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Dancing Angel


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Shame was the furthest thing from my mind. Adrenaline pumped though my veins as she drank in my nakedness. I boldly guided her hand toward my breasts, aching for them to be touched. The full impact of my arousal was obvious. Without thinking, I lowered my hands to the top of my thong, slipping my fingers inside.

Our dance had taken a different direction which didn't go unnoticed. The chaos in the crowd careened to full tilt, the bouncers' work cut out for them. Men were desperate to get on stage, shoving, pushing their way closer.

"We're done," Serena yelled, grabbing my hand. "Let's go, girl!"

Dancers stared as we hurried along the corridor. Delilah's jaw was hanging open. Isabel's was worse. We ignored them, too caught up in the excitement of our performance. The men were still screaming, shouting for more.

"Cassie, this way!" Serena ordered anxiously. She grabbed my hand, leading me down more endless hallways. She walked quickly. Somehow, I kept up with her, despite my four-inch heels.

"Where're we going?" I asked, praying it wasn't back to the dressing room. All I could think about was being alone with her.

"You'll see," she answered, her grin mischievous.

The smile on her face was enough to vanquish any doubts I might have had. She held my hand tighter and I visibly relaxed.

"Serena, where were you? I..."

"Shhh... We're here," she interrupted. She stopped in front of a wooden door with 'Private' displayed on its surface. "Welcome to my world, Cassie."

Her personal sanctuary awaited us. Our dance would continue once again.

* * *

I was speechless as I stepped into the elaborate room. My eyes danced with excitement as I took everything in, my question all but forgotten. Burgundy accented leather-bound furnishings and tables of rich mahogany. Each elegant piece was laden with flowers, their fragrance filling the air with natural perfume. The scent was intoxicating.

I wandered further inside, my high heels digging into the lush carpeting. I quickly discarded them, wanting to feel its softness beneath my feet. Scrunching my toes, it felt heavenly. An image of clouds entered my mind as I floated across the room.

Serena floated with me. I sensed her behind me, following silently as I enjoyed my surroundings. I turned. Catching her unaware, I watched her caress the petals of roses in a vase nearby. She touched them lovingly, their rich texture against her fingertips. To my surprise, she pulled one out bringing it up to her nostrils. She inhaled deeply, savoring the aroma of the delicate flower. Smiling, she walked barefoot toward me, the rose still in her hand.

"A rose for you, Cassie," Serena said softly, her voice almost a whisper. "It represents beauty; its petals...soft skin; its leaves...outstretched arms, always loving and giving; and its stem...strength." She paused before going on. "I give you this rose, for you are special to me."

I was silent as she raised her hand, stroking my cheek with the beautiful flower.

"Cass, I'm sorry I disappeared on you earlier," she said, as she lowered the rose along the curve of my neck. "I didn't expect you to come looking for me. What were you thinking?"

"I...I couldn't wait," I stuttered, my words sticking in the back of my throat. I was entranced as silken petals flitted against my skin. "Where were you?" I asked, my mind more on the flower that trailed further down. I waited for her answer, anticipating where the blossom would go next.

"I had a client, Cass. I should have told you—I do private dances sometimes. I'm sorry," she said, her apology sincere.

"You're forgiven," I managed to say. The rose brushed slowly over my breasts. Its silken caress sent shivers through me, making it hard to concentrate. "They thought I was a dancer!" I blurted out despite the pleasure I was feeling. My arousal was evident. Soft petals of velvety red circled my nipples one at a time.

"You did well, Cassie," Serena smiled, delighted by my reaction. "Really well," she added, as her fingers replaced the petals of the rose. "I'd love to dance with you again."

"I'd..." I couldn't finish the sentence. My nipples tingled, burned from the effect of her touch. I stood paralyzed, enslaved by her wandering fingers. Closing my eyes, I enjoyed the sensations as she pulled, taunted and teased. I was lost in their magic as they danced against my flesh.

"Cass, open your eyes." Serena spoke softly, her voice gentle but firm. "Come, let's get more comfortable."

My knees felt weak, almost rubbery as I followed her, the luxurious carpeting squishing beneath my toes.

The bed was elegant. A large headboard of carved mahogany echoed the room's décor. I touched the huge mattress covered in burgundy satin. Scattered amongst the silken spread, throw pillows of ivory cream added to its grandeur.

"Serena, my God, this room!" I was ecstatic.

"I know—it's for our elite guests. I consider you to be one of them," she responded, lighting candles near the bedside.

"Do you entertain others here?" I had to ask.

"I do private dances, Cassie...that's all," she replied, her expression genuine.

I was thoughtful as she answered, conjuring up explicit images in my mind.

Soft music and candlelight completed the room creating a warm ambience around us. I watched her light the last candle, its golden flame flickering in a wild dance...a dance much like ours. Wild and free, it'd burn long into the night uninhibited.

I was taken aback as she walked toward me, bathed in shimmering light. She was exquisite, her figure, slender and beautiful to look at. The swell of her breasts, the rise of her hips, the graceful curves of her thighs were breathtaking. I swallowed hard.

Our passion ignited a flame that would burn for hours to come. I moaned as her lips pressed against mine, desire compelling her aching need. Unyielding, she kissed me with the same intensity I exhibited on stage. I responded as her tongue delved inside, swirling, dipping, teasing.

"I want you, Cass," Serena gasped as she came up for air. "You want me too, don't you?" she asked. "I know you do."

A nod was all I could muster as she nudged my body down on the bed. Cushiony softness billowed beneath me, the burgundy silk cool against my skin. I was captivated as I watched her standing by the bed frame. There was a devilish glint in her dark green eyes, her smile deliciously wicked. She lowered her thong, further exposing her nakedness.

"I do want you." Somehow I said the words she wanted to hear, my voice barely audible in the room. I was hardly aware I had spoken as I took in her nudity silhouetted in the candles' glow. Our eyes held in the flickering light, shadows dancing on the wall beside us. Our arousal was obvious, our desire fueled by unrelenting passion. We remained motionless, savoring the moment.

"Serena..." I reached for her, urging her to join me on the burgundy spread. The mattress barely moved, her weight feather-light on the elegant bed. I was in heaven as she lay against me, her hair tumbling over her shoulders. The strands tickled, caressing my flesh in silken waves. I moaned, loving the sweet sensation. She kissed me again, butterfly kisses raining down my throat in a delicate swirl. With my head thrown back amongst the pillows, I closed my eyes reveling in her touch.

I abandoned all control when she caressed the soft curves of my breasts. Shivers ran through me. Her lips replaced her fingertips. I whimpered as her tongue circled, flitting against my nipples. She lapped them greedily, arousing the nubs to hardened peaks. She was relentless. Pursing her lips, she blew hot air on my saliva-soaked skin. Mewling sounds escaped my throat. She began to nibble, suck and tease.

"Cass, you taste so good," Serena murmured in the midst of her pleasuring. She squirmed further down, her tongue swirling in a downward spiral. "I want to taste all of you. I need..."

Somehow, my thong disappeared before she finished the sentence.

"Serena..." was all I could say. I was without words.

Slender fingers trailed along my calves as she knelt between my thighs. I inhaled a deep breath of air, invigorated by her touch. Roses filled my senses. The scent I loved mixed with the spicy aroma of burning candles. She touched me again, guiding her fingertips toward the soft curls on my mound. Her caresses soon made me forget the scent of roses. All I could think of was what she was doing to me.

"God, girl..." A torrent of words gushed from my lips as she pleasured me. "I need—I want—don't stop—please—" I begged, pleading for more.

Deft fingers circled the tiny nub of flesh, driving me into a state of frenzy. I wiggled and squirmed, moving my hips in quick momentum. My breath came fast as I pushed against her, the pressure intensifying the sensation. Her fingertips flew, her touch branding me with fiery heat.

"Cassie, you want more?" Serena asked teasingly. Her fingers slowed, almost stopping. "I'll give you more.

I was at the mercy of this dancing angel, my nakedness absorbed in the glowing candlelight. I watched her expression, enthralled by the desire I saw there. Her face was flushed, and her lips turned upward as she lay between my thighs. Accommodating her, I opened them wider, no longer inhibited.

Soft, sensitive lips brushed the delicate folds of my womanhood. I trembled when her mouth made contact. Her touch was electrifying, sending vibrations through my body's core. My hips rose as her warm tongue circled against my clit, up and down, back and forth, trailing over my flesh. Passion consumed me. I held her closer, my fingers entwined in locks of auburn hair.

Every nerve was alive, my body writhing beneath her. She taunted and teased again and again, sucking, nipping, pulling. I wriggled, slipping my hand down to the soft region of my sex. I felt her tongue gliding over hot, swollen skin, lapping in circular motions. We battled for possession. I rubbed frantically, enjoying the combined pleasure of my fingers and her tongue. I was in eternal bliss.

"Oh, God," I cried out. "Don't stop, girl..." I was helpless against her magic. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think as she flicked her tongue up and over, sideways and around.

My chest heaved as I gulped greedily for air. I was shaking, climbing toward the brink of ecstasy. Her fingers touched mine, gliding over my clit before slipping inside me. One at a time they entered my softness, bathed in satiny cream. I sank into bliss. She fingered me with gentle thrusts, probing deep inside. I was almost beyond the point of no return. Her fingers plunged again and again before she released them, slipping them into her mouth.

"Mmmmm... So good, Cass," Serena whispered, her words almost muffled. Tangy, bittersweet..." Liquid pools of desire burned in her eyes as she licked them one by one. Again she tongued my clit, circling around it, beneath it, over it. I arched, shuddering uncontrollably.

"I want—I need—" I couldn't stop the pulsating surges flowing through my body. I ached for release. I was lost amidst the dance. My dancer, a lone woman, took me over the edge.


My orgasm peaked. Undulating waves coursed through me in heavenly bliss. I stayed on the brink until the pulsations ebbed, the gentle breaking of a tide, coming no more. I lay still, my heart tapering to a rhythmic beat. Moments passed before I could speak. Before I could think...

The words finally came.

"Now, it's my turn."

"Cass..." I need you, Serena murmured, her voice filled with arousal. She rolled beside me, pulling me over in one gentle sweep.

I smiled with renewed energy. A new dance would begin. I would be her dancer—a lone woman who knew what she finally wanted. A woman.

"Serena," I breathed, aware of her warm body beneath me. She felt cushiony soft, the sensation exquisite. "I want to pleasure you," I whispered shamelessly. "Right here, right now."

I kissed her then, my lips searing into hers. Probing, I invaded her mouth with insatiable desire. I wanted to possess her, fulfill her every need. She responded. Her moans filled the room with an urgency I couldn't ignore. I left the warmth of her mouth. I nibbled, sucked, pulled the delicate skin of her lip before descending down further. My tongue ran rampant circling the dips and hollows of her throat—tasting the saltiness of her skin, mixed with the sweetness of perfume.

"Oh, Cassie..." Serena's voice wavered. She leaned back, her hair spilling behind her in a silky mass.

Her arousal was intense. I paused, feeling the rise and fall of her breasts against me—twin mounds of heated flesh, hot and heavy with wanting. Her nipples were prominent. Pale pink buds rose and fell as her breathing quickened. I needed to taste them, feel them against my tongue. I moved further down, nuzzling in the cleft of her bosom.

Moans became cries of ecstasy. Her voice carried into the night as my tongue swirled against her skin. I circled the tiny nubs, suckling them one at a time. They were rubbery soft, the texture like my own. I was exhilarated as she arched her back, writhing with pleasure. She was breathless as I pulled, nipped and teased.

"Cass—more—I want more—" Her tone was desperate, the words repeated again and again.

Her pleas were not ignored. My hands slipped across her tummy as I eased down her body's length. I caressed her sensual curves, tracing a delicate route to her navel. Her belly-ring sparkled, its tiny stone captured by candlelight. I touched it lightly, admiring the jewel that lay against her. It was radiant, setting off her skin beautifully.

Serena wriggled, her body alive with desire. She gasped. My fingers circled lower, caressing her bottom. The flesh was firm, supple beneath my touch. I explored, following the dips and curves trailing toward her shapely thighs. I knelt between them, nudging gently until they parted.

For a moment I stared, taking in the sight of her glistening flesh. Her essence enveloped me, tantalizing my senses. I wanted to taste her sweet nectar, savor it on my lips.

"Cassie, don't stop..." Her words were deep, penetrating.

I let myself go—lost in the sound of her voice as I caressed her womanhood. Her mound was almost bare, her skin, velvety smooth. My heart pounded. Fluttery swirls filled my stomach. I was lightheaded from the sheer exhilaration of touching her.

Liquid silk bathed my fingertips. I slipped them between her satin folds, exploring the soft crevices within. Her flesh was slick, wet from her arousal. I rubbed the tiny node hidden beneath dark pink skin. It was hard, swollen, bursting for release. She cried out in pleasure as I circled it, moving my fingers in fluid motion.

"Serena, you like this, don't you?" I asked naughtily. I stroked faster, enticing her into a response.

"Yes! It feels so good..."

The candles illuminated her in the throes of passion. I watched, absorbed in her sensual display. Loud moans intensified as I fondled and kneaded her delicate skin. Her head thrashed against the pillows, her hair a mass of tangles. She arched against my hand, her hips lifting off the burgundy spread. Her eyes were closed, my name, an urgent plea on her lips.

"Cassie... Cassie..."

There was no holding back after hearing her voice. I nuzzled closer, my mouth descending on hot, pulsating flesh. She cried out again as I breathed her in, her scent inescapable. The smell of her arousal intoxicated me, surrounding me a haze of drunken lust. Smothered in the sweet essence of her perfume, I drank in her creamy nectar.

"Girl... Oh, God..."

The sound of her pleasure escalated. Her hands dropped between her thighs as I suckled, tasting her for the first time. She held me tight against her in a moving vise of undulating passion. I was vaguely aware of pain. Her fingers twisted, ensnarling my hair in a desperate grip.

Entrapped, I taunted her more. My tongue probed, flicking her clit in circular motions. Around, up, down, back and forth over and over again. Swirling, dipping, teasing, we became one being—a motion of flesh, moaning with uninhibited pleasure.

Tremors began. She shuddered beneath me as I tongued her clit faster. She arched higher. I moved with her, taking her to unimaginable heights. Her moans deepened as my fingers slid into her moist depths. The soft feel of her blanketed them, enveloping them in silky heat. Slippery, wet juices squished my fingers as I thrust into her again and again. My tongue never stopped. Her moans never ceased.


Convulsing waves swept through her, her body trembling in the throes of release. She arched again, her orgasm escalating before receding into a stream of unending bliss. She lay motionless, her arms by her sides. The rise and fall of her breasts slowed, her passion finally sated.

"Cass," Serena murmured lazily, "you were incredible. I knew you'd be," she added, her voice growing softer. "I want to pleasure you all night long, sweet girl. Just need to catch my breath." Then she fell silent.

Neither one of us moved, our silhouettes still in the candles' glow. A peaceful calm washed over us in the aftermath of our lovemaking. The candlelight flickered. The music played its tantalizing tune. Beside me lay the rose—the flower that represented the beauty of a woman's heart, a woman's soul. I brushed the silken petals against my fingers remembering what they symbolized. Carefully, I raised the blossom and whispered softly into the night.

"Serena, I give you this rose, for you are special to me."

The End

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I love it! Intruiging characters and a great story-line! I wish I was Cassie- Serena sounds horny...Wanna fuck me sometime?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago

Your story had the desired effect!

SouthernGuySouthernGuyabout 20 years ago
Beautifully Sensual!

Loved your story. I could really feel the passion and desire these two felt for one another. Look forward to seeing the next installment as the adventure continues.

Well done!

Fallen5of7Fallen5of7about 20 years ago
Well Crafted & Genuinely Erotic

Quite the delightfull first effort in this area for the good Lady Katerina, from my personal experience and association with erotic dancers in my life, she had captured the high end of their appeal and set that into a truely arousing adventure. I look forward to seeing Cassie and Serena under the hot lights and behind closed doors again sometime soon.....

NuttnonNuttnonover 20 years ago
Well done, dear!

Of course I may be biased, since I was one of your volunteer editors. ;-)

I recall your being somewhat surprised when I said that you are talented. Having read the other readers' comments here, I can only say, do you believe me now?

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago
I like darlin, I like

A great story, I'd recomend that next time though you make it a love story since it seems to be that more than an actual lesbian tryst

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