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Daddy Learns to Obey Pt. 03

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Daddy goes from sub to family cuckold.
4.1k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 05/01/2024
Created 03/04/2024
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This is a story that involves female domination, piss drinking, femdom incest, small penis humiliation, spanking. Please don't read it if any of those are not to your taste. It's a work of fiction and all characters are 18 and over.


Taking my 18 year old daughter Rosie to visit my mother and sisters had introduced her to female domination which came naturally to her. On the return journey Rosie quickly learned to use her power over me and by the time we set off for home back to our normal family suburban life I was my daughter's obedient slave.

My humiliation continued at home while my wife Emma was asleep or at work. It was hard to keep my incestuous submission secret: Rosie let her teenage college friends use me in public and they shared my shame on social media.

While not revealing the full extent of her domination over me Rosie told her mother how she had only spanked me when she caught me perving at her pussy while she pissed, jerking my little dick. Emma confessed that she was a size queen and told our daughter that she had been secretly cuckolding me throughout our marriage.

Rosie looked at her mother thoughtfully.

"Mum, I appreciate that you've kept all of this out of home. But I think it's time to change that. You deserve to fuck your men in your own home. As often as you want. I'm a big girl now. I want to meet my mum's lovers. And it would serve dad right. Why should you have to run around making secret arrangements while he stays at home jerking his pathetic crayon dick perving at his teenage daughter going to the toilet. It's not fair mum."

Emma was lost in thought as she considered Rosie's suggestion.

"Wow. It would be nice, not having to fuck in hotels, back seats, offices and pub toilets. Letting my lovers fuck me in our marital bed, whenever I want, in front of Dave is hot. God yes. I will."

I stood, open mouthed, speechless as my wife and my daughter turned to me and smiled.

My life was about to change.


Daddy Learns To Obey. Part 3

My wife's infidelity wasn't a total surprise. Emma had been discrete but not secret. She didn't care whether I knew or not. Her affairs were no concern of mine, as far as my wife was concerned. Knowing that any mention, any obvious sign of her cheating would feed my pathetic cuckold perversion, that she would become the object of my grubby jerking fantasies disgusted her.

I was upset that she had shared my humiliation with our daughter. I felt ashamed and humiliated that Rosie knew her mother was a slut who enjoyed letting men use her body for their pleasure. I was also surprised by the extent of my wife's extramarital adventures. I had no idea that so many men had been fucking her. The thought of Emma being a hostess and whore to her father's friend Ray and his old pals at their poker nights was especially shocking. And arousing.

Emma smiled at me.

"Wow, that wine went to my head. I've had a very long day. I need my bed. Goodnight Rosie. You can let your dad sleep on your bedroom floor again tonight. Means I get the bed to myself. Just make sure he behaves. No jerking his dirty little shrimp willy."

Emma went upstairs leaving me to tidy up while Rosie looked at her phone. She giggled.

"Oh daddy, your tiny jerking dicklet is famous. Stacey actually put it on TikTok. You're lucky she pixelated your face. Imagine the public humiliation if everyone knew it was you. Stop washing up for a moment, come here and see it."

She made me watch myself tugging my little dick. It looked even smaller than I imagined. I heard myself grunt pathetically as I spurted, I heard the cries of disgust, giggles and cries from her girlfriends and one shriek: "Rosie your dad's a perv."

Rosie looked at me. "Dad, mum's bound to see it. She'll know it's your little peepee even with your face blurred."

I began to cry.

That made Rosie cross.

"Oh stop whining. I wouldn't worry. She won't be surprised. Anyway, it looks like she's going to be too busy bringing her big cock studs home to fuck her to care what you do. Just think daddy, you can cry and bawl all you like when I spank your bottom. The sound of mum moaning and getting pounded will drown your whimpers out."

Rosie needed a wee so I lay on the floor and opened my mouth. She straddled my face and lifted her skirt. She wasn't wearing knickers.

"Oh yeah dad. I forgot. I took them off when I came home because they're soaking wet. I totally pee'd my pants at the bus stop today. It was so funny. It made a big puddle and everyone stepped in it but nobody said anything."

She pissed over my face and giggled. "Just going to wipe on your face." She rubbed her bottom and fanny over my face. My nose poked into her arse.

Rosie stood up and took a plastic bag containing her piss soaked knickers from her rucksack.

She wrinkled her nose at the smell of urine and gave me the bag.

"Gag yourself with my wet panties, then trousers down and over my knee."

I choked and gagged as my daughter spanked my bottom. That night I slept on her bedroom floor once again.

In the morning, after my now customary duties to my daughter I went to work wearing a particularly lacy pair of knickers under my trousers. My little dick was hard all day but I kept my hands off it.

Just before lunch I got a video call from Rosie and her friends. "Hi daddy. We don't need to use your mouth to pee in today. So instead you have to jerk your little dick while you're sitting at your desk. I know you're at work and there'll be other people there but disobeying your princess and my friends is not an option." I heard cheers and saw faces of girls laughing. "Get it out now. And point the camera so we can see."

I looked around. There were colleagues at desks and across the large open plan office. They were all busy and nobody could see below my desk. Still i was nervous.

"Now dad."

I pointed the camera on my phone at my crotch and unzipped my flies. My small dick was constrained by the pink lacy panties so didn't poke out.

"Daddy, you'll have to undo your belt and pull your trousers down."

i did as she said. People were more likely to notice what I was doing.

I pointed the camera at my panties covering my tiny erection and heard sneers and laughter from Rosie and her friends.

"Good. Now pull your little stiffy out from the lovely pink girly knickers and jerk it for us."

I started to jerk. My boss Lorraine walked across the office and stood on the other side of my desk.

"David. Can I speak with you please."

I nodded, unable to speak. I continued to jerk my dick for fear of disobeying Rosie.

Lorraine frowned and continued:

"I just wanted to catch up with you about what we discussed yesterday - you know, that you might need to use my shower because of the smell of piss."

I carried on jerking, and looked up at her stern face.

"Are you quite all right? Oh just come and see me in my office when you've finished whatever it is you're doing under that desk."

She turned and walked away. I was able to jerk more vigorously, gripping my stick like erection tightly in between my forefinger and thumb with rough rapid wanks. I imagined Rosie and her friends watching me, the chance of being caught by my coworkers, the shameful smallness of my penis and my pathetic behaviour. I gasped, grunted and ejaculated, over my fist and onto the phone, cum dribbling down my panties and onto my trousers.

Immediately my dick disappeared into a jelly like nub, sticky and tender. i put the phone in front of my face again, redfaced, panting. Rosie and her friends faces filled the screen with laughter, contempt and scorn.

"Oh my God dad, you are such a loser. You better pull up your trousers and go and talk to your boss about being your daughter's dirty piss slave."

I pulled my trousers up and went to Lorraine's office hoping she wouldn't notice the patches of cum wet on the front of my trousers.

She smiled at me. "So David, how long have you and Emma been playing pissing games?"

I muttered, "Not long."

Lorrain nodded.

"Wow. Now, I don't mind what you do, you're grown ups. If you like your wife using you as a toilet that's fine by me. Quite hot actually. I love the idea of having a pathetic man to piss on. Just don't come to work smelling like a toilet. If needs be you can use my executive en suite wash room here. In return you must tell me all about it. Now"

I didn't know what to say. I gawped helplessly.

"Oh dear David. If you're too shy I shall have to ask Emma."

I found my voice:

"No. Don't ask Emma. She mustn't find out. Please." I squeaked.

Lorraine raised her eyebrows:

"So it's not Emma? Who then? One of the girls here?"

I shook my head.

"Good. That could be complicated. Who is it? Tell me the truth or I phone your wife."

"It's Rosie, you know, my daughter. And some of her friends."

Lorraine shook her head. "Little Rosie, your own daughter. Fuck. That's so wrong. She's using her dad as a toilet behind her mum's back. How did this happen?"

I told my boss everything, from my sisters teasing, Rosie peeing, spanking my bottom, kissing her feet, her college friends joining in, filming me jerking, wearing her knickers, right up to making me wank under my desk.

I showed Lorraine my raw spanked bottom. She laughed at my tiny dick in the pink lacy panties.

"I really should tell Emma what's going on." Lorraine frowned.

"But that would be boring. I'll keep your sordid secret but on the condition that in return you will drink my piss during working hours."

She pulled her office window blinds down and locked the door.

"Get a towel from my washroom, place it on the floor, take off your clothes and lie on it. Mouth open."

She stood over my face, pulled her panties off and hitched up her pencil skirt. She sneered down at me. A shower of warm piss burst out of her pussy and hit my face. I opened wide and caught most of it, gulping and swallowing.

When Lorraine was finished she told me to stay there while she went to her washroom to freshen up. As I lay naked and wet in the middle of her office the door handle rattled as someone tried to come in. I froze as knuckles rapped on the door:

"Lorraine, we're all here for your one o clock meeting." It was her secretary. "Lorraine, are you there?"

Lorraine came out tidying her hair. "Shit I didn't realise the time." she whispered. Then louder: "Just a moment Lisa."

She looked down at me and took out her phone. "I need a picture. Now get dressed." i grabbed the towel and scurried into her washroom. I heard the meeting start as I showered and dressed. Everyone stared as I came out.

Lorraine frowned at me.

"Ah David. Go to your desk and attend to your normal duties. I will call you when I need to use you again. Stay until you are called."

She was in meetings all afternoon. Five o clock came and went. At half five I got a text from Rosie telling me to come immediately to Stacey's house. Lorraine was still in a meeting at six when I got a furious message from Rosie demanding that I get to her now and that I would be severely punished. I called her and begged forgiveness, crying and pleading. At six thirty Lorraine's office door opened and the people left. The workplace was empty but for Lorraine and I. She rushed toward me stepping out of her skirt and knickers.

"Quick lie down and open your mouth. I'm bursting for a piss. Leave your clothes on, I can't wait and it doesn't matter now. Yes do it here. Nobody's around."

I lay down and opened my mouth. She squatted over me as a fountain of hot piss sprayed out of her pussy, soaking me. I gasped and gulped.

Lorraine sighed. "Oh that's good."

When she was done I thanked her and asked if I could use her shower again.

"No. Just go home and shower there."

Rosie made it clear that I was to go to Stacey's house immediately. I was soaking and sticky as I knocked on the front door.

Four girls glowered me in anger.

"Dad, we've been dying to piss for ages. Stacey couldn't wait so she's peed in her pants and her clothes are wet so you'll have to wash them. But why are you covered in piss? Who did that."

I explained that Lorraine had threatened to tell mum unless I let her use me.

Rosie frowned.

"Oh dad you are pathetic. You are my slave, you obey me, your princess not that old bitch. You better take your clothes off now."

I undressed and the three girls took turns to piss on me. Their bladders were full and i was soaked, drinking lots of wee.

Afterwards I was made to wash Stacey's wet clothes.

Hoping that Rosie had forgiven me for being late and decided not to punish me I asked if I could be allowed to wash my own wet work clothes as well but I soon wished I hadn't.

"Don't think you've gotten out of your punishment dad. You need to do Stacey's laundry, clean the kitchen, scrub the floor, hoover and polish first. And since you let your boss piss on you you will have to do it naked. And be quick. Stacey's sister Chloe gets home in half an hour. And her mum is back in an hour. We're going upstairs while you get on with your chores."

I was still ironing Stacey's skirt when Chloe came in. She looked me up and down in disgust then pointed at my dick and laughed.

"So you are the man with the famous mystery little dick in that video. Rosie's dad. Wow. Hold on." She took out her phone and made a video call.

"Hi Fiona, you know that film with the tiny dick jerking? It's right here. In my house. Look..."

She pointed the phone at me. She came closer and held the phone lower pointing at my willy.

Chloe spoke to Fiona; "Oh Yeah. It's definately the same one." Then she turned the camera to my face. "It's Rosie's dad. Doesn't your mum know him from work? Oh my god you are so going to have to show her this."

Rosie, Stacey, May and Sophie came downstairs. Chloe ended the phone call and addressed her sister.

"Stacey, why have I come home to the sight of Rosie's dad's little dick? And why is he ironing your clothes? What the fuck is going on?"

Rosie told Chloe everything. I was made to turn around for Chloe to inspect my raw spanked bum.

Rosie had some convincing to do:

"Sorry Chloe, It's just my mum doesn't know about me punishing and pissing on dad so Stacey said we could come to yours after college and do it here. I promise it won't cause you any inconvenience. He'll do all your chores, look how clean your house is. You can use him too. He'll do everything you want."

Rosie turned to me: "Get on your hands and knees for Chloe now, dad you pathetic worm, lick her boots and promise to obey her."

I did as I was told.

Chloe laughed.

"I could get used to this, so, maybe. But I don't want mum to catch us. So he has to be gone by 8:30. And does he always have to have his ugly little thingy on display? I know it's famous but a jokes a joke. Wasn't he wearing little girl pants in that film? Let's take him upstairs and find something for your pathetic slave daddy to wear."

Chloe looked through her wardrobe and pulled out a very lacy black and white French maid's outfit with a lacy petticoat, a short skirt which flared out and a lace up bodice.

"I got this for a kinky fancy dress party last year. It'll be perfect for your pervert dad to wear while he's here being our slave."

I started to protest but one look from Rosie made me think better of it. I let Chloe and Stacey squeeze and lace me into the French maid's outfit. I had to put on a matching pair of round toed high heeled maid's shoes with lace trim and ankle straps. I was made to twirl and curtsey before my daughter and friends for their approval. I found myself blushing demurely as they whistled and jeered. The unfamiliar draught of air between my legs from wearing a skirt rather than trousers, the feeling of exposure, the lace and silk of my petticoat brushing against the tiny tender bare acorn tip of my dick aroused me and made me stiff. One of Rosie's friends noticed.

"I think your dad likes his maid's outfit. Look."

"Dad, lift your skirt."

I did as ordered, blushing with shame and humiliation. Rosie glared at me while her friends tittered and shrieked. I waited unsure whether I would be punished or made to twirl and mince for their amusement.

It was the older girl Chloe who made the decision.

"Okay Rosie, you can bring your pathetic little dick dad, slave, maid here after college. As long as he does all the housework, does what I tell him, lets me spank him and try that pissy thing you do, and wears his cute little maid outfit. But you have to be out before mum gets home. And it's half eight now so take him home. He can keep the dress on and take his dirty clothes. See you tomorrow at six. Quick. Get out now."

I was made to carry my wet crumpled work clothes to my car wearing the French maid's outfit, across the street. Rosie sat next to me as I drove us home.

"I wonder if mum's at home. How are you going to explain why you're dressed like a maid dad? So funny!"

To my horror Emma's car was on the drive. I parked on the road, grabbed my wet clothes and hobbled across the pavement and up the garden path to our back door. I kept my head forward and eyes down but I heard Rosie call out to our neighbours so they must have seen me.

I opened the kitchen door and crept in. There was no sign of Emma. I hurriedly put my damp clothes in the washing machine. Rosie gave me a puzzled frown. "I wonder where mum is?"

She walked into the hall and stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"I can hear mum now. Come here dad."

I followed my daughter. From upstairs came a sound that I had never heard. It was the sound of my wife experiencing an orgasm. Her cries, moans, whimpers, gasps and screams of pleasure filled the air. I heard the bed squeak, rattle and bang as if it was about to break.

I could hardly breathe, I stood there in my lacy maid's dress and heels, as another fucked my wife with his big cock, my little dick stiffened, poked against the lace petticoat. Instinctively I lifted my skirt and gripped my aching pencil dick in my forefinger and thumb and began to jerk.

I was brought to my senses by a sharp slap to my wanking hand follwed by a stinging blow to my dick which made me yelp in pain and become limp.

"Dad! What the fuck do you think you're doing. Get upstairs, in my bedroom now. I'm going to spank your bottom you disgusting pathetic little dick jerking pervert while a real man fucks mum and I don't care who hears you scream and beg for mercy."

Which is what she did. I obediently followed her upstairs to her bedroom, bent over the end of her bed, Rosie lifted my petticoat over my back exposing my bottom and smacked me without mercy. When her hands were sore she used a belt, then a shoe, then a badminton racket. I cried loudly with the pain begging her to stop. Whenever she paused for breath I could hear her mother and lover fucking loudly in my bed, too noisy and carried away with carnal pleasure to hear my pathetic howls of pain. At one point there was a knock on the front door. Rosie answered it to our neighbours asking if we could keep the noise down as they were trying to sleep. Needless to say, when she came back upstairs to resume my punishment Rosie beat me more fiercely and screamed insults and humiliations at me at the top of her voice. Eventually she stopped. I lay on her floor in my crumpled maid's dress, sobbing and thanking her while she applied ointment to my wounds and stroked my hair. The sound of Emma's lovemaking was quieter now, murmurs of pleasure and kissing could be heard as I fell asleep.

I woke to the sound of Emma and a man's voice whispering downstairs and the front door closing. I heard Emma's footsteps come up the stairs and Rosie's bedroom door open.

"Hi mum" whispered Rosie "how're you doing?"

Emma let out a sigh of satisfaction and excitement.


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