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Curtis, the Lingerie Salesman Ch. 01

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Curtis' adventure at the Gym.
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Hello everyone, I've been a big fan of this site for a while, but I've finally decided to write my own story. Considering this is my first time ;) any constructive criticism would be welcome. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.


"The thing I love about this thong is the material," said Curtis, "we've specially formulated our cotton and silk blends to maintain their shape even after 6 months of regular use, they are as luxurious on for that 6 month anniversary dinner as they are for the steamy first date."

This line always killed when he pitched to women. Women loved Curtis. "So how large an order do you want to place?"

"Curtis, these are lovely, the entire line is lovely, but we've also just signed an agreement to sell the Marguerite line. But we want these. How do 30 of each of the thongs, and 30 of each of the bras do for you?"

The women who ran this boutique seemed nice, so Curtis would take the deal but he wouldn't be too happy about it.

"Yeah, yeah we can make that work."

"Thank you so much Curtis, we really look forward to displaying this line in the store next month."

"You ladies have a lovely day, I'll leave this order form here and you can scan and email it back to our office."

Curtis began to exit, but before he did, "You ladies don't mind me asking, who was the Marguerite salesperson?"

"A lovely woman named Michelle."

He'd figured as much. "Alright, have a great afternoon!"

Curtis was one of the top lingerie sales reps in the country, second only to Michelle. When you worked in the high end of the market, as they did, you tend to run in pretty small circles. Curtis and Michelle's companies both operated out of New York and they often crossed paths when new stores were looking for new merchandise. They had a mostly friendly rivalry, but lately it had grown a bit tenser. Curtis was receiving more and more pressure everyday to produce greater sales, and try as he might it seemed like most of the time Michelle would beat him to the punch. Curtis did well when selling to women, the problem was, most of the lingerie stores and departments around the country were headed by men. There Michelle had a clear advantage. She was a 38-year-old knockout, 5' 8", 32 DD breasts, and an amazing ass that sat atop two stellar legs. Rumor had it that she was a former lingerie model herself. And if that wasn't enough Michelle had a habit of using this devilish smile whenever she wanted something. God, what Curtis wouldn't do to have those lips locked around his co-

The blare of a car horn wrested Curtis from his daydream. He pulled out his cellphone to check the time. 2pm, he decided he'd go to the gym before heading back to the office.


As he swiped in at the gym he noticed an attractive blonde on a cardio machine. He caught her eye and flashed her a smile. He entered the locker room and changed out of his clothes and started getting out his workout gear. There was a mirror in his locker; he used it to examine his body. At 29 Curtis certainly felt he was in his physical prime. He'd always been fit but in recent years he'd taken to more weight lifting and now his chiseled 6' 2" frame boasted a decent amount of muscle. He also admired his cock. Curtis was vain, he knew that, and he wasn't ashamed. It came with the lifestyle; being in sales you always had to look your best. Curtis preferred to wear sport briefs over any other type of underwear, they gave his cock all the support it needed but also showed off just how large it was. Curtis quickly pulled on his shirt, shorts, and shoes and headed out to the gym floor.

He was about to start his first exercise when that blonde he'd noticed before came up to him.

"Hi, I'm Tessa."

"Pleasure to meet you Tessa. That's a gorgeous name, it suits you."

"Thank you," she blushed, "What's yours?"

"My name is Curtis."

"That suits you."

"Does it?"

"Yes, it's classic, and masculine," she played with that last word as it left her succulent lips.

"So, Tessa, what can I do for you today?"

"Well, Curtis, I need to do squats, but I also need a spot, and from the looks of you, you'll do nicely. So what do you say?" She played with her hair as she asked. Curtis loved that coy act, "Sure, I'll spot you."

They moved over to the squat rack and Curtis admired Tessa's rear end. She had somewhat thick legs, you could tell she was strong, but they weren't manly by any means; her ass was incredibly plump. What he wouldn't give to feel her ass cheeks in his hands. Once they got there, they realized they'd have a bit of a dilemma: Tessa was probably 5' 3'' at most, considerably shorter than him. He mentioned it to her.

"Ummmm, how about you track the squat too, but right behind me, and that way if I need to bail out you're right there to help lift it."

"Sure, I'll give it a shot," Curtis came up right behind her, her ass was almost touching him.

"Can you get any closer?" she asked.

Curtis moved in even more, her ass was now touching him, he waited for her to say something, but all she said was "ready". They started to squat, their bodies moving together. When they reached to bottom of the movement Tessa's ass was pressed up right into Curtis' crotch. The more they did it, the more Curtis' cock began to grow, each time they would reach the bottom of the squat his erect cock would get sandwiched between her ass cheeks, each time Tessa let out a little moan.

They finished the first set and Curtis asked her how many more sets she wanted to do.

"I think I'll be okay with one more set, but let's go a bit heavier"

They loaded up the bar with a few more plates and got ready to squat again. Curtis straddled Tessa a bit and they began to move in unison again. Curtis' cock hadn't had a chance to go down at all between sets, and Tessa's slow grinding on his cock was feeling amazing.

"How's that feel?" Curtis whispered in her ear.

"The weight, or that steel pipe you keep rubbing my ass with?"


"The weight's hard, but your cock is harder. Here let's rack the weight."

They put the weight back and Tessa turned around to face Curtis. Her hand slid down to his mesh shorts and she began to rub his engorged cock.

"My apartment is above us in this building. How would you feel about you and your hard cock coming upstairs for some 'cardio'?"

She was too much to resist. They quickly grabbed their things and headed to the elevator. Thankfully they were alone in there. Tessa began rubbing Curtis' covered cock again. She took her free hand and slid it under the bottom of his shirt and began to rub his stomach.

"You have an incredible body, and six pack. I can feel it."

"Would you like to see more?"

Without an answer she brought her hand up to feel his pecs, allowing his six pack to be exposed. Then she pulled up and off his shirt. Her hand still going on his cock. She brought her head in and started to kiss his stomach, slowly moving down until she encountered his waist band.

"I don't like all these obstacles between me and your cock." She whispered. She took both her hands and began to insert each finger slowly into the waistband when the bell rang.

"Fuck yes, this is my floor." She exhaled. Curtis quickly pulled his shirt back on and the two took off down the hall to get to Tessa's apartment. Thankfully for the both of them it was close. Tessa couldn't wait to have his cock in her mouth, and Curtis couldn't wait for this insane teasing to be done. He couldn't believe how lucky he'd been today; Tessa was so sexually aggressive. Curtis rarely had trouble picking up women, in fact he did it often, but it was rare to have a woman who was so wild.

As soon as they got into the apartment Tessa slammed the door and pushed Curtis back up against it. She was done playing games.

"Remove your shirt. Now!" she barked.

Curtis took no time in doing so, and as he did Tessa practically ripped his shorts off him. Using both her hands to steady herself on his hips, she bent at the waist and put his cock head in her mouth. She began to suck with reckless abandon. Her hands began to move from his hips down and back to his ass, and she kneaded his ass cheeks. She lifted her head for a brief moment.

"God your cock tastes delicious!" She returned, with gusto, to blowing him.

"Thank you" he barely managed to get out. He couldn't believe how close to coming he was already. This Tessa girl was no joke. Her right hand moved from his ass and down to his thigh. She started near his knee and slowly dragged a few fingers lightly up his thigh until she reached his balls, which she cupped and began playing with.

Curtis didn't think he could last much longer, which was a problem because if her head was this good, he knew he needed to try her pussy.

"Tessa, Tessa, Tessa!" He cried.

"What!?!" she asked, exasperated.

"This is easily one of the greatest blowjobs I've ever received in my life-"

"Thank you"

"You're welcome. Right, this is amazing, but you gotta let me fuck you!"

"Yeah, okay, fine, so long as you cum in my mouth."

He couldn't believe this girl, was he in heaven?

"Deal!" With that Curtis picked her up and brought her over to her couch where he laid her down. Her feet were still on the floor and her hips were at the perfect height for him to eat her out. But first he needed to unleash her breasts. He'd suspected they were big but when he finally got her sports bra off he was happily surprised. He guessed they were 30 F with cute brown nipples. He maneuvered so he could suck on them while he worked to remove her leggings. She moaned each time he would suck on her nipples, and moaned even deeper when he would nibble a little bit. He moved back down and pulled her leggings down to her ankles. All that was left between him and her pussy was a very wet thong. Unable to control himself he tore the weak fabric apart and began to eat her pussy. Between her gasps and moans she managed to make out "What...gasp...the fuck...moan...those...!!" She cried out on the last word. Curtis lifted his head up and brought his face up to hers. "It's okay, I sell lingerie, I'll get you a discount."

"Oh good...moan" Curtis' cock had been lined up with the entrance of her wet pussy and he'd begun to push in. His thick 7 inch cock slowly slid it's way inside Tessa, accompanied by both of their moans of pleasure.

"OH SHIT Curtis, I don't think I'm going to last that long."

"Me neither, you've got me ready to blow."

"Remember what I said, I want to swallow all your cum!"

He began to thrust in and out. Her moans turning into cries, hurting his ears with how load they were getting. He wet his finger in her mouth and cupped her breast. He began to swirl and pinch her nipple in time with his thrusts. It took her over the edge.

"OOooohhHH CURTISSSS" she cried. Her primal scream of pleasure did it for Curtis and he quickly pulled out.

"I'm ready" he yelled. God he needed to cum.

He stood up and Tessa dropped to her knees. She immediately took his cock in her mouth. She began to suck. One hand she used to stroke him as he sucked, the other she brought up and began to play lightly with his asshole. At first it freaked Curtis out, but the intense pleasure he was feeling overrode any issues he might have had. He began to feel the familiar build up in his cock, and it began to twitch.

"Oh fuck, I'm cumming, uh yess, oh fuck that...oh fuck" he climaxed in her mouth, both her hands working hard. Her hands began to slow, but she still sucked on his dick, like it was candy. They disengaged and both collapsed on her couch.

"Holy shit Tessa. That was amazing." Curtis said.

"Ohmygod it was! We need to do that again sometime. Maybe when you're replacing that thong."

"That can certainly be arranged."


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