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Dad’s Insatiable Hot-Wife


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John sighed with pleasure.

"What darling," John gently asked.

"Oh God, never mind," Susan hissed.

"What darling," John gently asked.

"I sometimes wish I was married to Matt and that you and I were divorced, darling. I wish I was married to your son, John. Then sometimes I think I'm trying to take advantage of him and that he should be with a woman closer to his own age, and then I wish I could have met him when I was 20 years younger," Susan said, looking down at her handbag.

"Well, meeting him 20 years ago is impossible, my love."

"Obviously, oh my God, John, you don't think I know that?"

"Matt worships the ground you walk on, Susan," John whispered. "You really are his dream woman. He appreciates older women, he really does and you're definitely special to him."

"Oh, I know that," Susan whispered. "He's been making eyes at me every day for the last 2 years. He's a big flirt. He's such a sweet kid. Oh boy, oh boy - he's a sweet kid."

John grinned. Susan looked at her husband and grinned. She shook her head. She sighed.

"Such a bizarre situation," Susan whispered, "but it is what it is."

"And you really want to be married to Matt?"

"That's what I said, didn't I," Susan stated, holding up her hand to put a stop to the conversation. "We'll obviously have to talk about this later, John, I'm late and your son is waiting downstairs for me."

John nodded. Susan picked up her handbag. She sighed. She turned to face the mirror again. She checked her look one last time. She looked hot. She looked sexy. She looked predatory.

"Are you wearing any underwear beneath that sexy dress?"

"No comment, mister," Susan said, shaking her head and grinning at John, "and it's none of your business anyway, honey. You just make sure you're sound asleep in the guest bedroom by the time your son and I get home from our date tonight. I'm going to march him straight into the bedroom once we get home."

John's eyes filled with excitement. Susan laughed. John reached for her. She evaded his open arms with a grin. He bit his bottom lip.

"I adore you, Susan."

"I know darling. You're so desperate, aren't you? Such a hopeless and unorthodox husband -- you're completely twisted, honey."

"I guess Matt will be the one who undresses you tonight and finds out if you're wearing any sexy underwear underneath that dress."

"You better believe it, John. He'll get his chance to undress me tonight. You can tune in from the guest bedroom."

"Oh boy," John whispered, growing even more excited.

"Crazy man," Susan said. "Who would have thought I would marry a man determined to watch me with his own kid."

"Life holds some strange twists and turns, my darling."

"Indeed it does," Susan said with a smile, holding out her hand for her husband to take it, "c'mon, lead me downstairs - my young beau awaits me."

"Do you wish me to chaperone you on your date tonight, my lady?"

Susan laughed.

"You wish, nope, I want you to piss off and make yourself scarce," Susan softly stated, "I don't need you leering at me while I'm seducing your hot son into bed. You're an unwanted distraction around here. You're quite unnecessary."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, spoilsport," John muttered, grabbing his wife's hand, pulling his beautiful wife out the open door and along the hallway.


Matt was standing there at the bottom of the stairs. He felt nervous. His heart was pounding in his chest and his palms were clammy. He was dressed in a suit. He looked good. He smelt good. He had been carefully preparing for this night for most of the day. He had been thinking about this date from the moment Susan held him in her arms, as he climaxed explosively, and said yes to his invitation, almost a week ago.

Matt couldn't believe his luck. He was so delighted - his beautiful stepmother, whom he had so many feelings for, had said yes to him, after he asked her out while semen exploded from his dick. His stepmother had actually said yes to him! She said she would go out on a date with him. And further Matt's own father, whom Matt was certain, would get angry actually said: no problem, go for it. And here Matt was, less than a week later, waiting for his stepmother to come down the stairs so he could take her out to dinner.

Matt of course had to deal with the period between the moment Susan said yes to him and right now while he waited for her to come downstairs. It had been a nerve wracking period for Matt. It was not a big deal for Susan and Matt's father, but it was for Matt. Susan never went to Matt and said she had changed her mind and didn't want to go out to dinner with him, nor did Matt's father intervene and put a stop to it. Life just went on as it always did. Day followed day. The arrangements were made: the children would spend the whole weekend at their grandparent's home so Susan and Matt had the privacy they needed. Matt's father promised he wouldn't get in the way.

It was such an overwhelming situation. It was obviously such an unusual and strange state of affairs. The plans were made. Life just went on. Matt did what he always did, John did what he always did and Susan did what she always did. Matt's stepmom was her usual self. Now and then Matt noticed the long lingering looks Susan gave him while she talked on and on. Matt also noticed the soft smile on her face as she slowly ran her eyes over her stepson. Matt noticed how close she stood to him. He noticed how she stroked his arm when they spoke. Matt noticed his stepmother actually licking her lips with the tip of her tongue as she stared at Matt over dinner.

Matt heard the two of them on the stairs. He took a deep breath. He looked up. He was actually holding a bouquet of flowers for Susan. He suddenly felt silly with the bunch of red roses in his hot sweaty palm. He was suddenly aware that his cock was hard and sitting at a strange angle in his pants. He was sure his stepmother would see the bulge in his pants. He instantly felt embarrassed. He was about to adjust the awkward lump in his crotch, but there was no time. Susan and his father appeared.

Matt broke into a grin when Susan revealed herself to him. She took each step carefully. Her stiletto heels tapped on the hard wooden stairs as she descended. Her hand was on the gleaming banister as she stepped down. Matt's father was still holding her other hand and gently leading her. Matt looked up at his beautiful stepmother and she looked down at him. Their gaze was locked together. Matt broke into a broad bright smile and Susan did the same.

It must have seemed a bit corny to an outside observer. John and Susan reached the bottom of the stairs. Susan was right there facing Matt. Susan's stepson was struck dumb as she came to a stop just two feet away from him. He was speechless. Matt stared into Susan's beautiful eyes. He considered her smiling lips. She said and did nothing but grin when his eyes dropped and he gawked at the tops of her breasts.

"Matt," Susan said, waving her hand in front of his eyes, "are you in there, Matt?"

"Oh my God I'm sorry, mom, I mean, Susan," Matt spluttered.

Susan burst into laughter. She turned her head and looked at her husband. He looked bemused. Susan turned back to Matt.

"You look so beautiful, Susan," Matt whispered, stepping in and handing the bouquet of roses to his stepmom. "These are for you -- they're almost as beautiful as you are."

"Thank you, darling," Susan whispered, taking the bunch of flowers and then deeply inhaling them, before leaning in, kissing Matt softly on the cheek and leaving a dark red pair of lipstick lips on his skin.

John softly laughed. Susan slipped her hand free of her husband's.

"You have a bright pair of lips right there on your cheek from where your mother, I mean Susan, kissed you. Do you want me to get you a tissue, son?"

"No, leave it there," Susan said, before turning to her husband and pressing the bouquet of flowers into his hands. "Can you put those in a vase with water, please John? Make sure you use the good crystal one. Make sure you only half fill it with water. You have to cut the ends off the flowers with a pair of scissors and make sure..."

"Yes dear," John muttered, interrupting Susan.

"I'm sorry we were interrupted, Matt," Susan whispered, taking a short step forward towards him as John walked out of the room with the bunch of roses, "thank you for the flowers, baby. I'm sure your father will properly trim them and pop them in the right vase for me."

"Absolutely," Matt whispered, entranced, his face just a few inches away from Susan's.

"You're a gorgeous guy," Susan whispered, reaching up and stroking Matt's jaw and running her fingers through his hair. "Fancy you and I going out on a date together."

"I'm so excited," Matt said, keeping his eyes fixed on his stepmother's eyes, "you're so perfect for a guy like me."

Susan softly laughed. She withdrew her hand from his hair and placed it on his chest. She looked down at the awkward bulge in Matt's pants.

"Yes, I can tell you're excited, Matt," Susan whispered, finally looking up at her stepson. "No, don't try and hide it or cover it up. I like looking at it. Don't ever cover it up around me."

"I do like showing it to you," Matt said breathlessly.

"Good, I'm glad. I'm sure I'll see much more of it later on, darling," Susan whispered up at Matt with a smile. "You can show it to me properly later on, after dinner, when we're back at home."

Matt grinned. His face flushed. He reached out and took Susan in his arms as they talked softly. She smiled. She ran an arm around his waist and pressed her body against his.

"Do you like that idea, do you, Matt?"

"Yeah, I do actually, Susan," Matt answered, while his stepmother grinned and then burst into soft laughter.

"Oh boy, you smell good," Susan enthused, before sighing and pressing her body against Matt's awkward erection.

Matt gasped and sighed softly.

"Oh my God," Matt hissed.

"Are you okay," Susan whispered up at him, "nothing hard is suddenly going to go off with a premature bang, like it did last time you bear hugged me, hmmm?"

Matt gasped again and Susan laughed.

"No, I'm okay," Matt whispered, while Susan ran her hand down his arm and held him nice and tight.

"Well, that's good, I'm glad, Matt. We wouldn't want that to happen again, particularly tonight, on our first ever date together."


John was busy in the kitchen un-wrapping the cellophane holding the flowers together. He pulled out the scissors from the kitchen drawer once the cellophane was off and then carefully cut the rubber bands and then the ends of the stems. He could barely hear his wife and his son's whispered words, but he could tell Susan was feeling good about the date tonight.

There was no denying it: Susan, John's wife, was clearly attracted to John's son. There was no pretending otherwise. John noticed the way his wife of 5 years looked at Matt and the way he looked at her. There was a real chemistry between the two of them. They were destined to share a bed together.

John didn't mind his wife sleeping with other men. He in fact encouraged her to do it. John certainly wasn't going to stand in the way of his wife and his son if they wanted to be together. John was supporting both of them all the way. John was hoping Susan would sleep with Matt. John knew his wife wanted to. He was sure Matt wanted to as well. It was what they both wanted. John was determined to help them if he could.

"John, we're going to go," Susan announced, with her arm still around Matt. "We don't want to be late for dinner."

John finished filling the vase with water and shoving the roses inside. He grabbed a tea-towel and walked out of the kitchen, drying his hands as he went. Susan and Matt were now at the front door, all ready to go. John smiled. Matt was standing there with his car keys in his hand. John noted the flushed look on his son's face. John also noticed the expression in his wife's eyes. He noticed Susan's cheeky grin. John didn't need his wife to tell him. John knew that facial expression very well. Susan was speaking very clearly to her husband: Susan was going to have sex with Matt and she was going to flirt bluntly with her stepson and really stir him up.

"Have a great night with my wife, Matt," John said to his son, while he shook Matt's hand and his wife continued to give John that look he knew so well. "I hope all your dreams come true, son."

"Oh, don't worry about that, John," Susan softly said, "he'll have a great night. I promise you that and all his dreams will definitely come true."

There was a burst of soft laughter from all three of them. Susan planted another kiss on Matt's cheek. Another pair of lipstick lips appeared. She grinned up at him.

"Oh, look you branded him again, Sue," John said

"Uh huh," Susan said, "I'm going to brand a few spots on Matt's body tonight, particularly the hard spots, after I've re-applied my lipstick, of course."

"Oh well, of course," John said, winking at Matt.

There was more laughter. Matt's cock grew even harder. For a second Matt thought he was going to shoot his load in his pants again.

"Don't you dare, mister," Matt's stepmother whispered in his ear, seemingly reading his mind. "You'll be in big trouble if you do!"


Susan and Matt were sitting together on the lounge. They were both drinking a glass of champagne. Matt had taken off his suit jacket, loosened his tie and unbuttoned his collar. Susan had kicked off her high heels and taken off her dangling ear rings and dropped them on the coffee table.

"That was the most wonderful dinner, Matt," Susan whispered, sitting up against him on the lounge. "It was such a perfect meal."

"I enjoyed it as well," Matt whispered, gazing into his stepmother's eyes in the dark lounge room. "Spending the time with you was what made it so good."

"You're such a sweet guy," Susan said, reaching out and caressing the side of Matt's face.

"And you're such a beautiful woman," Matt returned, running his free arm around his dad's wife.

There was a silent moment when Matt and Susan just sat there losing themselves in each other's eyes. Susan looked at Matt with a steady expression and a slight smile playing on her lips. Then she reached down and placed her hand on her stepson's hard cock. Matt gasped. Susan softly laughed.

"Do you like that," Susan asked Matt, brushing his dick, through his pants, with her fingertips. "I'm not really shy at all, honey, I'm very forward and blunt, as I'm sure you've figured out."

"Yeah I know," Matt whispered, slowly closing and opening his eyes as Susan tickled his cock. "I love that about you."

Susan put her drink down on the coffee table. She reached in and unzipped Matt's pants. He gasped and then he flinched with surprise as his beautiful stepmother forced her hand inside his underwear. She looked up into his eyes with a calm and serious expression on her face.

"Do you like that, Matt?"

"God yes, Susan, I love it!"

"A lot of women are prepared to sit back and wait for a guy to make a first move on a date," Susan softly explained to her stepson as she crushed and stroked his hard dick. "I mean that's okay for some females, mind you, but I'm not really built that way. I like to play an active role. I like to show some initiative. Yeah, does that make sense, Matt?"

"Oh yeah, wow," Matt hissed, closing and opening his eyes again.

"And that's especially the case when the guy I'm making my move on is an ardent and handsome young man like you, honey. Guys like you -- sweet guys -- need some help - they need a helping hand, yeah?"

"Oh my God," Matt whispered, before his eyes grew wide, his jaw dropped and he began softly groaning.

"I mean you did ask me out to dinner after some prompting and under what can only be described as explosive circumstances and that was nice and appropriate, but now that we've gone out and had our dinner, well..."

Matt didn't speak. He merely exhaled in his stepmom's face.

"Drink up, Matt," Susan whispered as her fist rolled and squeezed in her stepson's underwear.

Matt gulped. He drained his glass.

"Good boy, now give it to me," Susan said, taking the empty glass from him and setting it down on the coffee table.

"Oh my God, mom, I mean, Susan," Matt hissed.

"Yeah, you like it when I do that to you, Matt? Do you like it? Tell me you do?"

"Yes, yes I like it," Matt whispered, reaching down and lightly placing the palm of his hand over Susan's moving fist while Susan advanced on him until her face was just a couple of inches from his.

"Tell me you love it, Matt. Tell me."

"Oh my God," Matt hissed.

"Tell me, Matt, right now."

"God yes, I love...," Matt whispered fiercely, before his aggressive stepmother lunged at him, lined him up and sealed his mouth with her mouth.

Matt whined. He gasped loudly. Matt and Susan kissed passionately and deeply in the dark lounge room. Their kiss was noisy. Their lips smacked and squeaked in the silent room. They inhaled their air with a sweet whistle and exhaled in a hot loud burst. Susan pushed her tongue into her stepson's mouth. He sighed and ran his tongue over hers. They were both groaning and sighing with pleasure. Matt placed his hand on Susan's leg and ran it along her stocking encased thigh, under her dress and over the lace top. He rubbed her wet sexy underwear. He rubbed her pussy lips with his fingertips through her panties.

Matt pulled Susan even closer to him. She molded herself to him. He reached out and around Susan and found the zipper to her dress. He was still kissing her deeply and she was still working his cock with her hand and he was still stroking her pussy through her beautiful dark lace underwear.

Matt pulled down the zipper on Susan's dress. He reached and took hold of the shoulder strap on his stepmother's sexy blue dress. He pushed his fingers inside Susan's wet panties.

"Enough baby," Susan whispered, after abruptly breaking the kiss and dragging her slimy hand out of her stepson's underwear. "C'mon, take your hand out of my undies and let's go upstairs. I have a special treat for you before we get into bed and get down to business."

Matt pulled his hand free with a snap of elastic. Susan stood up and reached down for him. Matt took her hand and stood up. She led him upstairs, down the dark corridor and into the master bedroom. Susan shut and locked the bedroom door behind them.

"You're getting a promotion, honey," Susan whispered, walking towards Matt, while slipping the shoulder straps off her dress and then pulling and wriggling out of it in front of him, "and your dad's getting a permanent demotion I think."

"Huh," Matt asked, staring as Susan stepped from her dress and then reached around and undid the black lace push up bra she was wearing.

"Well, you're spending the night in the sex-bed and he's not. I'm sure you've just been aching to get in there with me, haven't you, hey? That is, after all, where all the action in the house takes place, right? I bet you've been dreaming of giving it to me in there, haven't you -- really giving it to me hard and deep and showing me how much of man you are now, hey Matt?"

"Oh boy, yeah Susan -- it's my biggest dream to have you all to myself, to take you away from dad and to play with you all by myself."

"You don't want your father to play with me anymore," Susan asked with a grin.

"No way, you're all mine to play with."

Susan laughed at his words. Her eyes lit up. Matt grinned. He watched wild eyed as his stepmom pulled off her bra and her beautiful breasts bounced into view. He tore his tie free and began quickly unbuttoning his shirt. He pulled his shirt off as she pulled her dark sexy lace panties down and off. Susan stepped forward and kissed him. He gasped and then he sighed. She undid his belt and drew it forth. She dropped it. She unsnapped his pants and they fell to his feet. His shoes, socks and underwear all came off in rapid succession. Their clothes littered the bedroom floor. Matt was all set to climb onto the bed. Susan stopped him.

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