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Cutty Ch. 03

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The Name.
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Part 3 of the 38 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/05/2019
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The Name

After a long, silent time hanging naked in the machine, Donna finally heard Ms. Brendan coming.

"Ok, now where were we." Ms. Brendan looked at the naked hanging Donna, "Ah yeah, my disobedient girlfriend." She walked up to Donna, and roughly inspected the wound.

"Yes, that hurts does it?" she remarked as Donna twitched. "Never disobey me, Donna."

"This cut will be visible for ever," she looked up and looked deep into Donna's eyes "Will you from now on do as I tell you to?" Her hand grasped the vagina of Donna firmly.

Frantically Donna nodded her head, still not able to speak with the ball gag in her mouth.

"That's better, cutie," she smiled. Then looked at Donna again, and said: "Cutie...Cutty. I will call you Cutty from now on." Donna looked at hear with big eyes. "That is a nice nick name. It can be used in public, as everybody obviously will think it is 'cutie' I mean, and it will remind you to obey." At that she angrily twisted the vagina of Donna, who started to squirm from the pain. Having your pussy twisted is already painful, but with the addition of a fresh stitched cut it was pure agony. Tears sprang into Donna's eyes.

"Pain my dear?" Ms. Brendan said sarcastically, "Serves you right. Never ever disobey me again." Ms. Brendan shrugged, obviously still angry at Donna.

She walked up to Donna and let her loose. "We must continue with the exercise. But we have to start slow so not to open up your fresh cut."

Donna was relieved to be free of her bondage. She rubbed her wrists, and straightened her legs.

"Walk around to get yourself warmed up." Ms. Brendan instructed, pointing a circle around the room which Donna had to follow, "But keep the heels on, you must learn to walk like a lady." Donna was not up for a fight, so just gave in and walked around the room a few rounds, naked and on her new high heels.

The whole room was in stylish white and black. It contained exercise equipment of all types. And while walking around, Donna was amazed at how clean the room was, even her mess was somehow totally cleaned, no sign of blood anywhere.

The walls were covered with mirrors, and in all it really looked like a professional training hall.

When she made a few rounds naked and on her heels Ms. Brendan stopped her.

"We will focus on your upper body this week. Here are some weights and we start with sessions of twenty."

And the next hour Donna was drilled into exhaustion. Ms. Brendan was relentless and pushed her to her limits. Afterwards she was guided to the showers to wash, and ordered to return to the living room.

When she finished showering Donna walked up to the living room. Passing the corridor she looked curiously for the pictures of the daughter and mother.

"I can't find their pictures, yet the more I look at these pictures, the more I find them disturbing," she thought. "But right now I am too tired to really care."

"Have a drink." She heard upon entering the living room. Donna looked around and saw Ms. Brendan sitting on a sofa across the table, pointing at a large shake in front of her. "That's good for recuperating after a heavy exercise."

She was thirsty and without questioning drank the cup empty.

"Very good, Cutty," Ms. Brendan smiled. "Now sit up straight and listen carefully."

Donna placed the cup back on the table and looked at Ms. Brendan. Remembering the remarks that she should be careful with Ms. Brendan she decided to comply with the orders. "First find out in what sort of situation I am in," she reminded herself. "Then we take appropriate action." And thus she focused her attention on Ms. Brendan, and sat up straight.

Miss Brendan smiled, seeing the woman in front of her doing as she instructed. "Very good Cutty, you are a quick learner." she remarked, "Now let me explain how this is going to work between us."

"The exercise regime will continue tomorrow. So tomorrow morning you will be picked up by my driver and brought here again. We will then continue where we left off. In addition my neighbor, Ms. Dow to you, will inspect the cut in your pussy again."

She pointed at Donna's vagina, "We have to make sure it heals well."

"By the way, I want you to spread your legs when I am talking to you," she said sternly when she noticed Donna pushed her legs closer together.

Donna hesitated, "Ah well, she saw everything already" she thought wearily, and just complied.

"Wider," Ms. Brendan ordered, testing her new girlfriend's compliance.

That started to hurt.

"Okay, that's good. You are behaving much, much better now. Must be the exercise." Ms. Brendan smiled at her own joke.

"As my neighbor instructed, your pussy must have some rest to let the cut heal. She indicated it will take about 8 weeks, in which you are not allowed to have sex at all. So give your dear Robert the good news. My neighbor will inspect the cut regularly for any infections, etc."

"Now for some rules for our relationship," she continued. "You know a few already. Whenever you come here and see me for the first time, you will kiss me passionately and declare your love for me in a convincing manner."

"When you leave the same routine is applied, we kiss lovingly, and you say how much you love me."

Donna looked at the lady in front of her, giving her this strange lecture. "She looks good for her age." Donna thought will looking at the lady in the fashionable dark brown business suit. She was wearing beautiful medium heeled matching shoes, panties, a nice broche. "All very elegant, not what you would expect from such a bitch as she's turning out to be."

"As for whatever happens in here," Ms. Brendan continued, while she saw Donna observing her. "That will be our little secret. Unless you misbehave, or get me angry, and we call this whole deal off."

Donna listened naked with her legs spread to show her scarred pussy to the lady in front of her. How she just wished to be back home right now.

"As for the coming weeks, it will be mostly exercise and more exercise." She pointed towards the belly which was showing more now Donna was sitting, "I think we move on when that is gone. I can not stand fat women. It just simply turns me off."

She picked up a box with candy from the table and picked one. "I would offer you one, but as you are on a diet, no can do."

"That brings me to the rules for you when not here."

"Rules when I'm not here?" Donna thought, "She wants me to behave crazy like this even when I am not here?"

"First your diet," Ms. Brendan said, softly sucking on the candy. "No more fat for you, no more fast food. Just stick to three small meals a day, lots of water. Together with the training I am giving you, this should have that belly gone in a month or two."

"Well, a diet is not so bad," Donna thought. "Actually, I wanted to go on a diet and look better anyway."

"Second, I want you to keep a diary of what you are thinking about what is happening to you. In the diary you will be both very descriptive about what you've done, and describe your thoughts and feelings about your actions in detail."

"A diary," Donna thought. "The last time I had a diary I was twelve!"

"That diary you will bring with you when you come here. You will read out of it, and explain it's contents." Ms. Brendan finished her soft candy, "You need to be very clear in your mind about this situation to continue with me."

"And that wraps up our meeting." She smiled at Donna, "I left you some clothes to wear on your way home. My driver will bring you home." She stood up and walked over to Donna.

Donna stood up, knowing what was expected of her. She kissed Ms. Brendan again, acting as if it was Robert she was kissing, and then said as good as she could act, "I love you Ms. Brendan."

Miss Brendan smiled, and teased Donna's nipples with her two hands, and walked out of the room...

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

The unfortunate concept of a scar really ruins the story. You should re-write it and dispense with the Cutty concept.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
To Slow

The snails pace this story is taking is making it boring. 3 chapters of barely anything above rated R

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