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Dark as Daylight Ch. 09


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Elizabeth replied immediately. "Monty, you know my history better than anyone. I'm just getting over all that pain and suffering, and now I'm finally happy. I'm starting a new life with Newton, and I don't want to go backwards. Please don't make me do this."

"Thank you for being honest Liz. It's better for you to know your limitations, and for us and our purposes here."

"Laura can you do it?"

"I have no problem with it at all Monty. If I can live with my mother for 23 years, and not slash both my wrists, and my throat, nothing that bastard can say to me will upset me."

"Okay everyone, get lost. With the exception of Laura, myself, Hannah, and Jack, I don't want to see anyone else's faces. We need absolute quiet in the area of the interrogation. The microphones and the recording devices in communications have to pick up every sound he utters. Steve go over there and make sure they understand how important this is."

"Yes Captain."


"Don't forget the pressure plate, Mark."

"I'm walking in your tiny footprints Kelly. How could I possibly not remember the pressure plate?"

"You could be looking at my ass, instead of down."

"I have been guilty of doing that in the past, but not this morning. I've seen the Colonel at work in Boston. I don't want him working on me, because I was looking at your bottom."

"Okay, hand signals from here."

They did not come from across the street, as Kelly did the first time. They crouched as they moved along the embankment of the bay that was behind James Watley's house. They were running a little late. It was already 4:20 a.m., and they should have been in position on the roof, already.

Kelly signaled she saw movement, and they both froze. Sure enough, one of the guards was walking around the exterior of the house, without his weapon. He must have been bored, and went outside for a breath of fresh air. He walked down to the waters' edge, picked up a handful of rocks, and began throwing them.

He was so tuned out from what he was supposed to be doing, they could have killed, or captured him, without a sound being made.

Unfortunately, it was too early, and it would ruin the plan if they took him out too soon. So Kelly and Mark stayed in their positions unmoving, until this guard decided it was time for him to go back inside.

If he turned to the right, he would have looked directly into Kelly's eyes, as well as her 9 millimeter weapon with a rubber bullet in the chamber. At 15 feet, if she aimed for his head, he was dead. Any other place on his upper body, he was unconscious.

Fortunately, he turned to the left and continued to walk leisurely around the Watley estate.

As soon as the guard turned down the West end of the house, Kelly and Mark dashed quietly to the relative safety of the east side. Even after her admonition about the pressure plate, Kelly poked Mark in the abdomen and pointed to it prior to shining a penlight on the back portion of the steel ladder. She was not foolish enough to think that their enemy might not have looked over their defenses in the last few days and saw something was missing, or added another level of defense to the ladder.

Placing the penlight between her teeth, Kelly led the way up the ladder, because of her lighter weight, and her familiarity with the home. When she was 6 feet below the window, she had no choice but to turn it off. She placed her hands on the rungs of ladder, rather than the rails. Keeping her hands in the center of the rungs, believing anyone setting a trap would place it on either side, she advised Mark to do the same. The same rung she felt move during her first trip up the ladder moved again. She signaled Mark not to touch it, because of his heavier body weight.

She scaled the last remaining obstacle and slid over onto the tiled roof with no problem. Mark was a few feet behind her. Without resting they climbed over the pitched roof, and checked the time. They were a full 45 minutes behind schedule, but still one hour and 15 minutes ahead of when Julio was supposed to arrive for work.

Mark said, "Verify your rubber bullets are marked with green, and your lethal are unmarked."


"Holy shit, movement."

They both flattened themselves against the pitched roof, as two people came up the same side Jimmy took Kelly down the previous week.


"Come on baby, no one's going to see us or hear us up here. The stars are out; it's a beautiful morning, we have a comfortable blanket; we can fool around for a while."

"You pull me out of my parents' home, at 4 clock in the morning to bring me to the top of another house to fuck me? That's very romantic Julio."

"I know it's not much, but you do know I love you. No one else is allowed to drive my car but you. Isn't that so?"

"How do I know; I only see you 3 times a week."

"You only see me 3 times a week, because I'm working 7 days a week. I show you my bankbook every month to show you how much money I'm saving for us, don't I?"

"Yes you do; but if you run off with another woman, I swear with the last dollar I make, during my lifetime, I will track you down, cut off your balls and serve them to you with rice and beans. Then I will open your stomach up and empty it out before I kill you."

He pulled the woman to his chest, and rubbed his forehead against hers.

"I am going to be marrying the most jealous woman on the face of the earth. If I tell her I'm going to be home at 6 o'clock, I'd better be walking in early, rather than one minute late. She will have a knife in her hand when I step through that front door, and ask me where I've been. Isn't that right Consuelo?"

"That's an outright lie Julio and you know it. You have 2 minutes to walk in the front door, before I start looking for lipstick and smelling for perfume."

He laughed heartily, and then they kissed a lover's kiss. They prepared the blanket, as he watched her remove her clothing.

Mark gasped, and Kelly kicked him.

Consuelo was probably in her late teens, and was a ravishing beauty. She was taller than Julio and had a larger chest for obvious reasons.

Mark whispered, "I can't watch this, I'm going to explode."

Kelly replied, "I'm wet and they haven't started yet. I'll make you a deal if you can keep your mouth closed. If you say yes, and it turns out to be no, you're a dead man; understood?"

"Understood, what do you have in mind?"

"Buttercup has to leave before 6. We take him down, and put him away as planned. We use his blanket for a little extracurricular activity so we can get our heads on straight, and cool down. Agreed?"

"Fuck yeah."

"One word and you are dead."

"I heard you the first time and I agreed. However, those 2 couldn't hear a bomb go off, if it landed next to them. Do you want to practice?"

"Men, you're all dogs. Why don't you go sit in a corner and lick yourself for an hour"?

"I have a better idea. Why don't you drop your camos down to your ankles? While you watch them fool around from the ridge, I'll snuggle under your hips, and eat your pussy for an hour."

"For the whole hour?"

"Yes, unless you tell me to stop, and to fuck you instead."

"Do you have condoms with you?"


"You guys fucking amaze me. You are going into combat carrying condoms."

"It's a habit I got into when I was in Iraq. You pulled them over the muzzle of the rifle so you didn't have to clean it so often."

"Who the hell taught you that?"

"The Brits; they brought crates full of those small-sized condoms specifically for that purpose. Their guys got ridden really hard, because of the size of those things, but out in the desert they worked like a charm."

Kelly removed her backpack, side-arm and utility belt. She opened her belt, unbuttoned the buttons, and slid down the zipper. She crawled up to the top portion of the pitched roof, where she could keep an eye on the 2 lovers, placed her side-arm within easy reach, and told Mark to pull down her pants, and get to work.

He asked, "Kelly can I borrow your penlight for a moment?"

"Sure, it's in my backpack. Why do you need it?"

"I just want to make sure that the colors match."

If her legs were not constricted by her pants being down by her ankles, Mark would have had to jump off the roof to stay safe. She knew it was a joke, but it was very poor timing considering their current situation.

As Mark uncovered his head, smiling at her, he asked, "Am I forgiven?"

"It all depends on how talented your tongue is."

"I'll get right to it Captain."

Kelly moved back into position, and was settling in, when the lower half of her body was lifted, her knees parted, and her hips resettled on Mark's face. It had been a few years since a man had been in that position, although she did have several dalliances with some female acquaintances.

Those were fun, but not fulfilling, because there was nothing to come afterwards. A man was always preferable, because of the extension between his legs, and hopefully, Mark knew how to use his enthusiastically.

Her pussy lips were very dry, and Mark did not use his fingers to open them. He used his tongue as a moisturizer, wetting her outer lips until they became moist and plump. Occasionally, he would slip his tongue through the slit in the middle, making contact with that nodule that always set her aflame, playing with it, and then moving along.

Kelly was not completely thrilled with the way Mark was starting out as a lover, because what she was watching was much more scintillating. She always heard that Latin males were always the aggressors when it came to lovemaking, and to life. Apparently, someone forgot to tell Consuelo. She had Julio's cock down her throat, and he was biting his arm attempting not to scream and wake up the entire neighborhood. For some reason he did not go after her pussy as Mark was going after hers now. It might be a cultural thing, but from where Kelly was looking, Consuelo probably had an advanced degree in 'Fellatio', from one of the top universities in the world.

They weren't separated by more than 50 feet, and she could see the vixen cradling Julio's testes in her hand, and twirling them like marbles. She didn't think that was possible, but he didn't seem to mind.

She was so intent on watching what was going on, she jumped when a finger entered her now liquid pussy, and teeth attached themselves to her clitoris, and bit it.

"You prick."

"I just wanted to make sure you knew I was still down here."

"Okay, I'm sorry, they are putting on quite a show, and I got carried away."

"I'll forgive you, if you let me fuck you now."

"No, it's too soon. We have to wait until we put him away for keeps. Then we can relax and take our time."

"Okay, by the way, you are really a blonde."

"Mark don't make me kill you."

"Yes ma'am, I was just resting my tongue."

"It sounded to me, as if you were flapping it around the wrong way."

"You are correct again ma'am."

He inserted a second finger into her vagina, and started using his tongue in a way that turned her insides to jelly. She could not understand how any man could go from ordinary to extraordinary in the matter of a split second, but she was not, could not complain. Her insides clenched, her ovaries contracted, and with unbelievable speed she released an orgasm that made her teeth chatter. Her energy level went from full to empty just that quickly. She could not have moved if Julio spotted her, picked up his rifle, pointed it at her, and pulled the trigger. She was totally spent from this one massive, overloaded, release of sexual energy.

"Holy fuck Mark, what did you just do to me?"

"I apologized remember?"

"Remind me to have you apologize more often. That was the best orgasm I've ever had. I mean in any fashion; oral, anal, or vaginal."

"You do anal?"

"Sure, what's the big deal?"

"I've never met a woman who didn't think anal was gross."

"You have to start early, and have a good teacher."

"How early did you start, and who was your teacher?"

"Are you going after my ass again, Mark?"

"If it's allowed, hell yes. If it's not this time, maybe another time."

"His name was Mister Compat. He was 32 years old. He was our physics teacher, and track coach. He was gorgeous, and he didn't want to get me or any of the other girls on the track team pregnant. We were 13 and 14 years old. If we asked our parents to put us on birth control pills, they would have killed us. He said he couldn't wear condoms, because he was allergic to latex. So we all stayed virgins, technically, and we could prove it, all 8 of us."

"Why don't you come out of there?"

Kelly rolled her hips so Mark could make an easy exit from underneath her. She laughed when she saw him.

"You better do something with your face; you have me all over you."

"I knew I felt wet. I think I'll go over there and borrow their blanket."

The sound of Mark's joke had not dispersed when Julio's yell bypassed the arm that was pressed against his mouth.

"I'm coming Consuelo, I'm coming."

Kelly and Mark rushed to the top of the ridge to see what happened next.

Consuelo pulled the snake out of her throat, and continued pumping it until 'white fire' spit out of its mouth in continuously long arcs.

It proved to be a problem for Consuelo, because she kept moving in the wrong direction. One stream of fire would jet upward, and she would move to get out of its way, only to move in the direction of the white stream of fire that lost its upward momentum and was now falling downward. The descending arc hit her hair, face, and very bountiful chest.

Julio was lying inert on the blanket, and Consuelo was beating on his chest, because she was such a mess. All he could do was laugh, and finally, she lay on top of him, and joined in his laughter."

Mark said, "He better hurry up, or is not going to be able to fuck her. It's a ready 5:35."

"Shit, give me a hand and help me get dressed. Thank God there are no pebbles on this roof."

"I would pick them out of your ass for you, with my teeth."

"Oh good, now you are going to have my ass on your mind all day."

"You always accuse me of having your ass on my mind."

"Well don't you?"

"No, sometimes I think about eating."

"I'm not talking to you until after 6 a.m. When we are finished with him, I'm going to beat the shit out of you."

"You're reneging on your promise?"

"What promise?"

"You said I could fuck you after we got rid of him."

"You're right. You can fuck me first. Then I'm going to beat the shit out of you."

"Is that before or after we get dressed?"

"Why, is that important to you?"

"Yes, I wouldn't want the Colonel to find me naked."

"Okay, it will be after we get dressed. Are you happy now?"

"I'm not happy that I'm going to be getting my ass kicked by a girl, but I'm happy I'm going to be dressed so the colonel doesn't see me naked."

"Why do you care if the Colonel sees you naked or not? Are you gun shy?"

"He would know I got beaten up by a girl, and would never hire me again."

"While we are sitting here talking, do either of us know what Julio and Consuelo are doing?"

"I think we should look."

Consuelo had her hands and feet on the ground in the form of an inverted V (^).

Julio was between her legs giving her everything he had at top speed. He must have looked at his watch and realized he had used too much time up for his blow job, and now was in a hurry to bring her to a gratifying orgasm. She sure didn't look comfortable, but the sound of the cries coming from her mouth seemed explosive.

"Harder Julio... Faster Julio... Deeper Julio..." For a young woman she sure did know what she wanted, and Julio was doing his best to deliver it in a timely manner.

At 5:53, as if timed by professionals, they both reached their orgasms and let the surrounding areas know it. There wasn't even an attempt at hiding it this time. These were full throated roars of completion by 2 very animated lovers. Consuelo fell to her knees, and Julio wrapped her in his arms.

"Baby, I'd like to keep you here with me forever, but the sun is coming up, which means you have to leave before someone sees you. Go straight home and get your rest. I will see you tonight when I get off work."

With no time to clean up, Consuelo threw on her dress, and nothing else. Julio led her down and out the same side door Jimmy led Kelly out.

As he reentered the roof, Julio looked for the blanket and didn't see it. All he felt was a pinch in his left arm, and then his eyes slowly closed.

"Which way?"

Through the door turn right, there's another access door. Open it and you will see the Ultralight. Put him on the left side, behind it, and were good to go."

"Cover him, close up and let's get back into position."

"Are you ready to have fun?"

The Colonel responded, "Yes Mark, what did you have in mind?"

"Oh Shit! Good morning sir, we weren't expecting you on this net for another 90 minutes, or so."

"I will discuss your behavior privately at a later time. Frequency security I will discuss now. Look at your comm-links you 2 idiots."

Mark looked at his utility belt, and wanted to scream. Somehow, while they were fooling around, and watching Consuelo and Julio, he inadvertently changed his communications setting from Intercom Link, to 3 Team FM. It was designed specifically for the Colonel to have communications between Kelly, and him. Thank God for small favors; because if the rest of the team heard what was going on between them, there would have been hell to pay.

"Are you 2 sufficiently satisfied now that work has become your primary objective?"

"Absolutely Colonel; the subject left one very expensive, high end rifle here. It has a laser pointer, but no scope. Should we disable it, or keep it for further use?"

"Bring it down to the ultralight room; remove the firing pin, and give it to me when we meet."

"Yes sir. Colonel during the night one of the guards took a walk around the estate, without his weapon. It appears to me that they are getting very lax as far as their security protocol for him is. We may be able to use that to our advantage."

"He went outside without his weapon Kelly, not even his sidearm?"

"That is correct, Colonel. He had no visible weapon on him at all."

"That's very important information Kelly. They may want to live, rather than give up their lives for that bastard. Radio silence from your end; the team is forming up."

The Colonel heard 3 clicks, and all transmissions ended.


"Gentlemen, from this moment forward you have no names. You are only the numbers assigned to you. You have practiced these numbers for weeks. I do not expect any slip-ups, if there are, you will not be going on vacation with me to Switzerland.

I have been informed by a very high source that the tip of the spear is in hiding there, and only the best of you will be coming with me. Some of you will be entering the European Continent through Portugal, others by Spain, Italy, France, and the Netherlands. I will advise you of our meeting point, if we get the appropriate information out of Mister Watley.

It is extremely important that no one die today. We do not want police, FBI, or other law enforcement agencies looking to closely into this home invasion. Keep your glasses, masks, and gloves on at all times.

When you see his protection detail, which is led by the former Delta Force operative, go for him first. Aim for his legs. He must be disabled, before he can get to his weapon.

Numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 that is your job if he stands on the right side of the driveway. 13,14, 15, and 16, it is your job if he is on the left side of the driveway. Don't miss, because he won't.

We have high cover on the roof of the house with number 17 and 18. That guard has been neutralized. We expect Mister Watley to come out surrounded by the 4 members of his internal security team. If the Delta force operative is protected by the automobile, they will disable him. Is that understood 17 and 18?"

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