Daddy's Girl Ch. 01

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Two people not looking for love...
9.3k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/03/2022
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The five parts of this story will be published over the Summer but due to my other commitments there may be a longer gap than usual between chapters, just so you are aware.

Sorry but there is no steamy sex in part 1. If that's what you are looking for then I'm afraid you will be disappointed.

There will be some in the later chapters so please bear with the story.

Please feel free to leave constructive messages but, as always, hateful trolling comments will simply be deleted.

Remember it is just a story.




Chapter 1 -- Danny, Jessica & Lucy

Sergeant Danny Wells lowered his kitbag to the floor and looked dejectedly around the empty barracks hut for what he expected would be the last time in quite a while.

Carefully noting the chipped metal bedframes, the worn paintwork and even the cracked window pane, his eyes took in every minute detail so he would remember it in the future. Not that he was ever likely to forget.

This had been his home for the last six years and he knew he would miss it more than he could ever imagine. He had spent some of the best times of his life here and had made some lifelong friends along the way.

Ever since he had enlisted in the military straight after finishing college, at the age of 21, he had been a Royal Marine. Going through some of the toughest training in the forces and two deployments overseas he had eventually been promoted to the rank of Sergeant.

"Bugger it. I'll miss all this." He murmured quietly under his breath as he ran a finger along one of the iron bedsteads.

He hadn't wanted to take extended leave from the service, in fact from the moment he enlisted he had always seen himself as a full-time twenty-two-year man. However, family circumstances and being needed by the one person who meant more to him than anything else in the world had forced this situation on him.

Standing by himself he paused and reflected, not for the first time, on the disaster that his life had been, outside of the army.

A few months after he had passed out as a marine Danny had met Stephanie Danby while he was on a drunken night out in Plymouth, with his mates.

The slim, attractive, blue-eyed blonde had immediately set her sights on him which, given his cute good looks, was hardly surprising.

At 6' 2" and just over 200 pounds of muscle, he had piercing, grey-blue eyes with a messy mop of short brown hair and, from the moment she saw him, she had thought him extremely desirable.

Making eye contact with him across the bar she had smiled coyly and he had gone across and asked her if he could buy her a drink. It had been that simple for her to get his attention.

They had started dating and six months into a whirlwind romance they had decided to marry. Despite his mother urging him to wait they had gone ahead with their plans and booked a ceremony at the Plymouth registry office to tie the knot.

At first everything had been fine between them and, after moving into a small rented apartment, they had settled down to married life.

Of course, being a marine Danny had had to spend a lot of time at the base and Stephanie, despite having her own job and friends to occupy her time, found the lengthy periods of separation from her new husband difficult to deal with.

It was inevitable that they argued, mostly over Danny being away so much, but they always made up, at least for the first year or so of their married life.

However, things really began to take a turn for the worse when Stephanie had found out she was pregnant. It had happened after a lengthy period of leave and, for once, they had been getting on well. He had hoped that the news might improve the situation between them but it just seemed to make everything worse.

The couple had certainly not planned to have children, at least not yet, and while Danny was ecstatic about the prospect of being a father his wife was definitely less than enthusiastic about the idea. They had only just begun to come to terms with the fact that they were going to be parents when, a few weeks later, Danny received orders that he was being posted overseas and would be away for the next nine months or so.

That was when things really came to a head between them.

Stephanie, already unhappy about the prospect of being a mother, had been spending a lot more time out with her friends. That and her complete disinterest in him had led Danny to have his suspicions that she might be seeing other men, although he never found any evidence to support his concerns.

Then, when she found that she was going to be left alone for the entire term of her pregnancy, she had really lost it with him. She had blamed Danny for everything and while he had done his best and tried to mollify and re-assure her, every conversation they had seemed to end in a massive argument.

By the time he finally had to ship out things had become about as bad as they could be between the pair of them and they were barely talking.

"What am I supposed to do while you're gone?" She had asked him bitterly, clearly resenting the fact he was being deployed overseas while she was stuck at home.

"I'll write and e-mail you while I'm away. And I can face time you as well." Danny had stood with his kit, ready to leave, while making one last attempt to appease his wife.

"Great." Stephanie had replied sarcastically, "You go off to god knows where and I get to sit at home getting fat."

"Afghanistan, Steph. I'm going to bloody Afghanistan not on a sodding holiday."

"Right, well you have a nice time." His wife told him sourly.

"Steph please. I'll miss you."

"For fucks sake just go and play soldiers and leave me alone." She had turned away dismissively and walked off into their kitchen without even so much as a kiss goodbye for him.

"I have to go Steph. Please."

"Fuck off then." Was the only answer he got from the other room.

With an over-riding feeling of impending doom Danny had, resignedly, picked up his bag and walked out of their flat and, as far as he could tell, Stephanie's life.

He had come to realise that he didn't love his wife but he was about to become a father and it was a role he took very seriously. He was determined that he would try to make the marriage work for the sake of his unborn child. Without a doubt Stephanie didn't love him, that was patently obvious, but he hoped that when the baby was born, she might settle down and become a real mother and then maybe they could be a proper family.

What they had felt for each other in the beginning hadn't really been love and had simply vanished during their first year together. In its place their relationship had simply become habit and then more recently it had changed, at least on Stephanie's side, to intense dislike and maybe even hatred of him.

To begin with he had tried to call her whenever possible while he was away, at least to attempt to try to sort things out. However, because of his duties, he wasn't able to get to a phone as much as he would have liked, not that it mattered.

At first, she simply didn't pick-up when he rang, then, a couple of weeks into his tour after the fifth or sixth attempt, he got the number discontinued message. That was when he had realised that he would never get an answer, she had changed her phone number.

Over the next couple of months of his deployment he had carried on trying to reach her and had continued to write, letters and e-mails, on an almost weekly basis. All his letters home went unanswered and e-mails simply bounced back saying the recipient's address no longer existed.

Eventually he simply gave up, she had made it totally transparent, she didn't want anything to do with him.

It hadn't really come as much of a surprise when, midway through his tour of duty, he finally received a correspondence from his wife's solicitor. It simply told him that she had left him and wanted a divorce due to irreconcilable differences.

There was little in the way of assets for them to split; the flat was rented and they had hardly anything in the way of savings. So, the process was relatively straightforward especially as he hadn't contested the ending of their marriage.

Everything went through the courts without a hitch and, shortly before Stephanie had given birth to a 5lb 12oz baby girl, the couple had received their decree absolute.

Coming home Danny had fallen in love with his daughter Jessica the moment he saw her and, fortunately for him, his ex-wife had wanted as much of her old life back as she could get. She had happily agreed to him having joint custody of their daughter so it would let her go out partying without any concerns about a babysitter.

Life had been difficult for Danny at first, with being away a lot of the time, but his mother Christine had been more than happy to look after her grand-daughter. Despite the problems that came with him being a soldier he had made every effort to spend as much time with Jess as possible when he had her, and it showed in the close relationship he had with his little girl.

Things had struggled haphazardly along for three years, with Stephanie gradually foisting Jess onto him on an ever-increasing basis, while she was off enjoying herself with whoever the man of the moment happened to be. Not that he minded, he was always happy to have her and she, likewise, loved spending time with her father.

Then just two weeks ago everything had changed when he had received the telephone call telling him his ex-wife had been killed in a road traffic accident. Apparently, she had been out drinking with friends and had been driving home when she had collided with another vehicle. The other driver had also been drinking, as it turned out, and both of them had died instantly in the collision.

Of course, he had felt a certain amount of grief when he had heard the news, but it was mainly because she had been Jessica's mother rather than due to any deep unresolved feeling's he held for her.

He had gone to the funeral as a matter of respect but Stephanie's family had totally ignored him and, after the service, he had been relieved to be able to quietly slip away.

As Jessica's surviving parent, sole custody of her had automatically been awarded to him and, wanting to be there every day for his daughter, Danny had made the extremely difficult decision to take extended leave from the army and, at least for the moment, become a full-time dad.

He sighed again, it would be a huge wrench leaving all his comrades behind but his daughter meant more to him than anything and he knew exactly where his priorities lay. He would have a decision to make at some point; to go back or to resign, but it could wait for now.

"You off now sarge?" The voice of his best friend Corporal Andy Weatherall jerked him out of his contemplation and back to the present moment.

"Yeah, time to make a move I guess."

Andy clapped him on the shoulder, "I'll miss you mate. You keep in touch you hear and look after that little angel of yours."

"I'll certainly do my best." Danny grinned.

"Do that and I'll get down to see you when I'm next on leave."

"Anytime mate there'll always be a bed for you." Danny embraced his friend one last time.

"Come on. I'll give you a lift to the train station." Andy picked up his luggage and headed out to the Land Rover.

Shouldering his remaining bag, Danny took one final look at what had been his home for the last six years before stepping through the doorway and getting into the jeep that would drop him at the local railway station.


Struggling up the second flight of stairs Lucy Maynard carried the last of her belongings into her new home and, using her heel, kicked the front door shut behind her.

Leaning back against it she closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, relieved to finally be done with the move.

'Thank god that's it over with.' She thought to herself.

Piling the last box on top of the others they had brought up from the ground floor, she worked the ache out of her shoulders and then dropped into an empty armchair.

"Well, I'm glad that's finally over and done with." She groaned with exhaustion as she sat back and pushed long strands of her dark hair away from her face, "I can barely move my arms anymore."

"Fancy a cup of tea hon?" Her best friend Annabelle shouted from the kitchen, "Kettle's on."

"You mean you've actually found the kettle?" Lucy asked with surprise keeping her eyes closed.

"First thing I unpacked." Floated back the laughing voice.

Lucy opened her eyes and thought for a moment, "Wait, do we have any milk?"

"Yep, I brought some with me this morning. Remember?" Came back the comforting reply.

"In that case I'd absolutely love one." She called out to her friend as she looked around her new home and what was effectively a new start in her life.

She was just 24 and on her own once again.

As she sat waiting for her tea, she let her eyes roam over the chaos around her. Bags and boxes littered the small amount of floor space and she wondered how on earth she was ever going to sort things out and get herself straight.

"Tea up!" She was brought back to the present moment by her friend coming into the room, "And biscuits."

"Chocolate ones I hope?"

Her friend chuckled, "Of course."

"You're a life saver." Lucy grinned.

"Here you go." Annabelle deposited a steaming mug on top of a box in front of her before sitting herself in the remaining empty chair opposite, "One sugar just the way you like it."

"Thanks babe, I really need this."

"Well, that's the first step in your new beginning all sorted out." Her friend continued, "Now it's on to your new school after the summer holidays."

Lucy took a sip of her hot tea and sighed, "I guess so, once I get this mess sorted out."

"You do know that none of this is your fault." Annabelle carried on resolutely, "That cheating bastard Jason deserves stringing up by his balls for what he did to you."

Lucy didn't answer, instead she sat and reflected on her friend's words as she thought back on how her life had changed so dramatically, and unexpectedly, over the last few weeks.

It seemed like it was only yesterday, rather than six weeks ago, that she had been in the process of moving in with her boyfriend Jason. They had been together for just a few months when he had surprised her and suggested she give up her flat and go and live with him.

It had taken her a few days to make her decision and, despite Annabelle's vehement opposition to the idea due to the fact she had never taken to him, Lucy had eventually accepted Jason's proposal and tentatively agreed to move in with him.

She had been excited about the future back then and terminating the lease on her own apartment they had set a date for her to relocate her things. Even the fact that she hadn't been feeling particularly well on the day of the move hadn't detracted from the elation she had felt shifting her belongings into his flat.

However, the effort of moving all her stuff had exhausted her and by the end of the Saturday she was feeling absolutely dreadful. Instead of enjoying her first night with her boyfriend she had apologised profusely to him before simply taking herself off to bed and spending most of the following day sleeping.

Despite being unwell she had got up on the Monday morning and gone into work as usual, not wanting to call in sick after the week-end. She had been worried people might think she was pulling a fast one after the move and she was the sort of person who didn't want to let anyone down.

She had managed to struggle through the first couple of hours in her classroom till just after eleven when her boss, Mrs. Simpson had called her into her office.

"Lucy, you look awful. Go home now."

"But I...." She had tried to protest.

"No buts, you're no use to anyone like that. Go home, go to bed and stay there until you feel better." Emma Simpson had told her firmly.

"Are you sure?"

"Go!" her boss told her one final time.

Despite her feeble protestations the directive to go home had been gratefully received by a shivering aching Lucy. She had gathered up her things and wearily dragged herself down to the bus stop to head back to her new apartment.

Her head had been throbbing painfully and her throat had virtually closed up by the time she had reached Jason's flat and put her key in the lock. She knew her boyfriend would be at work but she was simply looking forward to making herself a cup of tea and getting back into bed to sleep until he got home.

Almost the instant she opened the front door she had felt something hadn't been quite right and, for some unknown reason, she stopped herself calling out. There was nothing specific to begin with, just a sense that things weren't as they should be.

The front door hadn't been double locked.

She was sure that she had done it when she left for work.

Jason's coat was on the hook.

That shouldn't be there she thought to herself, certain he had been wearing it when he left that morning.

There was a girl's bag on the floor and she was sure it wasn't one of hers.

It didn't make any sense to her befuddled mind.

That was when she had heard the soft female groan emanate from the bedroom.

"Oh yes... don't stop... Jason.... Please don't... fucking.... stop."

Struggling to comprehend what she was hearing she tiptoed forwards to the partially open door and stood, totally stunned at the sight before her.

Stark naked, kneeling on all fours on the unmade bed that she had only gotten out of a few hours earlier was one of her best friends, Georgina Bray.

Completing the erotic tableau in front of her was her boyfriend, Jason, on his knees behind Georgina. He was equally naked as he held onto her friend's hips and relentlessly drove his hard cock deep into the girl's pussy.

"Yes, oh yes... fuck me Jason... just.... fuck meeeeeee!" the girl cried out, her eyes tightly shut, as Jason's hard prick speared her.

How long she had stood there watching the two of them going at it like rabbit's she couldn't remember but eventually the pair had noticed her and then everything had happened at once.

"LUCY!" Georgina had screamed stopping Jason mid-thrust.

"Lucy... it's not what you think." Jason started to say, pulling his rapidly deflating dick out of Georgina as she grabbed the covers and pulled them up to cover her nudity.

"What I think!" coming to her senses Lucy had screamed at the pair of them, "What I think is that you and that.... that slut were fucking in our bed."

"Lucy.... I... we...." Georgina stammered.

"Shut the fuck up bitch and put your fucking clothes on!"

The ensuing arguments, apologies, tears and recriminations had gone on for well over an hour before she had packed a bag and, telling the two of them she never wanted to see either of them again, had stormed out and taken herself off to Annabelle's.

She had been miserable and depressed, sitting around moping for several days before gradually realising that she hadn't really loved Jason and he obviously hadn't loved her. Finally, coming to the conclusion that she was better off without the worthless piece of stagnant pond amoeba that her ex-boyfriend had been, she decided to make a start and rebuild her train-wreck of a life.

Over the next couple of weeks, she had collected all of her things from his flat and, temporarily, moved in with Annabelle as she started to sort out the mess she was in.

Looking for a new home and a new job had been at the top of her list of priorities and, after a handful of interviews she had accepted a new position starting straight after the summer holidays. It had raised her spirits immensely when she got the offer and gave her renewed enthusiasm to find a new home.

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