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Cutty Ch. 28

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The First Body Modifications.
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Part 28 of the 38 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/05/2019
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The First Body Modifications

"Wake-up, Donna!"

Donna woke up shivering from the cold. She rocked back and forth a bit in her bondage before she was totally back into the real world. The pain in her vagina was still there, still intense.

The muscles of her arm ached having been strung up to the ceiling for hours. Her back hurt from being bend over, and her legs were cramped from being folded for so long. As she moved, Donna heard the chain around her neck rattle softly.

"It's chilly in here, don't you think?" Ninon asked.

She stood fully clothed in a dark blue business suit that featured long warm pants beside the naked Donna. Donna moaned in quiet misery; she couldn't do anything else.

Ninon took the remote and lowered Donna's arms. Next, she removed the leather straps from Donna's wrists.

Donna gratefully slumped forward on the bed, trying to stretch stiff and sore muscles, rolling into the warm thick blankets.

Ninon stepped away to return the bondage straps back to the drawer.

Ninon turned back to Donna and remarked: "Now don't get all used to that, Donna, you have to shower, and get ready for the dentist."

Donna had just been making her way into bed.

Ninon walked up to the bed and clapped her hands like a parent getting a balky child up and out. "Up, up, up."

Donna felt like a little girl who didn't want to go to school. It felt so good in the warm linen. She tried to make her exit from the warm bed as slow as she could. The warm pillows and blankets were so inviting!

But Donna knew better than to refuse. With a sigh she hopped out of bed.

"Stand up straight." Ninon ordered.

Donna stretched herself into position. As she did, the chain still around her neck clattered off the bed.

Ninon touched her face, inspecting the bruises left by last night's punishment.

"It doesn't look too bad," Ninon looked Donna over quickly, "but we'll see better after you're cleaned up."

Ninon loosened the chain and tugged. "Let's go to the bathroom."

Donna remembered last night's 'lessons' and walked behind Ninon, her head humbly downward.

On the way to the bathroom, Ninon made her kneel and stand several times. Testing if Donna still "remembered her lessons", as Ninon put it.

Ninon attached the chain to the drain below the sink.

"Shower and take an enema, brush your teeth. Be ready when I return." Ninon told the shivering Donna.

"Yes, Mrs. Bondain," Donna replied and Ninon left her alone.

Donna quickly turned on the hot water to get rid of the cold. The room had grown terribly cold and uncomfortable through the night and the cold had crept deep into her bones.

As the shower warmed up, Donna switched into her plastic high heeled slippers and collected the enema kit from under the sink. For a short moment she looked at the humiliating chain that Ninon had secured there. Untying it would cause so much trouble she knew, but not doing so was so...

"It's so humiliating! Would any other woman allow herself to be trapped so easily?"

Donna got the kit ready.

"I've been turned into a will-less person. Whipped inside my vagina, of all places. Left in the cold, tied, and now chained in my own bathroom."

Donna tested the shower water; it was almost ready.

"Like a slave! And now even being told to get myself ready for the next ordeal. And I'm actually doing it!" She shook her head. "If I fight now, what they will do to my family? Let alone I'll be in for a hell of a beating. Yet if I don't, I will surrender any self-esteem that I might have left."

Donna looked at herself in the mirror as steam filled the room, warming her and fogging the mirror.

"What would another woman do in my place? How many females have they subjected to their treatment already? They seem to know what I'm going to do even before I do. If I reluctantly go along, they'll just raise the bar; if I don't, they have some terrible consequence ready for me."

Donna felt her sore nether lips. Even walking hurt. And her vagina was leaking juices in reaction to the pain.

"This is just not normal..."

Donna had the kit ready and lubricated the nozzle with some soap before inserting it into her ass. She couldn't look into the mirror anymore. She had become too ashamed of her own actions to be able to watch what she was doing herself.

"There must be a way out of this," she thought. "But how? How ...?"

Donna lifted the filled enema bag up in the air and bent down on the cold floor, ass in the air. The chain links clinked as they tapped the floor tiles. Donna closed her eyes.

"Just do it," she told herself and inserted the nozzle carefully into her sore asshole.

Donna opened the tap to let the fluid run into her body. The warm liquid felt good. It warmed her up inside out, and she found herself enjoying it for as long as possible.

After a few warm minutes, Donna stepped over to the toilet, and removed the tube.

"Well, that's over," she told herself thought as she whipped her ass clean, flushed the toilet, returned the kit into the sink, and drained it in water to clean.

She pushed aside the shower curtain and reveled in the wall of steam it released. She adjusted the water a bit colder and stepped into the shower. The chain around her neck pulled at her, reminding her of its existence.

The hot shower finally warmed her up; she loved it. But her itch increased where the warm water flowed along her labia and ass-crack. The soothing gel that the doctor had given her was used up, she remembered.

"I should see the doctor before heading to Robert's parents," she told herself. "Or maybe when I'm at the party at Ms. Brendan's, the doctor will be there, and she can get me some more gel."

It was a strange experience to feel her vagina throb from both pain and being inflamed and itchy at the same time. It was the same weird feeling as an itching healing wound.

She gently scratched herself by inserting a soapy finger in her ass and a wet one in her pussy. The nails did their work, but she knew it would be only temporary. If she continued, she would make the irritation worse and perhaps even do herself harm.

"I'll just have to endure the itch for as long as I possibly can. Maybe it will ease off a bit as the day goes on."

But she feared it wouldn't and Donna didn't want to think of the torture it would bring.

"I'll have to block it out of my mind. If I pay attention to it, focus on it, it'll only get worse."

Out of curiosity she sat down to inspect her vagina. She wanted to know what damage had been done. Donna had to be very careful as her labia were extremely sensitive; every small touch caused her to stiffen from the pain.

Outwardly, apart from some swelling, everything appeared to be normal. She tried to stretch her lips outward to have a peek inside, but it was not doable. The pain became too much, and so she left things as they were. Regardless, it was clear to her she had been beaten raw there.

Donna did shave herself, be it very gingerly, stretching the painful skin as little as possible. It took therefore much longer than usual, and Donna experienced it as akin to a long torture session.

She told herself that she must do whatever it took to avoid a whipping like that in the future. Not only was the whipping awful, but she began to understand that the aftermath of being whipped so savagely was even worse. Walking hurt, shaving hurt, and she didn't want to think of using a dildo as masturbating with her fingers alone was already agonizingly painful.

After the shower, Donna picked up a fresh towel and dried herself thoroughly. She felt her skin where she had been whipped. It was still sore, even the skin on her face.

She wiped the fog from the mirror to look at herself. She saw some light marks on her body where she had been whipped, but not too much. Only her arms bore clear red stripes.

"At least it doesn't show too much," she sighed with relief.

Donna cleaned the enema kit, dried it, and stashed it back under the sink.

"Until tomorrow..." she told herself with some remorse.

Looking at the kit made her aware again of her itch and she quickly forced herself to think of something else. She hung her towel and was ready.

She looked at the door and listened to see if she could hear Ninon in her bedroom, but there was nothing. Donna didn't know what to do so she just waited. It was maybe the most humiliating thing that she had done up to now.

She was actually waiting, chained to a sink; fully aware that she could simply untie herself. But she didn't. Instead, she simply stood there in her own bathroom, waiting for Ninon to tell her what to do next. She didn't even dare sit down.

"What would other woman do? Go to the police? Run away with the whole family?" she asked herself.

"Doing something right now is not an option. But I don't think I can even plan my escape anymore. The new schedule is too intense. Or should I do something this weekend when the family is together and away from Ms. Brendan? If we are out of town, are we out of her reach?"

The latter thought made Donna wake up to her situation.

"The situation is as bad as it gets. I need to take drastic actions. When we're flying to Robert's parents, I'll explain everything to them. We can just hide for a while and call the police."

The solution was so simple Donna wondered why she hadn't thought of it before. But as she was thinking up ways to disappear a new thought dawned.

"They'll expect it. Ms. Brendan will anticipate that I'm going to try to escape with the whole family."

Donna looked at the door again.

"I must be careful, very careful. Maybe even planning the escape just on my own, and without explaining it first to my family, force them into a cab and drive away suddenly. Switching cars, making sure no one follows us..."

"You're ready?" Ninon had opened the door and looked at Donna.

"Perfect," she complimented when she saw her standing, waiting for her.

Donna noticed herself smile automatically at the compliment.

"Get a grip on yourself," she reprimanded herself. "It wasn't anything difficult to do and you're embarrassing yourself because you did just what you were told to do."

Ninon walked in and took Donna's face by her chin with one hand. She moved her face sideways, inspecting the bruises. Next she looked at her shoulders, breasts, for bruises, touching them roughly, and checking Donna's face for her response.

"Turn" she instructed, and Donna turned, showing her back.

She felt Ninon's hand running across the marks on her back.

"Ouch!" Donna said when Ninon pushed too hard on one of them.

"Shhh." Ninon warned.

"Turn back to me," Ninon ordered when she was finished with Donna's back.

Like a little wind-up doll, Donna turned, facing her tormentor again. Ninon grabbed her arms and inspected them.

"Ok, so here you have the most visible marks." she said, "Not that bad - luckily. We'll put some ointment on the marks and by the afternoon most of them will be gone."

Ninon unhooked the chain from the sink, and walked out of the room, Donna padding silently behind.

"No make-up today as you'll also have your skin done," Ninon explained, as she steered Donna to the dressing table.

With a tug on the chain, she forced Donna to sit down in front of the mirror. Ninon sat on the bed.

"Apply the soothing oil." Ninon instructed.

Donna saw the bottle standing on the table and did as she had been told. She avoided looking at the mirror as much as possible, but for her back, and for the total picture she had to.

She saw herself sitting, with a chain around her neck which trailed out of the view of the mirror to her trainer. Totally naked apart from the plastic high-heeled pumps, whip marks on her body, Donna hated the image.

Rubbing the soothing ointment into her skin made her think of the gel that was finished.

She forced herself with difficulty to block it out of her mind again.

"Now you're finished; you'll dress," Ninon said when Donna had applied the ointment to all marks as best as she could. "Just wear something according to the rules."

Ninon held the chain in her hand, inviting Donna to go to the closet to pick something out.

Donna knew this was another trick. She hadn't read all the rules yet, and even if she had, this was an odd situation. It wasn't work, it wasn't a party, it wasn't going out, it wasn't being at home. She didn't know what to wear.

She walked up to the closet and thought hard; "Okay, I have to go to the dentist and then to a clinic so I don't go overboard with the fetish wear, but I can go sexy. And short. I'll be inside most of the time. No underwear, that's easy ... maybe a short skirt... "

Donna fumbled through her closet as she tried to guess what would be best.

"What will satisfy Ninon? And Ms. Brendan?" Donna shuddered at the thought.

Luckily most of her clothes were gone now so only 'approved' clothing was left. She decided on a blouse with a deep v-cut that showed a lots of breast. And a skirt that could only be called 'tiny'.

She would have to endure the cold nearly naked but she was pretty sure the outfit would please her tormentors.

As for shoes, she noticed the chain was too short and she couldn't reach to them. She looked back at Ninon, who just smiled back at her. Donna sighed.

"Mrs. Bondain, please, can you allow me a bit more chain so I can grab my shoes?"

"You don't ask standing, now do you?" Ninon corrected.

Donna fell to her knees, and repeated the question, frustrated, suppressing her will to rebel. "Mrs. Bondain, please, can you allow me a bit more chain so I can grab my shoes?"

"Okay," Ninon replied, and inched a bit towards Donna but remained on the bed.

Donna tried to reach for the shoes but could only reach if she pulled hard against the chain, forcing her to choke herself a bit.

"Just like a damn dog," Donna cursed to herself as she managed to reach the shoes she needed. "She has me pulling at the chain just like a damn dog!"

Angry as she was, Donna had her wits about her enough to thank Ninon once she had grabbed the shoes; "Thank you, Mrs. Bondain."

"Pose," Ninon commanded after Donna slipped into her shoes.

Donna posed in the way she was taught yesterday, even turning around to give Ninon a full view of her outfit. She ended with a submissive look on her face. Donna hoped the outfit and her little performance would get Ninon's approval.

"Good." was Ninon's only remark.

She got up and pulled Donna behind her, out of the room.

Donna wondered if she had worried too much about what to wear. Had she overdone it with the short skirt? Maybe she could have gone with the business suit?

"I'm totally lost. My biggest fear is coming true; they have me torturing myself!"

Meanwhile Ninon led Donna downstairs to the kitchen, where she tied Donna's chain to the sink again.

"Make some breakfast for us." Ninon instructed and left the room.

Donna heard Ninon in another room making phone calls while she boiled some eggs and set the table. When Ninon returned, she was standing beside the sink and the table was ready.

"Good," Ninon said, "from now on, you eat standing up as per your new rules."

With that, Ninon sat down and started to eat while reading the newspaper. Donna at first hesitated a bit. The new unknown rule worried her.

"Am I now forced to eat breakfast standing up while everyone else sits down? How will Robert react? He likes it when the whole family sits down to eat together. How do I explain it to him?"

Donna moved towards the table, her vagina aching with every move.

"I must read as much of the rules as possible. I must look for ways to get around them, find loopholes... Or else Robert will find out, and... But what am I saying? This weekend I'll end this charade, we'll run off, and I'll tell him everything. No more rules from thereon."

Donna took a slice of bread and some marmalade. As she took little bites, she glanced at Ninon reading the paper.

"Unless they have found some way to stop me. But how? Once I'm out of town they can't control me, can they?"

Donna's mind whirled in uncertainty, wondering what Ms. Brendan and Ninon were up to.

Ninon finished eating.

"Time to go," she said as she looked at her cell for the time. "Or else we'll be late. Traffic can be killing at this hour."

"Clean up quickly." Ninon ordered and stood up and walked out of the kitchen to the closet.

Donna quickly cleaned up the table and put the dirty dishes in the sink. Just as she finished, Ninon came back into the kitchen and unhooked the chain from the sink, leading Donna to the closet on her 'leash'.

When Donna had her coat on, Ninon finally removed the chain and hung it in the closet.

"For future use," she said with a smile.

Donna meekly smiled back, happy the humiliating chain was off.

But her ordeal was far from over. They went outside into the cold and Donna shivered as her bare legs came into contact with the cold wind. Ninon led her slowly to her car, parked in the driveway. It gave the cold enough time to take hold of Donna's body and she was shivering badly by the time they reached the car.

In the meantime, Donna noticed a few neighbors watching her walk, either from their front windows or from the car they were driving. She could see them wondering about her appearance. Donna knew that she looked like a slut. Her legs bare in high heels, a short fur coat, only the make-up was missing.

No one greeted her and everyone turned their eyes as she looked at them. But she could feel their gaze as she herself looked down in embarrassment. This would be the talk of the town this coming weekend, she knew for sure;

"Did you see Donna Alldring in that whorish fur coat, the high heels.", "Her husband is away for work and she immediately abuses the situation. She's such a slut.", "I never would have guessed she would cheat on poor Robert like that.", "Well even so, I'm ready to shag her good if she needs it!"

Happy she finally got into the car, away from any more judging looks. It had begun, she was becoming an outcast in the neighborhood.

"Buckle up," Ninon said as she reversed down the driveway to the street.

When she had the car moving on the road, she started to speak again.

"We'll go to the dentist's, who will whiten your teeth and add a small diamond. Next, your skin will get its first treatment. Over time, you will have more of these treatments, but the first ones are always the heaviest. So be prepared, it will be painful."

Donna nodded when Ninon briefly looked at her for a response: "Yes, Mrs. Bondain."

"And by now you have a feel of how tough the new schedule and rules will be. It will need your full attention at all times. No more wondering about other silly things for now, just focus on following the rules, following your therapy."

Donna looked at Ninon, trying to hide her shock. "Is she reading my mind or something?"

"Yes," Ninon smiled as she saw the surprised look. "I know you have been thinking about how to get out of this situation.

"That's only normal. It would be crazy if you didn't. Why do you think I let you wait, chained, so many times, only to hurry now? You needed some time to think and go over your situation, to think of ways to get out. Knowing how bad the situation has gotten for you."

Donna looked at Ninon who looked at the road. She knew she was about to hear how they expect to control her.

"We just want you to know that we know you'll try to escape this weekend. What you'll do is always something we bet on. Go to the police, run away with the family, come back to fight us. It always involves telling all to the husband, the family. It's funny how behavior can be predicted so easily."

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