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Currency Ch. 03

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Elizabeth learns to crave cock.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 06/13/2009
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"Clean yourself up, Rick will be here soon," were his final words, as he vanished out of her sight, leaving her with a face full of cum and no orgasm of her own.


Elizabeth had to endure the cold sting of the water against her flesh anew. His cum had dried against her skin as she had sat there, staring at the door where he had left. What had happened? Why was she wet? Was her body that stupid that it couldn't recognize a good touch from a bad? Elizabeth thought of his words; that she would learn to love being filthy. She certainly didn't agree with him now. It was heaven to scrub his cum from her body, even if it meant freezing to death.

A lewd catcall interrupted her thoughts. Rick had arrived! She squeaked in panic and turned off the shower. It turned into a race between her and him to see who could reach the towel in the corner first. She won this battle; Elizabeth frantically wrapped the soft fabric around herself as he slowly licked his fat lips. "You're lucky I'm not allowed to touch you whore, or else I'd be fucking that pussy of yours good," he accompanied his words with his dirty stare at her exposed legs; the towel had proved to be uselessly short. "You'd be wrapping those puppies around my waist in no time."

"Did you come here to stare?" Elizabeth asked haughtily. The knowledge that he couldn't touch her reached her more than his gaze or words. He was certainly no Vincent; his eyes did nothing to her insides.

"I'm gonna do more than just stare eventually, don't you worry sweet cheeks," he drawled, a speckle of spit flying from his mouth. Elizabeth noticeably shuddered in distaste upon watching his saliva almost hit her. He chuckled at that and his stench hit Elizabeth again for the first time since her kidnapping. He smelt like he showered in cologne and his rancid sweat.

He reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her out of her bathroom and towards her bedroom door. "We're taking a fieldtrip love," he explained as she stumbled behind him, trying not to trip over her own uncertain feet. The towel was slipping from her body and now only her hand held it up haphazardly. Elizabeth ignored this in order to take in her surroundings. Her door had no visible lock on it. In fact, now that she reconsidered it all, the room had little trace of anything that would restrain 'property'. "Take a picture while you're at it, we ain't coming back," only confirmed her worst beliefs - WHAT IF SHE WAS GOING TO AN AUCTION RIGHT NOW? She trembled as Rick roughly pushed her out of the room, and down an opulent hallway. Wherever she was, it was certainly not lacking for wealth.

"Now princess, you're going to meet some very important people right now," Rick chuckled as if he had made a hilarious joke, "so you better be a good girl and behave. If you don't, I got a nice sweet smelling rag with your name on it." Important people? Once again her mind jumped to her potential 'owners'. This couldn't be happening, this couldn't be happeni-

Elizabeth was crudely shoved into another room. This one consisted predominantly of a large bed decorated in various shades of red, made for an orgy no doubt. On that bed in fact were close to 10 naked girls, and one wickedly smiling bitch with a cut down her face: Maria. "Well hello my pet. Girls, meet our new protégé," she said. The girls giggled cruelly in response. Suddenly Elizabeth felt the towel tugged from her hands and gasped to be naked amongst the other women, who were all languidly stroking each other or themselves upon closer investigation. "Don't be shy whore, we know you want it too."

"Hello girls, Maria," Rick's voice sounded strained. She felt a hard bulge against her hip, and whipped her head to see a salacious smile on Rick's ugly mug. His hand loosened its grip on her arm, and she automatically made a move away from him. Conveniently, it placed her closer to Maria, who caught her wrist in a surprisingly strong grip.

"Trying to watch Rick? Get your kicks elsewhere," Maria sneered, leading Elizabeth towards the bed. She felt like a ragdoll, tossed to and fro upon a whim. She tried to tub her wrist out of Maria's grasp. Maria responded by viciously tugging her hair and snarling out, "I got drugs if you're gonna act like a dumb bitch!" Elizabeth didn't want drugs, she wanted to escape. She calmed down visually, but was seething inside. I'm a human being, she wanted to yell. You can't do this!

Oh but Maria would anyways, pushing Maria on the bed, between the eager girls. The scent of feminine arousal hit Elizabeth's nose, disturbing it with the pungent smell. Body heat invaded her bones after the cold shower; she hadn't even realized how cold she had been until she was thrust in the middle of so much warmth. "Now girls remember the rules, and play nicely. Or not," Maria laughed. Everything was just one big joke. Elizabeth could not believe she was lying here naked! Surrounded by these whores who were..

Elizabeth gasped when she felt a hand on her thigh. The woman's long nails were perfectly manicured, and were tracing the veins visible on her thighs gently. She couldn't help it; she moaned aloud. The woman found this funny, and reached another hand to tweek Elizabeth's nipple in response.

Another woman, this one with darker skin and spicy perfume began to kiss her neck, grazing the sensitive part where her neck and shoulder met with her teeth. Elizabeth struggled to sit up and was granted access. She felt yet another woman press against her back; the woman's nipples hard points against her flesh. The woman took her hand and cupped Elizabeth's breasts from behind. "Nice tits," she muttered, bouncing them on her hands. The other women giggled anew.

One of them stopped kissing her neck and traced her tongue down to Elizabeth's available nipple. The other in response steadied her tit and fed it to the darker skinned woman. She began to suck on her hardening nipple. Elizabeth moaned at this sensation, her thighs now being caressed up and down, but her very core being avoided. Soon another woman joined in, and began to kiss Elizabeth softly, as she played with herself. Elizabeth couldn't believe this was happening - her parents were religious, and she could imagine their horrified reaction to lesbians caressing her.

Sensations began to build up all over her body; her tongue was being boldly stroked, and tasted something heady, like wine. Her breast was being sucked, alternately hard than soft. The woman bit down gently, and began to caress her pussy. Elizabeth was moaning as her nipples were tugged at while her labia was stroked with soft fingers. She opened her eyes to see other women kissing and stroking one another as well; the smell of arousal permeated the air. Then her eyes landed on Maria, who was groaning as some girl ate her pussy out. At the sight of Maria, she began to struggle.

She didn't get far, the woman moved from behind her and she was subsequently pushed down on to the bed. Her sweaty back clung to the silk sheets. A hand playfully whacked her pussy, than stroked her clit harder. Her breasts were simultaneously being sucked and squeezed. The woman kissing her thrust her wine flavoured tongue in and out of Elizabeth's mouth, until she returned the action seemingly drunkenly herself. The woman's giggle vibrated along her mouth and drove her wild. Quickly, the woman retracted her lips with one last lusty lick and stuck 2 fingers into Elizabeth's mouth. Suck, she whispered harshly into Elizabeth's ear as she began to play with her earlobe. Elizabeth did as she was told; she was blind with lust as a woman's lips tugged on her aching clit. The fingers in her mouth tasted bitter, she realized at once that it was the woman's arousal.

She wasn't given much time to think, as the woman climbed up top of her and shoved her crotch into her face. It smelt strongly and liquid smeared on her face. The woman pressed her pussy closer to her mouth, and grasped her hair to push her towards her core. Elizabeth involuntarily opened her mouth against the pain, and it became full of dripping wet pussy.

Elizabeth gasped when she felt the liquid from her pussy seeping in between her ass cheeks. The mouth left her pussy and began to follow the flow of the liquid. Elizabeth cried out in embarrassment, but was silenced by the relentless pressure of the woman's dark labia pressed even closer to her lips, until it was all she could breathe. The woman below grasped an ass cheek with one hand, and slowly circled her asshole with a long nail. She then pushed it in, to which Elizabeth's tender butt clenched onto. The woman approved, and gave her a lick around her rosebud of hole. Elizabeth felt so wrong, but so hot at the same time.

The women above her gyrated onto her face, as Elizabeth felt her asshole being fingered and her own clit sucked on relentlessly. Someone was now biting her nipple and her breast, while playfully slapping around the other. The pain and pleasure were rolling within her; she was close to coming when the woman at her pussy stopped. "She's about to come girls, stop," came an assertive voice, as if reading her thoughts. All the sensations on her body stopped, but the woman's pussy remained in her face.

The woman suddenly rotated herself, so her ass was facing Elizabeth's face. She buried it there, and slapped her pussy painfully. 'Suck it bitch!" And Elizabeth did, just so the painful slaps would stop. She was rewarded with the woman rolling her nipples in unison - but no orgasm. Elizabeth sucked on the woman's puffy pussy lips, and tongued in between. She hoped the woman would finger her and let her come if she did.

The woman just continued rolling her nipples, and moaning along with the sounds of the other girls. Now they slowly began touching her anywhere but where she needed it; hands were once again caressing her wantonly spread thighs, touching the flesh above her pussy - but never it. Elizabeth was getting driven wild, but was not satisfied. She felt like a rope stretched too tight, waiting to snap but not quite there. She tongued the woman's vagina and returned back to clit like the other woman on her had done.

Then it struck her! How come the other woman didn't stick her tongue into her pussy? How come even though every inch of her pussy was touched, except her opening? No one had struck anything into her pussy at all, and it felt remarkably empty. Suddenly the woman above her stopped moving, and shuddered. Her vagina let out a flood of liquid, and it seeped onto Elizabeth's lips and neck. When the woman pulled away, Elizabeth finally took a deep breath and begged, "Someone fill my pussy!" She heard chuckles among the woman, but they were mostly covered with moans. The whole room was humming with them.

"Okay ladies, that's enough. Time to cut her off!" Elizabeth recognized Maria's voice in the crush. She felt herself being pushed up the bed, terribly aroused and covered now in some other woman's release. She felt nasty, dirty but didn't care if she could only come. Elizabeth was moaning nonstop as woman slowly caressed every inch of her as they pushed her up - but never her vaginal opening. Her wrists were lifted and bound by silk again; Elizabeth didn't even struggle, she couldn't feel anything but the rope that refused to snap. Her ankles were bound by silk too, leaving her legs spread at an almost uncomfortable angle. She was beyond anything.

The woman began to press lingering kisses to her lips, before getting up and off the bed. Elizabeth didn't even notice until the bed wasn't weighed down anymore and the room had gone remarkably silent. She opened her eyes to see Maria standing at the edge of the bed, grinning evilly at her, with a metal apparatus in her hand that resembled an eyelash curler. She then mounted the red sheets and crawled in between Elizabeth's legs. Elizabeth tested her bonds, but they were secure - she wasn't going anywhere. She was exhausted, and her body ached. Her nipples were still hard and unsatisfied and her pussy was gushing liquid. This very fluid made it easy from Maria to take the apparatus and stick it into her vagina, only not quite. The apparatus was designed to open up the pussy ad keep it open, but not fill it.

Elizabeth felt cold air in her opening and gasped. It was torture having that device spreading her apart. She felt empty. Her vagina squeezed, and was met with only air and Maria's brittle laughter. The scar of Maria's face was distorted when she smiled. "Bet you want some cock now you filthy whore, don't ya?" Maria laughed, and gave Elizabeth one last tweek on the nipple before getting up and leaving the room. Maria was right - Elizabeth wanted cock, no she NEEDED cock. She wanted to cry with the irony of it all.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Grammatical note . . .

"Anyways" is dialect; unless you're trying to impart a rural flavor, use "anyway."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Please finish this

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

Please Please make elizbeth Beg for a fuck, tease her to limits

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