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D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F. Ch. 11

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Kicking the hornet's nest.
4.9k words

Part 12 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 01/20/2023
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DLLIGAF #11 - Kicking the hornet's nest

The names are fictional to protect the guilty. All sex scenes are between consenting adults. No animals were harmed in the writing of this story. I along with Microsoft spell/ grammar check are responsible for the mistakes herein. I write for my pleasure and hope that you enjoy the read. This is the 11 th chapter in this story. If you haven't read the previous chapter(s), then there may be some subject material herein that may not make sense to you. There is not a lot of sex in this chapter, so if you are not interested progress of the plot, then this chapter won't be your cup of tea. Please leave feedback and rate my story. If you like it Thanks, if you don't "DILLIGAF".

I am thoroughly enjoying life as a throuple. I have never been happier. My life is as full as it has ever been. I have two beautiful, intelligent, engaging women that love me and I love them with all my heart. We share our lives, our love, our hearts, our dreams, our passions. The long and winding road with all its bumps, bruises, and pains has been worth it to be where I am. During our weekly throuple's conference, we talk about anything and everything that we like and things that bother us. We come to a resolution, it may not be everything that we want but it is something that we can live with and move on.

The girls have worked out an intimate schedule and it appears to be working. On nights that I am not involved with the actual intimate time, I still am there with them in the bed with loving caresses and enjoy the view. I still get cuddles when it is time to sleep. It is seldom that I do not go to sleep sexually satisfied. We share the household chores. We maintain a minimal PDA attitude at the office. We haven't come out as a throuple yet, but we don't hide our feelings out in public. We hold hands and have arms around each other and kiss without concerns.

About a week into the new year, I get a call form Jaqueline Swatter. She wants to give me an update on the cases. She wants me to come to her office tomorrow morning first thing if possible. I let the girls know I have a meeting tomorrow morning at 0930. When I arrive at her office.

Jackie's PA smiles and tells me, "Go ahead Ms. Swatter is ready for you."

She gets up and opens the door to Jaqueline's office.

She asks, "Do you need anything to drink?"

I shake my head. Jaqueline points to the table where we ate lunch before. I sit before a table covered in documents. They are many piles neatly stacked of varying thickness.

She asks, "Do you know what you are looking at?" pointing to the table.

I shake my head.

"These are the result of your divorce."

My eyes bug and my mouth drops open.

She says, "Close your fly trap. I just wanted to show you how much work I have put in on your behalf. This represents about half of the work as compared to your many referrals."

She laughs.

"On Christmas day, the following documents were delivered:

To your wife, divorce papers, a letter of intent to enforce the pre-nuptial agreement to the fullest extent, a lawsuit for alienation of affection, and a subpoena for a listing of all of her assets, all bank accounts, safety deposit boxes, real estate, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, Marketable securities, Cash, business interests, and any other physical possessions that might be in a relative's name that she might control."

"Tom Osborne was served a lawsuit for alienation of affection, and a subpoena for a listing of all of assets, all bank accounts, safety deposit boxes, real estate, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, Marketable securities, Cash, business interests, and any other physical possessions including those in the name of wife, children, and pets or any relatives of which his name appears."

"Robert Gray was served a lawsuit for alienation of affection, and a subpoena for a listing of all of assets, all bank accounts, safety deposit boxes, real estate, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, Marketable securities, Cash, business interests, and any other physical possessions including those in the name of wife, children, and pets or any relatives of which his name appears."

"Mike Hardessy was served a lawsuit for alienation of affection, and a subpoena for a listing of all of assets, all bank accounts, safety deposit boxes, real estate, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, Marketable securities, Cash, business interests, and any other physical possessions including those in the name of wife, children, and pets or any relatives of which his name appears."

"Joseph Randolph was served a lawsuit for alienation of affection, and a subpoena for a listing of all of assets, all bank accounts, safety deposit boxes, real estate, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, Marketable securities, Cash, business interests, and any other physical possessions including those in the name of wife, children, and pets or any relatives of which his name appears."

"Gary Ashbury was served a lawsuit for alienation of affection, and a subpoena for a listing of all of assets, all bank accounts, safety deposit boxes, real estate, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, Marketable securities, Cash, business interests, and any other physical possessions including those in the name of wife, children, and pets or any relatives of which his name appears."

"Mark Shoesmith was served a lawsuit for alienation of affection, and a subpoena for a listing of all of assets, all bank accounts, safety deposit boxes, real estate, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, Marketable securities, Cash, business interests, and any other physical possessions including those in the name of wife, children, and pets or any relatives of which his name appears."

"The local Branch Manager, Mr. Sam Silver, The Assistant Branch Manager, Ms. Rhonda Sinclair, The Branch Human Resource Director, Ms. Ashley Avery, and the IT Specialist, Reggie Rawlings have been served with a subpoena for all memos, emails, test messages and all communications either hard copy or electronic for the last seven months on any company device (phones, computers, laptops, etc.) also a listing of all documents from their server. Each of them was also served with a subpoena for a listing of all of assets, all bank accounts, safety deposit boxes, real estate, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, Marketable securities, Cash, business interests, and any other physical possessions including those in the name of wife, children, and pets or any relatives of which his name appears. Ms. Avery was also served a subpoena for a copy of all of the corporate policies in effect July 1, and any revisions that were in effect on Dec 25. Silver, Sinclair, and Avery were served as co- defendants in the alienation of affection lawsuit."

"The Corporate Human Resource officer, CEO, COO, Chairman of the board along with all 12 other board members were each of them was also served with a subpoena for a listing of all of assets, all bank accounts, safety deposit boxes, real estate, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, Marketable securities, Cash, business interests, and any other physical possessions including those in the name of wife, children, and pets or any relatives of which his name appears. The corporate IT Director was served with a subpoena for all memos, emails, test messages and all communications either hard copy or electronic for the last seven months on any company device (phones, computers, laptops, etc.) to and from the local branch or any of the individuals listed in the alienation of affection lawsuits (listing their names), also a listing of all documents from their server that contained a reference to the local Branch or the names of any of the individuals listed in the alienation of affection lawsuits (listing their names)."

"I expect to be very busy and very wealthy when this is over," she smiled, "There are very few things I enjoy more than screwing over corporate America. Screwing over cheaters is a close second."

I ask, "What do you think as far as monies go?"

"Let's wait and see what they disclose. I think on the induvial alienation of affection lawsuits, that we should split the value of the assets between you and the wife, if she files for divorce, if she stays, then we go for a higher percentage."

I nod in agreement.

"For the Branch location/ management, If we can show any knowledge or complicity in any of the affairs, then we go for half the value of their assets and half the value of the branch itself. Except for the IT specialist."

I smile and nod in agreement.

"For the corporate Bozos, If we can show any knowledge or complicity in any of the affairs, then we go for half the value of their assets and half the value of the corporation itself. Even if we can't prove knowledge then we'll hit them with a lack of corporate governance for having a rogue branch and not knowing what is going on in their company."

"Sounds like I hired the right attorney."

"If we try to kill the cow it will be less expensive to close shop and file bankruptcy. I want each level of this wrongdoing to pay."

"I think you have a sound strategy." I say.

"I will have to hire some more help to go through all the documents. I know they will bury me in paperwork so that I will have to spend my resources chasing rabbits. I have a plan for that as well. I plan to tap into several online conspiracy group chats, corporate America haters, and divorced women chats and have them search the documents. It will cost about $6K to have them scanned. I will give groups a set of criteria for what I. I will send them electronic copies and pay then $10/ document for every document they find that fulfill the criteria. I expect to have to pay $10K but it will be well worth it. I fully expect to start hearing from some lawyers within the next couple of months, especially Vicky's lawyer. We kicked one hell of a hornet's nest. The storm clouds are rising, and the winds will be picking up in the next 60 days. Are you ready?"

"I can't wait. Go get'em tiger! I know it will be a long battle full of arguments and delay tactics, but I got the right lawyer for the job, and I am confident in the plan you have presented. It is logical and builds upon itself," I say.

"I pray that we get Judge Burns to sit the bench for these cases. She was cheated on by her spouse and despises cheaters as much as I. She is well versed in this states Alienation of Affection laws," Jackie smiles and winks.

"Before we break this meeting up I am curious about the wives. I know that you can't discuss their case and I would never ask you to do violate client confidentiality, however, I am curious if you had the opportunity to give them some advice regarding occupational training?"

Yes, I did take that opportunity. Thank you, for reminding me. I talked with my sister, and she informed me about your meeting with the school presidents. She also informed me that she has been appointed to a committee that will be planning a spring fundraiser to support women like these. I hope these women take that opportunity should it present itself, " Jackie says.

"I need to follow up with my part of that. Thank you, and I can't wait to hear the next update," I say, "Until then."

We stand and shake hands and I leave. I am walking on cloud nine. I feel like Tony the Tiger, my life is GGRRREEEAAATT!

My next appointment with Dr. Day is amazing.

She asks, "How have you been doing? Has anything of significance changed since our last meeting?"

I smile and start, "Oh, My God. My life has been turned upside down. I am so freaking happy. My girlfriend Beth, the one that set up our first meeting, called after the meeting and asked how it went with you. I told her about our appointment and that I thought that vocalizing my story helped to start the healing, just hearing the words, and expressing my emotions was very powerful."

Dr. Day nods and smiles, then interrupts, "Did you say girlfriend?"

I nod and smile, "Yes, I will get to that in a minute. She and my other girlfriend Mandy wanted to get together for New Year's Eve and celebrate the New Year together."

She shakes her head and interrupts again, "Did you say other girlfriend?"

I nod and smile even bigger. "I cooked fish tacos and made a gallon of margaritas. We had a splendid evening that lasted well into the morning hours. They expressed their love for me, and I expressed my love for them. They have moved into my house, and we are living as a throuple. I hired these two amazing women when my business was just getting started around seven years ago. According to them, they fell in love with me over two years ago. They have seen me at my best and my worst and helped me get through all of it".

I continued, "We have a very deep connection that is deeper than just sex. They truly have my best interests at heart. I want nothing more than to share my life with them and do my best to make them happy. Other than having children with these two beautiful, intelligent, thoughtful women, I can't see my life getting much better."

I explain, "On the business side, I have hired a scheduler to assist in developing a multi-million-dollar cost estimate that I plan to present in a couple of months. He is a great guy and we really hit it off in the interviews. I just had a meeting with my lawyer regarding my upcoming divorce and alienation of affection lawsuits. It is going to be a huge battle but she and I both feel confident about a positive outcome in the end."

"My, My, My, leave you alone for a week and look at all the changes!" she exclaimed. "I don't know that I have ever seen a patient's demeanor change so much from one appointment to the next. I can see a lot of challenges in a throuple relationship. Jealousy being a major hurdle. You are the first person that I have known to be in such a relationship. Communication and on-going communication in an open, honest non challenging way is really the only way to avoid hurt feelings and misunderstandings."

"I agree totally, we have one evening that we focus on each other and talk about any and all issues, from leaving the toilet seat up to, our cuddle rotation, feelings, emotions, like and dislikes. It may end up being a resolution that neither party really expected, but so far, we have come to an equitable resolution that can work for all parties," I explain.

"I am so happy for you all three," she laughs, "I am proud that you have a designated time for the 'meeting of the minds', nothing and I mean nothing will give you guys more peace of mind than talking things out. If you ever decide that you need help in resolving an issue, feel free to contact me," she says.

"Thank you, I think we need a book to capture things between meetings. so that something doesn't get overlooked and becomes an even bigger issue because it wasn't discussed and resolved," I ask," What do you think?"

"I like the idea just be sure to get everyone's buy in so that 'the book' helps and doesn't impede communication. Communications needs to be free flowing, and a book can come across as being too rigid," she says.

"Sound good," I say.

"Same time next week?" she asks.

I nod my head in agreement.

The following Sunday evening we had an early dinner. We had homemade pizza and salad. We cleaned up the kitchen and went to the living room for our throuple talk. I brought up the idea of a book just to use as an idea collection point. I didn't want a concern or issue to continue on without being discussed. Our discussions would not be limited to subjects in the book. The idea of the book is just a tool so that ideas don't get lost. Both girls nodded and we decide to keep the book on the breakfast bar.

Apparently, the girls have already discussed the next topic, date nights. We kind of skipped from being co-workers to lovers then to live ins. The girls want date nights. They want some romance and some alone time with me. Beth and Mandy both want to deepen our bond. Get to know each other (me and them) better one on one. I smile ear to ear and nod my head. You guys work out a schedule that works for you. I'll happily be there to give each of you my undivided attention. We just need to tell the other all about it (as much as they want to know). I believe that sharing and being open will help prevent any lingering feeling of jealousy. I know when you guys go out, I will feel left out, but those feeling will go away the minute that you return and tell me all about it. Everyone agrees and date nights will start next Saturday. Both girls clap and squirm with excitement.

Our lovemaking continues hot and heavy. I believe it gets better and better from getting to know what each other likes and what pushes their buttons. The girls are different in displaying their passions. Beth almost consumes me in the kisses when her fires of lust and passion get stoked. Mandy's like to caress my body with her hands and play with my balls and ass more. Both girls are extremely ticklish. Beth and Mandy playfully call me daddy instead of Ron or Ronnie. Mandy will spread her legs more during a massage indicating that she is ready and desiring attention to her lady bits. Beth pushes my head into her pussy harder than Mandy does when I go down on her. Mandy gyrates her hips more and it drives me crazy when I am buried to the max and she does that. Sometimes when the girls make love, they reach for me to add caresses or kisses, other times I just enjoy the show. Neither has asked for anal but neither are not turned off when a digit slips into their butthole on occasion. They don't stick objects in each other's butt when they make love. Anal just isn't a thing for us.

They join me from time to time at the gym but not on a regular basis. The alone time in the gym and my runs help me to keep things straight and allow ideas and solutions to present themselves in my mind. During the next week we have a follow-up meeting for the Spring Gala. I ask the girls if they are interested in helping and both of them volunteer. We meet at a local steakhouse that has a meeting room. Our committee has grown from three to twelve.

I tell the committee that the country club can host such an event. Any event there is limited to 200 people including staff. The committee is disappointed with that discovery. The community college recommends using either the civic center or their basketball center. Either facility could hold 2000 people and leave room for a band and a dance floor. We could use the college food preparation service if the basketball arena was used but we would need to cater if the civic center was used. The Vo-Tech is similar to the country club using their dining hall with about a 200-person limit. Catering would still be an option if we decide to go with the arena.

The community college contingent assured the committee that the food prep service could deliver appropriate quality food and invited the next meeting to be held there for a sampling. Bar service for the Gala will need to be catered. We have a date, May 7 at 7:00 PM. We have a place, Community College Basketball Arena. We need to get a band and the Vo tech contingent is working on that.

I plan to set up a meeting at the country club and invite the president of the Kiwanis club, rotary club, the local family court judge, the mayor, the city council, the president of the rape crisis center, the leader of battered women's shelter, Chamber of commerce, church pastors, priests, preachers, and rabbis, the hospital directors, the sheriff, the chief of police, the fire captain, the VFW post commander, the local Masonic lodges and Eastern Star leaders and well as the odd fellows, the eagles club and the Rebecka's. I also plan to invite the local radio stations' program directors and the chief editor of the local newspaper. I will shoot for the first week of February, providing the country club can accommodate. I will print flyers and get them distributed in the windows of local businesses.


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