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Dawn of Corruption Ch. 04

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Dawn drinks her own pee to please her new boyfriend!
5.4k words

Part 4 of the 10 part series

Updated 01/05/2024
Created 07/22/2023
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AUTHOR'S NOTE AND WARNING TO READERS: This series contains elements of corruption/manipulation, lots of anal sex, BDSM, spanking, and piss drinking. Furthermore, contains no vaginal penetration so far, and it's unclear if future chapters will. Dawn is turning into a bit of an anal-only girl. This chapter in particular centers heavily around the fetish of swallowing pee, and it's a theme that is featured a lot in this series overall. If you're not into that at all, then you probably won't enjoy this. You have been warned!

As mentioned in prior chapters, this is a work of fiction, and everyone in the story is eighteen or older.

This is part 4 of an ongoing series. Like it so far? Leave a comment so I know that you do, and what you'd like to see in future chapters. No kink-shaming from me, I assure you. Dawn's corruption will continue, and commenters from previous chapters have helped me decide on a few things that I will include in the future, as the story progresses. It's all downhill from here!


Dawn was cuddled up on the bed together with Sebastian, the both of them still naked and slightly short of breath. The candles had been blown out, the video recording was done, and she felt happier and more content than she could remember feeling before. Sebastian had held her tight the entire time they had fucked. He didn't just use her as a hole to cum in.. Did he? He was dominant and sometimes very forceful with her, but there was a caring side to him as well, even in these naughty situations. In the end, Dawn had made him cum. In the end, Dawn had been a good girl.

Now he held her from behind. She was the little spoon. His strong arms were wrapped around her tiny body. One of his hands had a hold on one of hers, and he kept holding it gently, caressing it softly with his thumb, sending shivers down her spine.

"You did good, Sweetling.." He whispered to her. Her heart felt like it would burst at any moment now. She had done good! He seemed to be proud of her! And she was proud of herself too, able to please him at last. Able to follow his orders, even if she had not done it perfectly. Her butt was sore, and full of his cum, and it felt very embarrassing in a sense - but also very satisfying. Like she had earned that semen. Making him climax had felt so incredibly rewarding.

"How do you feel? Satisfied? Happy?" His voice was soft, gentle, and sweet now. And it made Dawn smile as she closed her eyes, and wiggled her body backwards even closer to him. "I didn't go to far, did I?" he asked her.

"N-No" she replied, almost too fast, without thinking. "No, not at all. I loved every minute of it. It was amazing.." He still made her nervous. Still made her feel so shy, even during these intimate moments. He just had a special kind of impact on her that no one else ever had. And she would happily accept whatever treatment he was willing to give her.

She could hear him chuckle softly behind her. "So the innocent, vaginal-virgin-until-marriage girl goes crazy for anal stuff, hmm?" he teased her.

"I m-mean.. I guess.. I think so." she replied, blushing furiously. "It felt so good. And so did.. What you did.. You know.. In my mouth." Her face turned completely red as she said the last few words. But she wanted to be completely transparent with him. It felt important, like it would bring the two of them closer.

Sebastian hugged her even tighter then, pressing his chest against her back, and she felt something against her butt - It was his cock. He was not erect currently but he still felt massive. "Oh really..? Are you saying that drinking my pee is better than a good fucking in the ass?" He sounded playful and interested in her reply, but there was still a serious undertone in his words. Like this was not just some random conversation to pass the time.

"I don't know about that.." Dawn said, giggling shyly. It sounded like the worst thing in the world to say somehow. The very idea of her preferring pee over anal sex made it sound almost offensive in some way. And yet, she couldn't deny how badly it had aroused her. "I mean, I do kind of like it.. But.. It's so different. It feels naughtier." She bit her lip nervously. "I like both, okay!? For different reasons.." She wasn't sure if she would be able to tell him this so honestly whilst looking at his face, but turned away from him, it was doable. Barely. Her cheeks were still bright red.

"That's good for me to know." Sebastian said, sounding contemplative. "I will have to strike it from the list of punishments and add it to the list of rewards instead. A reward for being a good girl." he continued.

Dawn giggled again, softly, as she pictures all the future play times they would have together - and what they would entail. She felt like she was being trained in some kind of way, and it made her excited to think about. And as his hand kept moving all over her body, she relaxed into his touch, closing her eyes as she let him explore every inch of her small frame. But then she bit her lip, and decided to ask him the burning question that had been on her mind this whole time.

"So, uhm.. Am.. Am I.." She could barely get the words out. "Am I yours now? Your.. Girlfriend?" Her voice was shaking. The answer would change everything for Dawn. She wanted to belong to him more than anything. Not to mention, if he said yes, that meant that she had definitely been a good girl, and that she'd be allowed to leave this room today. She did not want to be locked up in here all alone, in the basement of some abandoned building. That thought was terrifying.

She heard him chuckle quietly. Then he said:

"Do YOU want to be my girlfriend?" It took her a second to respond - She didn't know how to respond. The fact that she wanted that, more than anything, seemed rather obvious. At least to her. So instead, she just nodded, and softly whispered "Uh-Huh", suddenly feeling really emotional. She felt his hands wrap around her even tighter then, as he hugged her close. And he kept hugging her for what felt like ages, saying nothing. As the minutes passed, she started to get worried that he had not fully confirmed it. Was he really leaving it up to her to decide? And so, eventually, she managed to whisper a "What about you?"

That made him laugh again, quietly. "Yeah, you belong to me now Dawn." he said, matter-of-factly. His voice was so gentle, and calm, and warm. It made Dawn feel so safe - and she wanted to cry again in joy and excitement. "You're my girlfriend now. But you still have to be a good girl, understand?"

"Why me..? What did I do? What did I do to deserve this? To be the one you chose..?" Her voice was soft and sweet, but also with a hint of confusion and emotion. She couldn't help but feel like he was out of her league somehow. He was so stunningly attractive, and intelligent, and charming, and popular. She was so.. Average, she felt. Shy. Not good with people. Didn't really like going out.

Sebastian chuckled again. "Do you remember yesterday, at the cafe, when you told me you study psychology, and I told you that I take that class as well? I already knew that we had that class together. I've noticed you've been staring at me for weeks."

"W-What?" she exclaimed, completely taken aback by this information. She felt so embarrassed she could die. "Oh noooo.." She wasn't some kind of weird stalker. Was she? But she had been obsessed with him for some time. Dawn thought he didn't even know she existed until that party on Saturday night. She covered her face with her hand.

"Hey, hey.. Look at me" he said, turning her body around so she was lying on her back facing him now, and he was looking down at her. His beautiful blue eyes were smiling as he looked at her.

"I thought it was cute. You made me look forward to going to class. Your obsession with me is very charming." He laughed a little, and stroked a strand of hair away from her face, then held his palm on her cheek, rubbing it softly with his thumb.

Dawn's eyes were watery as she looked at him in disbelief. "R-Really? It is?" She felt a great sense of relief. He seemed to genuinely mean it.

"Yes. It is." And then he kissed her. Their first kiss since they became boyfriend and girlfriend. Dawn wrapped her arms around his neck and held him tight as she let their tongues dance with each other. She could feel herself grow wet all over again as she pressed her body against his, their two naked forms intertwining like they were one. It felt so good, to be touched by someone who actually cared about her. And she was thrilled to be a good girl for him again. She would let him do whatever he wanted to her. Now, and forever.

--- 2 ---

As they left the old abandoned bakery together, she clung to his arm. He was carrying the video camera with him, but had left the other things down in the basement. Did that mean they would return there at some point? And how did he find that place anyways? Dawn didn't know, but she didn't want to ask. It didn't matter. She would go anywhere with him.

"I have to head home now, I'm afraid" he told her rather suddenly. "Jason will be worried about me if I don't check in with him soon. We usually have dinner together if he doesn't work late. It's not exactly polite for me to not show up." He sounded a bit apologetic, as if he wished he could stay longer with Dawn. As if he was glad they had spent so much time together in this place, in such an intimate way.

Dawn nodded. That made sense. They had spent a lot of time there, and she needed to go home to take a shower anyways. She was feeling very awkward walking around outside with his cum inside of her ass.

"I understand" she said, quietly. It hurt to be separated from him again, after such a wonderful experience - She just wanted more of his attention. "When can I see you again?" The question slipped out before she had even really thought about it. And as soon as it was out there, she wished she could take it back. Was she really this clingy? This desperate to have him around all the time? She probably was. She had never had a boyfriend before. She hoped to God that it would not scare him away.

But his smile seemed warm and gentle as he looked at her. He put his arm around her shoulders and gave her a soft peck on the lips before replying: "I will text you as soon as I'm free again, alright?"

She couldn't help but grin. "Okay!" She beamed with glee. That was enough for now. For now! She had to be patient, or else she'd end up driving him away by being so overbearing. More than anything, she wanted to be a good girl for him. A good girlfriend. Nothing could be more important than that.

--- 3 ---

Despite being late for dinner, he still ended up walking her home. She found those little gestures quite romantic. It was an interesting juxtaposition - To be with a man that showed care and affection in one moment, then spanked her little bottom roughly the next. But Dawn wouldn't have it any other way now. As soon as he had left her side, she began missing him. Part of her wanted to text him almost instantly, but she held back. Before she jumped in the shower, she even went on her laptop and Googled 'Do men like clingy girls?' - And she got a very mixed amount of responses, but the overall feeling seemed to be more negative than positive.

He had told her not to take the collar off except when she showered. She was to wear it at all times, even when she was home alone. It was a mark of ownership. Dawn loved that. She could not remember feeling this way before. Sebastian had corrupted her innocence a little bit, but she liked it. So after the shower, she put it back on, with no hesitation at all. It was like a trophy of sorts - proof that she belonged to someone. Belonged to him. And she wanted the whole world to know that.

Once she had gotten herself something to eat, she sat down on the edge of her bed, and pulled out her cellphone. She made a call to Jennifer, even though she would see her tomorrow morning. She couldn't wait to share the news of her new relationship with her friend. After two 'doots', she answered the phone.

"Hello Dawn!" she said, sounding cheerful. "What's up?" It sounded like she was eating something, but that was not unusual. Jennifer was very fond of snacking. Or she might be having her dinner.

"I have big news, Jen!" Dawn said, almost unable to contain her excitement.

"Really? What is it?" Jennifer asked. Her voice sounded curious and intrigued all at once, making Dawn smile. She felt like she was about to explode with excitement as she prepared herself for what she was about to say.

"Well. I-I met Sebastian this afternoon, as you know.." Her words started slow, but gained speed as she went on. "Well.. I saw him, and.. We talked a bit, and then we kissed.. And then, well, then he confessed to me that he's actually been aware of me ogling him in psychology class for a while! He knew who I was and he's noticed me before and-" Jennifer cut her off suddenly.

"Wait, wait. He knew you were a complete creep and he still took you on a date?" Jennifer laughed.

"No!" Dawn replied, louder than she intended to, but she couldn't help herself - She was too happy. "Well.. Yes, kind of! But.. It wasn't like that, okay?! Don't make it sound weird!" Her face turned bright red as she thought back to all those days in class where her eyes had been glued to him. He had really known all along, huh?

"A-Anyways, that's not the important part, Jen.." Dawn took a deep breath, then continued with equal excitement as before "We're official now! I'm his girlfriend. A-And he gave me this collar.."

"Wow! Wait.. Like, for real? I am happy for you, Dawn - I know you really like him, but.. A collar? That sounds a bit like some BDSM stuff, don't you think?" Jennifer did not sound as excited anymore - she sounded confused and suspicious at the same time. And Dawn sighed. How could she explain it in a way that it made sense to Jen?

"I-It's not like that! He's really nice! It's.. It's symbolic that I belong to him now." Dawn didn't really know how to explain this to her friend. She herself wasn't quite sure how she felt about the whole thing, or what exactly it meant. But she enjoyed it. Wasn't that all that mattered? And wasn't it kind of similar to an engagement ring? A mark of sorts, to show the world that she was claimed?

"Ok. Belong to him? You're not property, Dawn. Are you sure he's treating you okay..?" Jennifer's tone became more concerned and motherly than she had ever heard from her. And it made Dawn laugh. It was just so ridiculous, her friend worrying about her like that.

"No! No! It's not like that, I promise! It's just.. He.. We have a special bond, that's all.." She bit her lip.

There was a few moments of pause.

"Did you have intercourse?" Jen asked her quite coldly. "You know we are meant to save ourselves for marriage, right?" She did not sound jealous, only concerned.

"We.. Didn't." Dawn said. She knew it was not the complete truth. They sort of had. But she was still a virgin, vaginally at least. Isn't that what counted in God's eyes?

"You're worrying too much about the collar, Jen. He's making me happy." Dawn tried to reassure her.

"Oh no, I know. And I know how much you like him. I just don't want you to get hurt, Dawn. Promise me you'll tell me if he starts getting handsy, okay? Or, even better.. Tell your parents!" Jennifer did not sound convinced. But then again, who would? Their situation, especially the collar, might seem a bit unusual from an outsider's perspective, and maybe her best friend had a point - Maybe this was not super normal. But then, Sebastian made Dawn feel so good - and so alive, and happy. That's what she wanted to focus on now. Why care about what was normal for other people, anyways!?

"I will not tell my parents, Jen. They would kill me if I as much as went on a date with someone. You know how strict they are. But if I need someone to talk to, you'll always be the first one I'll call!"

That seemed to appease her, at least for a bit. And before long, she started talking about Kyle again, and everything was back to normal. Except, Dawn was a little distracted, because in the back of her head, she couldn't stop thinking about how wonderful Sebastian had made her feel.

"Let's go on a double date this weekend? You, Me, Kyle and Sebastian?" Jen asked towards the end of their conversation.

Dawn swallowed hard. She did not like that idea at all.

"Jen.." she started off, slowly. "I don't think it's a good idea.. We haven't even been together a day yet.."

"So?! It'll be fun. We can go to the cinema or something!" Her friend was getting louder, and more persistent, and Dawn sighed.

"Fine, I'll ask him - But no promises, okay? He might be too busy to hang out on such short notice."

"No he won't!" Jennifer exclaimed. "He'll make time for you. I'm sure of it. See you tomorrow!"

And with that, she hung up the phone, leaving Dawn in a sort of haze, trying to figure out how she was going to get out of this. But then she thought of how happy Sebastian had made her feel today, and how happy he made her feel in general. And how excited she was to see him again soon. Maybe a double date wouldn't be the worst idea in the world, but having him all to herself felt preferable somehow. Plus, going on it meant she wouldn't have to spend the whole day around Kyle. Ugh.

--- 4 ---

As the hours ticked by, Dawn had been hoping he would text her at some point, but it hadn't happened yet. As time passed, she grew more and more frustrated, but she told herself to just wait patiently. That didn't work for long though. She missed him so much. So eventually, she decided to ignore all the things she had heard about being too clingy, and sent him a text.

"Hi Seb. Missing you already! Kisses!"

She figured that was appropriate, right? She hit the send button without a second thought. And as she waited for his response, she suddenly started feeling incredibly embarrassed. Had she messed it up? Should she have waited? She felt so stupid and childish for being so desperate, and for overthinking this so much. She sighed to herself. What was taking him so long?!

Ten minutes or so later, she got a response.

"I miss you too, Sweetling!" She beamed with delight as she read it! Then, mere moments later, another one arrived.

"Show me how much you miss me. Take a naughty photo for me!"

Dawn felt a jolt of arousal and embarrassment go down her spine. How did he do this to her? She took a deep breath, then typed out a reply.

"What kind of naughty photo would you like?"

She hesitated for a few moments. Would he want a picture of her in just the collar? Her naked body? It sounded so lewd. But at the same time, she was thrilled to please him. She was willing to do anything for him, if he asked it of her. Even if it made her feel shy and embarrassed.

"How about showing me that pretty little butt of yours?"

Well. He wanted it. She took a deep breath and stood up, then removed all her clothes, only keeping the collar on. She activated the timer on her camera app so that it would snap a picture automatically every 10 seconds, so that she would have proper time to strike a sexy pose. Then, she put the phone down on her pillow angled towards the rest of the bed, and bit her lip. She looked down on her own body, reflected by the phone screen. At her small, but shapely breasts, her flat belly and toned thighs, and then at her face. She felt silly posing like this for her own camera. She had never done anything like it before, but she also felt rather attractive at this angle. That thought alone gave her a boost of confidence, and so she slowly turned around and placed her hands on her own ass, then bent over at the waist, whilst sitting on her knees. It made her look much sexier, with her ass sticking out like that, but also made it a bit harder to see what her face looked like.


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