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Daughter Goes Black

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Daughter goes black and takes mom along for a ride.
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Daughter Goes Black and Takes Mom Along for a Ride

I may have the greatest family ever, and have to attribute much of their character to my military career. They experienced multicultural environments, living in various countries throughout the world, and adopted many of their ways, like the casual nudity so common in Europe. But perhaps the most valuable part of the military life was very limited bigotry, so common in the civilian world.

My pre-retirement duty assignment brought us to Colorado, where our oldest child, Shellie, graduated high school and enrolled in the local junior college. This story is about her evolution from innocent little girl to, well, you decide. She spent a lot of time hanging with her friends at the mall and was away more than home in the evenings. She had been dating for quite some time, but had a breakup a few months ago and hadn't brought a boy home since.

She came home late one night as usual, after her mom and I had gone to bed, but I didn't hear her climb the steps and enter her room. I lay silently, listening to confirm it was she who'd entered the house. After fifteen minutes or so, I pulled on some pajama bottoms, quietly opened our bedroom door and tip-toed down the steps to investigate. I peered around the corner at the base of the stairs into the living room, lit only by the street light shinning through the front window.

"Holy shit!" I thought as my heart raced and my breath quickened. There, in the dimly lit room, I could make out two figures rolling around on the floor. Between passionate kisses, they took turns removing each other's clothing. When it became evident to both that they were intent on getting completely naked, they stripped off their own clothes in the interest of expediency.

I knew it was wrong and perverted to just stand there watching my daughter making out; no, putting out. I realized she was a young adult and I needed to respect her decisions about this, but she was still my baby girl, and I wanted to protect her. Still, I couldn't resist pushing down my PJ's and stroking my cock as I watched. I was confused, considering turning on the lights, or just going back to bed. I opted for the latter. As I was about to sneak back to our room, Shellie's head started bobbing between the boy's legs. He held her head and thrust his hips while whispering his appreciation, "You are so good at that, Shellie, Oh fuck, you really know how to suck cock." I was so close to cuming, watching my little girl with a big cock in her mouth. I knew that very shortly, she would be fucked right there on the living room floor. I had to leave or risk being caught. I reluctantly turned to climb the steps, but in my excitement, I forgot I was even wearing pajamas, let alone that they were down around my ankles. I tripped.

I quickly pulled up my pajamas and pretended to just be walking down the steps. The kids scrambled for their clothing, but couldn't cover quickly enough to hide their predicament.

"Oh, excuse me," I said, "I didn't know you were here."

The boy, doing his best to stuff a huge erection into his jeans, blurted, "I'm sorry, Sir, I shouldn't have done this. I'm sorry, I'll just leave. I'm so sorry, Shellie."

"Settle down," I told him. "Just go to your room," I said.

Shellie picked up her clothes, not even trying to cover herself, while the boy raced for the door carrying everything except the jeans he just pulled on.

"I meant both of you; take him with you, Shellie, the living room isn't the place for this." I told my baby. The boy was shocked, and froze like a deer in the headlights. My nude little girl grabbed his hand to lead him up the stairs.

"Just keep it down," I told them, "your Mom is asleep," I whispered.

"And you, boy," I said before getting a good look at him, "You better not knock her up. My baby doesn't need a baby."

As he walked directly in front of me, I got my first good look at him. "Shit," I though, I just called her black boyfriend 'boy'. Oh well, it wasn't meant as an insult, and I was certain that with all the thoughts racing through his mind, he wasn't thinking about that. I couldn't believe I'd just given my little girl permission to take him to her bed for a big black cock fucking; but I was thankful I'd made the decision before recognizing the kid's race. I like to think I'm not a racist, but knowingly giving my little girl to a black man for his pleasure would be the ultimate test, and I wasn't sure I'd pass.

Contrary to everything I knew was right, I couldn't resist listening with my ear to her door. "Oh, oh, oh," I heard my little girl grunting as the bed squeaked rhythmically, "I've never been fucked like this!" she squealed, "It's so big! I'm so full! Oh, Ty! Ohhh my god! Ohhhh, fuck; do me, do me hard!"

It only lasted a few minutes before, while listening hard to make out the words, I heard the boy moan, "I'm so close, I've got to pull out, I'm cuming!"

"Noooo! Cum inside me! I want your nut!" I heard Shellie beg. That was too much for me. It pushed me right over the edge. I stroked out big thick ropes of cum all over the hallway carpet. I hoped it would dry by morning and not be noticeable.

I snuck off to bed and lay awake, conflicted and excited about what was happening across the hall. I suspected she might have given up her virginity recently, but never thought about her fucking black boys; I don't know why, there was no reason she wouldn't. I got up to confirm his car was still in the driveway, stroking my cock like a teen boy with out-of-control hormones.

"What are you doing, Bob?" my wife asked, startled by my silhouette in the window. I thought she saw me stroking, so didn't bother trying to hide it.

"I'm so fuckin horny, Gail," I said as I moved next to the bed, still pumping my dick. "Suck it, Sweetheart. Suck my cock, please." She seldom refused me and didn't disappoint this time. She sucked out my load and I climbed back in bed with her.

"What brought that on in the middle of the night? You have an interesting dream?" she asked.

"No, its not a dream. I'll tell you, but you have to promise to stay calm. Our daughter is in her room with a big black boy fucking her brains out right now," I told her. I gave her the details, including a description of the six-foot-two thin black boy with a cock as big as Shell's forearm. I even confessed to watching them for a short time and listening as she begged him to load her cunt with his spunk. "Is she on the pill?" I asked.

"She's on this health kick and said she'd rather use condoms when the time came, so no, she's not," Gail told me, "I can't image how Mishelle could take a guy that big. She's all of five-feet tall and weighs a big eighty-six pounds."

"I know; she's tiny," I concurred, "She looks like a twelve-year-old with the ass of a ten-year-old boy. His hands, no doubt, totally cover her little ass cheeks when he cups them. And yet, as tiny as she is, she's riding his huge fucking cock."

As strange as it may have been, Gail and I were both thrilled about our little girl giving it up to a big black boy, begging him to load her pussy. Gail climbed on top of me and in no time, we were fucking like kids ourselves. "Oh, fuck, Bob! Two timing tonight," she was surprised, complimenting my 'second' successive erection, "Give it to me! Fuck me! Oh, Fuck!" she cried out, much louder than she intended. Her hot pussy milked out my third load of the night, a record I'd not reached for years. We finished and lay panting, exhausted, catching our breath; and listening to grunts and squeals from across the hall. Obviously, they heard us, realized we were excited by them, and threw caution to the wind.

Throughout the night, Gail and I took turns checking the driveway to see if the boy's car was still there. Had we just stayed in bed and listened, we would have known without looking. After fucking our little girl one last time at about four AM, we heard him leave.

Somehow, Shellie was up before us in the morning. She was busy loading the washer with bedding. "Morning, Mom," she greeted Gail as she joined her in the kitchen. "The boys got up early this morning and are already out," she said.

Gail made the morning coffee and asked Shellie how her night was.

"Mom!" Shell retorted, "You know I had a great night; just like you did!"

Gail laughed at the reply, then told her, "I'm okay with you exercising your adult prerogative, and don't want to interfere; but your Dad and I are concerned that you may not be protecting yourself. You could get pregnant or expose yourself to an STD."

"I'm being careful, Mom. That was my first time since I broke up with that ass hole. And I only do it bareback for a week on either side of my period. Don't worry so much, Mom."

"If you say so," Gail told her. She paused, then asked, "When are we going to meet this new boyfriend?"

"I don't know how to tell you this, Mom, because I know you won't approve; so I'm just going to say it. He's not really my boyfriend. He's just kind of a 'fuck buddy'," she whispered. "I was telling my friend, Shantel, how frustrated I was getting since breaking it off with Ass Hole. I hadn't had sex for months; and she offered to let me use her boyfriend, Tyrone. That's how I hooked up with him. Shantel told me he thought I was sexy and that he always wanted to do a little white girl. It seemed like the perfect solution. And oh my god, Mom, I'm kind of sore today, but oh my god!"

Gail was shocked that our baby girl shared that with her, and more shocked that she would take a virtual stranger home and fuck him. She didn't know how to respond, so she didn't. Instead, she came to discuss it with me. "What should we do?"

"Nothing, I told her. She's an adult. We've never been overbearing, and we're not going to start now. She knows she must live with the consequences of her actions. If she were a guy, lots of parents would say 'good for you, stud, go for it;' and we're not going to treat her differently just because she's a girl. Girls like to fuck too; right? Just be glad she's happy and getting what she needs."

The next afternoon, while I was at work and the boys at school, Shellie invited Ty to the house. She said nothing to her Mom about it, so when the doorbell rang, Gail quickly pulled a robe on to cover her nudity and answered.

"Hi, Mrs. Jenkins, I'm Tyrone. Shellie invited me over," he introduced himself.

Shellie came up from behind, naked, as we usually were in our home. "Thanks, Mom," she said, "I've got this." She grabbed his hand and led him right up the stairs.

Gail was now in the same situation I found myself in the night before, knowing our daughter was in her room fucking a big black stud; and like me, she couldn't resist her voyeuristic tendencies. She found herself at Shellie's door, listening intently.

"Your mom is a real MILF," Ty said, "Think she'd fuck me too?"

Shellie just laughed, "No fuckin way, Ty. Are you nuts? What, between Shantell and me, you're not getting enough pussy? Just put that big fucker in my mouth and I'll make you forget all about Mom."

Within the minute, Gail was hearing the black stud praising Shellie's cocksucking abilities, just like he did when I watched them. It was soon followed by the squeaking bed springs, moans, muffled screams of pleasure; and the obligatory "Here it comes!" pronouncement.

After Ty filled our baby's cunt with his load, Gail went across the hall to finish herself off. She masturbated with our favorite dildo, a seven-inch black one, slightly thicker than my five-inch cock. She thought about Ty calling her a MILF, closed her eyes and envisioned the boy on top of her as she worked the dildo in her pussy.

Shelly and Ty stayed in her room while Gail went outside to lay on the back deck, soaking up some sun in the buff, as if there were no one here but family. She had only been there for a few minutes when Shelly, still nude, came down to ask, "Mom, do you have some personal lube I could use?"

What ever brought on this boldness, Gail wondered. She responded without further thought, "Yea, let me get it for you."

As Gail led the way up the stairs, she noticed the door to Shellie's room was wide open and of course, like anyone would do, she looked in. Ty was laying on his back, slow stroking the biggest cock she had ever seen. She paused, ignoring the fact that Shellie was with her, and watched as Ty rolled the foreskin up over the bulbous, plumb sized head repeatedly.

"Mom!" Shellie brought her back to reality.

"Oh, sorry, sweetie," she replied as she walked to our nightstand and grabbed a bottle of "Wet" that she'd just used with her silicone black friend. She knew the kids had been fucking hard, and didn't need it for vaginal penetration. Our little girl was obviously going to give her ass to that big black stud.

Once again, after Shellie left our bedroom, Gail had to dig out our black silicone friend; no lube available or needed this time.

Sometime later, Shellie convinced Tyrone to come down to the kitchen for a drink and snack. "Don't dress," she told him, "we don't wear clothes in our house." He was standing at the island bar when Shellie called out, "Mom, can you help me find the mustard?"

"You know where the mustard is, Shellie. Just look. It's where it always is," Gail yelled from the back deck.

"I can't find it," Shellie insisted.

Gail walked in, surprised to discover it wasn't just Shell in the kitchen. Ty, like a family member, stood there naked. "Sorry to bother you, Mrs. Jenkins. I told Shellie I'm fine without it," Tyrone said as he stood up straight, fully exposing himself while checking out my wife.

Gail, knowing the boy wanted to fuck her, couldn't resist teasing him. She went to the refrigerator and, with legs spread, bent forward at the hips as she supposedly looked for the mustard on the bottom shelf. "I don't see it, Shellie," she said while shifting her weight from side to side, knowing her pussy was on full display to the horny teen stud.

"Oh, here it is," Shellie said, pulling it off the top shelf where they both knew it was, "Thanks for helping, Mom. How about joining us for lunch?"

"Thanks, but I think I'll just have a drink," Gail told them as she poured a shot of Scotch into a short glass. She'd never offered a drink to our kids before, but was somehow compelled to welcome Shellie and Ty to adulthood by asking if they wanted a drink also. They accepted, and enjoyed a couple of refills after.

"Before Dad and the boys get home," Shellie said, "we're going back upstairs for a little while. Ty wants to know if you want to come up with us," she boldly asked, surprising both my wife and the boy.

A little tipsy and very horny, Gail simply said, "Yes."

Ty led the way up the stairs with Gail right behind. She nearly dreuled at the sight of his tight ass cheeks wiggling with each step. His huge, uncut cock and ball sack swayed between his legs. "Let's use your bed, Mrs. Jenkins, its bigger," Ty suggested, "Besides, it's really hot fucking a married woman in the bed where she makes love to her husband. I've only had one other married woman, and I've never done a mother daughter team. I thought that only happened with crack whores in the hood, not in nice, middle-class, white neighborhoods. This is so fuckin exciting." As each word came from his lips, his dick got a little bigger. By the time they reached the king-sized bed, he was fully erect.

"Wow!" escaped from Gail's mouth without her even thinking about speaking.

"I know; right?" our daughter confirmed. "And he knows how to use it too, Mom. You can have him first if you want."

Gail lay on her back, knees up and legs spread, ready for penetration. "Wait," Shellie said, "let me get the lube. You're going to need it, Mom." She was back in seconds with a handful of slipperiness. She immediately slapped it against her mom's exposed pussy, then slid a couple of fingers right in, making sure the entrance was ready. Gail turned her head, ashamed of the pleasure she experienced on her daughter's fingers. Shellie took another generous amount of lube and slathered the full length of Tyrone's huge cock, then guided it to her mom's eager cunt as Ty positioned himself above, holding himself up on straight arms. She placed his bulbous, blunt cock head to her mom's pussy, then told Ty, "Go for it. She's ready."

Gail wrapped her lily-white legs around the black boy's waist to pull him in. Other than that, the only place their bodies touched was between her legs. Ty eased forward. Gail's slippery lips parted, allowing that massive glans access to her tight hole. For the first time in twenty years, the moment of penetration by a cock other than mine had arrived. The boy watched my wife's reaction as he opened her. Her eyes snapped open widely and her mouth gaped, as if trying to scream, but no noise escaped. The entire head popped through her opening and was lodged inside. "Oh my god," Gail moaned, "that's big; really big."

"You should see it, Mom," Shellie said as she reached between their legs to help push the rest of his cock into her. "I bet you've never been fucked like that before; right? Isn't it awesome?"

The black stud continued his slow, non-stop penetration until his entire length was buried inside my wife. "Oh, Mrs. Jenkins, you are so fine," he moaned as he started rutting. As he fucked her with full length, slow strokes, he moaned, "Ahhhhh, that's fuckin hot. Your little girl has her tongue right in my ass!" he bragged, letting her know what a slut our daughter really was.

"Get on your knees for me, Mrs. Jenkins," Ty instructed as he withdrew. My wife quickly obliged and within seconds the kid had his big black cock back inside, doggie fucking her.

"Put your head down, Mom," Shellie directed, teaching my experienced wife how to fuck, "Put your tits onto the bed and push your ass out so he can get all the way in." She used both hands, one on her mom's mound and the other on her back to help position her for the deepest possible penetration. Ty held her hips and slam fucked her balls deep.

"Oh shit, I'm going to cum already," Ty announced as he continued thrusting, "You want me to pull out?"

"NO, fuck no!" my wife told him as she met his thrusts with her own, "Fill me, Pump it in!" she screamed, insemination not even coming to mind. She hadn't thought about that since my vasectomy fifteen years ago.

The big convulsing black boy held her on firmly and pushed in as deeply as possible. He stopped all movement except for the involuntary spasms forcing jets of thick, sticky, sperm laden cum deep into my wife's womb. When he finally finished, he rolled off to the side.

"Oh my god!" my wife exclaimed as she rolled onto her back. "How ever do you take him, Shell?"

"I told you! Isn't he awesome! Help me clean him up and I'll show you," Shellie said as she licked and sucked his frothy cock. She placed her mouth over the big knob when she saw the last of his cum ooze from its slit. They took turns sucking and licking him. Only a teen boy's stamina could produce yet another erection in such quick succession. The girl's skillful mouth action had him boned and ready to go in just minutes.

Shellie climbed on top, cowgirling him. She put her little pussy at the head of his cock and slid right on, all the way to his balls. "Oh fuck this is good," she cried.

Gail watched the unbelievable impalement of our baby girl. She put a hand on our Shellie's belly, wanting not only to see it bulge with every penetration of Ty's cock, but actually feel it; almost like feeling a baby kick in a pregnant woman's belly. "Touch my ass, Mom, while I fuck his cock. I want to have both holes filled."

My wife knew what our little girl really wanted. Gail wasn't a sadist, but our little girl was begging to be used. She retrieved our silicone black friend, lubed it well, and put it to our little girl's ass. Shellie pushed back against it and took it inside.


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