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Dark Agenda Ch. 01

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John and Ethel convert their first victim.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 07/29/2022
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A CSI-style ring tone can be heard.

A modern high-tech IP phone can be seen sitting on an obviously old antique desk. Surrounding the desk walls of books can be seen. Many of them look to be well over 100 years old. One wall has a very comfortable couch instead of the endless rows of books and it faces the entry. Eric Gruenke pushes his brown hair out of his eyes and answers the phone. If we saw him standing, he would be about 5'10" and just under 200 pounds.

"Hello?" He answers with a calm relaxed voice.

"Is that you Eric?" John Morton asks inquisitively.

"Oh Hey, John. Yes, this is Eric" Eric indicates as soon as he recognizes an old friend's voice. "We sure would love to have you visit our church again real soon. My parishioners really love you."

"I would love to do that sometime." A friendly John replies.

"Hey, I meant to drive up to see you when you were going through your cataract surgery. I hope everything went well with that." Indicated Eric with honest heartfelt concern.

"The surgery went well. Thank you very much for your prayerful thoughts." John lied.

"The reason I called you is that I was wondering if you got the package that I sent you." Indicated an inquisitive John.

Eric pulls a note laying on top of an open box under his desk out. He quickly reads the typed note:

I sent 8 packages, all of them the same size. I purposely wrapped them up in brown paper packages and mixed them up several times over the period of hours to ensure that I couldn't remember whom I sent the items to. There are some scary people that are interested in what I have sent you. If I call you asking about what I sent you please tell me that I sent you a King James Rice Reference bible, that is what I sent everyone else. Whoever got this your life, and the lives of your family could be in real danger. I tried to destroy the book and the sacrificial knife and nothing I tried would work. I trust that you take me seriously and get rid of these items in a way that you can't divulge the information to anyone, especially me.

Remember, you received a Rice Reference King James Bible from me.

"Yes, yes, I got it, a King James Rice Reference bible. I have always wanted one of those. You should be getting a thank-you card any day from me." Said Eric.

"Ah good. I only called you because I wanted to make sure that you got it. A lot of things get lost in the mail these days." Said John.

"Yea no worries, I will get back with you concerning a time frame when we can get together. Thanks again John." Said Eric.

"Yea we'll have to get together real soon. Take care." Smiled John.

John hung up the phone while looking down at his naked wife and secretary sucking his cock and balls. Life is very good, he thought.

"Eth, I think Eric has the items Jerry is looking for, however, just to be safe he should send operatives to visit all of the preachers." He groaned as the two women were driving him insane.

Ethel looked up at her husband lovingly while kissing Martha and sucking his cock at the same time. John pulled his wife up and began kissing her deeply while Martha began to deep throat his manhood.

"Let's move over to the couch where we can get a little more comfortable." Indicated John as he was taking the rest of his clothes off.

Holding each woman by his hands, one to his right and one to his left he guided them over to the couch.

"Go ahead and take a seat Eth, Martha since you are our newest member why don't you begin licking Eth's love canal and make sure that you don't miss a drop." Smirked John.

As Martha bent over to lick Ethel's pussy you could see the new tattoo on the small of her back. John couldn't help himself as he began to touch it, knowing full well how it would affect Martha. Martha began to orgasm and squirm uncontrollably as John rubbed it. John's cock almost popped as the same sparks being sent through Martha were rocketing through his body as well.

"Oh John, stick it in me, I know that you are about to cum. I want to feel you deep inside me when you orgasm." Martha groaned.

John smiled as he began to push his cock into her pussy. Memories of how uptight and how much she was a prude before him, and his wife turned her, popped into his mind.


The hairs stood up on the back of Eric's neck. Speaking with John seemed different. John seemed normal enough to him however something was different, he just couldn't put his finger on it.

Eric picked up the box and placed it on his desk so that he could get a clearer look.

Inside the box was something wrapped in an old leather skin of some kind and what looked like one of the oldest books that he had ever seen. It may very well be the oldest book in the world. A quick look through the pages, quickly revealed that the pages were actually not made of paper. They were made of some very thin skin of some kind. A scary thought went through him, perhaps it is made from human skin.

Another shiver went up his spine, yea right, he thought. Looking through the pages, the language was nothing that he had ever seen before and the drawings on the pages resembled something you might see in an evil ritual book from some cheesy horror flick, and he should know he could read, write, and vocalize Latin, ancient Greek, and even some Aramaic.

Picking up the leather-bound object, he quickly noticed that it felt very warm to the touch. He carefully unwrapped the item revealing an old knife. The knife contained interesting symbols etched in the blade. The handle was made from bone all though he couldn't make out which creature donated to the cause. It also contained symbols he had never seen before.

Eric picked up the knife in his hands. Immediately, a jolt ran through him. It delivered pleasurable sparks to his groin. Many various images flew into his mind of various women in his church and others that he knew that he thought were sexually desirable began to fill his mind. He never had actively even considered them sexually before now. Now his mind was imagining sexual positions that he had never even explored with his own wife.

Cindy, one of the most delectable creatures that he had ever had the pleasure of laying his eyes on in his church service was front and center in his thoughts. She was sucking his cock letting him know how wonderful he tasted and how she couldn't wait to have him shove his wonderful magic stick into her pussy.

Suddenly, the phone rang breaking Eric of his thoughts. Eric dropped the knife while noticing his other hand had been diligently stroking his now hardened cock. Oh, my exclaimed, Eric.

"Hello?" Indicated a Eric as if the person on the phone could see what he was doing.

"Eric, you are in danger. Remember you have friends just a prayer and a phone call away. May God be with you." Said a strange voice that Eric had never heard before.

Before Eric could even answer the mysterious voice, the phone was dead.

Back at John Morton's office...

John was rehashing some wonderful recent memories that he had just had.

Before her change, Martha was a middle-aged woman in her 50's. She was just a little overweight. She was called in from the front desk to assist John with something. As Martha came in, she saw a young Ethel naked lying on her stomach looking over at her smiling. Before she could leave John closed the door.

"Please don't hurt me." Exclaimed a frightened Martha.

"I would never dream of hurting you." Said John. "You are too valuable to us."

"Please go over to Eth and see if you can figure out what that thing on her back is." Ordered John with a smirk on his face.

Without looking at John, who was getting undressed, she walked over to the couch to get a closer look.

"It appears to be a tattoo of some sort. I have never seen anything like it. It seems so life like." Said Martha trying not to think about how screwed up this whole thing was.

"Martha touch it and tell me if it feels strange to you." Said a smiling Ethel.

Without thinking about the ramifications of such an act Martha touched the tattoo. Almost immediately she fell forward grabbing her pussy through her clothes with her other hand as she began to convulse with one orgasm after another.

John gently pulled up her skirt and pulled down her granny panties. Martha was already rubbing furiously at her clitoris desperate to keep the pleasure going. John slid his big hardened phallus into the woman's hot pussy. She was so wet John had no problem ramming it home. Groans of pleasure eeked out of Martha's mouth. Continuous orgasms were only amplified as John was going to town.

"Oh my GOD! I am going to come again. How are you guys doing this to me? Exclaimed Martha.

"Do you wish for me to stop?" Asked John.

"Oh God no. Don't stop as another orgasm ripped through her body. I want to feel your cum deep inside me. Please give it to me." Indicated a desperate woman.

John picked up his tempo as another orgasm ripped through her. John could feel his cock begin to burn with release.

"I am Cumming." Yelled John.

Rope after rope of jism poured deep into Martha's love chamber. Ethel repositioned herself so that she could get off the couch as John moved Martha into a sitting position. While Ethel put her mouth into Martha's crotch John sat next to Martha kissing her deeply. Trying to not allow her to escape the moment.

Martha suddenly froze, no longer touching the strange tattoo. Pushing John away.

"No, no you guys need to stop. We can't be doing this; this this is so wrong."

A fake disappointed John pulled away. "What's wrong? I bet we just gave you something that you haven't experienced in years."

Ethel continued to lick and slurp on Martha's pussy. Martha couldn't answer John she was on the verge of yet another orgasm, this time without the assistance of the mysterious tattoo.

After Martha had another orgasm. John and Ethel got up leaving Martha sitting on the couch stunned and unable to move.

As Ethel and John began to put their clothes back on John began to talk to Martha. "I know that you are struggling with what just happened. You might even be wondering who you could tell that might believe you." Indicated John who was very much in control.

"In the back of your mind you may even be wondering if you can ever experience this again." Smirked John.

"You have a few choices. You can tell someone that you hope will believe you. Keeping in mind that you enjoyed everything thing that just happened and are just as guilty as us in this wonderful transgression. Or you can come over to our house at 7 PM tonight where we can explain all of this to you.

"And Martha just to answer the question that you didn't ask. Yes, Eth and I are the same people that you know, just a whole lot younger and different." Indicated John. "We'll also explain that as well if you should decide to join us tonight, and to see what comes next."

Ethel and John left a confused Martha to figure out what she was going to do.

Once in the hallway Ethel asked John. "What do you think she'll decide?"

John laughed. "Have you forgotten already? You are still connected to her. You already know what she is going to do." Ethel smiled as it dawned on her, as well.

Once John and Ethel had left the office a worn-out Martha began to struggle to put her clothes back on. She was incredibly scared and excited at the same time. A little voice inside her told her that she should leave, go somewhere far away and not look back. Memories of her whole ordeal came thundering into her mind, clouding her judgement. The wonderous feelings that she experienced sent shivers through her driving her insane. She couldn't but help to stroke her wet pussy bringing yet another orgasm to her.

Eth smiled as she manipulated an unsuspecting Martha. "Yes, John she'll be there."

"Okay Jez, everything is setup and ready to go. We just need to wait for our guest of honor." Indicated an excited John.

Jezebel continued to suck on John's insatiable cock, while Ethel was slurping on Jez's extremely sensitive wet pussy.

"Jez, I meant to ask. Will my desire to have sex all of the time lesson? It makes it very difficult to get anything done." Asked an inquisitive John. "Not that I am really complaining or anything."

"After a while you will be able to manage your desires. Although sex will never get old to you. You will have desires to push the envelope though and to do things that were forbidden to you before. Ah! Martha is here. She will probably sit in her car for a while, though. I sense great conflict within her." Smiled Jez.

Martha sat in her car parked outside Ethel and John's house. Debating about what she should do. Her pussy was just gushing with the possibilities. Almost in a daze she found herself at their front door, suddenly wondering how she got there. She didn't remember getting out of her car and walking to the door.

As she was about to turn and leave, a naked John opened the door with a giant smile on his face. "I knew that you would come."

He hugged and kissed her passionately. Martha froze she didn't even think about it and returned his passionate kiss and embrace.

John broke off the kiss and guided Martha to a seat on the couch in the living room. Martha could see all the old photographs.

"Yes Martha, those are of Ethel and me. We have been the lucky recipients of a wonderful gift that we wish to share with you." Indicated John as if he was reading her mind.

"Can I use your restroom? I suddenly need to go." Asked Martha.

"Certainly, our restroom is down the hall on the right." Indicated John, trying to be friendly.

Martha walked quickly to the bathroom and did her business. Once she was finished, she looked at herself in the mirror. She saw a very tired mean old woman.

Was she happy being this angry uptight woman? She remembered when she was young and so inquisitive about everything. How she had experimented quite a bit in college. Some of those memories had made her blush. She remembered getting drunk once and had sex with two men. It felt so awesome at the time. The guilt though, tore her up over time. So much so that she promised that she would be a good Christian woman for her husband and the rest of her life.

She pondered her life. Was this life of propriety worth it? Was she happy with the life that she had chosen? And then the big one, what the hell was she doing here? Is this really what she wanted?

After almost an eternity, she went back out to the living room where John was lying naked on the couch.

John smiled at Martha, a kind of evil smile. "Martha go ahead and get undressed. Once you are naked, I want you to take care of this for me." John held up his hardening penis.

Martha was shocked by John's boldness and a bit hesitant. She still moved towards him, though, as if her feet had a mind of their own.

Suddenly, she realized that she was naked, although she couldn't remember when she had gotten undressed. John gently pushed her head towards his penis. How wonderful it is to get this uptight Christian woman worshipping his cock, he thought.

Martha resisted, only slightly, she didn't even know why, her pussy was getting wet and suddenly pleasing him seemed to be the only thing important to her at that very moment.

"That's it Martha, you are doing a wonderful job. I can feel your desires building up within you." Exclaimed an excited John.

"They are preparing the family room for your next step. I thought you and I could enjoy each other while we wait for them."

Martha couldn't say anything her mouth was full of his cock. She was surprised that she had John's cock all the way down her throat, and she didn't even have to get drunk to consider doing it. She once tried to do it with her husband Lee, and she gagged on his penis. It had caused her to vomit and she had been embarrassed by that so much that she never tried again and the worst part was that he wasn't even as big as John.

She could feel John's penis suddenly start to get even harder. She knew that he was close and wanted to feel him cum down her throat. John quickly pulled out of her mouth.

John quickly got up and pulled Martha down to the couch and laid her on her back. He swiftly pushed his hard penis into her slick moist pussy and began to drill into her as hard as he could. The sensations that his cock was sending into her was overwhelming her. Nothing else mattered to her in that moment except to feel this man's seed flowing through her. Not even her loving husband crossed her mind as these new sensations permeated her entire being.

As John began to groan with his massive release, it triggered her own orgasm as well driving her into nirvana. John collapsed onto her kissing her passionately as Martha's arms reached around him pulling him closer to her. She didn't want this wonderful man's penis to leave her, ever.

As her hands touched his back, they inadvertently grazed his tattoo sending erotic sparks throughout both of them causing each of them to experience even more unexplainable pleasure and orgasms that were out of this world.

"Ahem, I hope I didn't interrupt anything important. We are ready for you guys now." Smirked Ethel.

Ethel bent down and passionately kissed Martha, for a moment, to put her mind at ease that she wasn't the least bit jealous concerning her husband's recent sex with her.

John got up as Ethel grasped Martha by the hand and guided her to the backroom walking hand in hand.

She could see what looked like a pentagram on a rug made from an animal. Surrounding the rug was 5 lit black candles situated at points that matched up with the pentagram. Something inside her was screaming at her to run, however her feet had a mind of their own.

"Hello Martha, I am Jezebel. You can call me Jez for short. The other individuals in the room are here to guide you in your journey. I will introduce them to you later. Please lay down right here, on your stomach. You'll want your head to face this direction.

A naked man with one of the largest cocks she had ever seen in her life walked over towards her. He had a bowl in his hands with something in it that smelled incredibly nasty. Kind of like death warmed over.

Jez smiled. "This is William, he will be putting our magical mark on your back. I promise you that he will be very careful and gentle with you."

William laid down his bowl and opened up a kit of some kind wrapped in an old leather cloth. He gently touched Martha's naked bottom sending shivers up her back causing goose bumps to appear everywhere.

"Relax Martha, I promise that I am very good at what I do. There will be some pain, however, it will not be the worst that you have ever experienced." As William nodded towards Jez.

Jez smiled and then approached Martha. She began to gently caress Martha's body causing her to transform into a younger more attractive woman, a woman that Martha hadn't seen in years at least since her college days.

William diligently applied his craft to the small of Martha's back, like he had done at least a thousand times before. Everyone around the room began chanting in some foreign tongue that Martha had never heard before. She concentrated on the words trying to decipher them in her mind. Her eyes suddenly rolled back into her head showing just the whites of her eyes. She was in some kind of trance and the things happening around her were just so wonderful.

After about twenty minutes William exclaimed. "I am finished."

Jez spoke to Martha. "Martha, how are you doing?"

"I am wonderful." Indicated Martha dreamily.

Jezebel reached out to Martha's back, touching her new tattoo. "Martha, do you accept this gift that I bestow on you without any regrets or reservations."

Without any real thought in her head Martha responded. "I do."

The flames on the lit candles grew in length as something unseen entered the room, and then just like that, they went out. The tattoo on Martha's back began to move as if it had just come to life. Martha's eyes filled with utter pain and fear as something sinister seemed to enter her. Her eyes changed to the color of midnight black for a moment and then reverted to their normal color. Her face of fear was replaced by a sinister evil smile. She had a look like a vampire looking for her next blood meal.


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