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Dark Angel Ch. 03: The Ride

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A different kind of "Roadshow".
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Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/19/2016
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Agreeing to lick Angel's ass and actually doing it, I found, were two different things. Between my mouth and her asshole were two significant obstacles . . . her dick and her balls. I'm kneeling painfully between her legs in the cramped confines of the Town Car's floorboards. I'm trying not to interfere with her safe operation of car's pedals. And I'm trying to figure out someplace to store a huge cock and giant ball sack so I can get at my instructed target.

After several unsuccessful attempts, I finally decided to make a little sling. With the chain between my handcuffs, I lifted her entire package like it was in a small hammock. I still had to work around the long attached chain which dangled over my destination. For the most part, I held the chain aside with my face as I worked on her butt, but it kept slipping into the action zone.

"Not much of an ass licker are you, William? That cold chain swinging around is sure distracting from my pleasure. You better get back to work on my dick before I lose interest and lock you in the trunk."

"Yes, Madam Angel," I responded quickly. I sure as shit did not want to end up in the truck. I figured I might never get back out.

While lowering the little handcuff sling with her hairless cock and balls, I defensively gave her testicles a long, wet lick.

"Oh, Sweetie, that feels so good. Stay right there for a little while."

After I licked and tongued her balls for several minutes she said, "See if you can get one in your mouth."

"Yes, Madam." I opened as wide as I could stretch, but her gonad was too large to fit in.

"You're close. Squeeze it in, William. I sometimes like a little pain."

I maneuvered my hands behind her ball sack and pressed them toward my mouth and one just kind of popped in. Once in, there was a little room to move my tongue around and I tried my best to suck, lick and fondle her jewels. She must have liked it, because I could hear her moaning above me. Her dick was no longer in my way; it was hard and slapping against her stomach.

"Oh, Baby, Oh baby, Oh baby. Oh, you do that really well. Hurry and get your slutty mouth around my dick again. I'm going to give you a nice gift pretty soon."

I forced her testicle out of my mouth with my tongue and rose up so I could reach her dick head. I had to stretch as far as I could and then pull her penis down so I could get it angled right to get my mouth around it.

"Stand by, William. It won't be long." I could feel her cock throbbing and pulsing in my mouth.

Suddenly, I heard a blast of wind and freeway noise and knew Angel had rolled down the driver's window. The Lincoln's horn started blaring away and I thought Angel's prediction of an LA Times traffic accident was about to come true.

"Hey, Niggers" Angel yelled. "Yo, you Niggers. Take a look here at what this white boi's doin'." With that she yanked up her skirt and turned on the interior lights.

"Oh, my God," I thought, "She wouldn't."

My mouth was still stuffed with her chocolate prick as I looked up and right. There were a sea of black faces looking down at me from a bus marked "Deluxe Vegas Express".

"Fuck me," I thought. There was no place to duck, no way to conceal my face. I was humiliated beyond belief. It was like some kind of terrible embarrassing nightmare. As I looked back up at the bus, I could see people had jammed to our side of the bus. Some were laughing and pointing, but others appeared shocked. A couple were still sleeping and a few had no change in expression at all. One old guy actually looked a little bit jealous.

"This honky cocksucker loves my big clit," Angel yelled.

"Gag on it, Whitey," someone yelled back.

And someone else added, "Suck that black dick, you faggot."

Suddenly, I noticed my penis was as hard as a pole and my body surged with sexual excitement. I felt degraded and disgusted with myself, but, at the same time was thrilled by the events. I was kind of getting a kick out of this subservient stuff. Getting ordered around was never something I thought I would tolerate, let alone enjoy.

Angel honked her horn a couple more times and started to accelerate. I thought to myself, "What the fuck." I pulled Angel's dick from my mouth with my handcuffed hands. I waved it back and forth at the crowd in a goodbye gesture. I gave them a big smile and shouted "Vegas sucks and so do I," then crammed Angel's big prick back in my mouth.

Angel was laughing so hard I thought she was going to crash the car. I could feel the vehicle weaving all over the road. Shortly she rolled the window back up and dropped her skirt back over my head. She laughed for a long time. Finally she patted the top of my head through the material and said "You're funny, William. I think you just might be a keeper."

She chuckled again and said "Did you see that one old fart. He wanted to hop down here and take your place. Ha, ha."

"And they all almost dropped their teeth when you waved them goodbye with my Johnson. That was very funny," Angel snorted.

"Yes, Sir William, the Cocksucker, I think we're going to get along just fine," She said lightly. Then she lowered her voice and in a threatening tone said,"Just don't ever, EVER, forget who's in charge." Then back in her gentler voice added "Remember that. Okay, Sweetie?" and patted my head again.

"I'm afraid with all the excitement we're going to have to delay your gift. We're almost home and you got me laughing so hard I got out of the mood. Well, maybe not out of the mood, but out of the boner. Ha, ha." I had already noticed that her dick was semi-flaccid in my mouth once again.

I felt the car slow, turn and briefly stop. I assumed we were exiting the freeway. I had no idea where we were. I figured we'd been on the road about half an hour. That could have put us a lot of places. We went slower and had several brief stops then made a sharp right turn and stopped. I heard some mechanical noises then we drove forward again and stopped.

"I'm here," She said and once again I realized she wasn't talking to me.

"Fine. Yes, everything was fine. I do have a funny story to tell you though. No, don't worry, I won't forget; it's a real classic. Is his room ready? Good. No, I haven't decided yet. We'll see. For now let's play it safe and bring me down a blindfold."

"Stay right there," she ordered as she opened the car door.

"You can give me my dick back now," she laughed as the seat slid back. I kind of hated to give it up. My mouth felt kind of empty without it . . . I felt kind of empty without it. Weird!

I heard a heavy door slam and footsteps approaching the car. It sounded like we were in a big hollow room . . . lots of echo. I heard another female voice, a somehow familiar voice, say "This is the best one I could find."

"That'll do," Angel said.

"Don't fuck with me now," She ordered. "I'm going to lift my skirt and I want you to keep your eyes closed while I put on this blindfold."

She lifted the material and wrapped something around my head. I got a brief peek at the surroundings. Enough that I could tell we were in some sort of commercial garage. It was quite large, had cement walls and a fifteen foot ceiling with lots of pipes and wiring.

"He's cute," the unseen voice said. "Where did you find him?"

"At the store."

"Really! We must be attracting a better class of clientele these days. Is he a regular?"

"I don't know. I've never seen him there before. He just kind of stumbled in my web," said Angel.

After she tied off my blindfold I felt her swing her leg over my head and step out of the car.

"Is he submissive?" the feminine voice asked.

"I don't know. We'll have to see. I think he may have a streak . . . maybe a lot more than he thinks," Angel replied.

It was strange to hear people talk about you like you didn't even exist or were dead or something.

"Why'd you bring him home?"

"I had to," Angel said softly.

"Uh,oh. What happened?"

"I lost my temper and there was a little incident." Angel replied quietly.

"Shit! Is that how he got the swollen eye?"

"He pissed me off big time. You know how I get, Midori. I just kind of went bonkers for a minute or two and then it was too late."

"Your P.O. couldn't cover something like this?" the voice, now identified as Midori, asked.

"George is a good guy and he looks the other way a lot, but if there's a complaint or police report, there's nothing he can do. I'd go back for a long time."

"All right. I guess you're right. Damn! What are we going to do with him?"

"I don't know. I've got a lot of work to do to make him disappear. Let's give it a couple of days and see how it goes."

"What the hell does 'disappear' mean," I wondered. It sounded very ominous.

"Okay, we'll give it a day or two and talk again," Midori said reluctantly.

"Get out," Angel told me. I tried, but in the position I was in and with my legs pretty numb, I struggled.

"Hurry up, Asshole," Midori snarled and, reaching into the car, smacked me on the head.

It hurt like hell because my whole head was sore from Angel's plummeting.

"Yes, Ma'am," I replied and practically fell out of the car while trying to speed up.

Whack. She smacked me again in the skull, this time bringing tears to my eyes.

"Don't ever call me Ma'am. I am not your Ma'am or your Madam. When I allow you to address me it will be by Mistress Midori only. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress Midori," I said, and lowered my head in a little bow. I absolutely did not want another blow to my aching skull.

"That's better," she said. "Does he have a name, Angel?"

"For now, I'm calling him William."

Then she laughed, "Sir William, the Cocksucker." She laughed again and said "Or just plain Cocksucker, for short."

"Excellent. Is he any good at that?"

"Well, he certainly could use some training, but he didn't do too badly," said Angel. "How many cocks have you sucked, William?"

"Yours was the first, Madam Angel," I told her.

"Really! Well, in that case, you did very well except for the ending."

"What happened at the end?" Midori asked.

"He pulled off."

"He didn't let you cum in his mouth? Oh, shit, I know how you hate that . . . refusing your "Gift". Is that when you flipped out?"

"Yeah! I did go a little crazy," Angel answered.

"I hope you explained to him that that won't EVER happen again."

"I did, Midori, I did. He's got several bruises to prove it," she chuckled.

"Well, let's get him bedded down. C'mon, Fuckface," Midori said and yanked on my chain.

I felt a bolt of panic run though my body. I remembered where I'd heard those words and that voice before. She was the shemale mistress that tried to kill the guy (or, maybe did) in the bookstore video.

Now I was really scared.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Very hot

What a hot situation he finds himself in. Can't wait for the next part!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

It's very good ...keep it going!

subrob11subrob11over 8 years ago

Still completely loving where this is going. I didn't expect our plucky hero to be quite so 'willing' just yet, so hopefully he'll be harshly smacked down a few times. But you've definitely created a really hot narrative that I'm very eager to see continue. The worst thing though is the waiting for the next chapter ;)

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