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Dave Gets an Education Pt. 03

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A college student gets an unexpected education.
5.8k words

Part 3 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/18/2015
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Chapter 6: The phone call

I called my mom after talking to Jessica.

"I have some great news." I told her. "I have a full scholarship for my Junior and Senior year. Mrs. Baxter arranged it."

I told her that I would also be working for Mrs. Baxter, but it meant that I would have to stay in Florida this summer. I really wanted to come home and see her and find out how she was adjusting to living alone. I knew she would be lonely after being married for 25 years, but there wasn't much I could do about that now. I told her I would try to come for a week or two before classes started in the fall.

"I'm sorry you're not coming home this summer" she said. "But I understand. Ruth seems like a wonderful lady. She spoke highly of you when we talked. She thought you were a polite young man and that she was willing to help you out anyway she could."

"She spoke quite highly of you as well, Mom." I replied. "You two must have had quite the conversation."

"Well, we did talk on the phone for quite a while and we've been exchanging emails since then." Mom replied. "She was so easy to talk to. We probably talked for over an hour."

"What did you talk about?" I asked.

"You mostly." She replied. "She asked about what you did in high school, your interests, how good a student you were. You know, just general information. We did talk for a while about some of your girlfriends and she asked me for some of their names and phone numbers. I was hesitant to do so because I really didn't know her at that point. She said she needed to talk to them because she has a lot of female boarders and she needed to make sure they will be safe around you. I hope it was alright to give her the information."

"Sure Mom." I said. "I'm sure it was OK. What else did you talk about?"

"Let me see," she replied. "It was kind of odd, but we talked for a long time about discipline. She asked me how I managed to raise a polite young man when most of this generation didn't even know what the word meant."

"And what did you tell her?" I asked.

"I told her that I took you across my lap as a child and beat your butt." She said.

"Mom, you didn't?" I laughed.

"I sure did." She said. "It's the truth. Anyway, she said that she believed in corporal punishment also. She said her Mom believed in the cane, and that she did too. She said that she continued punishing her son until after he graduated from college and moved away. You better be careful Dave. I don't think she would hesitate to give you a paddling if needed."

"You're probably right Mom." I replied.

Mom continued. "Remember the incident the summer before you left for college? You know, the afternoon I had a few of my friends over and wanted you to run to the store and get me some tea."

"Yes Mom, I remember." I replied.

"You didn't answer when I called so I knocked on your door. It was unlocked so I just opened it and boy was I surprised. There you were lying on the bed naked with those nasty magazines. I just couldn't believe my eyes. You remember them don't you? I can't recall their name. It was something like..."

"Yea Mom, I remember quite well" I interrupted. "One was called 'Variations' and the others were 'Ma'am' and 'Women in Control'. I remember them and what happened afterwards."

"I'm sure you do. You were reading a letter about a boy who was lying across his mother's lap getting his behind spanked. You had another magazine opened to a page where two women were spanking a man with a paddle. Do you still think of those things Dave?"

"Oh, come on Mom." I said, not really answering the question. "Most of that stuff is fake anyway."

"Yea" Mom said. "But you sure got a lesson that afternoon. I remember shutting the door and going back out to the kitchen. Aunt Sara was sitting at the table and could tell that something was wrong. She asked me over and over again what the problem was and finally I told her."

"Mom, do you have to?" I asked.

"She looked at me in disbelief." She continued. "Our next door neighbor Beth was there and so was Donna, our neighbor from across the street. They were both looking at me, waiting to see what I would do. Sara took control of the situation. Do you remember what she did?"

"Yea Mom, I remember." I repeated.

"She went into your room, picked up the magazines and grabbed you by the arm and marched you out into the kitchen. You had your jeans and a t-shirt on by then but you looked scared as hell."

"I was." I said.

"Anyway," Mom continued. "Sara threw the magazines down in front of everyone and looked straight into your eyes and told you that this would not go unpunished. She asked everyone how they thought an 18 year old boy getting ready to leave for college should be dealt with for looking at this kind of trash. I think it was Beth who jokingly said to give him what he wants."

"I remember Mom. Do we have to recount the whole story?" I asked.

I was getting a little embarrassed speaking with my mom this way, not to mention reliving the episode again.

She just continued. "Sara made you strip in front of everyone there and once you were naked you were told to bend over the kitchen chair. Sara handed me my sorority paddle and I preceded to beat your ass. You were crying by the time I was finished with you. Remember?"

"I remember." I said. "My bottom hurt like hell."

"Well you deserved it." She said. "I made you stand in the corner and listen as I read one of the stories in the magazine to everyone. When I was finished I handed the paddle to Sara and told her to do her worst. I was amazed when you turned around and had an erection. That's something that no mother should see from her son. Anyway, it was gone by the time Sara was done with you and you were sent back to the corner."

"Yes Mom, do we have to relive this. I remember the episode completely" I pleaded.

Mom paid no attention to my pleas. "I read another story then had you assume the position. I asked Beth and Donna if either of them wanted a go at you. Beth volunteered, remember. You had just broken up with her daughter and I think she wanted a little revenge anyway. She asked me if she could give Liz a call and let her participate as well. Remember what I said?"

"You told her the more the merrier." I replied. "You were really pissed at me."

"That's right." Mom said. "And by the time she got there, her mother had you in tears again. Remember how she laughed as she came through the door. That didn't stop her from administering another round with the paddle. You were begging her to stop and apologizing for breaking her heart by the time she was done."

"Yes Mom, it was the most painful and humiliating punishment I ever received." I said.

"Donna was the only one left who hadn't had a chance at you." Mom recalled. "While I was reading the last story she walked over to you and smiled as she started stroking your cock. By the time I finished the story you were hard again. She told you that the punishment should fit the crime and grabbed you by the balls and squeezed until you were on your knees. What did she tell you to do?"

"She told me to stay on my knees and apologize to each of the ladies present then thank them for giving me direction." I said. "Mom, why did you bring this story up now? It's kind of embarrassing talking about it with you on the phone like this. What's going on?"

"Well", she said. I got an email from Ruth the day after I talked with her. She had spoken to Liz about you, and Liz told her about the incident. She even sent Ruth pictures. She emailed me to confirm that Liz was telling the truth about what had happened and I recounted the story for her just as I did tonight for you. I thought you should be prepared should it ever come up."

"OK Mom, thanks" I said.

"Dave, do you know what happened to those magazines" she asked.

"No mom, I guess you or Sara threw them in the trash." I replied.

"No, Dave." She replied. "I still have them. I read the stories every now and then. I sometimes imagine I am like those women in Ma'am and I am beating your father's ass for leaving me. It helps sometimes, thinking of getting even with him."

She started crying.

"Mom, it will be OK." I said.

We talked for a little longer before I told her I had to go. She had stopped crying by then. I told her I would call again later in the week, but with exams starting the following week, I probably wouldn't have much time to talk.

"Dave" Mom said. "Ruth really is a nice lady. You know, in her last email she suggested I come down to visit her this summer. She said she has empty rooms during the summer and with the boarders gone, she gets lonely. She even said she could fine me a job down there and help me get back on my feet."

That's great Mom. I think you should do it." I said.

"Really?" Mom said. "I think I'll email her right now and accept. I haven't had a vacation in ages and I think I deserve a little pampering now."

We said our goodbyes and I hung up my phone.

Wow. I couldn't believe what mom had just told me. She fantasized about spanking my dad. I wonder what else she fantasized about, or maybe even did. Kids just don't realize that parents are older versions of themselves, and probably had the same fantasies when they were young. Wow. That's amazing.

Chapter 7: Dave Moves In

I went to bed early since I was still tired from yesterday. I thought about what might happen at work tomorrow, and for the rest of the week. I usually worked for Prof. Williams four hours a day Monday through Friday.

I woke up early on Monday morning. I didn't sleep very well. My bottom still hurt and my tongue was sore. I went to the cafeteria for breakfast and sat alone. My First class was at 8 am. I had another at 10 am and 1 pm. I would be at Prof. Williams' office by 2 and work until about 6. Then it was dinner at the cafeteria and back to the dorm to study. That was my Monday- Wednesday- Friday schedule. Tuesday and Thursday were a little easier as I only had 2 classes on those days, both in the afternoon. I worked for Prof. Williams in the morning on those days. It was a hard schedule, but it would be over as soon as exams were done the following week.

Time passed slowly on Monday, partly because I was tired and partly because of what I expected to happen at work. Prof. Williams had told me when she left on Saturday that I would be spending the afternoon on my knees under her desk. I arrived 5 minutes early as my last class was in the same building. Prof. Williams' office was large since she was a Department head. It was actually a suite with an outer office as well as her private inner office.

"I see you are eager to get started today." she said as I walked in the door.

"Not really." I replied. "I normally get her about this time on Mondays. You're usually not here when I arrive."

She was dressed more professionally today. Her hair had been styled and she wasn't wearing her glasses. She wore a flowing dress that came to her knees but was loose fitting and hid some of her excess body. She seemed more self-confident as well. She stood tall, well as tall as her height would allow and looked straight into my eyes as she spoke.

"Dave" she began. "I need to apologize for Saturday. I don't regret anything that happened, and I will probably visit Ruth regularly and use you again. However, here in the office, we will maintain a professional decorum. There are too many eyes and ears to risk my job or your future. There will be plenty of other opportunities for you to serve me."

"I enjoyed myself Saturday afternoon" she continued. "I may even ask Ruth to loan you to me once in a while. She use to lend me Don on occasion, but that was long ago."

"Yes Ma'am." I replied.

Prof. Williams just smiled and I got the feeling I had just opened Pandora's Box.

"Since exams are next week," she began. "You don't have to come in the rest of this week or next week. Take the time to study. I would like for you to work the week following exams to help me finish grading papers and posting grades. I will check with Ruth to make sure that's ok, but I can't see her objecting. Is that ok with you?"

"Yes ma'am" I replied.

"OK then. I have papers on your desk for you to grade. Get to work Bitch" she laughed.

The rest of the week was uneventful. I did a lot of studying to prepare for exams and managed to pack as much as I could. Jim asked me what was going on and I told him that I had found off campus housing for next year and the landlord was letting me move in early.

"That's great." he said. "I know you were worrying about that for the last couple of weeks. I guess you're staying down here for the summer then?" He asked

"Yea," I replied. "I'll be doing odd jobs around the house in exchange for rent. It's a pretty good deal for me."

"Well," he said. "Remember I'm only an hour away. Keep in touch and come visit once in a while. The babes are hot, and there will be partying everywhere on the beach during the summer. I found this nude beach last year. It's only open during the summer. Can't wait to check it out again. It'll be awesome. I guarantee it"

"Yea," I said. "Sounds great. I'll have to see what my work schedule is, but I'm sure I can find time to come hang out."

I got up early on Saturday. Jim was still snoozing. I got all of my belongings that I had put in storage and drove over to Mrs. Baxter's. I arrived about 9 am and rang the doorbell. Hilda answered the door.

"Oh, it's you. I guess you're ready to move in." she said.

She seemed to be more civil than she was the previous week. She brought me a key to the servant quarters and showed me how to get to the rear entrance of the property. There was a driveway from the side street that led to the garage. The driveway was large enough to allow vehicles to park without blocking access to the garage.

"This is my parking space and that was Marie's." she said. "I guess you can use Marie's now. Everyone else has to fight for parking. Most of the students park in the parking garage on the edge of campus. There's a free shuttle that runs through this neighborhood. It's cost effective for the university since there is so much student housing in the area."

"Why's that?" I asked.

"It's because of the fraternities and sororities." she said. "They have a lot more pull on campus than most people realize. The frats are a couple of streets over. It's a decent street but not as nice as ours. The sororities are on our street. It was set up that way to help improve security. It keeps all the partying in one area of town which makes it easier for the campus police to patrol the area. The residents actually like it too because the police presence helps keep the crime rate in the area low. It's actually the lowest in the city."

"I looked into joining a fraternity when I was a freshman, but they seemed a little too wild for me. They threw great parties but I didn't really want to do the pledging. Some of the stories they told me were unreal." I said.

"Yea, the Frats can get out of hand sometimes, but they normally keep it over there." Hilda said. "The sororities aren't nearly as bad. It gets a little noisy during pledging, but not nearly as bad as on Fraternity row. There are actually three sorority houses on this block alone. There are two more on the next block and a couple on the block over there." Hilda said as she pointed in various directions.

"With all the brothers and sisters living in the area" Hilda continued. "The Greek council offered to help fund the shuttle service. Any student can use it, and it runs hourly from 7 am until midnight during the week and until 3 am on Friday and Saturday. It really cuts down on drunk driving, which was a selling point the Greeks used to get it started."

Hilda turned to head back to the kitchen. It would be lunchtime soon and she had to get busy preparing it. She told me to let her know if I needed anything.

I couldn't believe how cordial Hilda was. I guess Mrs. Baxter had that talk with her and got everything straightened out. That was a load off my mind. I began unpacking my car and moving stuff into my apartment. I didn't take time to unpack as I wanted to get back to the dorm and get the stuff I had left behind.

When I got back to the dorm, Jim wasn't there. I finished gathering up my things and left him a note telling him I would see him in class next week and we could make plans then to get together later this summer. I got my bike and managed to get it secured to the bike rack on the back of my car and headed back to Mrs. Baxter's house. I knew that I could stop at the cafeteria for lunch, but I remembered how good Hilda's cooking was and decided I would take my chances there.

I got to the apartment and got everything unloaded just before noon. I was able to get cleaned up a little before heading up to the main house to see if I could join them for lunch. Hilda was in the kitchen loading the cart to take into the dining room. I offered to help her and she gladly accepted.

"Why don't you take it on into the dining room Dave?" she said. "Mrs. Baxter and Jessica are eating alone in there today. Everyone else is out for the afternoon. I'll bring you a clean plate and silverware".

"Yes ma'am" I replied. "And I wanted to thank you again for lunch last Saturday. It tasted great."

"Why thank you Dave that was sweet of you to say." She said. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. I especially enjoyed serving you that afternoon snack." She laughed at her joke. My face turned red.

I pushed the cart into the dining room and greeted Mrs. Baxter and Jessica. They invited me to join them and I did so after transferring the food from the cart to the table. They asked me if I was recovering from last week's activities; but other than that, said nothing about it. We had a quiet conversation about school and the upcoming exams. It was like they were different people from the ones who beat me the previous week. As we were finishing our meal Mrs. Baxter said

"Dave, Jessica and I would like to meet with you before the other girls get home today. Four of the girls will be graduating next week and moving out. Two of the girls, Anne and Megan will staying with me for the summer. You will be serving them as well as Jessica and Myself. I think it is best to wait until after exams are over and the seniors have moved out before explaining everything to Anne and Megan."

"Yes ma'am" I acknowledged.

"I also want to go over some rules of conduct and expectations I have for you" she continued. "How about 4 pm in the library. We shouldn't be disturbed and you can join us for dinner when we're done."

"Yes ma'am, I'll be in the library at 4 pm." I replied

I went back to my apartment and began unpacking. I was able to get most of my things unpacked and organized by the time I had to leave for the meeting. Anyway, it was good enough for now, I had a bed to sleep in, a stocked kitchen, a TV and a recliner and sofa to sit on. What else did a guy need? The walls were still bare and I had a few things I wanted to hang when I got around to it, but right now, life was good.

I arrived to find Jessica and her mother already in the library. I looked at my watch and was relieved that I was still 5 minutes early. Mrs. Baxter had me close the door and told me to sit in the chair across from them. Mrs. Baxter was dressed in a loose fitting blouse and shorts while Jessica was wearing a two piece bikini that didn't cover much. It was obvious that this was not the formal setting of last Saturday. Jessica smiled as Mrs. Baxter began.

"As I told you at lunch, I want to keep you're maid status a secret until after exams are over. It will be best for you because you won't be expected to serve us or perform daily assignments while you're trying to study. As I told you last week, your education is the top priority."


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