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Daydream Believer: The End


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Tears came to Jeanne's eyes again. "Mac, I am sorry. I am so sorry. I was stupid. I love you. I will do anything to keep our marriage; just tell me what to do."

I stared at her. "To be honest; I believe you think you love me, but you could not do what you did and truly love me. If it was a one night stand maybe, just maybe, I could get past it. But this was an affair that went on for years and produced a child!"

"But I didn't love him, Mac. Can't you understand? He is a friend, yes, but I never cared for him like I do you," she argued.

I shook my head. "He was just a fuck buddy, huh? That only makes it worse. If you could fuck Steve without any problem what makes you or I believe you would not have found someone else to fuck? It was just sex and a strange cock to you. True love is being committed to your marriage partner 100% of the time, not being a lying cheating slut. As a lawyer, I would expect you to understand the commitment you made to me on our wedding day. You make me sick! You got your satisfaction and you never even considered my feelings or the children's. I just don't know you anymore, Jeanne."

"What do you want me to do, Mac? What can I say?" Jeanne was beginning to accept that this may not go her way and the consequences of her affair might be more severe than she thought. What surprised me was she couldn't fathom why I was so upset. She really believed there was a difference between what she did with Steve and what she did with me. She couldn't put it in the context of the larger issues.

"Jeanne, I will try one last time to reach you and then I'm done."

"All right", she said in a small and subdued tone.

"Jeanne, when you did this, you broke our marriage contract. You betrayed me and our family. I can't make it any plainer. I can't trust you. Up until a few days ago, I thought we had a very sound marriage. Now I find you've lied to me for over 10 years. I now know while I was telling you about my next trip you were scheduling your next fuck session with Steve. You say you love me and you had sex with Steve because you could. That tells me you valued fucking Steve more than you valued our marriage. Every time I look at you I see you fucking Steve in OUR bed!"

"But I didn't love him, Mac. Can't you understand? I love you!" she whispered.

I could not believe what I was hearing from this bitch. I took a breath and said, "Let me see if I understand your view of love. First, you decide it's OK to fuck Steve on our anniversary, because you're upset I'm out of town on business. The sex was great so you continued to fuck him. You had a child by him, and you still didn't stop. Diane divorced Steve because of your affair, and youstill didn't stop fucking Steve. You continued to fuck Steve over 10 years when I traveled. To make things worse, you wouldn't take time off from work to be with me the husband you 'love' but instead scheduled time off to fuck Steve, your fuck buddy. You call this love. I call it being shit on. This is the type of love I can live without!" I shouted.

After taking a moment to control my anger I said, "What you and Steve did to me and to our family. Turns out most of our friends knew about you and Asshole, while the children and I were in the dark. I'm going to find a new group of friends, since none of our friends told me you were a lying, cheating slut. You and your lover fucked in our marital bed while our children were down the hall in their beds. You make me sick. Who are you? You're a lying cheating slut wife!"

Once again the dumb bitch asked, "What do you want me to do, Mac? What can I say or do to save this marriage? I don't want to lose you!"

I gave her my bestGo to Hell look and said, "There is not one damn thing you can do to save this marriage, but you better find a way to save your relationship with the children. The children and I have had several intense conversations about you."

She collapsed on the floor in the fetal position when I told her Stephen wanted to be called Trevor. He also wanted to know about legally changing his name. He'd told his teachers, his grandparents, and friends that he was to be called Trevor.

She looked like she was in shock. She stood up, told me she was not going to give me a divorce and she wanted us to continue on as a family. I stood up, laughed in her face and said "No Way in hell will I continue to be married to a lying cheating slut!"

That led to a very nasty exchange between us that got us nowhere. This came to a halt when I told her to shut the fuck up and listen. I told her we were getting a divorce the easy way or the hard way, but we would be divorced! I told her I was going to give her two options and she could choose one.

Then I told her about my meeting with the children. I'd told them I was going to turn the basement into an apartment for their mother so they could see her anytime they wanted to. They did not like this idea at all. They were sad, mad and embarrassed their friends knew all about their mother. They wanted to move. I am very proud of my children, including Zack. They wanted to stay with me, so we planned to move to a new house and start over.

Jeanne really began to sob when she heard the children wanted to move with me.

"I've rented a four bedroom house in another school district. When the children found out what was really going on and their friends knew about your affair, we agreed we needed to start over where we did not know anyone. The movers will be here tomorrow morning to move their things to the new house. You can keep the bed where I caught you fucking Steve."

Jeanne got mad and told me to stop talking about her and Steve. I told her I could talk to her anyway I wanted to. She was now free to fuck anyone she wanted from now on without worrying about getting caught by her husband.

After things settled down a few minutes later, I gave Jeanne her options. We would split everything 50/50, I would get the children and the grounds for divorce would be irreconcilable differences. She would make monthly deposits for their college education. I told her I would not keep her away from the children, but they would not stay overnight nor visit when she had male company. She was responsible for making the house payments unless she wanted to sell and then the proceeds would be split 50/50. She would also be responsible for her BMW. This was the easy option.

Or we could do it the hard way, which is the way I wanted to go. If she wanted to fight it I would seek divorce on grounds of her adultery. I would fight for full custody of the children and she would pay child support. "I have all the proof I need," I reminded her, "Since I caught you in the act. There's also the police report and the hospital records to back up the charges. Don't forget about Steve's ex-wife and our friends. I don't believe I will have a problem getting custody of the children. I will seek child support and will fight to keep Zack. Neither you nor Steve would be considered a valid candidate as a parent by social services. Property would be split 80/20 in my favor. The house will be sold and you will have 15 days to move. Once again, I will not keep you away from the children, but they will not stay overnight nor visit when you have male company."

One of the conditions she hated was having to change her name back to her maiden name of Simmons. I did not want her to have the same last name as my children. I know it was childish, but I didn't care.

Larry and I left to have a drink at the local pub giving Jeanne time alone. I wanted her to think long and hard about what she lost and could loose.


For several weeks Asshole tried to reach me and make amends. I never spoke to him. I reported his phone calls to the police. Eventually he got the message.

It's been four years now and Jeanne did select the easy way. We sold the house and Jeanne moved into a 2 bedroom condo. When she sees me she still tells me how sorry she is about everything. I still don't think she understands the pain she caused me or the children.

The children and I are still seeing our counselors. We are moving forward with our lives.

Trevor is 17 years old and a senior in High School. He has been accepted to UVA and looks forward to being a college freshman.

Rachel is 15 years old, she is a sophomore in High School and ready to start dating, not to mention getting her drivers license.

Zack is a 14 year old High School freshman and very involved in sports. The DNA results revealed that Steve is Zack's biological father. Steve and Jeanne had their talk with Zack. It did not go well at all for those two. Zack told Steve he never wanted to see him again, that I was his father and always would be. Larry worked it out with Steve for me to adopt Zack and he's looking forward being a sophomore in High School.

The children rebuilt their relationship with their mother. She attends all of their school and social events. Anytime the children want to visit their mother they pile into Trevor's car and go. They usually visit her twice a week.

I started dating about 6 months after the divorce and could not believe the number of women interested in dating me. I guess word got out I honored my marriage vows and was a one-woman man. My children and friends keep hooking me up, so maybe I will find someone. When I find her you can bet your last dollar, we will discuss what marriage means to each of us. Right now keeping up with 3 teenagers is a full time job.

I'm told Jeanne and Steve parted ways after our meeting. I guess it was fun and exciting fucking behind my back. The press found out about the restraining order against Steve, so they drug him and Jeanne through the mug for several weeks in the newspaper. A former major baseball player and a Federal Government Lawyer caught in bed by her husband, ending their 15 year marriage makes a good story. I don't know about her love life and I don't care to know.

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AnonymousAnonymous1 day ago

So many awful people in this story.

It would have been really tempting to truly punish the wife. Since ce she didn't seem to care about sex, or her partner. But she did say she'd do a anything.

He did the right thing and told her to pound dirt. But the temptation was there to make her live in a one sided open marriage. Make her raise her husband's kid via a mistress. Make her second place to his new mistress. That would have been proper amends, and it would have sullied his soul.

silverthorne16silverthorne1610 days ago

As with the original story, why didn't Steve's ex-wife, once she found out about the affair, tell the MC right away? Did she hate him or something? And all or most of their friends knew about the affair, but never said anything? Related to that...the KIDS of their friends ALSO knew? How? And kids being kids, none of them ever blurted out anything about the affair to the MC's kids? That seems incredible! I mean, I liked the story, but some of this made no sense.

P.S. I would have gone after Steve for years of back child support!

AnonymousAnonymous16 days ago

Unless I read this completely wrong the husband is in no way related to Zack so no court ever would give him custody he would be lucky to ever see him again an Zack wouldn’t have a choice where he went he would definitely go to the biological mother or father or if proven unfit the grandparents the husband as wrong as it is has no chance of getting custody of Zack

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

A strange thing is that in this type of story no MC ever thinks to ask the protesting cheat the most obvious question which is "If you genuinely believed that what you were doing was no big deal and you thought that I should be of the same mind then why did you go to such lengths to conceal your activities from me for ten years?"


26thNC26thNC3 months ago

Good one. Ol Beermaker didn’t hesitate to burn a bitch when necessary.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

The mc is unrelated to the youngest. The terms described for the hard way would not be entered by any court I know of, and certainly not in VA. Parents can't barter away child support, either. Treating being a stepfather as the equivalent of being fully the father of the child is emotionalized nonsense.

desecrationdesecration3 months ago

I think parenthood is genetic. You cannot trust anything but your line, and even then, sometimes it fails.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Wow. A LW story with a man acting like an actual man. A man actually calling a slut for what she is. Not sugarcoating it for the kids, tells them exactly what happened and trusts he raised them well enough to know right from wrong . No "b-but I have to k-keep being a c-cuck for the k-kids" trope. Who doesn't give a single shit about the when, how, and how many times, details only serving a cucky's pee pee, but only that it happened. A LW story who touches on the sole reason for cheating, without excuses, new age speech shit and "I don't know why" crap. " I did it because I could and I liked it". That's what cheating boils down to and trying to make it more complicated is an obvious attempt to excuse it. It even makes the reader respect the slut a bit. A man who, at no instance, even contemplates reconciling with a cuckoldress. Which automatically makes him more realistic than 90% of men in LW.

Only gripe would be him punching the dude with an attorney present. Makes himself unnecessary liable to legal trouble. Overall if I could rate it 6 stars, I would. The final conversation alone is probably the most realistic dialogue in the section.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This is most definitely the better ending, but I do have one criticism. Instead of Trevor going off to that clown college in Charlottesville, he should have gone to Virginia Tech!

muskyboymuskyboy6 months ago

Not really much burn for 10+ years of cheating and having another man's child.....

RePhilRePhil6 months ago

You have a choice dear, make me a Divorcee or a Widower. 3-2-1-Bang! Dam women can never make up their minds

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Better outcome...more realistic, I don't think any man would NOT kick this woman to the curb.

RePhilRePhil8 months ago

I thought Steve got run over by a car?? My bad reading far too many stories today

uncle_muduncle_mud8 months ago

A much better ending (IMHO) and more realistic as well. Five Stars from me

AA82ndAAAA82ndAA8 months ago

This is the best dialogue between a husband and a cheating wife. It is not a brain dead bunch of cliche' but instead a true factual statement by the cheater that she did it because she could. Also, her continued repeating of the question... What can I do to save our marriage just reinforced her attitude that she can recover after her cheating. The woman didn't believe she did anything wrong and that just reinforced her single minded selfish actions. 5./5 for the dialogue alone....

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