There was a small wall between the path and the road itself, and now and again Becky would pause and sit on the wall, her bare back facing cars as they drove past. She stopped, pointed to where she wanted me to stand and film, and lay back and raised her legs, holding her knees apart as wide as she could get them. She drew in a deep breath and closed her eyes, telling me to keep facing her.

Around ten seconds later a cyclist rode past, travelling down the road from behind me, facing right towards Abbie. He saw her just as she heard him and opened her eyes, their eyes locking as he stared at her beautiful nakedness.

"Fucking hell, I wasn't expecting to see anything like that on my way to work," he cried out as he rode past.

We walked down to where the pathways met, cars slowing as they saw Abbie, some alerting others as they honked their horns. The pathways were around fifty feet from some traffic lights, and Abbie got down on all fours at one point and bared her arse for the watching drivers. Quickly she got up and ran towards the beach.

"Are you alright?" I asked as I caught up with her.

"Yeah, I thought I saw a policeman. I'm enjoying this, but I don't want to get arrested!" she laughed.

The path along the beachfront was a little quieter, with a few people walking along the beach not seeing us, but nobody on the path itself. I wheeled around in front of Abbie, filming back towards the traffic.

"Don't make it obvious and look back, but I think someone is following us," I quietly told Abbie.

"How do you know?" Abbie asked a little mix of excitement and fear in her voice.

"I've seen him in the background in shots a couple of times already," I told her, "Do you want this?" I asked, holding out her dress.

"No, let's play it out and see what happens. Go back behind me," she urged.

I stopped and let her walk past, trying not to look in his direction. Abbie swayed past me, a more exaggerated swishing of her little hips now, and winked at me. getting past me, she turned to walk backwards so she could look past me. She smiled at me again, turned and bent right over, a perfect view of her arse for both me and her voyeur. Now I'd seen him a little closer, he looked about my age, maybe a little younger.

We walked slowly back to the gazebo where we'd started, where Abbie sat, still naked but holding the dress in front of her to cover up. She told me to take pictures, then the guy walked past and right on cue she opened her legs and moved her dress over, flashing her pussy at him.

"I'm getting hungry, let's go and eat at that little backstreet cafe we saw opposite the bank," she said quite loudly.

She put the dress on properly, sliding her thong back up if only to mop up her wet pussy she laughed. We walked over to where she'd mentioned, and the waitress seemed pleased to see us, only one other person was in there. We sat in a booth away from the door, where she bought our food over with a smile.

We'd been eating for about a minute when Abbie looked past me.

"He's in here now, don't look back though," she said, smiling.

I felt her foot brush mine and looking down, saw she'd parted her legs a little more. She kept smiling over towards him, then giggling.

"You know that notebook I have? The one with the suggestions and ideas in," she whispered.

"Yes, you just wouldn't tell me what was in it," I answered.

"Those ideas, right? Well fat man, tick. Black man, tick. Stranger, tick," she said excitedly.

The cogs in my head whirred.

"What exactly are you saying?" I asked.

"I can tick off three ideas in one if he'll fuck me," she beamed.

"Do you think he will, he might just have enjoyed the free show?" I told her.

As I said it she waved to him, beckoning him over. She told me to move over to by the window so he could sit next to me.

"Join us?" she asked, pointing to the now empty seat opposite her.

"If you don't mind?" he asked, looking at me.

"We certainly don't mind at all," Abbie answered for us both.

She took another bite of her sandwich, swallowed it down, and then looked him dead in the eyes.

"Did you enjoy following me around?" she asked.

"I didn't think you'd seen me until the end, but yes, sorry, I just couldn't stop looking," he said.

You don't mind do you?" he turned and asked me.

"No, not at all, she was massively turned on," I told him.

He smiled broadly, staring straight at Abbie's chest.

"I normally like big tits, but yours are very pretty, just like yourself," he complimented her.

Abbie responded by pulling the straps of her summer dress off her shoulders and lowering it below her pert tits, jiggling them a little before putting them away again.

"At first I thought she was your daughter," he laughed towards me.

"Oh, he is my daddy normally," Abbie laughed, "but today he's my bitch."

"Well you're a very lucky daddy then," he said.

We'd all finished eating now, and I wondered how Abbie was going to react. I still didn't really know what she had planned in that head of hers. I saw her shuffling about on her seat, then lifted her bunched hand, something gripped by it. She held her hand out to the stranger, who put his flat hand out under hers. Into his hand, Abbie dropped her thong, moist with her pussy juices.

"A momento, I won't be needing them any more today," she beamed.

He quickly took in the aroma from them and then stuffed them into his pocket. He stood to let me out, standing next to Abbie he was massive. I'm 5' 10" tall and he towered over me, being around 6' 4". He had a big stomach but his chest was quite big too and disguised it a little, if I had to guess I'd say he was around 16 stone in weight. Abbie being 5' 4" tall and petite made her look like a tiny doll next to him.

He bent forward and gave her a peck on the cheek, and thanked her for the present. Abbie smiled and we walked out of the shop. We walked along the shops, Abbie stopping and looking in a shop window.

"He's still following," I told her.

"I thought he might, I brushed my hand across his crotch when he kissed me. Let's just say his jeans hid his cock quite well," she smiled.

We carried on walking, getting to the edge of the car park when Abbie suddenly stopped. She turned and waited for the stranger to catch up to us.

"So, do you want to fuck me or what? And if so, do you know where we can go? Not your place though if you live around here," she said directly.

He nodded and looked at me, seeking approval.

"Don't look at him, I asked you," she said sternly.

He nodded again, then pointed up the hill towards the top of the wooded area.

"There's a viewpoint of the sea, a small car park and a few picnic benches, not many people go up this early though," he said.

"Sounds perfect, do you have a car?" Abbie quizzed.

He pointed to his, Abbie telling him to wait and we'd follow him up as we didn't know the way. We got in the car, following him as he drove slowly so we didn't lose him at junctions. While driving Abbie took my hand and placed it between her legs, her hand sliding into my shorts and groping my semi-erect cock.

We turned off the road and drove along a small mud road leading along the edge of the trees, suddenly coming to a clearing. The stranger parked on the far end of the car park nearest to the picnic benches, and I parked next to him. Even from the car the view of the sea was incredible. We got out, and without wasting any time Abbie removed her dress and threw it on the passenger seat. The stranger whistled as she stood naked except for her stockings and trainers. Abbie bent and feeling the grass was dry, removed her trainers too.

"You two can watch for a bit. Dave, photograph me," Abbie instructed.

She moved up onto the picnic bench top, facing the sea, legs spread wide on the seat part. She moved her legs apart, cupping her tits, then raising her legs and leaning back, exposing her sopping pussy to us both.

"Oh boy, that's so neat and tidy, it's like it's brand new," the stranger said.

"One careful owner," Abbie laughed.

"The pink love heart in your ass is a nice touch too," he smiled.

She turned onto all fours for a bit, pushing her arse high into the air, then perched back on the edge of the bench. Lifting her legs again, she slid a finger through her wet folds and groaned loudly.

"Oh fuck, I need to cum. Finger me," she told the stranger.

He looked at me for assurance, then pushed his fingers against her hole. Abbie jumped slightly at his touch, then he inserted a finger into her. Feeling how wet and how easily it had gone in, he slid in another, then a third, and then all four fingers pushed into the hilt.

"Oh, that feels good. Leave them in and lick me, please," she pleaded.

He bent his head forward between her thighs, her milky skin contrasting against his darkness. She squealed as his tongue found her clit, her back bucking as her orgasm started. It didn't take long for her to cum, her body spasming as she did so. The stranger moved back, his mouth and fingers wet with her sticky juices, smiling broadly.

Abbie got up and told him to stand by the bench.

"Make sure you're videoing this," she instructed me.

She crouched in front of him, slowly unbuckling his belt and pulling down his zip. There was an obvious bulge in his jeans, and grabbing his boxer shorts too Abbie pulled them down to his ankles. His erection sprang out and rested against her chin. Abbie gasped at the sight of it.

He wasn't any longer than me, around 8" long, but by god it was fat. Very fat. Abbie put both hands on it and started stroking him. I wondered if she was going to stop, to say there was no way she was going to try to accommodate him, but with a determined look, she gave a big deep breath and then sunk her mouth over the end of his cock.

The stranger groaned as she wanked him, using one hand now and cupping his heavy balls with the other, working her mouth on him as best she could. I saw a look of disappointment on her face that she could manage no more than the first four inches, but if she'd tried to fit any more in she may well have split her mouth.


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