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Cutty Ch. 13

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The new teacher.
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Part 13 of the 38 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/05/2019
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The next day they drove back to the city. Donna and Ms. Brendan both dressed as business women, and the driver in her usual, slightly awkward, suite. When Donna had woken up in the morning, she was not tied up anymore, though she was still naked and still wearing her heels. She felt the marks still burned a little, but it was a lot less than the previous day. Her ass, her pussy, even her tongue was sore of all the fucking, but she quickly forgot about that as she took a shower and Ms. Brendan entered her room to tell her to be dressed in her new suite within half an hour. Her new job was waiting.

Ms. Brendan and Donna discussed her work again from the breakfast table, up until the moment the driver parked the car in front of a large office building.

They went in and were greeted by three other women, who were from the board Donna was about to join. Donna fitted right in, she felt, as the women welcomed her enthusiastically, and told her they would help her get going. During the following meeting, where she met the other board members, 7 in total, she found out how much she actually had missed working. The energy she felt when the projects were discussed. She was really lucky to have gotten this job. After the meeting Ms. Brendan left, and Donna was introduced to the whole staff, and shown her own, be it small, office. The day flew by, and before she knew it the driver was already at the lobby to pick her up. A very, very happy Donna walked out of the office building. Life was smiling at her!

The driver brought her home, told her she would have to get to the office with her own car from tomorrow on, and left her with all her bags from the weekend at her own doorstep. Donna entered her own house with a big smile and was greeted by her two daughters. They were a bit disappointed she hadn't bought anything for them, but when they heard about her new job, they all were jumping around with joy. Of course the girls were expecting more money, more gifts, now both their parents were working.

The only awkward moment was when her fresh piercing got stuck in her blouse again, as it had done the whole day, and Donna without thinking opened her blouse to unhook it.

"Mum, you pierced yourself!!"

"And what kind of piercing! A belly-button. Is this the same mom who said she would only allow one piercing in each ear?"

Donna had smiled and told them it was a crazy thing she had done and would probably get rid of asap. She knew that was a lie, but she didn't want them to feel free to get one too.

When Robert called, they were both enthusiastic about their new jobs, and almost couldn't let the other one finish. They laughed a lot together and promised to call every day. Donna was so happy Robert didn't make a fuss about her working. "Must be because Ms. Brendan talked with him about it..." She thought gratefully.

The next days went by in a blur for Donna. She worked long hours to get herself acquainted with her new activities, and was happy Ms. Brendan had her driver pick up the children from school, and even bring them to their after-school activities.

In the weekend she was exhausted but couldn't wait to tell her friends about her new job. And so she had her first all-girl friend meeting in a long time again on Saturday, after her daughters were dropped off at their sports-events.

"Oh, come on, she just gave you the job? No favors?"

"I heard she's a lesbian, that's why I didn't call, I figured you would be busy!!"

They all laughed, happy to see each other again. Donna just left out the weird sexual favors she had done for Ms. Brendan and focused on the new job. She could sense they were jealous.

"And what about the new look?" Vivian, her best friend, asked.

"That's my new business loo," Donna replied. "I am older now, and have to look a bit more sophisticated, and so had my hair done."

"But wait, that's not all!" she continued, "I've been eager to show you girls this from the very beginning." She stood up and lifted her t-shirt.

"A piercing, the sophisticated women got herself a piercing."


"Let me see close up, did it hurt?"

"I want one too! Where did you go?"

Donna was proudly showing everyone her belly piercing. She tied up her t-shirt so it would show from now on. It also stopped it from getting hooked up to her t-shirt, as it did with everything that covered her belly.

"I still wanted to have a bit of the old girl with me, so I decided to have a piercing" Donna explained.

"And what will Robert say?" Vivian asked seriously. She knew, being Donna's best friend, that Robert didn't like that kinky stuff. Not even a small tattoo. He was so focused on his career, and his family had to support him totally in his goals. Piercings, tattoos, kinky stuff, it just didn't fit in that scheme.

"Ah, well, he'll have to get used to it," Donna replied to all.

"I mean, he had taken pictures of me in the nude, remember, this is pay-back time" she whispered privately in Vivian's ear. Smiling Vivian nodded, she knew about the pictures, and thought it fun Donna was trying to use his one-time kinky-ness to get him to go along with the flow.

The rest of the hours the women just drank and chatted. When Donna had to leave to pick up her kids, they all wished her well and they would all meet again at the birthday of Rosy, somewhere next month.

Donna happily went to pick up her kids. "My life really has turned for the better!" She thought as she drove on the highway around the city. "The job, the money, the possibilities, Robert's new assignment..." She thought about the past weekend, "I can live like this, she had said she was going to be hard on me that weekend, so she will probably be less heavy on me from now on." She felt her body, "No more pain from the whip marks, and only the piercing, well..." she looked down at her bare belly "...everybody thinks it is ok I did it, so all I need to do is convince Robert. And find a way to get that thing not to bother me so much when dressed." Her darker thoughts returned as she thought about the weekend. "And if she continues to abuse me like this, I will go for help. I won't let me be taken for a fool." And with that on her mind she hit the gas some more.


Reality came back to her in the form of a phone call Sunday afternoon. She was relaxing on her cough when the phone rang. She reluctantly picked it up.

"Hello, Cutty."

It was Ms. Brendan, and she used the name Cutty. She had not done that in the past week.

"H-hello Ms. Brendan," Donna replied, taken by surprise. She looked around where her daughters were, but luckily they were not in sight.

"Have you enjoyed your week?"

"I have Ms. Brendan, the work is great, the colleagues too. I'm eager to go to work tomorrow."

"Well, that will have to wait. You won't be expected tomorrow morning at work. Instead you will go to my house again. There you will meet you instructor. Follow every order she gives you, and you will be fine. Have a nice day."

Without waiting for a reply Ms. Brendan had hung up, leaving Donna wondering what will happen in the morning. It was now clear to her she had not seen the end of her relationship with Ms. Brendan, as she had silently hoped.


The next morning a nervous Donna approached the mansion of Ms. Brendan. She had called her work to tell them she would be late, and they had confirmed they knew she had some business with Ms. Brendan and would be at work in the afternoon. Next Donna saw to it her daughters went to school with the driver, and after that she had 'worked' on herself. Not knowing what to wear she had dressed in one of her business suites and just made sure her make-up was picture perfect according to the taste of Ms. Brendan.

And now she stood fumbling in front of the mansion. She rang the bell and waited impatiently. A middle-aged woman opened the door, dressed in plain clothing, a long skirt, a stylish sweater, with a colorful shawl, and average high heeled shoes.

"Cutty?" the women asked, obviously expecting her.

"Yes." Donna answered. "That damn nick name," she thought. She had not been called that the last week.

"Hi, I'm Ninon," she held out her hand to Donna.

"Pleased to meet you," Donna said as she shook Ninon's hand.

"Likewise." Ninon said as she closed the door behind her.

"We are not going into the house today," Ninon explained to the surprised Donna. "We're going to hit downtown." And they walked to Donna's car.

"It's chilly, let's get in quickly," Ninon said.

They got in and they left.

"Where to?" Donna asked.

"To the gym down by the 'Big View' terrace. You know where that is?"

"Yes, I do," Donna knew all too well. That was where she first met Ms. Brendan.

"Ok, while you drive let me set up the rules," Ninon said. "Nothing fancy, you just follow what I tell you to do, and you'll be alright."

"I will be your personal coach. When you are not at work, you will be with me most of the time, including at your house."

"Excuse me?" Donna said surprised, "At my house?"

"Don't worry" Ninon smiled, "I won't sleep over. We'll pretend to be best friends. And how long it lasts depends solely on you, Cutty."

"How..." Donna started.

"I told you, you just tell everybody I'm your new friend, Including your daughters. They'll understand you can have new friends, especially now you have new work."

Ninon looked at the disturbed Donna. "You worry way too much. Just go with the flow."

A few moments of silence, which ended as Ninon switched on the radio and pop music filled the air, leaving Donna to her own thoughts.

It was up until they parked the car and were walking up to the gym when Donna finally got a grip on herself again. "What is this intrusion in my life good for?" she asked "I've done what she said. I won't have sex with you, I..."

"Cutty" Ninon stopped her. They stood still in the cold street, "I've been told you would follow my instructions. I've told you a little bit of what is expected of you. If you have any complains, I suggest you discuss them with Ms. Brendan, or whoever you think cab help you. Not with me."

Donna looked at her painfully.

"It is not as bad as it seems. We'll get along quite well. You seem nice and intelligent." Ninon continued, "And it will be to your own advantage too, the stuff you'll learn... Now let's get in, it's cold out here."

Donna followed Ninon into the gym. The warm air greeted them.

"Ok, first simple assignment: subscribe yourself as a member under the name 'Cutty'. Ask for trainer Bill, he's a hunk, you'll like him for sure. You'll need to exercise one hour every week day, to keep in shape."

Ninon signaled Donna to go. Reluctantly Donna walked up to the counter. She did as told and soon 'Cutty' was the latest member of the 'Big View Gym', and Bill was her personal trainer.

"What time?" Ninon asked.

"Every day from 7 till 8" Donna shighed.

"Leave the sighing for when he's busy with you. He's harsh!" she pulled Donna outside into the cold again, "To the car, we need to have some coffee. Warm coffee."


Donna found herself drinking coffee in one of the lesser parts of town. She felt rather uncomfortable sitting in her business suite at a cheap table, in a dark bar. The other guests were all kind of low life. Some drunks, some whores, pimps, the down side of society.

When the coffee had warmed them a bit Ninon explained why they were here.

"Look around, especially at the ladies of the night." She said. "Not too obvious, you silly girl!" she laughed as Donna went looking around right away. "You are already out of place here with your fancy suite."

"What I want you to look at is the way they act," She said as Donna looked around less obvious. "Look at their behavior, how they walk, how they flaunt. Observe for a while, it's fun to see how they lure a costumer inside."

Donna did as told. Shy at first, she indeed became intrigued with the whole game that played around them.

"It's like a live dirty movie, isn't it?" Ninon said as she finished her coffee.

"It's fun to watch, but no more." Donna said. "I couldn't sit here all day."

"We're not, look by the way, here's my card, with cell phone number, than you can call me anytime. I have yours already, so don't bother." She said as she handed her card.

Next she order another round of coffee, and then looked at Donna again.

"You are a pretty one, Ms. Brendan does have taste, I must admit." She signaled Donna to be quiet. "What I will teach you is how to be more attractive to the male side. I will teach you how to flirt. It's weird, but you'd be surprised how much you can learn in flirting, and how much you can use it to your own advantage. Men are so weak.

"Here," she waved her arms around, "The ultimate seductions take place. The women are not drop dead gorgeous, but the ones good in seduction manage to get their men anyway." She bent over to Donna and said, "That brunette one over there, skinny as hell, she's already with her third customer!"

Donna had noticed that girl, woman. And indeed, she was good. They both observed her for a while.

"Now I will teach you how to flirt like that, even better. I will teach you how to flirt with low-lifes, average, and even upper-class men. There's not too much difference, but then flirting is all about detail."

"Let's start with a simple question: what is crucial for a successful seduction?" Ninon asked. Donna looked at her, wondering what exactly to answer.

"Good looks?" she tried. She was actually not very interested in a lecture about flirting, and especially not in this cheap bar.

"No, confidence. Confidence makes the look, the look attracts the man, and the rest is a piece of cake. But to have that confidence..."

And from thereon she was lectured into the finer arts of flirting, seducing men. They had lunch at the same place, and after the first 'lesson' she was told to drop Ninon at the center, and she could go to work.


From there on a routine developed, where Ninon would teach her how to flirt. First she explained all the theory behind it, next Ninon had her observe the various ways of flirting. They visited different places, from upper class bars down to a whore house. They did not enter in the latter, but Ninon and Donna did chat with some of the women.

Annoying for Donna was the fact that Ninon also invaded her home. She did about everything except sleeping in her house. And although Ninon was really not an obnoxious person to be with, Donna felt she was deliberately invading her personal space.

Her daughters didn't mind so much and they even liked Ninon. Especially as she gave them money all the time to go someplace else. Somehow Donna did not have the strength to object these actions. It just gradually crept up on her. First is was going to fetch a pizza, ice cream, but eventually she had the girls out of the house for hours.

And when they were away, her flirting practice began. Also her composure was dealt with. At first slowly, just making faces in front of a mirror (which was actually fun), but soon, it involved the way she was standing, moving around. She was thought the various ways of walking, the slut walk, the sophisticated bitch, the average intelligent women.

Next the way she was dressed was discussed, how she could introduce some signs to the men.

The first weekend she barely saw her kids. A demanding Ninon made her practice in front of her mirrors all the ways to flirt. Though she had to admit Ninon had a good sense of humor, and they laughed a lot. It made it less demanding, but still at times Donna questioned herself why she was not doing anything about it.

"The simple answer is that I like the new job, the money, and am afraid of the consequences when I expose myself. I will lose everything and it will be pretty embarrassing," Donna explained to her self. "So Ninon is not that bad, not compared to that awful first weekend with Ms. Brendan."

The second week Ninon took her to practice flirting with men out in the open. She herself showed how to get a free drink in a bar, how to get a man to talk to her, and next she expected Donna to do the same. Donna was not that inexperienced in flirting but going out with the sole purpose of flirting was something she had not done since she was a teenager. And on top of that, she was married now! But Ninon managed to get her to go along, and the whole week they challenged each other by testing their skills on better looking men, and younger men. "The loser has to buy his own drink." Ninon had remarked while laughing.


As for her work, Donna enjoyed it more and more. She got respect from her colleagues by the way she picked up all the things they showed her, and by the end of the next week she felt she was ready to be of real value to the team. How challenging!

That second weekend Robert would come back, and it was actually the first time since the dreadful weekend they would see each other, and so much had happened. Friday night Donna sat wondering, after another long night out and dead tired, what had happened to her normal life. She realized now with Robert arriving she had some explaining to do, first of all her piercing, that would be a very, very nasty discussion she feared. But also her new friend Ninon, and the way they had gone out. Not that she had spent so much money, but she did neglect the children. And though they didn't mind, she knew Robert did not approve of her leaving them alone. "Teenagers are more open to bad influences, so we need to protect them against that as much as possible."

Donna worried what she would do if he told her to get rid of the piercing? Or not to go out with Ninon? She would love to follow his instructions, but Ms. Brendan would not like that, and making her angry would end their happy life. A real fight with Robert too...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Of course it’s bloody fiction

It’s utterly moronic fiction but still fiction.

The best fantasy stories have elements of realism, readers are supposed to be able to empathise with the characters. To that end this fictional travesty would be better served if the evil cunt Ms Brendan would write a letter to the police explaining her actions and accomplices, then chain herself inside the bottom of a 10ft deep tank of water (full obviously) with a padlock to secure said chains for each chapter to date. The keys along with a written copy of her torture of Donna, plus apology, and legal papers to transfer every asset she owns to Robert and Donna. THAT would be a reasonable ending.//

Of course that won’t happen because the author has the means to write the most fucked up fantasy they can think of because it’s not real. It would be reprehensible to do this to someone in real life but it’s ONLY a fantasy it’s not as if any women are exploited, victimised, degraded, dehumanised, raped and abused everyday, forced into being fucktoys for the monsters of our world......writing this shit is glorifying human trafficking compounded by the mental abuse Stockholm Syndrome coming right up.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Worried about her daughters

Ms. Brendan is one sadistic person. All day on Sunday while Donna was getting raped over and over again by both women she was not allowed to eat anything except for drinking a couple of glasses of water. That's not the way to keep a slave healthy and willing to do the bidding of others. I am totally surprised that Donna was ok with her beatings on Monday morning. Oh well, it is a fantasy but there has to be some reality to make the story somewhat believable. A beatings that she got would leave quite a few welts that would take days to heal (even with oil and ointments from the driver). I could only imagine what excruciating pain the driver went through. Now, Ninon is teaching Donna how to flirt. I think Robert is going to be tough to convince but he is kind of clueless of what is going on for now. Her daughters hopefully will not be turned out by Ms. Brendan.

johsunjohsunover 5 years ago
It's a Story

Fiction people. Not real.

Wouldn't have minded more detail in the different flirting methods though. Would be fun to watch and see how different women did it. - Or is that fiction too?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Sending teens out for hours at a time

Is stupid AND dangerous. Why not have them pregnant, kidnapped or turned into the town mattress?

It’s a god story but neglecting kids is stupid and have consequences on their lives. I don’t care if you turn the mom into a blubbering, heroin addict that services homeless men for their bottle none, leave kids out of it. Because as sure as shit stinks, those teens will get fucked up because they’re never at home.

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