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Curious Girls Ch. 13

Story Info
Tamara increases her control as she begins Sara's training.
6k words

Part 11 of the 31 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/28/2014
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I awoke to sunlight shining through the window. I rolled over and realized Krista was no longer in bed with me. How long had I been asleep? And how had Krista managed to get up before me when she was as drunk as she'd been the night before?

I stretched and I let myself wake up a bit before forcing my legs out of the bed. My legs--they were covered in all sorts of drawings, most of which appeared to be crudely drawn fireworks. I had the drunken efforts of Krista and Tamara to thank for that. It had been such a weird night after they'd gotten back from their party. Tamara tried to take advantage of me twice, and my own sister had kissed me on the lips. Adding to everything was the lingering scent of Tamara's arousal still in my nostrils. I was getting so sick of that smell.

Oh, God. The fact I immediately recognized it as coming from Tamara disturbed me on a whole new level--a level I wasn't sure I'd ever come to terms with. I was getting way too familiar with the scent of her arousal. It was bad enough that I had to smell her when she was forcing my nose into her slit, but that smell lasted for hours. No amount of washing seemed to make it go away entirely. Luckily, no one else had seemed to notice. At least I hoped no one had. It was unlikely anyone was going to walk up to me and ask if it was pussy they smelled on me.

I worried about what Krista would say when I saw her. It occurred to me that last night had been my first kiss. However, that was something I'd never admit to anyone as I was barely willing to admit it to myself. There was no way I would ever confess to anyone that my first kiss had been with my little sister.

I made my way downstairs and headed toward the kitchen. I wasn't surprised to find Krista at the stove making breakfast, but I stopped short when I saw Tamara at the table.

"Good morning," Krista said cheerfully.

"What the he--" I paused taking a breath to stay calm. "What is Tamara doing here? I thought she went home," I asked as nicely as I could.

"Sara! Don't be rude," Krista exclaimed.

"I wasn't! I just--" I hesitated. "I was just surprised to see her." I forced a smile.

"Good morning to you too," Tamara said in a sarcastic, yet somehow still timid voice. I wondered how she managed to maintain such a quiet and shy persona around everyone else when she was the complete opposite while alone with me.

"What happened to your legs?" Krista asked, looking down.

"What? What do you mean?"

"They're covered in marker! Did you get bored last night?"

I stared at her in stunned silence. Did she really not remember?

"You happened to them," I said. "You and Tamara, that is."

"What? I--I don't remember that!"

"I'm not surprised. You and Tamara were a bit wasted last night."

"Too funny! Anything else interesting happen?" Krista grinned.

"N-No, Nothing." I stammered. "You guys came home, drew on my legs a bit, and then passed out.

"Crazy! I don't remember any of that. Why did you let us draw on your legs?" She laughed.

"You were... pretty insistent." I responded. "So, what's Tamara doing here?" I asked, changing the subject. "I thought she went home last night."

"She texted this morning and said she had an awful hangover. I invited her over to try a hangover cure I found on the internet."

"Yeah? Did it work?"

"So far, I think the pain medication has been the most effective. I don't think that 'cure' did a thing." She laughed. "At least my headache wasn't too bad. I think Tamara's was worse."

"Eh, I'm feeling better now." Tamara said.

"Awesome!" Krista responded. "Maybe my cure only works on certain people." She laughed again.

I grabbed some pancakes from the plate next to the stove where Krsta was working. As I sat down at the other end of the table, I found myself avoiding eye contact with Tamara.

"Hey, Sara. What are your plans for today?" Krista asked suddenly.

"Uh..." I hesitated. "I don't really have anything specific planned." She'd caught me off guard. It was hard to know how to reply without knowing why she was asking.

"Tamara and I were going to hang out at the mall. You should join us."

Crap. I really didn't want to be near Tamara. I felt awkward enough around Krista right now as it was. However, it was a small consolation that it didn't seem like she remembered any of what happened last night. Unfortunately, I'd already told her I didn't have any plans.

"I don't think so. I'm still traumatized by our last trip to the mall," I replied, doing my best to sound as if I was half-joking.

"Aw, c'mon! No slides this time, I promise!"

I knew my sister. I also knew she wasn't one to take no for an answer when she wanted something. I sighed.

"Fine. I'll go." I'd just have to make sure I kept my guard up around Tamara.


An hour later, we were at the mall wandering aimlessly. We went into the occasional store and browsed, but mostly we window-shopped. Well, Krista and Tamara looked; I mostly followed. It was on the third loop around the mall when Krista suddenly got excited.

"Hey, we should go into that store." Krista pointed.

I followed her finger to a store we'd never been in before. The sign in front indicated it was some sort of sex store, but it looked respectable enough.

"Ooh, that looks like fun." Tamara grinned.

"Why would we want to go in there?" I asked uncomfortably.

"I just want to see what's in there." Krista replied, walking toward it with Tamara close behind. Following reluctantly, it didn't take long for me to start feeling uncomfortable. I didn't particularly mind the sexy lingerie. However, around the point where we got to the shelves of sex toys was when I started having second thoughts. I doubted I would have felt particularly uncomfortable had I been alone, but I wasn't alone. I was standing next to my little sister looking at a large selection of dildos.

"Ooh, I bet that one would hurt." Tamara laughed and pointed at a particularly large, penis-shaped, strap-on dildo.

"Yeah? Look at this one." Krista pointed at a male masturbation toy which had a small hole resembling an anus.

"Do any women actually enjoy that? Or is that just a guy fantasy?" I asked, mostly rhetorically.

"Enjoy what? This?" Tamara grabbed the big strap-on and slid it into the asshole of the second toy.

"Tamara!" Krista gasped, laughing. "Don't be weird."

We continued making our way back, and things only got kinkier. Around the time we got to the anal beads and spreader bars, I was starting to think of excuses to get out of the store.

"Hey, look at this one." Tamara said, pulling an item off the shelf.

I stared in horror. It was a mask which was designed to cover the entire head and had only a hole for the nose and had a dildo attached to the mouth.

"Hey, I-um... I need to go use the restroom." I excused myself.

Krista and Tamara continued exploring while I made my way to the women's room. I found the nearest open stall, which just happened to be a handicap stall, and practically ran to it.

I sat down on the toilet and took my time while playing on my cell phone. I'd give them some time to get bored and leave the store. I wasn't sure I'd ever felt so awkward. That wasn't the kind of store you typically went into with family, and who knew what Tamara was thinking. I definitely didn't need her getting any ideas. I occasionally heard the bathroom door or stall doors open and close, but mostly ignored them. After about ten minutes, I decided I'd waited long enough. I was about to stand when suddenly a head poked through the bottom of my stall.

"Tamara!" I said in shock, trying to cover myself.

"I found you." She grinned.

"What--? What are you doing? What do you want?!

She pulled herself into the stall, tugging a bag along with her.

"Tamara! I'm on the toilet. Someone could come in!"

"Don't worry. We're alone right now." She grinned.

"Get out!" I kicked awkwardly at her.

She grabbed my feet and pulled roughly. I leaned backward and flailed wildly as I attempted to grab the handicap bar on the wall. However, I lost my grip as my ass slid off the toilet seat. I hit the back of my head hard on the porcelain toilet rim just before hitting the floor.

I could barely even move or open my eyes with the pain shooting through my body. I was acutely aware of Tamara hovering over my body. I heard the sound of her skirt and panties dropping to the floor. She grabbed at my arms and legs, but I was too dizzy and in too much pain to care about much.

"You have no idea how horny I was getting in that store. I thought maybe you could help with that." She forced me onto my stomach. "In fact, I've been so freaking horny for a while now."

She pulled both of my arms behind my back and held them while she pulled something out of her bag. I felt a rope tightening around my arms, holding them tightly.

"What are you doing?" I protested. "Don't do this. Not here."

She rolled me onto my back, and I saw she wasn't wasting any time. She was already naked from the waist down.

"Please, don't sit on my face again." I begged.

"Don't worry, I won't," she reassured me, "Not yet, anyway."

"Wha-what do you mean?"

"I bought a little something for you--or is it for me?" She paused. "OK, it's definitely for you." She laughed as she pulled out the large strap-on dildo we'd seen earlier in the store.

"What the hell?" I asked, confused. "What are you doing with that?"

"I thought it might be useful for reminding you of your place, and perhaps having a little fun in the process." She grinned as she pulled her panties off the floor and wadded them up.

"Wait, aren't those the panties you were wearing last night?" I asked as I realized what she was planning to do with them.

"Yep. But don't worry, they're not wet anymore."

"That doesn--" My protest was interrupted as she forced the soft cotton into my mouth. I felt so disgusted, knowing the panties in my mouth were the same that were soaking wet only the night before. I tried spitting them out, but she was having none of it. She held them as she placed the base of the dildo over my mouth and tightened the straps around my head.

"This should help remind you of your purpose in life--a giant sex toy existing only for my pleasure."

I stared in mute horror at the enormous dildo rising away from my mouth into the air. It wasn't hard to guess what she was planning next.

I opened my eyes wide in terror as I tried to very ineffectively to beg her not to do this.

"Fuck. That terrified look on your face is already getting me so wet." She lowered herself over my face. "I still can't believe you ever used to intimidate me." The tip of the dildo slid slowly between her lips, separating them. She moaned softly as she slowly lowered herself onto the dildo.

I tried to pull my head away, but no matter how I twisted, the dildo was guiding her directly toward my mouth. I could only watch as the dildo disappeared slowly inside her until she came to a rest on my face. I was thankful that the strapon kept her mound from touching my lips, but it didn't stop my nose from ending up buried in her pubic hair.

"I can't believe I got that entire thing inside of me," she moaned. "I love the way it feels."

She reached down and pulled her shirt over her head, shaking her hair free as she pulled the shirt away.

"I know we're short on time, but I hope you don't mind me getting a little more comfortable."

She freed her breasts from her constricting bra, letting it drop to the floor. Her curly, red hair fell over her breasts partially obscuring them. She lifted herself up, letting the dildo pull slowly back out; It was noticeably wet with her arousal.

I felt so humiliated. All I could do was lay there with an enormous dildo protruding from my mouth as Tamara pleasured herself directly over my face. I watched her juices slowly drip down the length of the shaft. I prayed silently, hoping it stayed there and didn't make its way all the way down to my face.

The dildo slid in and out of her with increasing ease as she grew ever wetter, simultaneously picking up speed. After some time, when her moans were starting to get intense, she took the entire dildo inside of her and paused. Her fingers slid between her legs and found her clitoris.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FU-U-UCK!" She moaned quietly as she finally orgasmed. Her legs tensed against my body as her fingers continued rubbing.

Her warm, sticky juices oozed from her slick lips and began to drip down my cheek. As she sat up, her knees were clearly a little weak from the intensity of her orgasm. Her thick cum covered the entire dildo as it slid out of her.

She steadied herself for a minute before reaching down and unfastening the dildo from my head.

"That was pretty intense," she panted. "But it's still nothing compared to the thrill of rubbing myself directly on your mouth--feeling you struggle with your face buried in my pussy... the way your nose hits my clit as you try and fight me. It's so freaking hot."

"Please!" I begged, as I forced the panties out of my mouth with my tongue. "You managed to enjoy yourself with just a dildo and your fingers. You don't need me."

"That's just the thing. I've tried getting off on my own since that first time with you. It doesn't work. I don't know why, but I've only been able to orgasm when you're beneath me."

I didn't know how to respond to that nor did I have time. Suddenly, the bathroom door opened. Tamara panicked and shoved her panties back into my mouth. I was afraid to make too much noise, so I just lay there and let her do it. It wasn't like I was going to be able to get away at that point anyway. She grabbed more rope from her bag and tied it around my head, holding the gag in place. The person entered the stall next to us, and I could see her feet and legs from my vantage point on the floor. I just hoped she didn't look under the wall into our stall.

I wondered what Krista must be thinking. I had no idea how long we'd been in the bathroom, but I'd wager it'd been twenty minutes or so since Tamara had come in. After a few minutes of Tamara and I sitting there in awkward silence, we finally heard the toilet flush followed by the washing of hands. Once the bathroom door closed, I breathed a sigh of relief. That was, until I looked back at Tamara.

"About time. I got so erect waiting for her to leave." She laughed. She had attached the dildo to her own waist and was now standing above me. She was still entirely naked, but had what looked like an enormous male erection protruding from her vagina.

She knelt down, straddling my chest once again. The dildo protruded crudely over my head. She leaned forward, angling the dildo at my face.

"Suck my cock, baby." She giggled.

It was warm and wet against my lower lip as she let her newly acquired member rest on my face. I nearly choked as the smell of her cum filled my nostrils. I remembered with a mix of revulsion and horror why it was wet. I was powerless to spit or even wipe her juices from my lips, much less stop her. She seemed to be enjoying that fact as she traced my lips with her large strap-on.

"I bet you'd love to suck me off, wouldn't you? You could finally taste me in a way you'd be more comfortable with. I'd bet this wouldn't be the first dick you've had those pretty lips around."

If I hadn't been gagged, I would have been tempted to correct her. However, I somehow doubted it would matter. I'd yet to get her to change her mind on anything once she'd settled on it.

"If you promise to stay quiet, I'll ungag you so you can show me your deep-throating skills. I'll bet you could take the whole thing."

The last thing I wanted was her trying to shove that entire thing into my mouth. As she sat up slightly to position herself over my head, I twisted my torso abruptly causing her to lose balance. I took the opportunity to roll to my feet. I awkwardly tried to stand and move away from her at the same time. Unfortunately, I'd forgotten my pants were still around my legs. I tumbled back to the floor head first into the corner of the stall. My head went directly between the toilet and the wall

Everything spun for a moment. I tried to stand, but Tamara was already behind me. She stopped me from stepping away from the wall and shoved downward against my back forcing my head back into the floor. She lifted on my hips and pulled me over the toilet, forcing my legs against the cold porcelain. I tried to drop back to my knees, but the toilet prevented me from bending them. I was trapped in an awkward position. My head was on one side of the toilet, my legs on the other, and my naked ass waving in the air.

"Well, I hadn't planned this, but if that's the way you want it."

What an awkward pose! I felt so exposed in front of her. I tried to figure out what in the world she could be thinking. She didn't make me wait long. I felt her spreading my cheeks with her hands, as her strap-on slid between them.

"What's that expression?" She mused. "Holes are holes?"

I tried frantically to protest, but it was impossible to get any coherent words through the gag in my mouth. For some reason, this latest development terrified me more than anything else Tamara had put me through. I struggled, but I was in no position to resist. I felt the dildo pressing against my anus, and I felt the pressure increasing. I couldn't believe she was doing this to me. Why? What reason could she have for this? I panicked and started struggling as hard as I could, but I had no leverage with my hands behind me and Tamara's hand pressing into my back.

I squealed in fear, and I could feel the tears starting to well up in my eyes. There was something about being violated in this way that terrified me. I felt that same hopelessness flooding back--the sense that no matter what I did, this was going to end with me having a cum-drenched dildo shoved into my ass.

I gasped as she slowly increased the pressure, her hand gripping my waist. I could feel the Tamara's naked skin against my ass and legs. Something about it was too intimate, and it made me extraordinarily uncomfortable. Although, uncomfortable in a very different way than the dildo.

Just then, the bathroom door opened again. I struggled to stay quiet. I expected Tamara to stop as well, but she didn't. She slowly continued to push the tip of the dildo into my anus. I gasped quietly, taking deep breaths as I felt it start to enter me. It didn't exactly hurt as it went in, but it was an extremely uncomfortable feeling. I struggled to focus my attention on something else. I could hear the sounds of the other person in the restroom finishing up and washing their hands as I felt Tamara's soft thighs press against me.

Oh, God. That meant she was all the way in. I sighed in relief as I felt her slowly pulling out. That wasn't so bad.

Unfortunately, she wasn't through humiliating me. As she was nearly out, I felt the toy sliding back inside me. She was fucking my ass with the dildo. However, the second the door closed, I felt the pressure and speed increase.

"Fuck, this is hot!" She whispered. "How does it feel to have me inside you?"

I squealed and I tried to pull away as the sensations became unbearable, but she just gripped me tighter. This continued for what felt like an eternity. At some point during the ordeal, I felt something that surprised and disturbed me. I felt a twinge of arousal. By all accounts, I should have been revolted by the prospect of Tamara fucking me in the ass with a large dildo lubricated with her cum. And mentally, I was.

However, my body was responding independent of my mind, and it was starting to like the sensation. I tried desperately to pull away but, as usual, she wasn't having any of it. She hardly even broke rhythm as she effortlessly suppressed my struggles. The toy continued sliding in and out of my ass, her soft thighs slapping my ass wetly as sweat began to form from the exertion. I felt so conflicted at that moment. I was feeling intense humiliation from the way Tamara was using me, but I was also feeling surprisingly intense arousal. Even though the dildo thrusting into my ass was starting to become painful, I wasn't sure I wanted her to stop.


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