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Curious Girls Ch. 18-20


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"So, tell me about your family," she said. I shook my head and tried to return my focus to the conversation.

"Well, it's just Krista and me." She leaned down, propping her elbows on the table and her head on her hands. "Our parents died when we were younger," I continued, getting distracted by her shirt. As she listened intently to my story in her new position, the neckline of her dress had fallen away from her body giving me an unexpected eyeful. I blushed as I caught a glimpse of her nipple. She wasn't wearing a bra! I looked up quickly. I couldn't tell if she'd noticed my looking, nor could I tell if she was trying to distract me on purpose. I spent the rest of dinner being self-conscious and second-guessing about every aspect of my interaction with Amber.

When the bill finally arrived, I was grateful. I was overthinking everything far too much, and it was getting difficult to enjoy myself. I just had to keep reminding myself of why I was doing this. I reached for the already split bill, but Amber beat me to it.

"I've got this," she smiled at me.

But--" I started to protest. "I'm the one who asked you out! I should pay for yours, or we should at least do this dutch treat." I feel uncomfortable with her paying for my dinner in light of the fact I didn't consider this a real date, but she wouldn't take no for an answer. Despite my fighting her for it, she managed to get her credit card to the waitress before I could. The waitress returned shortly with the credit slip. Amber pulled her phone out of her purse to calculate the tip. As she switched away from her home screen, I was stunned to get a momentary glimpse of the the topless photo I'd inadvertently sent her. It was right on her home screen! I was speechless, but now certainly wasn't the time to talk to her about it. I just hoped Krista hadn't seen her screen. I'd never live that down.

"Think of this as my way of apologizing for before," she smiled as she finished signing the credit slip.

"Well... thank you," I said awkwardly.

"No problem," she smiled, touching my hand.


We drove home in the dark, and the silence in the car was deafening. I wondered if there would be any awkwardness trying to end the date with Amber. So far, things had gone reasonably well, but I remembered how pushy she had been at the bar. And I still hadn't found a way to tell her this wasn't a real date.

"Ooh. Look how pretty that park is," Madison exclaimed. "We should stop!"

"Oh, I don't think--" I started to protest, but no one seemed to hear me. And considering I wasn't in the driver's seat, I had little choice but to follow along. The park was serene and, unsurprisingly, we seemed to be alone. The atmosphere could have even been considered romantic with the moonlight and stars above shining brightly in the night sky.

As we wandered along a path through the trees, Madison spoke up.

"Hey, why don't we split up so we can each have some couples time?"

Krista and I looked awkwardly at each other, neither quite sure how to respond. While I knew I could use the time to explain the situation to Amber, I also knew that Krista was nervous about being alone with Madison.

"That sounds like a perfect idea," Amber chimed in.

I stood with my mouth open in an unspoken protest as Amber's fingers intertwined mine, pulling me in the opposite direction as Madison did the same with Krista.

Before I could figure out what to do, Madison and Krista were well out of sight, and I suddenly realized that Amber and I were completely alone. Finding myself so abruptly alone with Amber caught me off guard. She turned toward me.

"I'm glad you texted back. I was worried I'd crossed a line the other night at the bar."

"Uh, no. I was just surprised, and I didn't know how to respond. Besides, you know I'm already in a complicated relationship."

I debated whether or not I should tell her now that this wasn't a real date and that I wasn't even interested in women. I hesitated because I didn't want to cause complications before Krista and Madison's date was over, and I had no idea how Amber would react.

She grabbed my hands. "A relationship shouldn't be complicated. I think we both know that's why you're out tonight with me instead. As for the night at the bar, I was drunk and let myself get carried away. I never thought you might actually be interested in a relationship with me."

"Uh, about that--" I started, but hesitated.

"What is it?" She asked, making eye contact with me.

I suddenly had second thoughts again. I changed the subject. "Look at the moon tonight. Isn't it beau--"

Amber suddenly reached up, cupped my face in her hands, and before I knew what was happening her lips were on mine.

"I pulled away in surprise.

"What was that?" I exclaimed.

"It's just--you were talking about the moon, and you looked so beautiful." She caressed my cheek, pulling me back in for a kiss.

Taken by surprise, my body instinctively responded by kissing her back. It was just like my practice sessions with Krista. However, the longer we kissed, the more subtle differences I noticed. While my sister was tall and well-endowed, Amber was more like me. She was a little shorter than me with small, perky breasts with straight hips. When Krista and I kissed, I always felt the presence of her breasts pressing against mine acting like a soft buffer between us. With Amber, it was different. I could still feel her breasts against mine but, as both of us were smaller chested, our bodies naturally pressed closer together leading to a more intimate embrace. Initially, her hips were pulled away from me, but as the kiss progressed I felt her stomach and hips beginning to press against my own. Something about feeling Amber's hips against mine was making me feel strange.

Amber's hand caressed my cheek as it drifted down my body. I was suddenly pulled from my trance as I felt Amber's hands squeeze my ass.

"What the hell is that?" Amber exclaimed, still holding her body against mine.

"N-Nothing." I tried to free myself from Amber's grasp.

"Oh, that is definitely something," Amber grinned, trying to get her hands back on my ass.

"Amber, please... stop," I grabbed Amber's hands, holding them away from my body. "It's... personal.

"I bet it's a strapon," Amber teased as she attempted to free her hands from my grasp.

"It's not a--," I paused, reverting to a whisper. "It's not a strapon," I responded curtly, "It's just kind of hard to explain."

"Well, then just show me," laughed Amber as she broke free.

"Amber! Please--," I begged as my heel slipped on the edge of the sidewalk. We both went tumbling into the grass.

Amber, not wanting to miss an opportunity, quickly straddled me and pinned me to the ground. Before I could stop her, she had already lifted my skirt.

"What the...," stuttered Amber as her hands ran over the metal belt. "Is that a chastity belt? You're wearing a chastity belt?!"

Using Amber's shock to my advantage, I pushed Amber off and pulled myself to my feet. We stood there awkwardly, catching our breath.

"Well, well, well," sang Amber. "Sticks and stones may break my bones... but whips and chains excite me," Amber grinned. "Did your girlfriend put that on you?"

"Yes," I mumbled, embarrassed to have my secret out. "But I want it off."

"But I think I want you to keep it on," purred Amber. "Is that why you pulled away from me at the bar? And why you wanted to go down on me but never mentioned letting me return the favor?"

This had gone too far. "Look, Amber. I think this was a bad idea. I thought I might be into girls, but I think I made a mistake."

She stepped back in confusion.

"A mistake?" She looked angry now. "A mistake?! You string me along for days, and then call me a mistake?"

"No! It's not like that," I protested as I realized I suddenly needed to use the restroom. Normally, I would have just waited until I got home, but I needed Tamara to unlock this damn belt, and I wasn't sure how long I could hold it.

"You flirt with me, tease me with sexy photos, and then you tell me you want to go down on me. And now you're telling me I'm misreading things?! You can't tell me you didn't feel something from that kiss."

I didn't have the time to analyze what--if I felt anything from our kiss. The only feeling I cared about right now was the uncomfortable feeling beginning to take over my body. I didn't want to find out what would happen if I couldn't find Tamara in time. That's when I realized we were actually closer to her house right now than if I went home first. I could walk there right now from the park.

"I can explain," I said, trying to calm her.

"An explanation is the least of what you owe me. You let me pay for your dinner! You can start by explaining how you're not into girls when you've already told me you have a girlfriend."

"I never said I have a--" I hesitated. She had obviously heard what she had expected to hear, but this was getting out of control and the urgency was increasing. I was sure I could explain the whole ridiculous situation and calm her down if I just had the time.

"Amber, look. I'm sorry. I don't have the time to explain this right now." I backed away.

"You'd better make time," she said sternly.

I continued to walk, picking up speed. Amber followed for a few steps before stopping. I could feel her piercing gaze on me as I hurried away; she was clearly angry. I hated to leave her like this, but I was beginning to feel very uncomfortable for multiple reasons. It wasn't until I reached the other side of the park that I realized I was ditching Krista and Madison too. I hoped Krista would forgive me. I pulled out my phone as I tried to think of an excuse for my sudden absence. To my surprise, I had a message from Krista waiting for me.

"Where did you and Amber go? We're at the car," it read.

That told me Amber either hadn't gotten back to the car yet or wasn't going back. After all, it would be awkward for her to show up without me; she barely knew Madison or Krista. Either way, I had an idea--one I hoped Amber would forgive me for along with everything else.

"We're going to go hang out Amber's house for a while. Sorry to bail," I replied.

"What? No! You can't leave me alone..." She texted back.

"You'll be fine. I'm sorry for ditching you! I don't want to, but--" I paused. What could I tell her? "Amber's girlfriend broke up with her recently, and she's having a hard time with it." It was all made up, but I hoped it would satisfy Krista.

"I'm so sorry to hear that! But... be careful," Krista replied.


"I know this is a casual thing to you, but it's not for Amber. She really seems to like you. Be careful not to give her the wrong idea." Krista warned.

"Yes, Mother," I responded back sarcastically.

"Hey, I'm just watching out for the both of you. See you later tonight. You owe me!"

"Night!" I responded, turning my phone off and putting it away.

Much sooner than I would have preferred, I found myself outside Tamara's window. I stood there, sick to my stomach knowing what she would demand of me. The thought of her taste on my tongue was enough to make me gag.

I had a tool in my room right now that would solve this whole mess. And I without have to beg on my hands and knees for Tamara to take pity on me. If only she didn't have that damn SD card, I might feel braver about defying her. She'd also threatened Krista, and I had no way of knowing if she was bluffing. For all I knew, Krista and I could handle Tamara as long as we faced her together. The problem was, that meant telling Krista what Tamara had done to me. A part of me worried that even if Krista believed me, she'd never forgive me. I couldn't live with that. The best hope I had right now was that Krista would fall for Madison. In the best case, Krista and Tamara would simply drift apart, and I would never see her again. However, if I had to tell Krista, it would hopefully lessen her hurt if she had someone else in her life. Nothing I could think of was foolproof, but at least I felt I was generally heading in the right direction. And once I could convince Michael to help me get the SD card from Tamara, she would have no leverage over me. I would have Michael to protect me from Tamara's wrath, but I still worried Tamara might try to get back at me through Krista. I would cross that bridge when I came to it. However, if there was only one thing I was confident about, it was that no one was going to hurt my little sister.

Unfortunately, I still had a decision to make right now. And not only did I need Tamara to remain complacent for my plan to have a chance, I wasn't sure I could wait until I got home to use the restroom.

"Sara?" I was startled as Tamara's voice interrupted my thoughts. I hadn't even heard the window open.

I sighed in defeat. "I guess you know why I'm here."

"I do. But I want to hear it from you."

I hesitated. "I'm here... to be used."

"You're here to be used, what?"

"I'm here to be used... Goddess."

"Hmmmm... I don't think I like the way that sounds. I don't think I'm in the mood to 'use' anyone." She started to close the window.

"Wait!" I caught the window with my hand. "I'm here to please you, Goddess."

"Better." She bit her lip. "But it sounds like I'm doing you a favor. How do you ask for a favor?"

I grimaced, trying not to show my frustration as I got down on my knees. "Goddess, I need to please you. I need to... taste you." I struggled to get the words out, but she still seemed to want more. "Please let me... fuck you with my tongue," I begged, my face turning scarlet.

She threw the window open wide and disappeared into her room. Although she didn't say a word, she didn't need to; her smile said everything.


Tamara climbed slowly off the bed. She was clearly winded, her knees shaky from intense exertion and prolonged pleasure.

"Fuck, that was amazing," she moaned as she ran her fingers through her hair. "I didn't mean to get so carried away, I just got so ridiculously turned on when you were begging to tongue-fuck me."

It was all I could do to just lay there in silent humiliation trying to catch my own breath. Tamara had a bad habit of getting so caught up in her own pleasure that she would forget about anything else, including my ability to breathe. Without fail, the times I needed oxygen the most would be times she was shoving my face the deepest into her sex. I would have to deal with just trying to get the tiniest gasp of air while her only concern was how amazing her clit felt as she thrust it roughly against my nose. And even the breaths I managed to get were difficult to enjoy with her slick juices making their way into my nose and mouth. Each and every time I submitted semi-willingly to Tamara, I told myself that I knew what to expect--that it wouldn't be so bad this time. And each time, I was reminded that no matter much I mentally prepared myself, there were just some things for which you could never be properly prepared.

As was the norm after Tamara satiated her sexual appetite, my face was disturbingly slick with her cum. However, it was surprisingly easy to forget the details: the stickiness, and the pungent, musky smell that invaded my nostrils.

It was hard to believe there was a time when I only had to fear suffocating under her fat ass. I vaguely even recalled a time that followed when I thought the lengthy ass licking sessions were as bad as it could get. And then I found myself sorely mistaken when Tamara discovered the joys of pleasuring herself on my face. It was so much worse that nothing before even seemed remotely bad by comparison. Perhaps it was just wishful thinking, but I immediately concluded that nothing could be worse than that. However, I was slowly learning that I couldn't underestimate Tamara. Weeks later, I would find myself with my tongue inside of her, covered with her cum. I had avoided licking her like she clearly wanted, but her juices dripping down my tongue into my throat made for a hollow victory.

I was determined not to underestimate her again. I knew it wouldn't be long before she would demand more from me. She wouldn't be satisfied until I committed to do without hesitation whatever nasty things were still lurking in her sick mind. Hell, she probably wouldn't be happy unless I was the one begging for it too. I kept reminding myself that I would only have to suffer through her abuse a little while longer.

I was also physically spent because Tamara insisted that we both orgasm together. She was still convinced she could train my body to to enjoy her abuse. It was a ridiculous notion, but it did mean she'd spent her four back-to-back orgasms with her fingers between my legs. It was hard to object to all the pleasure she was causing me, but I couldn't fully enjoy my orgasms with my face buried deeply inside another woman's wet slit. At the same time, there was a strange, taboo appeal to being dominated and forced to cum against my will. However, if I was going to fantasize about such things, my fantasies most certainly would not have included Tamara. And there was something else I'd noticed. Perhaps it was a combination of adrenaline, fear, and oxygen deprivation, but my orgasms had been unusually intense. Whatever the reason, I was just thankful when she finally released me and allowed me to use the restroom.


The next two weeks were truly terrible. Any illusion I had about being able to handle my situation quickly dissipated. You don't realize just how often you need the restroom until you have to go begging each time to your sister's best friend. As I would soon come to discover, I averaged around one bathroom trip daily and occasionally twice in a day. I even had a couple embarrassing occasions where I thought I needed to go, only to discover that it was a false alarm. Those times were even worse because not only did I have to endure multiple hours of abuse at Tamara's hands, but she would mockingly inform me that I didn't need to make up excuses to come visit her.

Throughout the last couple of weeks, I estimated I'd been to see her over a dozen times. And at a minimum of three or four orgasms per visit, that was easily--I felt sick as I did the math in my head. It may have been as many as 100 times that Tamara had orgasmed on my face, chin, mouth, and tongue over the past two weeks. It was truly the lowest point in my life since this whole dreadful ordeal began. I had to be careful about where I went or who I was with for fear of being disrupted by the need to move my bowels. My whole life was disrupted. By the end of the second week, I found myself increasingly falling into deep depression. I got to where I could barely force myself to eat because I didn't want to end up having to see Tamara again.

It was even beginning to interfere with my attempts at building a relationship with Michael. On the list of very small positives, Tamara had been over less often lately and Krista and Madison had been spending a lot more time together; it was about the only thing that kept me going. It meant that at least a portion of my plan was working. For some reason, I was having trouble moving forward with the other part of my plan. Michael had been hard to pin down on specific days or times. The few times we had hung out recently, he'd either had to leave early, or I had to leave abruptly to visit Tamara. Other than my success with Madison and Krista, the only high point was that it was very likely that I had had more orgasms in the last two weeks than over the past two years. However, circumstances made any enjoyment of that fact nearly impossible. Tamara, on the other hand, seemed to greatly enjoy each and every one of her countless orgasms at my expense.

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