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Dead and Horny Ch. 09


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"This is a private—"

"I don't fucking care if it's private." Lily was sweating profusely now. "I'm considered royalty in the porn world, anyone worth their salt knows this. I'm ready to come out of retirement, and I would love for it to be for a scene with the king cock himself."

"But I—"

"Hey, I'm already angry and frustrated because my car broke down at the bottom of the hill, and if I can't get inside to speak with Mr. Edge very soon, I am going to fucking lose it. I will walk away and tell everybody that Maximum Dragon is a shit company. What, does he have something against milfs? Honey, I'm the queen fucking milf."

The man looked horrified. "I can't let anyone in who—"

"Get me a supervisor or something, right fucking now!" Lily pulled a fan out of her purse and waved it at herself. "You leave the industry for five fucking minutes, and suddenly, you're nobody."

"No, that's not...I mean..." The guard pulled a walkie-talkie from his belt. "South entrance to command."

"Command here." The voice on the other end sounded annoyed.

"We have someone who isn't on the list."

"Then get rid of them."

The guard smiled at Lily, then lowered his voice. "It's Mona De Ville, sir. She wants to do a video with Mr. Edge. To restart her career."

There was a moment of silence, and then the radio squawked to life. "Mona De Ville? The gangbang queen?"

"Uh, yeah. I'm fairly certain it's her."

"Didn't she retire to have a baby or something?"

"Oh, for fuck's sake." Lily snatched the radio from the guards hand. "I've been out in the heat for over an hour and I'm getting pissed." While Lily's back was to the guard, her breasts swelled up and wet stains appeared on the front of her bathing suit. "Having a fucking baby doesn't turn you into a nun."

When she turned back to the guard, his eyes went to her breasts. There was clearly an inner debate over whether to tell her or not.

"Put my guard back on, please."

"Ooh, a man who knows how to give commands. Tell me, sailor, how tall are you?" Lily leaned against the guard station as a trio of men wearing black polos appeared around the corner.

The newcomers looked ready for trouble, but deflated when they saw what was going on. They blocked off the opening with their arms crossed, but one of them was fighting a grin.

"No, seriously, what's your situation, you single or what? You sound hot." Lily looked up at the group of men who arrived. "Please, you can stop trying to look tough. I once had five guys inside me at the same time, you think I care about your tough act?"

The one fighting a grin laughed, and the one in the middle cocked his head as if struggling to picture such a feat.

"Oh, for fuck's sake, I had two in my mouth, one in my ass, and two in my vag. Or was it two in my ass and one in my vag?" She was holding down the button on the walkie-talkie as she spoke, then turned to Dana. "Girl, you haven't lived until you've felt three guys nut in you at the same time."

"Hey. Hey!" The man on the walkie was free to speak now. "Can someone please take command down there?"

"Why don't you bring your sweet ass down here and—fuck, I'm lactating." Lily pulled down the top of her swimsuit to reveal a slow leak from her breasts. The way she held her suit, it was dripping on the walkie-talkie. "Can someone up there tell the man in charge that you've got a horny momma out front who wants to get done deep dick style."

One of the men blocking the entrance had pulled out his own walkie-talkie and had snapped a picture of Lily. When she noticed the phone, she blew a kiss and held the pose.

The walkie-crackled to life. "Shit, it really does look like her," said someone in the background.

"See if she has identification." This was from the man in charge.

Lily rolled her eyes. "Of course, I do, but the name isn't going to match. But yeah, sure, go ahead and look it up. Oh, that's right, I don't want people knowing it. What, was a picture not good enough?" She tossed the walkie-talkie to the guard. "Fuck it, let's go. Tell Mr. Edge that he missed out on the opportunity of—"

"Wait." This came from the man with the phone. "Can I at least get your autograph?"

"Yeah, fuck it, why not?" Lily walked over to him, her tits still on full display. "You got a pen?"

The man took the clipboard from the guard and pulled the pen out of it. "I'm a huge fan."

"Yeah, you are." Lily grabbed his bicep and gave it a squeeze. "Say, it looks like my schedule is about to open back up. What would you say to an early dinner, and—"

"Send her in." The walkie had squawked to life. "Mr. Edge wants to speak with her."

"Oh, too bad." Lily pushed the guy's sleeve up and signed his bicep. "C'mon, let's go." She waved Dana forward, and the guard moved to block her.

"She can go in, you can't," he told Dana.

"Oh, come fucking on. She's my makeup girl. You think I wanna get fucked on camera looking like this?" Lily wiped the sweat off her head then pulled her top back up. "Ugh, I hate how cold that is," she muttered, then grabbed Dana by the hand.

"We've got our own—"

"Please. This one knows how to color my asshole just right. It's an art. She even brought my favorite chair! Do you think we hiked up here for no reason with it?" Lily had yanked Dana past the guard and they were now walking through the gate. "You all don't have a golf cart or something we can ride up in, do you? These heels are killing me. Then again, I plan to have my legs in the air for about an hour, so maybe—"

"Yeah, hold on." Mona's fan ran around the corner and got into an electric cart tucked away behind the wall. He pulled up and patted the seat next to him. "Right this way, Ms. De Ville."

"You can call me Mona." She winked at him and got in. "C'mon, makeup bitch, let's go."

"Yes, ma'am." Dana got in the back of the cart and stared blankly ahead. This was going to be easier than she thought.


Cyrus approached the service entrance of the Black Palace with a pair of buckets in his hand. Each bucket contained a pair of shears and some work gloves, and the others were milling about as if keeping busy. Their fake credentials as grounds crew had gotten them onto the property, but it was going to take a bit more effort to get in without causing a scene.

Tristan Edge had his own private security team. While they had expected this on their way in, he had been surprised to see a team of men who were not only armed, but also well-coordinated. There was little public information on Maximum Dragon, and he was now seriously concerned by what he saw.

Amida was holding a bag of fertilizer over his shoulder, and then looked up at Cyrus. "Cameras are down for fifteen seconds."

The Order dropped their tools on the ground, and Amida tossed out a handful of spheres. Cyrus opened the service entrance and his team ran inside. As he clicked the door shut, he watched the illusion spell take hold. Phantom versions of his team continued to mill about outside as if nothing happened, which would keep anyone who was watching from worrying.

His team ran down the hall and slowed once past the final camera. The interior of the building wasn't wired for surveillance to the best of their knowledge, and even if it was, it was likely that whoever could afford to rent the place wouldn't want to be watched. The Black Palace was sometimes used for weddings or special events, but was largely used by traveling dignitaries who wanted somewhere comfortable to stay.

There were ten of them in all, and when they reached the supply room, they huddled about the door. A pair of mages sat in the center of the concrete floor and used a piece of chalk to draw some symbols on the ground. Once the runes were ready, the mages sat inside of them and entered a meditative state.

Out in the hall, someone walked by, and Tasia stood by the door, ready to handle them if they came inside. The stranger moved past, and she looked over to Cyrus and nodded.

"Speak softly," Cyrus reminded the man and woman in the middle of the room. The meditating mages were scouting the home in astral forms, and it wasn't uncommon for them to shout.

"The first floor is full of camera crew. A few women, and a large spread of food. Catering company on hand," said the woman, an older woman named Gabrielle.

"Second floor is a security team. They are checking the windows often, as if watching for trouble." The other mage, a man named Samuel, frowned. "Something isn't right. The people upstairs are professionals, most likely ex-military. I count over fifteen of them, but it's hard to tell."

Cyrus frowned. What use would Tristan have for a private army? He paced back and forth, his thoughts on the Dragon's Pearl. If the records were correct, then it hadn't been in Tristan's possession long enough for the metamorphosis to begin. However, they were also operating on limited knowledge of an artifact that hadn't been seen in centuries. Was the army to keep someone else from taking the pearl?

He thought back to the succubus. If the Order had been in possession of the pearl, they would have lost it to her. Had someone already made a move on Tristan?

"What about the third floor?" he asked. "Any movement?"

Samuel frowned and shook his head. "I don't see anything,'s all so fuzzy right now." His nose was bleeding now and his face turned red. "I...I see..."

"Enough." Cyrus put his hand on Samuel's shoulder. "If anti-scrying spells have been put in place, you will get noticed if you push any harder."

"Yes, master." Samuel wiped his nose with a tissue, then looked over at Gabrielle. "Do you see anything?"

Gabrielle's cheeks had flushed, and her breath was coming in shallow bursts. "No, but I can feel him, somewhere above us. He feels so warm, as if he wants me to come to him."

"Does he know we're here?"

She shook her head. "No, it isn't that. It's a magic field, it moves around as he does." Her eyes popped open and she looked at him. "He's up on the top floor right now. I can't see him, but I can feel the magic of the pearl."

"Interesting." He looked at everyone in the room, then over at Tasia. "Looks like we need a clean way upstairs. We have civilians and combatants, and we need to make sure we don't mix the two up. Ideas?"

"We could wait until the shoot is over," offered Amida. "Everyone should leave after, and then we can make our move."

Cyrus sighed and looked around the room. They could end up being here for hours, but at least it was air conditioned. "Okay, let's rotate out on scrying. Nothing complex, just keep an eye on things."

Samuel and Gabrielle stepped out of the circles, and a third mage took their place and knelt down to meditate. They swapped out every half an hour as the afternoon went by, and Cyrus couldn't help but notice that Gabrielle almost looked excited every time it was her turn.

Something was wrong. He just hoped he could figure out what it was before it killed them.


Lily sashayed through the front door like she owned the place. The front entrance contained fewer than ten people, half of which were men who were busy moving in equipment. The young women who were sitting around chatting froze, the whites of their eyes suddenly visible.

"Mona De Ville?" A raven-haired beauty stood and tried to straighten out her hair. "Holy shit, are you doing part of today's shoot with us?"

"Please." Lily took the girl's chin in her hand. "You'll be the one doing a shoot with me if I have my way."

The people chattered nervously amongst themselves as Lily pushed past them. Mona De Ville had been absent from the spotlight for over a year now, but she had been immensely popular on the porn scene prior to leaving. She had seen the porn star in the minds of several men and knew it would be a good fit to get enough clout to walk in, but now she needed to maintain it.

"Is this all of you?" she asked, gesturing at the four women.

"Nah, we got three more on the way," said one of the camera men. "Mr. Edge loves doing scenes with seven women all at once."

"Six is sexy, but seven is a harem," said a man with a set of macbooks on a table. "It's kind of his mantra."

"Hmm. Maybe he'll find eight a heavenly number. Where do you suppose he is hiding out right now? I would love to see if he has any interest in a scene with me as I did drop by unannounced."

"We heard," said computer guy. "The security team was up in arms over it."

"I'm sure. Do I just go up this way?" Lily gestured at the large stairs at the end of the entrance. The interior of the Black Palace was all white with gold embellishments, with plenty of columns.

"Uh, yeah." One of the camera guys was staring at Dana, but in particular, the scars on her arms and legs.

"Are you new at this?" Lily asked him. "`Cause you're gonna see a lot of girls with scars in this industry."

"No, I—" he sputtered before looking away.

Lily took Dana by the hand and pulled her up the stairs. There were armed men watching the hallways, and these ones seemed even more serious than the ones outside. They eyed the duo with suspicion, but let them by. A man in a tactical vest pointed to a hallway with a set of stairs at the end.

"He's up there," he informed them.

"Thanks, honey," Lily replied. When they got to the stairwell, she looked over her shoulder at Dana. "This is gonna be easier than we thought."

Dana sniffed the air and frowned.

"Something wrong?" Lily asked.

"Not wrong, but..." she shook her head. "I'm getting a weird smell from this place. I smell all the people, I definitely smell the arousal, some gunpowder, and quite a bit of magic. I'm thinking it's the pearl, but I can't be sure."

"Don't you worry. We're almost home free, then we can get you home and see what else we need to do to—" She stopped at the top of the stairs when she saw a pair of men standing there with weapons casually slung across their chests. "Afternoon, boys, we're just leaving them hanging out today, aren't we?"

They didn't acknowledge her. They walked past into a large bedroom with a view of the ocean through enormous bay windows. There was a patio outside with a small pool, and a man with golden skin and dark hair was leaning against the far wall. He was sitting in a lone sunbeam, and his eyes were closed as he basked in the sun.

"Shit," Lily whispered. Tristan had changed considerably from his last photo op, though the hints of the man he had been were still there. His skin was stretched across the enormous muscles of his chest, and he had swirling tattoos on his body that looked tribal in nature. They seemed to move when looked at indirectly, but Lily's attention immediately went to the pearl pendant he wore.

The Dragon's Pearl. It was no longer white; it was now the color of obsidian. She had no idea what that meant, but when Tristan opened his eyes to look at her, she felt the pressure shift in the room. A slight grin appeared on his lips, and she recognized the steely gaze of a predator.

"Hello there, Mr. Edge." Lily cocked her hips and smiled. "I'm sure you know who I am, and I was wondering if I could have a word with you about that massive cock of yours."

"Indeed." He walked to the edge of the pool and ascended the steps, revealing the cock in question. It was half erect, but already large, and Lily wondered what it would feel like to ride it while sucking his soul out through his eyes. "But I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage."

"Honey, I have all men at a disadvantage. It's a perk of being me." She looked over her shoulder at the men who were watching the stairs. As far as she could tell, they were the only other people in the room. Dana was moving along the edge of the room, pretending to look out the windows, but clearly scanning the area. She had come to a stop in front of a large bay window that overlooked the rocky cliffs below.

"Do you like the view?" asked Tristan. He didn't bother toweling off, and now stood in the doorway of the room, leaving a puddle on the floor.

"It's very pretty," she replied, adjusting the strap on the chair. Dana frowned, then dropped Tick Tock on the ground. "Sorry, apparently something didn't get latched correctly."

"It's quite alright." He turned his attention back to Lily. "But you misunderstand me. You see, I have no idea who you are."

LIly rolled her eyes. "Oh, you are such a millennial. I am Mona De Ville, the gangbang queen, two-time winner of the best anal scene in—"

"No, you're not." Tristan slicked back his hair, pressing the water out of it. "You may wear the face of Mona De Ville, but you reek of sulfur, hellspawn." His features shifted, and his eyes turned golden. "And I very much wish to know why you've come."

Lily paused, then looked at Dana. Dana looked confused, but was busy trying to latch the chair back together. For whatever reason, Tick Tock was acting up.

"Well, guess I'm busted." Lily transformed while keeping her eyes on the guards. When they didn't even flinch, she swallowed the lump in her throat. If she could shapeshift in front of those men without a reaction, what kind of shit were they used to seeing?

What had they just walked into?

"And you, you're a fascinating one." Tristan moved toward Dana. "You have the electrifying scent of young flesh, but also the smell of rot. I am both intrigued and disgusted."

"Good for you." Dana had picked up the chair again.

"Have a seat," he told her. A wave of energy filled the room, and Lily tilted her head in surprise. Even she had felt the compulsion in his voice, the sudden desire to obey his whim.

"No thanks, I'm—" was all Dana managed before a muffled shot rang out. Gore blossomed along the glass as the bullet blew a hole straight through her temples, and her eyes glassed over. She slid along the window, smearing the splatter pattern as she tipped to the side.

"I've learned not to take my chances with the unknown," Tristan said, his eyes flicking to the stairs. Smoke drifted from the barrel of a pistol wielded by one of the guards. The man casually holstered his weapon and turned his attention down the stairs. Tristan closed his eyes and sniffed the air. "Ah, there it is. Now all that remains is rot."

Lily glowered at Tristan. "You killed her!"

He snorted. "Please. She's dead now, you no longer have to put on a show. Was she your master? You are much like me, a creature who should bend a knee to no man." He fingered the pearl around his neck. "You aren't the first to come for this, you know. Hence the men with guns. They're not only my eyes and ears, but they're a hell of a clean-up crew."

She shook her head, rage building in her gut. The way Tristan carried himself was exactly like Aladdin had done, a power mad being who would stop at nothing. Her anger built, and flames curled around her fingertips.

She allowed the demon within to manifest, and a growl escaped her lips.

"I'm about to make a big, fucking mess out of you," she said, then launched herself at him.

She was fast, but he was faster. He snatched her out of the air and slammed her into the tile of the floor hard enough that it cracked beneath her. Her tail whipped around to catch him in the neck, but he snatched it with his free hand and contemplated it.

"I'm curious," he said, then used his thumb to snap the stinger off her tail with his thumb. Pain shot up Lily's tail and through her spine, and she tried to claw his face, but her nails slid across his thick skin. "Ah, so you can feel pain after all. I'm afraid I don't know much about your kind, but I'm a fast learner."

"How?" Lily asked, allowing her arms to fall at her side. "How are you already more dragon than man? I thought the pearl took years to take effect."

Tristan smirked. "When I first saw the necklace, I could hear its call. I had only worn it for a few days when I discovered that women were naturally flocking to me, and I indulged in some of the sweetest pussy I had ever experienced. But the dragon in me wanted more. Money and power were things that would take time to gather, but my newfound ability to command the weaker sex allowed me to start my own company.

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