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David and Becky - Foolish Choices Ch. 07

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A request from Becky.
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Part 7 of the 22 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/30/2022
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This story is entirely fictional and is intended as a fantasy in the world of female domination and male submission. It involves tease and denial with the use of a male chastity device, cuckoldry and corporal punishment. No part of this story is written to suggest such lifestyles were realistic or believable. The characters, named and unnamed, are not based on any living or deceased persons. All locations, whether named or otherwise, in this story, including the nation of Siskovia Province, are also fictitious and any similarities to any that exist anywhere, are coincidental. If you are not interested in fiction in which males, whether willingly or forced, submit to dominant females, or find such subjects objectionable and in opposition to your own preferences, I would strongly suggest you exercise your right not to read any further.

Chapter 7

Day 270 -- Tuesday 26th April 2016

With just four days remaining of my nine month sentence, I was as cheerful as I'd ever been in Casavana Prison. It had been an horrendous ordeal of canings, strappings and endless sexual tease and denial. During the nine months, I had only had one single satisfying orgasm, and that was on the first day I'd arrived. Somehow, I'd got away with that. In addition, I had ejaculated without any stimulation on maybe five occasions that I could remember, the last time being almost two months ago. My balls must have been so full now, but I was determined to last without any involuntary emissions for four more days. My anger towards Becky for what she'd done to me was lessening as joy at my impending release neared, but it was still simmering in the background, and doubts about our future remained. My penis, however, was very much ruling my brain and I was looking forward to going home with my beautiful, cruel wife to enjoy the greatest, most satisfyingly ecstatic orgasm of my life.

The guards hadn't eased off on me though during the final weeks, seeking to squeeze every last drop of sadistic pleasure from me that they could. I seemed to qualify for more strappings than ever from them for the slightest of infractions, and the teasing, especially from Justyna, was merciless. I got to see her naked body on three more occasions as she tried to tease me into getting one final caning before I was released.

I was also taunted quite a bit by the guards, using Becky's temporary relationship with a man while I was here in prison, as their ammunition. I guessed all of this was at the prompting of Madam Popescu who wanted them to try and entice me into reacting, thus earning myself a caning. It was very hard for me to deal with those taunts as it instilled all sorts of pictures in my mind of what Becky was getting up to with him.

The guards tried to paint pictures by making suggestions what the pair were doing in my bed back home while I was locked away getting no sexual relief whatsoever. The pictures the guards painted were nowhere near as vivid as the ones my mind conjured up. I knew just how stunningly sexy Becky was and how wonderful it was to have sex with her. It didn't matter what she did sexually to you, whether it was full sexual intercourse, oral sex or even a simple hand job, to receive an orgasm from my beautiful wife was a sensational experience, and a man who was a stranger to me was benefitting from Becky's sexual expertise while I suffered in my cell.

When my cell door banged three times on my fourth to last evening, I jumped to the floor into my usual position. Four guards entered, three in uniform; Gabriela, Izabela and Tilly. The fourth guard, Justyna, was dressed in her favourite teasing outfit of tight leggings and short, tight top. Something was going on, and my cheerful mood was tempered just a little as I awaited the news they were bringing me.

"Madam Popescu wishes to see you in her office," Gabriela, the most senior of the guards said. "Madam Izabela, would you secure the prisoner's hands behind his back."

I was pushed out of the door with no further explanation and taken, still naked, the long way around to the entrance of the main prison building in the cold evening air. I was manhandled up the steps, along a corridor and told to wait outside Madam Popescu's office. Gabriela knocked lightly on the door.

The door was opened by Miss Radu, Madam Popescu's tantalizing young secretary, the one who had been given the job of observing me while I received my two judicial canings. She had stared into my eyes watching every reaction on my face as my bare bottom was beaten with the cane.

I was marched in and my ankle chain was fixed to the bolt in the middle of the floor a few feet in front of Madam Popescu's desk. Miss Radu took up her usual position behind her boss, looking at me with mocking amusement. My penis quickly grew to attention, aware that six females were in the room with me, all of them fully clothed.

"Mr Emerson, I expect you are very much looking forward to the end of your prison sentence here at Casavana in four days time. How do you feel about going home?"

"I'm really looking forward to it, Madam Popescu," I answered, respectfully.

"I'm sure you are. I know how difficult it is for prisoners here. I ensure anyone who serves a sentence in this prison receives severe punishment, and you have endured it for almost nine months. I know you believed your sentence to be harsh, the debt you owed me was, as you said at the time, not a true debt, it was more a theoretical debt. The promotion, which I still run successfully in all my casinos, has never produced a result where the customer lost. Perhaps, if you had seen the game through to the end, you would have won back your money and not be in my room at this moment. But it was your wife who wanted you both to experience this. She has a very imaginative mind, especially when it comes to those sexual games you both play, and she very much rode the tide of evolving events without making any attempt to save you from your fate. However, at no time were you told lies about what was going on. Everything that has happened regarding your incarceration was done legally, and there were no tricks or malpractice of any kind carried out to engineer your imprisonment here. Mrs Emerson did ask me to make life in this prison as hard as I could for you. It was an unnecessary request as my sadistic nature automatically ensures I treat all my prisoners as harshly as the law allows."

She paused for a moment as if to prompt me to speak out of turn. I was used to such tactics, so I stayed silent.

"I'm sure you are wondering why you've been brought here tonight; I'm sorry if you thought I was releasing you four days early; I never give even the slightest concession to prisoners ... freely. No, the matter concerns Mrs Emerson and the man she is having a sexual relationship with. You do know about him? I believe his name is Josh."

"Yes, Madam Popescu, Becky has told me about him."

"She contacted me a couple of days ago for one of our regular chats, and we had a very nice conversation about how much she has enjoyed the company of this man." Her smile almost became a laugh as she recalled it. "She was quite explicit at times when discussing what she got up to with him. You being in prison completely banned from any sexual pleasure has been a great source of delight for your wife during her very raunchy sessions she shares with him. It helps that I keep her up to date with your experiences in here. But she did explain to me that she had no feelings for this man, and fully intends ending the relationship when you return home. Even the man knew from the start you were in prison abroad, and as soon as you were released, his relationship with your wife was over. That has not changed, Mr Emerson, so you have nothing to worry about."

I was actually very relieved to hear her say that, but my jealousy and frustration at what this man was getting from Becky still gnawed at my heart. The anger and sense of betrayal was still deep rooted within me, but the feelings from my attraction to the tease and denial games Becky inflicted on me were also rising to the surface. As much as I believed it had gone way too far, being so close to release, I was reminded of the advantages those games had for me.

"She told me she has been seeing this man, Josh, for six months, but it only became apparent to her this week that he has got your release date wrong."

At this point, Madam Popescu became slightly tentative as she spoke, which roused my concern.

"Your wife realised, when telling him your sentence was nine months, he believed that was how much of your sentence remained. As she told him this six months ago, it came to your wife's notice only this week, he still thinks you have three months to go."

"What difference does that make to me?" I asked, immediately realising I hadn't been given permission to speak.

She smiled at me and leaned forward; she was a very attractive woman with extremely seductive dark eyes. "Mrs Emerson has asked me to put a request to you."

I frowned. What was Becky up to?

"Although your sentence ends on 30th April, rather than disappoint the man she is seeing, she wants you to volunteer to stay with us for another three months."

"I don't understand, Madam Popescu. I will have served my sentence in four days. I don't deserve any longer."

"She asked me to stress to you how unfair this is on the man she is with, who genuinely thinks he has another three months of a wonderful sexual relationship to enjoy."

"Unfair on him? What about unfair on me?"

"She knows this is entirely her fault as she should have made it clear to him how long you had left of your sentence. He will be terribly disappointed to learn his time with your wife will suddenly end this week."

"So, because of her error, and so as not to disappoint this man, she wants me to stay in prison for three extra months?"

"She also asked that if you offer to stay, you should remain under the same harsh conditions so as to not waste the opportunity to maximise her pleasure."

I looked quizzically at her. "I can't help thinking you're having a joke with me over this request, Madam Popescu."

"Believe it or not, I do have a sense of humour, but on this occasion, I am being absolutely serious, this request from your wife is entirely genuine."

It took me a few moments to process the information. But as the idea of Becky asking me to sacrifice another three months so she could continue a sexual relationship with another man became real in my mind, I felt a confusion of emotions. Anger, humiliation, frustration ... submission. I could feel my buttocks still aching slightly from the aftermath of my most recent strappings. I felt more humiliated than at any time during the nine months I'd been here. There could be no worse humiliation than my wife choosing to be with another man, especially with me having to discuss it with another woman while chained naked in a room with another five beautiful women watching.

My thoughts were in turmoil as images flashed through my mind of me and Becky together in our bed. But then it wasn't me, it was some unknown man with my wife, in my bed, and she wanted me to volunteer to stay in prison for an extra three months because of her mistake ... so she wouldn't disappoint this other man ... so he could continue enjoying my wife's incredible sexy body! My penis grew rigid, I was actually turned on despite the rage that was brewing.

"It looks to me as though such a request gives you some excitement, Mr. Emerson." Madam Popescu observed.

"I can't believe she's asking me to do this," I said, quietly through gritted teeth.

"It must be so frustrating for you being put in this position by your wife; being given the choice of going home to all the comforts it offers you, or staying in prison at the mercy of sadistic female guards while your wife continues to sexually pleasure this man in ways you know of only too well."

"But three months is such a long time; doesn't she think I've suffered enough?" I asked. "Knowing I'm stuck here in a cell with no hope of any sexual pleasure at all, and she's having sex with another man. And she wants me to do an extra three months, just so she doesn't break her promise to him." Just saying it was making my penis throb with lust.

"It seems, that is exactly what your wife wants."

"Bring her here," I said, angrily. "I want to speak to her."

"May I remind you; you are in no position to make any demands." Her words were spoken sternly.

"But I need to speak to Becky, I need to know what's going on."

"You have been told what's going on; Mrs. Emerson has been having sex with another man while you have been here. She mistakenly led him to believe you have three months remaining on your sentence. She doesn't want to disappoint him by cutting his time short. There is nothing to discuss. You have to tell me your decision tonight to give Mrs Emerson time to arrange flights if she is coming to collect you in four days."

"It's a wonder she didn't ask me to volunteer for a long hard strapping as well. That'd make having sex with another man even better for her." Oh, my penis throbbed even more at the thought of being beaten while this casual, sexual relationship was going on.

"An interesting comment, Mr. Emerson."

Madam Popescu's words sounded chilling and yet wickedly sensual. I could tell the injustice of me being beaten in this situation was turning her on as much as me. I felt my anger slowly subsiding, and a realisation of how degrading and humiliating this was for me. My penis was at bursting point as a deep feeling of submission drifted over me; was I about to surrender to her will yet again and give my blessing to her sexual demands by offering to stay in prison. I wanted to make it the best it could be for her ... and him!"

"What is your answer, Mr. Emerson?"

My voice was shaking with uncontrollable lust. "Ok. I'll do it. I'll stay!"

"Just to be clear; you are agreeing to stay for another three months as your wife has requested."

I wanted to change my mind, but the sexual urges within me were too strong. "Yes, I'll stay for another three months ... for Becky."

"Are you absolutely sure, Mr Emerson?" Madam Popescu said. "You will be given no concessions for accepting this request. Your stay with us will be just as severe as the nine months you have already served."

"Yes, Madam Popescu." I paused knowing what I was about to add was going to have dire consequences, but I felt a surge of humiliation well up inside me with a desire for it to be pushed to even deeper levels. "As proof of my utter submission to Becky in accepting her request, I would like to volunteer for an extra punishment be given to me. I wish to submit to an especially severe strapping from my guards."

There was an excited gasp from the ladies in the room; Miss Radu fidgeted as she leaned back against the wall, her cheeks reddening with arousal.

Madam Popescu was breathing heavily, pausing to compose herself before responding: "I will arrange for the paperwork to be completed regarding the three months extension to your sentence. I will also accept your request for you to be beaten by your guards. You will receive six strokes of the strap from Madam Gabriela, Madam Izabela, Madam Tilly and Madam Justyna. I will make it up to a round number of thirty strokes in all."

I was so aroused; my penis so hard, the skin on the bulbous end was stretched enough that I could almost see my own reflection in it as I looked down. "And ... would you please use the paddle whip for my punishment, Madam Popescu."

"I would be happy to, Mr Emerson. In addition, as you have been speaking to me without having received permission, you will also spend the three days that follow, doing hard labour in the yard. Full days!" A cruel, lustful grin grew on her face

"Please ... Madam Popescu," I pleaded, not expecting this additional punishment.

"Just think, Mr. Emerson, on the day you should have been released from prison to fly home, you will be receiving a total of thirty strokes with the paddle whip and be starting another three months in prison."

What had I done? I was already beginning to regret what I'd said. As much as I was turned on by the thought of thirty strokes with that evil implement, I was now reminding myself how devastatingly painful it was when I'd received just six strokes. But three days of hard labour to follow! I had made two foolish choices in the space of one minute.

It was too much for me to cope with and I felt that uncontrollable, ecstatic feeling of approaching orgasm reach my penis and I closed my eyes in anguish. The ladies seemed to know what was about to happen and Miss Radu gave a short giggle which she tried to suppress. But, as a weak jet of sperm spurted from my penis, her laughter came freely and she turned her body away from me but still looked sideways so she could watch. Madam Popescu's face was also a picture of amusement as other sniggers from the room joined in with Miss Radu's full on giggling. All I could do was stand before them all and allow the sperm to pulse and pump, trickling and dripping pathetically to the floor. The promise of orgasm had disappeared as soon as the first spurt came without stimulation. When the last drop drained from my penis, a rush of sexual frustration spread throughout my body. I had saved this for my first day with Becky which should have been in just a few days, but it had gone, never to have been enjoyed.

"Have you finished, Mr Emerson?"

"I am so sorry, Madam Popescu."

All the ladies had stopped laughing now, even Miss Radu, who observed me with a wide grin on her face.

"Take him back to his cell."

Coming next in chapter 8: The day I should have been spending my first day back home I find myself at the mercy of five cruel women.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What a lame twist has this story been given! He just stands there and agrees to remain in inhumane conditions for another 3 months?? Lame-o!

have finally reached the end of my rope with this story. The story had so much promise at the beginning. The story has become as erotic as a root canal procedure. The guards are even bored with it!

The Foolish Choice was one I made over and over again when I clicked on the next installment.

Farewell Dave! Farewell Becky! Farewell Popescue! Farewell Cassie! Farewell Elana! Farewell Gabriela! Farewell Tilly! Farewell Isabela! Farewell Justin! Farewell Radu! Farewell Josh! Farewell to all the rest of the menangerie! Signing off now! J.

NonSequitourNonSequitourover 1 year ago

Done. Outta here. Unbelievably STUPID to volunteer for 3 more months at Becky's request! UNfuck her!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This is where I bow out. I like reading about femdom as much as anyone else here, but this...this is far too much. I hope divorce is the endgame of all this, and David can get some therapy after all the abuse he's endured from Becky. Nothing wrong with femdom, but this dude's gone so far into subspace with no hope of ever coming out, I won't hesitate to call him mentally impaired at this point. He needs help, and only therapy will work at this point. Oh, and divorce'll work wonders for his mental health too.

I will say that this, like most of your other chapters, was very well written, so kudos to you for that. That being said, I think it's gone too far now, and David well and truly is in over his head and so far gone that he needs help badly. I hope that's how this story ends and that David can find a more healthy release for his femdom fantasies. He deserves better than Becky and I hope that's how you decide to wrap up your story, OllyT.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Really great OllyT. These guys can write their own story if they do not like yours. I love it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Someone else asked "Out of curiosity, why are so many of you reading sadistic FemDom erotica when clearly that isn't your thing?"

Well I'd say sadistic FemDom erotica is my thing, unless the story arc is totally stupid, in addition to already becoming repetitive and boring.

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