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Cynthia's Business Trips

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She felt that what she did away from home didn't matter.
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My wife Cynthia could be the poster girl for Overachievers of The World. Grade school, high school, college and in the world of business Cyn just had to be at the top of the heap or life just wasn't worth living. She managed to get there with the first three and she is working hard to get there in business.

Cyn is the highest grossing sales representative in her company. Her goal is to remain the top performer until she becomes the Vice President of Sales and then she has her sights set on becoming the company CEO. Cyn's territory covers most of three states and as a result she is gone on two and three day sales trips several times a month. I'm not too happy about it, but I'm living with it as best I can. I figure that it is the price I have to pay just to have Cyn in the first place. That I do have her is a miracle, at least to me. I am her complete opposite. Where she is drop dead gorgeous I'm a little on the plain side; where she is the hard charging over-achiever I am the original "go with the flow" guy and where she was the brainy one I was the quintessential jock. We meet at a fraternity mixer in college and just seemed to stay together after that.

We don't really need the money that Cyn is so obsessed with making, but she always tells me that the money isn't important, it is just the way to keep score - the total points needed to make it to the next plateau in her drive to become the CEO. That is another thing that is different about us. She works hard to be a success and I became successful through sheer dumb luck. My brother started up a dot com, talked me into investing and then told me when to get out. I made an obscene amount of money on the deal and I used some of it to by a small machine shop that made parts for the aerospace industry. One day I was watching a machinist at work and I made a suggestion on a different way to do it. He did and then suggested that I get a patent on the idea. I did and more money flowed in. We had more than enough that Cyn could have had anything that her heart desired, but what Cyn's heart desired was to be the CEO.

I got a call from a good friend that had been a frat brother in college. He ran a plant just outside Kansas City and he wanted to throw some business my way. Cyn was on a sales trip to Denver and I didn't have anything better to do so I caught a flight and went to visit Ron. He met my flight and we went out and toured his plant. He showed me what he wanted, I told him we could do it, we signed a contract and then we went to dinner at a popular steak house. The restaurant was just off the bar and the two of them were separated by a wall that had several glass windows in it. We had just ordered when there was a burst of loud laughter from he bar and I glanced that way and my jaw dropped. Sitting at a table with seven black men and another white woman was Cyn. Ron noticed the look on my face and turned to see where I was looking.

"She is something, isn't she?"

"Do you know her?"

"No, but I'd like to. The problem is that I'm not black."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I see her in here once or twice a month, always with a crowd of blacks, and when she leaves she always has five or six with her. The word is that she is a gangbang queen. They say she is married to some rich guy and fakes business trips to meet her lovers. How would you like being married to a slut like that?"

How indeed I thought, how indeed.

I had a lot to think about on my flight home. I was having a hard time believing that Cyn was cheating on me, let alone her being a gangbang girl for blacks. I really had nothing to go on except hearsay from Ron, but there was the fact that Cyn was supposed to be in Denver, that she had been in the bar with a bunch of blacks and that she had left with six of them. There could be a perfectly good explanation of course. Denver is just a short commuter hop from Kansas City and her plans could have changed, but the last I knew Kansas City was not in her territory. That could have changed of course and she might have even mentioned it to me and I just missed it. And there is nothing that says you can't have black customers or that you can't socialize with them. After all, isn't that what I was doing with Ron? No, Cyn must have had a legitimate reason for being there.

It was a day later when Cyn came home. "How was your trip?"

"Exhausting. It was great from a sales point of view, but trying to convince a bunch of dumbshits to buy from you what they know they need anyway gets to be tiring after a while."

"Have you eaten yet?"

"No, but that's not what I really want. I've been gone three days. Three days without a stiff one. Take me to bed baby and give me a good fuck."

No, Ron had to be wrong.

Funny thing about human nature. Even though you just know that you "Know" once doubt is planted it grows and grows until you find out that you absolutely have to "Know For Sure." Cyn's need for sex wore me out that night, but as exhausted as she had gotten me I still couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned, stared at the walls and ceiling and pictured Cyn lying naked on a bed with her legs spread wide and making "come here" gestures to a room full of faceless black men. In the morning over breakfast I casually asked Cyn if Kansas City was her territory. I saw alarm in her eyes and then she said, "No, Kansas City belongs to Dave, why?"

"Just a thought. I have to fly over for some business and I thought that if it was your territory we could have gone together."

"Well I'd like to go because I've never been to Kansas City, but it's not mine."

I sat there looking at her as I thought about something a lawyer friend had once told me, "Never ask a question that you don't already know the answer to, and never ask a question that you don't want to know the answer to."

He handed me the cardboard box and his invoice and I wrote him out a check for his services. He folded the check and put it away and then he said, "I'm sorry. Every once in a while I get sent on a wild goose chase and I really wish that this had been one of them."

"No more that I Mr. Spalding, no more than I."

The detective left and I sat there looking at a box containing a month's worth of things that I really did not want to know. He had followed Cyn to Salt Lake City, Denver, Dallas-Fort Worth and Kansas City. He had bribed desk clerks, bell captains, maids and room service waiters to gain access to Cyn's hotel rooms where he had planted mini cameras and microphones and the product was in the box on my desk. I told my secretary that I was leaving for the day and I went on home. Cyn was in Dallas-Fort Worth and I had the house to myself. I made myself a stiff drink and plopped down on the couch and began watching tapes.

I watched as Cyn deep throated a nine inch black cock and then fuck nine black men during her last trip to Dallas, taking them in all three holes and all the while begging them to fuck her harder. Kansas City only produced six cocks for her, but she kept them busy for hours. In Denver her hotel room was pretty crowded with eleven men, all black, trying to find a place to sit or stand while they waited for her to get around to them. Salt Lake City was almost a let down and I'm sure that she was disappointed. There were only three blacks, but I suppose that's not too surprising given the low amount of blacks in Utah. But what they lacked in numbers they more than made up for in enthusiasm. For the first time I saw Cyn take three cocks at once, one in each hole, and it was also the first time I heard her scream out, "Cum in me baby, cum in me and make a baby, make your white slut pregnant." When I went to bed that night I didn't know what to think, what to do or where my life was headed.

Cyn was already home from her latest trip when I got home from work the next day. She was waiting for me in high heels and a black see through nightgown. "I almost called you to ask you to come home early. God but I've missed you. I need you baby, I need you right now."


"Why what?"

"What makes me so special that you miss me so much when you are gone, gets you all horny thinking about me and has you panting for me as soon as you get home?"

"It's called love baby. Pure absolute unadulterated love for you."

"Forgive me if I find that just a little hard to believe."

"What's baby, what's the matter?"

"Nothing much Cyn. I just wonder when you stopped being my wife and became a whore."

"What are you talking about?"

"Go in the living room Cyn. Watch the tape that's in the VCR and see if you can figure it out."

I left her standing there and went to the bar and made myself a stiff drink and then I went into my study and slammed the door behind me.

An hour later Cyn came in and sat down on the couch.

"Where did you get those?"

"From a very expensive private detective."


"Because my trip to Kansas City had already taken place when I asked you if it was your territory and while I was there I saw you in the bar with your herd of blacks and yet you told me that you had never been to Kansas City. Kind of made me wonder about you and now I don't have to wonder about you anymore."

"What is it that made you wonder if I stopped being your wife?"

"Wives, at least good ones don't do to their husbands what you did to me."

"Bullshit! I didn't do anything to you. We have been married six years now and I have been loving and affectionate and have never given you any reason not to be happy with me. Can you point to anything - one single thing - during the past six years that showed me to anything less than a loving and devoted wife? No you can't! And yet what you saw on those tapes has been going on all those six years. Hell, it was going on when I met you and it went on all during our courtship. Do I do it around here where it might come out and embarrass you? No I don't and I never would. I can't help it that I'm hung up on black cocks and gangbangs. Its as much an addiction to me as being on drugs and if I go for any length of time without it I go crazy. It has been that way for me ever since high school and it fills a need in me that I can't satisfy any other way. But it has never, not once, got in the way of my feelings for you and it hasn't cost you a thing except in the ego department. You still get all the sex you can handle so you've lost nothing there. I give you so much love and affection that sometimes you even push me away so you've lost nothing there. So tell me, just what has what I've been doing cost you?"

"How am I supposed to be able to look at you anymore after watching you beg a nigger to come in you and make you pregnant?"

"Oh grow up and don't use the "N" word, it's beneath you. There isn't a chance in hell that I'm going to get pregnant by a black man. I always make sure that it's the wrong time of the month and that I always have my diaphragm, my sponge and a gallon of spermicide with me. I say those things because that's what turns them on. Just like I always have to say, "Give me that huge black cock even if it's only the size of a cocktail weenie. I say what I do to stroke their egos and to keep them charged up. It means nothing."

"That doesn't change the fact that you are a whore."

Cyn looked me right in the eye and said, "Yes I am. I'm also the best piece of ass that you have ever had and the best thing that ever happened to you. I also have to say that you are the best thing that ever happened to me. If you want to let something that shouldn't matter a hill of beans get in the way of my love for you I can't stop you. But you need to know that I'm not going to beg you to forgive me for doing something that only hurt your ego. I'm not going to say forgive me and I will promise to never do it again because I will. There is an old saying that half a loaf is better than none; you have ninety-eight percent of a loaf and that's more than most men will ever have in a lifetime. I love you and I want to be with you forever. You just have to make up your mind as to whether you want to be with me."

Cyn just made Vice President of Sales and is now within sight of her goal of becoming CEO. I have come to terms with what she does. I practice "out of sight, out of mind" and it seems to be working, at least for now. I have no desire to watch her with other men, nor do I wish to hear about it when she comes home. I'm not going to pretend that when she gets home that I don't think about what she did while she was gone, I just settle for the fact that she is with me and that she seems to want to be there. But I worry. I worry a lot.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 days ago

*****Busman196393 months ago

It’s a good story but in reality he should have just dumped her for the peace of mind.**** Not for his peace of mind, but is the RIGHT thing to do.

AnonymousAnonymous19 days ago

So the point of your story is that if the sex is great anything is allowed and forgiven. Fine stay single you can still have sex if you can stomach it and she doesn’t need to travel, problem solve and no need to write the story.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Well, he is free to fuck as many women as he likes. So long as he is discreet. He can belittle his fat white lazy pig wife. He can talk up the much tighter Latina, Black, Asian pussies. According to her own logic, he is free to fuck them all. He should never apologize nor stop. And since women can attract men with just looks, and most men need money and status....I'm sure she won't mind him using their accounts to fund it. No big deal.

I'm sure he'll become addicted to younger pussy too. Men love the chase after all. It will only hurt her ego. He can spend more time at the gym and being stylish. Since he no longer has to five her 100%, just 98%. Or whatever the real value is. And since she has a leg up on him, even if she quits... he just has to sample ladies for an extra 6 years. Fair is fair.

Busman19639Busman196393 months ago

It’s a good story but in reality he should have just dumped her for the peace of mind.

NitpicNitpic3 months ago

What is the point of expensively confirming something you know and then do nothing about it.?The wimp should start protecting his interests and then dump the slut because that is what she is. Also I am surprised that with the amount of cock she is getting she hasn't picked up a STD.

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