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D.O.M: Benjamin

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4. Dylan O dominates 21 yr old Birthday boy Benjamin.
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Dylan O Meets Benjamin

*** Dylan O appears in my Mason series. Dana and Ross appear in my Lockie series. This is part of a planned series of spin offs featuring characters from the "In'DaMan'd" Universe.***

Series Order

1. Dylan O Meets Kelvin

2. Dylan O Meets Prince Nadal

3. Dylan O Meets Jordan + Matt

4. Dylan O Meets Benjamin

Dylan looked over the final prints of his photo shoot, he thought he had never looked better, his muscles popped in all the right places. His favorite picture was him leaning in the corner of a boxing ring wearing nothing but blue boxing gloves and a jock strap, his ass looked amazing.

"It was full on bubble butt" He had told all his followers on social media as he teased them all with tidbits of information about his upcoming magazine spread. He placed the photos back in the folder and threw them on his table. Baxter had rang him with the requirements of the shoot rather than call over as he promised.

"He must know that I am angry and he is too chicken shit to meet with me face to face." Dylan thought as he scrolled through his phone, he quickly deleted Baxter's text saying 'well done on the shoot'. He quickly logged on to a dating app and swiped on everyone he liked the look off to come over, he had both adrenaline and anger to work out and needed the relief.


"Dylan are you awake, I have some forms for you to sign. Dylan!"

"I am in the bedroom Baxter." Dylan called, he was sitting on the edge of his bed, his blonde conquest bouncing on his cock. Baxter immediately shielded his eyes and turned away.

"Jesus! Dylan you could have warned me."

"I don't like to stop mid flow, don't be so shy you have seen me do worse things before, I know you've watched my clip online more than once. Crystal doesn't mind if we have a meeting, do you Crystal?"

"My name is Kristen." The blonde moaned.

"Just be a second you can wait outside." Dylan said, the veins on his neck popping under the strain. As the bedroom door closed he began to turbo fuck the pussy, once he came he pushed her off and pulled on some loose fitting trousers.

"Thanks Christine, I had a fun time, you can use my shower if you like."

"The fuck." She replied shocked.

"I'll call you sometime or something."

He could hear her throwing insult after insult as he walked into the living room.

"What the fuck was that all about Dylan?" Baxter asked angrily.

"What and who I do in the privacy of my own room is my business Bax, I just never know when you can be bothered to show up."

"I was busy yesterday." Baxter said as he arranged the sheets of paper on the table.

'You always seem to be busy lately, if I remember correctly you weren't that busy when I came on board."

"No need to act childish Dylan, you are still my priority. Now can you please sign these so you can get back to whatever her name is."

"What are they?"

"Basic stuff really, I have you lined up for a solo scene at "In'DaMan'd" soon and believe it or not I have lined up a fan for you to meet."

"Now who is being childish, you have lined up a fan for me to dominate, just say it like it is. Tell me more. The price better be worth it, I am not running a charity."

"The price is very good actually, this guy reached out to Curtis, his father is friends with him and he heard through the fan club that you do these meetings from time to time."

"And if the price is right." Interjected Dylan.

"His father doesn't know that he has been in contact but he is very wealthy and would like you to attend his twenty first birthday party at the weekend. More like a personal appearance but at the end you sleep over with the birthday boy. I told Curtis I would ask you first."

"Show me his picture, I may charge extra if it's going to be an appearance." Dylan held out his hand as Baxter handed him a few photos.

"Are you kidding me, I see this guy in the clubs all the time, he is always trying to join me and my people. Be fun to fuck and chuck him, organise it and I will do it, but add another ten thousand on to the asking price."

"Excellent, Curtis told me that if you agreed he would owe you one but I didn't mention it because I know how you hate being backed into a corner. "

"Wow Baxter and all this time I thought you weren't paying attention. See yourself out I am busy."

He stood up and pulled down his pants and walked back to the bedroom just as the blonde was leaving.

"You can't leave now babe, I was just coming back to see you."

The blonde smiled sheepishly and moved back into the bedroom, Dylan snapped his head around and caught Baxter staring at his ass.

"Leave those papers I will sign them once I get a minute." He said with a knowing smirk.

After he had managed to get the leggy blonde to leave in as polite a way as he could muster, he sat down at the coffee table and perused the documents that Baxter had left for him to sign, he was usually cocky about his career and self imposed star quality but he now knew how quickly it could be taken away. The offers and sponsor ships practically disappeared over night when his first gay porn scene went online. It was that fork in the road that had driven a wedge between him and his agent, one that he was not sure they could ever truly come back from.

He read over the outline of the birthday party offer. Apparently Baxter and Curtis had negotiated terms on his behalf, he made a mental note to ask what was in it for them, he knew that Curtis and the guys father were friends but Baxter wouldn't involve himself in the dominating side project if it wasn't beneficial to him. The outline promised that it would play out as if he was just another attendee and was there as a friend, none of the other party goers would be aware of the arrangement.

Dylan looked through the rest of the outline and found it all agreeable, of course he would do what he wanted once he got there but until then he would play along, he found the guys details along with a picture clipped to the sheet where he had to sign. His name was Benjamin and he had a very handsome boy next door type of face and brilliant white teeth, his hair was brown and curly. The picture was of him posing in a kitchen with a red cup in his hands, the dark blue shirt was tight against his muscular body, his legs in the beige shorts on the other hand looked slim.

"Somebody skipped leg day." Dylan muttered to himself as he signed the form.


The next day Baxter rang Dylan to finalize the arrangements for the party, they would both be attending for an hour on request from Benjamin's father. They would collect him and drive him to the house.

"Gonna look silly with two oldies as my entourage." Dylan said as he continued to jog on the treadmill, the call had cut off his music and he was ignoring the looks from the other patrons of the gym as he was shouting into the phone.

"We won't be going in with you, we pull up to the front door and let you get out, then we are going in a few minutes later to have a meeting with his father, then we will be there for the cake cutting, then home. You won't even see us."

"What's in this for you Baxter?"

"This guy's dad is a potentially very important investor in the studio, the bigger the studio gets the more exposure your clips and movies get so everyone wins."

"And your cut goes up as well. I think you are lying to me Baxter, when I find out the truth of why you are doing this I just fucking hope I am not going to be pissed."

He ended the call as Baxter was about to reply.

He looked at the elderly woman beside him who was walking very slowly on the treadmill. She was looking him up and down, a disapproving look on his face.

"Can I help you grandma?" He snapped as he grabbed his towel and threw it over his neck and lowered the resistance on the machine. He mood wasn't improving so he slipped on some gloves and began to give the punching bag a going over. He just couldn't understand why Baxter was acting the way he was. If they both just stuck to Dylan's plan they could be on to a winner but now the water was getting muddy.


He got dressed in black jean shorts, a wine green singlet covered by a red checkered shirt, the sleeves were cut off exposing his massive guns. He ignored three of Baxter's "I'm outside waiting!" text messages and poured himself a large vodka, styled his hair and sauntered down to the garage where Baxter was looking at his watch angrily. Curtis had his head resting on the window. Dylan slipped in the back door behind Baxter.

"Really, when is this shit going to stop." Baxter said as he pulled out quickly.

Dylan just smiled and continued to sip his vodka.

"So how is this going to work, what's my story for being there."

"You are my birthday present to Benjamin, he obviously knows what's going to happen later but his father cannot find out. So the birthday boy acts shocked for a few minutes and then shows you off to his friends and then you go to bed with him. Once he tells his Dad what a great gift you were then the father will come on board with us."

"Sounds good."

"Yes this is a real big deal so thank you Dylan. I expect you to see you next week at the studio for your solo scene."

"I will be there don't worry, nothing better than being paid to jerk."


The driveway was lined with cars so the trio had to walk a bit to get to the front door. They could hear dance music pulsating through the ground and flashing lights illuminated the side of the house.

"Once again after the introductions and some small talk we will leave with Benjamin's father to discuss business, we will call you tomorrow morning to find out how your night went." Curtis said as he smoothed his dress shirt before knocking on the door.

"Don't worry boss I will fill you in on every detail, see Baxter this is what someone showing an interest looks like." Dylan replied cockily.

Baxter opened his mouth to reply when a brunette woman answered the door.

"Hey," she muttered not paying attention but when she seen Dylan her face instantly flushed and she turned away from the door with an embarrassed squeal.

The three men looked at each other and walked in.


In a change of plans Dylan was forced to hang with Curtis and Baxter as they chatted up Ross, Benjamin' father for a few minutes until he summoned his son to see who had arrived. Benjamin came into the hallway wearing a white shirt that was open, a pink birthday boy sash was draped from his broad shoulders. He had on skinny blue jeans which highlighted his lack of definition. His top half was filled out, overall Dylan didn't think he looked disproportionate but a shame that he didn't pay as much attention to his lower half.

He screamed and ran towards Dylan and hugged him and thanked him for coming, he then turned to Curtis and gave him a sly wink. To Dylan the performance was well rehearsed, he had no doubt in his mind that Benjamin wasn't as innocent and friendly as he was now acting in front of his father.

"Come meet my friends Dylan they are not going to believe that you are here." His face was red and his curly hair was bouncing as he turned to walk towards the back of the house, he grabbed Dylan's hand and dragged him. Dylan cast one last look at the three older gentlemen and allowed himself to be pulled into the hall. He had barely turned the corner when Benjamin placed a hand on his chest, stopping him.

"I know I come across as selfish and attention seeking but I can promise you that once we are alone I am all yours. Thank you for coming I have been a big fan for so long."

Dylan looked him up and down and cocked an eye brow.

"Let's just get me drunk. Then I will take you when and where I want you."

Benjamin's face fell hungrily, he moved in to kiss Dylan. His effort was met with a slap.

"Don't even think about it birthday boy." Dylan said as he brushed past him towards the kitchen.


Dylan knew some of Benjamin's friends from the night clubs in the city, he had never spoken to them but was not disappointed to find that they were exactly what he thought they were going to be like, stuck up and entitled. Dylan knew he had an ego but he had worked hard to achieve all that he had. His parents weren't rich so they could never help him out. He took himself to the gym each day, watched what he ate and continued to book gigs, he knew his time was limited so came up with the idea himself to do gay porn. He was proud of himself but being around this group of twenty something's who seemed to only live for the likes on social media, was pushing him to his limit. A little part of him had regretted accepting this gig but the new, focused Dylan mentally shook himself and decided to turn his negative energy into a positive.

"Hey birthday boy, can I talk to you for a second.?"

Benjamin was talking to the brunette who answered the door and looked up unexpectedly.

"Can it wait? My cake will be out in fifteen minutes."

"Don't worry you will be back in time to take selfies, I just have a question to ask you."

Dylan stood up and walked away, he could hear Benjamin apologizing and his temper flared, it was a far cry from the puppy eyed jerk who pawed him in the hallway when he arrived.

He looked around for an empty room but found lots of Benjamin's friends squirreled away making out, doing more than drinking, he even stumbled upon two girls having a weepy conversation with each other. He pushed open a door at the far end of the corridor and found a big laundry room, a giant silver washing machine was on the floor while the matching dryer was mounted above it, a dogs water bowl was on the floor near a fridge, the available counters were mounted high with dirty laundry and folded clean clothes.

He turned around as Benjamin entered.

"Close the door and get on your knees. Now is the time you earn me Benjamin."

"But.. but this wasn't supposed to happen until the end of the night." Benjamin stuttered.

"Close the door and get on your knees." Dylan repeated sternly.

Benjamin looked uncertain for a few seconds but closed the door and sank to his knees slowly. He went to pull off the birthday sash.

"Leave it." Dylan snapped as he opened the fly on his pants and whipped out his semi hard on.

Benjamin's eyes sprang open in shock. Dylan grabbed the back of his head and pushed his face into his meat forcefully, he began to rub it all over his mouth and nose.

"Suck it and don't even think about using your hands."

"What if my friends come in, there is no lock on the door."

"Then they will see their friend on his knees like a bitch sucking my big dick, no more talking."

Benjamin parted his lips and licked Dylan's helmet, his cock jolted, swelling with every touch until it was its usual rock hard seven inches.

The soft lips moved slowly down until his nose was pressed again the base of Dylan's shaft. Benjamin didn't cough or choke, he just let out a long deep moan of enjoyment that reverberated through Dylan's loins. He knew then that Benjamin was going to be a harder nut to crack than, Kelvin, the Prince and Jordan. It was lucky that Dylan was more pissed off than usual and was feeling creative.

He thrust his hips deep into Benjamin's head and reached down and pinched his nostrils and began to fuck his face. He could feel slobber spilling at the sides of Benjamin's lips but he didn't stop pounding him, he looked down and was happy to see that his eyes were streaming and his cheeks had turned pink. The sensation of his helmet hitting the back of his throat sent a shot through all the nerves in his body. He moved back and squatted down, Benjamin stretched out in front of him as he got even deeper into his face, the new angle meant that his head hit the roof of his mouth before finding his warm wet tonsils.

Dylan's hand snaked down Benjamin's back and he forced his palm under the tight waistband of his trousers, he was met with a firm ass that was slick with sweat. He roughly hooked his fuck you finger and began to scrape at Benjamin's shit cunt. He let out a loud moan but didn't stop sucking. Dylan applied more pressure and soon the anus opening up and admitted his finger all the way to the knuckle. He was tight but Dylan didn't care he just wanted to make a bitch out of the party boy. He pulled away his finger and smeared it all around Benjamin's mouth, gathering the spit that was dangling off his chin. He returned his hand to the crack and pushed his finger in easier this time, he began to finger blast him at the same time that he began to thrust his hips in a frantic pace.

He slowed only slightly when Benjamin started to gag. He pulled out of his face and stood up, Benjamin looked a mess, all around his mouth was saturated with thick spittle, his forehead was covered in sweat.

"Turn around." Dylan commanded as he started to jerk himself off. Benjamin stayed

where he was in a confused state, the push to the side of his head seemed to wake him up.

"On all fours with your ass facing me."

"I need to get back to the party, my friends will wonder."

"Don't worry I don't think you will last long with what I have in mind. Don't forget this is just the warm up."

Benjamin hesitated but once Dylan raised his hand to him he quickly spun around as instructed. His face was inches away from the washing machine.

"Can I move back just a bit?" Benjamin asked.

"No fucking chance, you are exactly where I want you." Dylan spat as he quickly moved beside him and opened the washing machines front loading door. He grabbed a fistful of Benjamin's hair and pushed his head inside of the drum. He laughed silently to himself as Benjamin's complaints reverberated in the confined space. Dylan roughly pulled down Benjamin's pants until they were tight around his thighs, he spread the muscular ass cheeks and let a big wad of spit dangle from his mouth until it hit the coccyx and slowly snaked down, pooling around the puckered hoop. Dylan spread it around evenly before inserting two fingers, Benjamin began to squirm and continued to moan.

Dylan, without removing his two fingers, moved around to the back of Benjamin again, he reached between the legs and pulled out Benjamin's six inch pale cock, his foreskin was pulled tight around a shiny red helmet, he began to milk him furiously while continuing to stretch his hole. He almost wanted his friends to walk in and see the sight of their social leader, head in a washing machine getting tugged and finger fucked on all fours in his laundry room.

Dylan would never have thought about jerking a guy off before tonight, but he realized that in order to totally dominate Benjamin he would have to change the script, the actions he had used had worked on the others but wouldn't make the bitch that he wanted Benjamin to be. He just hated cocky rich kids.

The muscles in both of Dylan's forearms began to ache as he continued his onslaught, the moans had been downgraded to long deep grunts, the smell of cock and ass both turned Dylan's stomach and revved him up for the final push. He could feel the cock tense in his hand and Benjamin's shit hole contract around his fingers as ribbon after ribbon spooled from his cock and landed straight into his underwear that was pulled taught between his thighs. Dylan pulled out his fingers roughly and wiped them on the back of Benjamin's shirt. He pulled his head out of the washing machine, he truly looked a fucking state, he was breathing rapidly, his face was a bright pink color and his once perfectly tamed hair was now flat and stuck to his sweaty forehead. Dylan looked at him with a superior expression.

Benjamin remained silent and went to pull up his pants. Dylan shook his head menacingly.

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