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Dahlia Pt. 04

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Teasing the limits.
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Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/05/2024
Created 08/18/2024
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Another day of work breezed by. He wished it would end with him seeing Dahlia, but he knew she was on a deadline with her schoolwork, so another silent night alone awaited him.

Returning that evening to his hallway, he noticed a package sitting just outside his door. Travis picked it up, tucked it under his arm, and unlocked his door.

Setting it on the small table in the entryway, he made quick work of tossing off his shoes. Comfier attire awaited him in the bedroom. Upon changing and now in a state to relax, he made his way to the fridge, set out the leftovers he had designated for dinner, and opened a beer.

His phone vibrated on his kitchen counter as he waited for the microwave to adequately warm his dinner.

"Hey hot stuff. Did you get my package?"

Travis, realizing he had been sidetracked, walked to the table and grabbed the box, with a little red bow on it.

"I did, I was just about to open it."

"Wonderful! I hope you like its contents. I've been throbbing all day thinking about you and last night."

"Oh yeah?"

"You have no idea," she replied.

Removing the bow carefully and setting it aside, he tore the tape along the seams and opened the folds of cardboard.

The contents were covered in tissue paper. Shifting the tissue paper to reveal the surprise, he found a pink pair of panties, with a translucent fabric on the front. He also found a shiny metal object. Taking the object from the box and examining it further, he noticed a thin ribbon tied to it, and a little note attached.

It read, "Looking forward to seeing you in these tonight! I also thought you might enjoy this little toy. I programmed it to my phone, so I can operate it, even when we aren't together."

He looked over the buttplug. It wasn't large, but not quite small either. He had never used a buttplug, nor had he ever considered wearing panties before last night, and had no intent to continue.

Looking back in the box, a pair of cotton thigh high stockings lay on the bottom.

"What do you think?" Her next text came in. "Do you like your surprise?"

"It was very thoughtful," he wrote back, not sure how to respond. He didn't want to seem ungrateful, but more panties and a buttplug? What was she trying to make him into? "Thank you."

"You're very welcome, you sexy little thing. You know what would be super hot? If you shaved your legs when you shower tonight, before putting your little gift on, it would be so fucking erotic!"

"Shave my legs?" He thought. "Seriously, guys don't shave their legs, except for people on swim teams." Travis was by no means hairy, but he did have some hair on his legs.

"I'm not sure about shaving my legs babe. Everyone would notice if I was wearing shorts."

"Oh cmon, honey. At work you wear pants. And seriously, how many people are worried about whether some random guy they don't know has smooth legs. It'll be fun. It'll also feel quite nice. Trust me."

"The things you do for love," he thought.

"We will see." He typed back to her

"That means yes...."

"You are incorrigible."

"I think you quite like it."

The buzzer on the microwave broke him from the line of thoughts and he proceeded to eat his meal

There were very few things more satisfying than a nice bong rip after having stuffed oneself full of food.

Dahlia sat at her desk, the light from the screen creating a glow on her skin. She wore a grey, v-neck tshirt and a little pair of light green running shorts, that did very little to cover her legs.

No matter how much she tried to focus on her task, little thoughts of Travis unloading in her panties bounced in her head, making it hard to accomplish much. Sure, she could just masturbate, which would relieve the tension and clear her head, but what's the fun in that.

Instead she liked teetering on arousal, denying herself release. She loved the feeling on her cock rising, leaking, aching, softening for a bit as her attention shifted, only for a little thing to make her dick harden again and beg for satisfaction.

Travis had finally relaxed from the day. A shower sounded great. Then he could truly feel at ease. Walking towards the bathroom, he was reminded of Dahlia's package as it beckoned him from the kitchen counter, where he had left it. Grabbing it as he went by, he headed to the bathroom.

The hiss of the shower head sent warmth through his hair and down his shoulders, as his muscles released their tension and washed the stress of the day down his body, under his feet, and down the drain.

A new set of blades were clipped on to the razor just before he had stepped into the cascade.

Working the razor across the skin of his legs was a tedious and arduous task. He watched as the little hairs rain down into the water swirl. After what had seemed like forever, his legs were finally smooth. Pulling back the shower curtain, he spread his ass toward the mirror, removing the little bits of hair around his asshole. Might as well be completely smooth.

Setting his razor down, he finished lathering himself, and rinsing. Stepping out and wrapping himself in a towel, he couldn't help but notice the electric tingling of his freshly shaved skin. All of it overly sensitive to sensations.

Grabbing a bottle of lotion, he worked it into his skin, as he didn't want it to be agitated later. The result was soft supple skin, and as his fingers grazed it, he couldn't help but think that it was not unlike touching her cared for body.

Taking the pair of panties, he stepped into them, and slid them slowly up his legs to his pelvis. The feeling of the fabric grazing his freshly shaven body sent jolts through him. He followed up, pulling the white stockings up his legs.

Glancing at himself in the mirror, he couldn't help but admire how sexy his legs looked wrapped in the cotton sheaths. It's like they tempted the eyes to follow upward until one's gaze was directed to the little pink pouch that trapped his cock. He could clearly see it through the material, packed up snugly over his silky balls.

Why he felt so hot, or so enthralled by the whole display, he couldn't explain. There was something oddly arousing, viewing how the panties cupped his package into a small lump.

As he looked himself over, a glint of light reflected from the bathroom sink counter. His attention shifted to the plug.

"Well, if I went this far," he tried to reason with himself.

He picked up his phone, and texted dahlia, "So I did a thing..."

"Yeah?" Dahlia texted back, her member swelling in anticipation.

Shortly after a picture popped up on her messages.

Travis's thin form, nicely toned chest, flat stomach, were accompanied by his pink see through panties, a small glimpse of silky smooth thighs, and long white covered legs. His dick was folded over and pressed against his body.

"Now that is really fucking sexy!" She wrote in response. "Did you try out the other part of your surprise?"

"I was just considering it," he wrote back.

He took some lube from the cabinet, and carefully coated the metal cone. Leaning over the sink top, he gently pressed it against his hole, and took deep, slow breaths, as his folds stretched to accommodate the intruder. Bits of discomfort were replaced with a sigh of relief and pleasure as the plug was swallowed into him. He fingered the on button, causing the plug to pulse twice, making him jump and startle a bit. He shifted the thong back of the panties back into place as he drew a few more steady and slow breaths.

"So are you still considering it?" Dahlia prodded.

"No longer a consideration," he wrote back, as he walked out of the bathroom, still discovering the sensation shifting in his insides as he walked. The little package seeped into the panties from the new feelings of fullness.

"You just keep getting better and better," she wrote back. "I just want to run my hands up those cute little legs."

Travis opened his phone and read the text, then leaped as he was caught off guard by a series of pulsing vibrations inside of him. For a second his eyes rolled up into the back of his head. His dick began to chub.

"Like that? Oh, and no touching your little pecker until I tell you that you can."

Why she was so intent on focusing on the size of his organ whenever she referenced it, he was unsure.

Also, why? Why did he like it. Was it his desire to feel vulnerable? Perhaps he wanted teased, controlled, to feel helpless for a moment. He was a creature with so many cravings. It didn't keep it from becoming engorged any less.

"I can't touch myself?"

"Well not your dick. Anything else is still in limits."

"You are devious."

"You have no idea."

Just as her text arrived, vibrations started, slowly changing patterns. He jumped, surprised, only to moan a second or so afterwards. "Oh fuck," he exclaimed as the pulse changed again, to a more dramatic rhythm.

"I imagine you enjoyed that," a text rang in as the vibrations halted for now.

He so wanted to work his shaft. But instead he kneaded his balls and traced his fingers over his perineum.

"I'm going to make you my little slut. "

No one had ever called Travis a slut. At this point he couldn't really argue, so he went with it.

"Oh, yeah?"

A picture of dahlia chimed in, one hand tweaking the nipple of her bare breast, and the other gripping her long hard shaft.

"You best believe it."

With another ding, a link came in.

He opened it.

It was a pov video. The camera angled down a man's body. His torso was bare but he had shorts on.

A woman stood in front of him stripping. Her c cup breasts were released from a blue bra. She wore a little blue thong as well.

She leaned over him climbing between his legs on the bed.

"Mmm baby, how about we see what you're working with here."

She hooked her fingers on his shorts and slipped them down, freeing the dick from it's confines.

"Oh," she said in a disappointed tone, taking her two fingers and thumb and stroking it gently up and down. The modest erection wasn't quite as big as Travis's, but not much smaller either.

Moaning from behind the lens commenced.

"Well, I suppose it's ok, not everyone can have a big, or even average cock. At least it's cute," she chuckled. "Does it get any bigger?" She said with a cocked eyebrow.

The camera view shook from side to side to insinuate the answer as a "no."

"Awww, look at that little penis struggling to stretch out...poor little thing," she said as she squeezed the head. "Here, hold on...she walked away for just a moment and returned with a cute pair of pink laced panties held out in front of her.

Travis almost bounced off the bed as the sensation of the buttplug started whirring. He gasped and continued watching.

"Since I was expecting a real man, and a real dick, and you can supply neither, it's probably best we put these on so you can be the little bitch that you are." She laughed as she swatted his short cock, causing it to wobble back and forth.

"But I don't..." he tried to protest, but she put her finger to his lips and shushed him.

Taking each foot and putting them through the leg holes of the panties, and sliding them up, she said "Mmm, now that's better. They even completely cover that little boy clit of yours."

Her hand glided over his panty clad cock. She traced around the outline of his modest manhood.

"Your boy clitty is getting so hard, and it's nowhere near the size I was hoping it to be. Do you want to see some of my other lovers," she gripped around the whole shaft and squeezed as she said it.

The rhythm of the pulse changed inside Travis. The plug would rise, buildup, then fall and rapid fire. The front of his panties were starting to get quite damp.

The woman in the video swatted the main character's tight little ballsack. "I asked if you wanted to see some of my other lovers! Cocks, not dicklets..."

The guy moaned, and answered "yes," recoiling from her blow.

"I bet you do." She pushed herself down the bed, slid off and stood up. Walking to the dresser nearby, she opens it and pulls out a dildo that dwarves his bit. Then she reaches in and grabs and even larger one.

She walked back to him,crawled on the bed, and sat between his legs again. She took the light green dildo and pressed it against his dick. It was the smaller of the two.

"Oh, look how small you are compared to this." The cock extended another inch easy and at least another inch around if not more. She slid it up the leg hole of his panties to accentuate the difference of the rods side by side. Grasping from outside the panties she rubbed the dildo against his cock. "Mmm, do you like it? That was the smallest of my lovers. One of my first."

Then she shimmied the other purple cock through the other leg hole. His dick was surrounded by what seemed to be pillars he couldn't achieve.

Her hands clasped the three pistons together under the panties. One extending above the waist band, and one protruding from the bottom and the top of his panties.

The plug stopped vibrating for a moment. Then the head of it started rotating, pressing buttons in Travis that he didn't feel fully of aware of before now. The plug pressed into some button that made his dick start dripping.

It wasn't quite like a finger, or dick, but it spun around inside him, hitting something that he never felt before. Maybe a bit more like a really long tongue.

The woman in the video took the smaller of the cock molds and moved it between the man's ass cheeks. She kept the larger of the molds next to his dick, inside the panties.

With one hand she teased the rim of his taint with the smaller of the molds.

"This is what cock feels like. It fills your panties when he rubs against you. It teases your little holes. Tight little holes. And since you are a pussy instead of a man, you should be used like one. "

The woman poured lube over the dildo and pressed it against his opening that slowly gave way to it's intrusion.

"Oh that's right baby, take that real cock. This is about all you're good for," she teased lifting his legs a little, as his rosebud swallowed up the toy.

The man moaned audibly.

"Mmm, does that feel good?"

The man moaned again in response.

She began plunging the dildo in and out of him, and rubbing the larger of the dildo against his minuscule dick when in comparison.

The plug inside Travis started vibrating again, with the rotating sensation continuing. His eyes rolled back and the air just left him. He began rocking his hips into the bed in a reactionary response.

His breathing was rhythmic with the pulsing against his button. "Fuck that feels so good," he said out loud.

The pulsing pattern changed, and his breathing to match.

He felt like he was in a state of orgasm without quite crossing the line. His penis had become a precum faucet.

Running his fingers over the head of his dick through the fabric, they became coated in his sweet, slick flavor. His brain envisioned Dahlia dipping her fingers into his mouth as he did so with his own.

DING! "You aren't stroking your dick are you?" Dahlia texted.

Travis wasn't proud to say he wasn't, but he kind of was too. Just then the pulse intensified threefold.

"No," was the response he struggled to type out in the haze of his sexual overstimulation. How many times he thought he pressed send and struggled to...tapping his finger on the screen and becoming frustrated that it just wouldn't register. It was too much....he rocked his hips faster...."send".....god that feels so..."send"....fucking...oh god.....

At that moment, the a gushing of jizz erupted from his dick seeping through the fabric and coating the inside of the panties as well. Euphoria washed over him.

A minute or so later, his body had finally come down, despite the plug still twirling in his asshole. Pulling the panties to the side he reached down and hit the power button on the plug and began to gently pull it out. His hole resisted, as if it didn't want to let go of the object that had caused it so much pleasure.

"Oh godddd," Travis gasped as the toy was removed leaving him feeling empty, and dirty, laying there in cum soaked underwear.

He texted Dahlia, "I just came so hard."

"I bet you did. I'm guessing you liked the movies I sent you," she replied.

"They were definitely different than what I usually watch."

"Good, spicing it up can be fun."


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Will we get a part 5?

Kinkyone27Kinkyone275 months ago

Even as a straight guy I'm falling in love with Dahlia!

More please!

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