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Darkness Rising: Halloween Ch. 01

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All is not as it seems in a small New England town.
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Hello readers! Welcome to the first chapter of Darkness Rising, a brand new series that follows Neris, a succubus who travels through time creating an army to conquer the world one place at a time. What you'll find in this story, unlike with my past work, is a story that not only follows the 'victims', but also the seductress herself. In this thrilling world of my own creation, you'll follow Neris as she travels through time to such places as 1864 Massachusetts, the Western Front of 1915, The 1967 Summer of Love in California, and much more. Each storyline will be two or three chapters long, with a different plotline in each one.

Anonymous User:

"can you make a story like The Reckoning but focus on the invasion like the alien came to earth...and the mc IS THE alien girl..."

I sure can, friend, and thank you for your comment! You've inspired me to start the series, and I thank everyone who's been active in my comments with advice as well as friendly gestures. You can expect some thrilling seduction mixed with great historical visions as we together travel to the small town of Braintree, Massachusetts in the year 1862, where the town's residents are about to be visited by something they've never before encountered.


As the sun began its descent on a cool October evening, plunging the surrounding towns into darkness, a single streak of light lit up the sky. Orange in color, it could easily have been mistaken for a meteorite, painting the horizon with beauty as it made its descent. It's truth, however, was far more sinister.

The object, a single ball covered in flames, came to a halt as it plunged into the ground, knocking over several trees with a loud crash that could be heard for miles. It was cooled by steam for a moment before a crack appeared in the top, slowly splitting like an egg and collapsing into the dirt. Anyone watching would have been blinded as pink smoke rose from the crater, circling the air and filling it with one of the sweetest scents known to man. They would also have seen the single delicate hand reaching up out of the hole, clutching dirt as its owner pulled herself up.

Neris, a demon of the fourth ring of hell, yawned as she climbed out of the hole her transport had created. Wearing nothing, she was an absolute sight to behold. Standing at six feet tall with legs that went on for miles, she displayed herself proudly as she took in her surroundings.

"Fuck, that last part of the trip always gets me...time to figure out where I am," she said to herself, looking around at the dense forest that surrounded her. There was a chill in the air, so she lifted her hands up, curled her fingers into a ball, and spawned fire from her palms. She then spread them across her body, groaning softly as the warmth spread through her.

"New England never gets warmer, as they say. But what time period am I in?"

She felt a pulse go off in her mind, triggering movement nearby. She focused in and could sense a stagecoach pulled along by horses nearby, slowly crawling along a roadway at the edge of the forest.

"Perfect...time to get some answers," she smiled, following the sound.


"Driver, why are we stopped?" A male voice boomed from inside the wagon as a hand parted the curtains, letting the moonlight seep into its interior.

"It's the horses, sir, they seem to be spooked by somethin'," grunted the driver as he climbed down from his seat, walking over to the two horses attached to the wagon and running his hand along the back of one of them. "Whas' wrong, love, are you hungry?"

"Well maybe you should tell them to suck it up and start walking, I'm not paying you to park us by the side of the road!" The man in the cabin replied, his tone getting more serious by the second. The driver ignored him, continuing to whisper to his horses.

"Oh for christ's sake!" The man inside cried, kicking open the door to the cabin before climbing out. His boots clacked against the roadway as he made his descent, grabbing the collar of his jacket and huffing in disgust. The driver turned back to look at the man, his eyebrows raised.

"Sir, please, we're only a few hours out of Boston. The horses, they need their rest."

"So do I, but I'm not hindering our progress. Where the hell even are we?" The man asked, looking around at the forests surrounding them.

"According to the map we've just entered the town of Braintree," the driver replied, taking out a carrot from his back pocket and feeding it to one of the horses.

"Brain what? That's the actual name of a town around here? I refuse to stay anywhere near a place such as that, do you not understand who I am?" The man growled, watching the driver.

"Yes, sir, you've told me a hundred times since morning. You're Jack Carroway, a senator from Rhode Island," the driver repeated, not looking at the man behind him. The senator stepped forward and grabbed the driver by his shirt, forcing him to look his way.

"You'd better believe it, and you know something else? I certainly didn't pay the sum that I did to be harassed by some two-bit driver who can't even get a horse to do its job! Figure it out, or brain-whatever the hell this town is will be your final resting place, got it?!" The man yelled, spit flying from his lips.

"Yes, yes!" The driver cried, shutting his eyes and avoiding Jack's gaze. Jack dropped the driver and spun on his heel, climbing back into the cabin and slamming the door.

"Christ's sake, Lord be with me..." the driver muttered, performing the sign of the cross on his chest. He shook himself off and turned back to the horses, hoping to calm them.

"Shh, he's gone now. Please work with me here, we have to..."

The driver froze as something suddenly caught his eye. Standing in the brush, just behind a bush, was a woman. Not only that, but she was completely naked, her impressive form presented to his very eyes in all of her beauty. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open, sending the piece of hay he'd been chewing falling to the ground.

"Excuse me...miss? What are you doing out here?" He asked, taking a precautionary step back. The woman didn't speak; instead she gracefully extended her arm and lifted her hand, calling him over silently with the slight beckoning of her finger.

The driver didn't need to be told twice. He took a few steps forward, continuing to look her over. She had long red hair that went down to her shoulders, extending past her marvelous breasts and covering her nipples. She had a grin on full, kissable lips, and her eyes...her eyes were something else.

The way she looked at him, the way her eyes swirled in dozens of colors, they made him He could forget about his problems and simply revel in the love she offered him.

He took more steps toward her, even as the horses behind him began to kick their legs back in warning. Ignoring them, he continued on.

"Miss? I..." he muttered, but she continued to beckon him forward. He crossed into the forest and over to the bushes where she stood, arms still open wide. In the final second he fell into them, letting her pull him into ecstasy. The last thing he saw was her eyes as she took control, leading him deeper into her world of power.

"What's going on out there, Jack?" Amelia Carroway asked, watching her disgruntled husband bounce his leg nervously in the carriage the two shared.

"The bastard of a driver we hired can't keep his damn horses in line. We're stopped in some town called Brain-treat, or something like that. Hell, I've never even heard of it," Jack scoffed, his pipe dangling from his mouth as he spoke. He took it out and let out a breath, filling the cabin with sweet smelling smoke until it went out the window.

"If we don't make it to Boston in time, my mother won't wait for us," Amelia warned, looking cautiously at her husband. Jack sighed.

"I know, dear, I'm doing my best. We should have gone with the more expensive coach company, anything would be better than this."

A few seconds later, Jack began to look around as the two heard the sound of someone singing in the distance. It sounded feminine and loving, as if the singer were an angel herself.

"What the...has our driver gone mad?" Jack asked, parting the curtains and looking outside.

"Go make him start going again, please," Amelia pleaded, her body beginning to shake nervously. She didn't like the way the strange singing made her feel.

"Stay put," he warned his wife, opening the door and stepping out onto the roadway once again. He turned to the horses and walked towards them.

"What's going on, are we moving or what?" He asked, looking for the driver. But as he reached the front of the carriage, he found nothing.

"Son of a bitch...Amelia, I think our driver ditched us," he said, looking all around for the man he'd previously talked to. After a moment, he realized that his wife hadn't responded.

"Amelia?" He asked, walking back towards the cabin. He looked in and found it empty, as if no one had been sitting in it at all.

"Amelia?!" He yelled, his mind beginning to race. Something was off here, and he knew it.

"JACK!" Amelia screamed, her cry for help coming from the forest on the side of the road. Jack sprung into action, grabbing the Henry Rifle the driver kept on his seat and running towards the sounds he'd heard. He checked the ammo and dashed into the forest, jumping clean over the bushes separating the roadway from the harsh woods.

"Amelia, where are you!" He cried, clutching the gun in his grip as he searched through the trees. It was pitch black now, the moonlight just barely illuminating the path before him.

He saw another set of bushes in front of him and pushed through them, forcing himself out into a clearing in the woods. A small circle had been cleared by what seemed to be a gigantic meteorite, still letting off pink smoke that seeped up into the sky in a ring.

"What the..." he said to himself, unable to process what his eyes were taking in.

"Looking for me?"

Jack spun around, aiming the rifle and searching for whoever had spoken. What he found was a woman far taller than his wife, standing naked before him. She had an inviting smile on her face as she sauntered towards him, stopping when she saw the barrel of the gun aimed right at her.

"Oh honey, you're not really going to shoot me, are you? You wouldn't hurt me...right?" Neris grinned, letting him take in the lovely display that was her shapely form.

"W...where is my wife..." Jack demanded, shaking but trying to stay strong. Rarely had he looked upon a woman with such lust as he was giving the strange figure in front of him. His trousers were already tenting, forcing him to become aroused even while in fear. Especially while in fear.

"She's safe, Jack. She was kind enough to fill me in about where we are, and most importantly, who you are, Mr. Senator," Neris giggled, beginning to take a few steps towards him again. He raised the rifle higher, taking a step back.

"Stop! I want to see my wife!" Jack growled, taking a stand. The figure before him put a hand to her plush lips, feigning shock. Her skin really did glisten in the moonlight quite perfectly.

"Oh, am I not good enough for you? I think I can prove that I'm more than enough to suit your needs," the demon replied, walking towards him again. He became so lost in the motions of her hips that he failed to notice when she now stood only a few feet away from him. She delicately cupped the bottom of his chin with her finger and raised his head up to look at her.

"What do you say we drop the gun and have our own little fun, Mr. Carroway? Amelia doesn't have to know anything..." she smiled, before closing her eyes and leaning in.

She stopped halfway, letting Jack seal the deal on his own as his lips pressed against hers. She loved to let her victims take control in their own demise. Pulling him close, she felt him drop the gun in favor of wrapping his arms around her, making their distance that much more intimate. He stood in the dark mist of the clearing, running his hands up the small of her back to her neck as they kissed passionately, giving himself to the darkness he so greatly loved. After a few moments, Neris pulled back, giving Jack a dazzling smile.

"I won't kill you, because you and your wife are going to be essential for my operation in this town. Join me, and the two of us will rule as one," she offered, still holding him close so that his chest pressed against her large breasts.

"Yes...yes I will..." Jack Carroway mumbled, eyes locked on her rainbow ones. She smiled and pulled him into another kiss, letting him sink deeper into the world that was soon to become his forever.


John Buckman was wrenched awake and into a sitting position as he woke from his dream, sweat drenching his forehead. He turned to his wife, Josephine, who was still fast asleep beside him. Apparently he hadn't been screaming in his dreams again, thankfully.

Noticing sunlight streaming in through the window, he decided it was time to get up. The dreams were coming more frequently now, assaulting his mind to the point that he almost didn't want to sleep. One night he'd awoken Josephine, who claimed his moaning could be heard even from the tavern downstairs. It was that bad.

What's worse is that he could hardly remember what the dreams were about. He could only remember the last few seconds of them, and last night's had been a particularly rough one.

Pulling his mind back into focus, he fastened his waistcoat and trousers before heading downstairs to the main part of the tavern he and his wife owned. Named after his ancestors, the Buckman Tavern was a staple of Braintree. Not only did the townspeople come through regularly, but also people from all over the state who came to taste his famous brew. It was also historical, as it was one of the places that Paul Revere had stopped at to warn of the oncoming British attack. John's ancestors had passed it down to him, and he continued to run it in their honor.

It had also saved him from service in the Civil War, oddly enough. The Union was completely overstocked with volunteer regiments from Massachusetts, and the local townspeople refused to lose their only bartender. He was just glad to not be sitting in some disease-ridden camp right now, writing letters to Josephine about how uncivil the Civil War truly was.

As he parted the curtains and opened the front door to start the day, he suddenly remembered an important part of his dream. A vision of horses filled his mind, shaking nervously as if they were facing great danger.

"Mr. Buckman!"

John jumped back in shock as his mind cleared, finding himself face to face with William Baker, the town sheriff. William wore his badge proudly on his slacks, just above his revolver.

"Terribly sorry to have disturbed you, John! Is everything alright?" William asked, looking at his friend's pale and grief stricken face.

"Of course, William, you just scared the dickens out of me is all. Are you here for a drink this early?" John replied, running a hand through his long brown hair.

"I wish, my friend, Lord knows I could use one. I just came by to ask if you saw any bright lights in the sky last night, would've been around sunset"

Another vision filled John's mind, as he could see the rock come crashing down into the forest nearby. The vision was so vivid that he could practically feel the wind whipping around the rock as it crashed.


"Oh, uh, no, Josephine and I would have been upstairs at that point. We close the curtains at night, you see," John said, trying not to seem nervous. William raised his eyebrows, looking him over.

"Of course, as you have the right to do. I just thought I'd ask, since some of the townspeople are certain they saw something. They think it might be a damn alien landing or something like that, can you believe it?" William asked, his mustache twitching as he scratched the back of his head.

"Couldn't believe it until I saw it, I reckon," John smiled, his eyes still strained from nervousness.

"Well if you need me I'll be all around today. Whad'ya say I come in tonight for a pint?"

"Sure thing, whatever you need," John replied. William smiled.

"Great! Enjoy your day, and be weary. It's almost Halloween and the kids are fairly wild this time of year, as you know. Might be cleaning some eggs off the door again, aye?" William chuckled. John did his best to feign a laugh as William turned to walk away, heading back onto the road. John closed the door and leaned back against it, feeling sweat drip down his cheek. Something was wrong, but he couldn't yet tell what it was.

"John, dear?" Josephine called from upstairs.

"Be right up!" John replied, taking a moment to calm himself before returning to the stairs.


Father Edwards smiled proudly as he pushed open the doors of the Braintree Chapel, letting the light spread over the rows of pews as if the Lord himself was filling them with his ultimatum. That's how he envisioned it, atleast. Being the town Pastor, he greatly enjoyed bringing his own light to Braintree, and felt a great sense of urgency to help everyone, no matter the cause.

As long as they brought money, of course. Any charitable donation to the church earned you your own personal time with him, whether you needed to confess your sins or simply send a quick message to God. While some of the money did go to keeping the church financially secure, he also kept most of it for himself. He was perhaps the greatest actor that Braintree ever had, and he didn't care if anyone else knew it.

When he opened the doors fully he found himself face to face with Mary Smith, wife of Orville Smith, the town tailor. She seemed distraught.

"Mrs. Smith, what a delight it is to see you on this fine morning!" Father Edwards beamed, putting on his best show for one of the town's biggest spenders.

"Mornin', Father Edwards. I just thought I'd stop by and say a quick prayer for Orville, with him being down in Antietam and all," Mary said, her eyes showing the worry she felt.

"Of course! I do hope you've brought something for the donation bin, of course?" Father Edwards asked, craning his neck expectantly.

"Oh, uh, of course. I do hope a dollar will be enough? I spend most of it trying to hear back from Orville," Mary replied, holding out the dollar bill.

"Certainly! Go and take a seat, I'll be here if you need anything," Father Edwards smiled, taking the dollar from her and stuffing it into his back pocket. Mary continued on down before stopping at the first pew, getting down on her knees in prayer. Father Edwards grinned as he slowly closed the doors and walked back towards his personal quarters.

As he closed the door behind him, hoping to have some peace for the morning, he was stopped by his assistant, Jonah, a twenty three year old boy who was having his apprenticeship under the Pastor. Nearly thirty years older than the boy, the two never seemed to get along.

"Father Edwards, good morning! Has anyone stopped by yet?" Jonah asked, beaming with fresh joy.

"Just Mrs. Smith, here to pray for her husband. Got a nice dollar out of her," Father Edwards taunted, holding out the bill. Jonah frowned.

"You know, that can't be the only reason you do this job," he said, watching as his mentor strode across the room to lie down on one of the beds.

"You'll figure it out someday, kid. Religion certainly isn't what it used to be, not around here at least," the Pastor replied, laying back and tipping his hat over his head with a sigh.

"Right...uh, sir, I meant to tell you, some of the local children egged the side of the church again."

"Are you kidding me?" Father Edwards groaned, sitting back up.

"'Fraid not. I can go clean it, if you'll take care of Mrs. Smith," Jonah offered, looking out at the woman still deep in prayer.


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