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Why is a super hot woman chasing Lance?
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I, Lance Biggs, am not bad looking -- but I was justifiably suspicious when a woman who was a younger version of Elizabeth Hurley by the name of Alicia Spears started to take an interest in me. Based upon looks and intelligence alone she should be with someone like Brad Pitt, George Clooney, or Tom Brady -- not someone like me. It took me a while to figure out what was going on, but fortunately I did before shit hit the fan.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

At the time that I met the Elizabeth Hurley look-alike I was 29 years old and had been married for four years to Jaycee Biggs nee Swanson. Although I was a trust fund brat I was also working hard as an entrepreneur running Biggs Alternatives, LLC, a company I started that employed about thirty people and provided socially productive products. Because of my trust fund I had a pre-nuptial agreement with Jaycee. It included a morality/cheating clause that had heavy penalties if either of us violated that clause. My finances were pretty well insulated by the prenup unless I violated the morality clause.

Jaycee is a very attractive woman, 28 years old at the time that Alicia started paying attention to me, although not in Alicia's class (but then again I had never met anyone live before who was). Jaycee also works -- although only part-time as a travel agent. She is a little more materialistic than I thought that she was when we got married, but I enjoyed keeping her happy so I didn't bitch too much about her excessive spending or her values. She was never mean, great in bed, and easy-going so that was all that I really cared about.

One of my major joys in life is playing competitive tennis. I played Division III (non-scholarship) tennis in college and am pretty good for a club player. I use tennis, weightlifting, and an elliptical if poor weather or jogging if decent weather, to keep in shape, which is very important to me.

Jaycee doesn't play tennis, although she loves to socialize at the Tennis Club that we belong to. The club has a number of social events each month, a decent restaurant, and a nice swimming pool. Jaycee never goes to the tennis court, however, even to watch me play in the tournaments that we seem to have every couple of months.

I play in singles, doubles, and mixed doubles tournaments. My doubles partner is Jay Feeley, a fifty-something banker who played Division I (scholarship) tennis in college and though when younger was much better than me now is at about the same level that I am and the second ranked over forty male player at the club.

My normal mixed doubles partner is Misty Granger, a thirty eight year old attorney who is usually the fourth ranked under forty women's singles player at the club (I'm the third ranked under forty male singles player). Misty apparently only does transactions as an attorney, no trial work. Misty is a really special person, cute, friendly, and effervescent. She also has a spectacular ass, but since I was happily married and she seemed to be too I never dwelt on that particular aspect of her persona.


I met Alicia, the Elizabeth Hurley look-alike, with a DD rack, a gorgeous face, flat abs, and thighs and an ass that defied description, at the tennis club that I, Jaycee, Jay, and Misty belong to. Alicia was a recent addition to our club; I never was sure if she was a new member or what we call a tenured-sponsored-guest. Regardless of her exact status most of the times that I was at the tennis club she was there too.

Alicia, who was 28 when I met her, is at almost at the same level in tennis ability as Misty, although she does have one significant handicap. Her big boobs sometimes get in the way of her stroke. Nobody comments on it.

I really don't know how it happened at the time but for what sounded like a bullshit reason Misty didn't just bow out of teaming with me in a tournament but in Alicia's presence suggested that I substitute her as my partner. It would have been embarrassing for everyone if I said "No, Alicia is distracting because she is so hot so if you can't do it Misty I'll get someone else." Therefore I went along -- apparently outwardly warmly but inwardly upset -- because by then Alicia had increased her attempts to seriously play up to me.

Things got weirder when Misty teamed up with Roger Turner for the tournament. NOBODY ever wanted to play doubles with thirty-something Roger because he is the club asshole. I was as confused as a goat on Astroturf.

Alicia wanted to get in as much practice time as I would agree to. I don't know what Alicia did for a living but she was essentially always available. She also constantly wanted to socialize afterwards, go to lunch, or some such thing.

I complained to Jaycee about Alicia trying to monopolize my time at the club, and also talked to her about how perplexed I was about Misty teaming up with Roger. Jaycee didn't seem to take me seriously; she just smiled and said "I'm sure it's just because you're nice to everyone and not everyone at the club is nice to Alicia."

"Why, what problem do people have with her?" I earnestly inquired.

"Well -- just between us -- a lot of women are jealous of her, and to other women she isn't as nice as she is to you," Jaycee replied with a smile.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"Because I'm tuned into all gossip at the club," she laughed.

"Then do you know why Misty dropped me and then hooked up with Roger?"

"That I have no clue about," Jaycee smiled.

I generally went along with the flow as far as Alicia was concerned, but when Alicia started calling me at work I knew that something wasn't kosher. That was confirmed in spades when after a practice session on a hot day she insisted that we go to the pool to cool off. The bikini she "almost" had on left nothing to the imagination; fortunately there were no children around. Her body would make any hetero male salivate; there were a number of tented swim trunks there. It was then that I finally determined that I needed to be proactive to find out what the fuck was going on.

I tried to confront Misty about why she dropped me for Roger, but she was strangely hard to get to. It wasn't until after the third round of the tournament that I cornered her. Alicia and I had beaten her and Roger 6-2, 6-1 and she was scurrying out of the club shortly afterward. I was on to her, however, and rather than showering after the match or joining Alicia for lunch -- which she begged me to go to -- I caught Misty in the parking lot.

I was sitting on the fender of Misty's BMW 8 Series Convertible when she tried to sneak away. She sighed when she saw me, and her shoulders drooped. She was not smiling when I approached.

Misty is in remarkable shape for a 38 year old. Her face isn't beautiful but it is extremely interesting and refined, she is as smart as anyone I've ever me, and she always dresses classy. Her tennis outfits are the most elegant at the club (and intentionally or not really show off her perfect ass). She and I had known each other for five years before that day, and had been mixed doubles partners in six previous tournaments including two at other clubs.

"OK, Misty, what gives?" I sternly asked as I rose to my full height of six feet three inches and peered down at her five foot six inch frame.

"Uh...what...what do you...uh mean, Lance?" she stuttered. That told me something right there -- Misty is as articulate as any woman I have ever met so if she was stuttering she was nervous.

"What I mean is why the bogus reason for not partnering with me, pushing Alicia on me, and then partnering with the club asshole. It doesn't make sense. We've always had a good relationship," I said with my arms crossed.

"Uh...well...uh...Alicia asked me to do it. She almost begged. She said that she wanted to win the tournament and that her best chance was with you," Misty responded, again with the stuttering.

"Bullshit," I responded, still with my arms crossed. "You could just have told her to forget it; you didn't have to go along."

Misty furtively looked in all directions, and then mumbled "Get in my car."

I got in the passenger's side, she the driver's side, and then with another surreptitious look around peeled out of the parking lot.

Without either of us talking she drove a couple of miles and then into the parking lot of a community recreation center and parked in the shade.

Obviously nervous she turned to me and said "My husband Harris didn't like it that my partner was a good-looking younger guy. He thought that we might have something going on, so he pressured me to get another partner."

While Misty was certainly someone that I would love to fuck if we weren't both married we had never had even a flirtatious relationship with each other the last five years, let alone a sparks-flying one. I stared at her for a good minute. She couldn't hold eye contact. "Bullshit," I said.

Surprisingly she started quietly sobbing. I always considered her a tough cookie so actually her tears were more than surprising. I softly held her shoulders until she looked at me then put one hand on her chin to gently preclude her from looking away.

"OK, Misty, I know that there is something big. Let me tell you first that I am the person you know who is best able to keep a secret. If you tell me the truth I guarantee that no one will ever find out your secret from me, and I'll do everything in my power to help you out. Trust me!"

She lightly sobbed a little more, then wiped the tears from her face, and sighed. "Do you promise not to judge me?"

"I promise," I responded.

"Do you promise to still stay my friend?"

"I'll be the most loyal friend you've ever had," I retorted.

After another deep sigh she said "I don't know how Alicia found out but I have something in my past that threatens my license to practice law -- I'll leave it at that. It would really be bad for me at work if my law firm found out -- and it would also be bad for my marriage, which seems to be on life support right now due to some things I've recently found out about Harris." That statement surprised me but I tried not to show it as she continued. "Please let me leave it at that."

I didn't like where this was going, but I saw no reason to cause Misty any more angst so I said "Sure -- I don't need details."

Misty continued: "Alicia promised not to tell anyone if I dropped out as your doubles partner and put her forward as the alternative."

Now I was really confused. After staring into space for a full minute my brain started working again and I asked "So she is blackmailing you! Why would she do that?"

"I really don't know," Misty replied, "but for some reason she seems to have a thing for you."

"I don't understand that," I return-replied. "She could bed almost any guy that she wanted to -- why me?"

"I don't know," Misty said. "Some people just have a thing for other people that isn't rationally explainable. I mean you're certainly a great and good-looking guy but..."

I finished the sentence for her "But I'm not in her class as far as looks are concerned."

"Nobody I know of is," Misty sighed.

"Thanks, Misty," I smiled, giving her a kiss on her forehead. "Your secret is safe with me, and if there's something I can do to help you, let me know. I'm not just saying that; I really mean it."

"Thanks, Lance," she said with her first smile of the day. "Can I drop you back off at the club?"

"Just get me a couple of hundred yards away from the entrance and I'll walk the rest of the way," I smiled in return. She did drop me off.

"Thanks again," I said, giving her another kiss on her forehead.


My father's philosophy has always been "If you have money you should use it to solve problems, whether they be society's or your own." I rarely looked at things that way, but this was the appropriate time to adopt that attitude. So it came to be that I hired a large private detective firm to do a deep dive on Alicia Spears.

While the prestigious PI firm that I had hired was doing their deep dive -- which included following Alicia for a week and monitoring all of her devices although not yet outside the bounds of the law -- I maintained my relationship with her. That primarily meant that we played tennis about every third day and tournament games both weekend days. She was getting very touchy-feely and if I wasn't suspicious I could not have resisted her. Did I mention that she was the sexiest woman possible -- at least for my tastes?

Since Alicia was a great distraction for the male members of the teams we competed against in mixed doubles she was a valuable team member way above her tennis acumen. We had won all seven of our matches by the time that I received the PI firm's report. The firm's top female operative, Constance Fregeau, accompanied by Sam Curtain, one of their IT guys, gave me the report.

"I have a series of photos showing Alicia Spears' activities over the last week," Constance started out, laying out about two dozen photos on the conference room table at my office. "Maybe you recognize some of the people she met with. One woman -- who we haven't been able to identify -- she met with three times," Constance continued, pointing to several photos on the top row of prints, "and some anonymous guy also three times, including once with the anonymous woman included," she continued pointing to photos on the bottom row.

Things started to come into focus when I looked carefully at those photos. The woman in question was none other than my darling wife Jaycee in a poor disguise. The man was John Davis my employee in charge of our IT equipment at Biggs Alternatives, LLC, with no disguise.

There were now a wide variety of ways to handle this. #1 was for me to aggressively confront all involved.

I don't need to go into the other ways since I'm a take charge, in-your-face, dude. The only question was who to confront first. I considered John the weak link so he was first on the agenda.

The rest of the PI firm's report was also revealing. They heard just enough of some conversations and saw enough documents so that they had a good fix that confirmed what I was now expecting, which was also confirmed by what they could find out about Alicia's past history. I authorized their IT guy Sam to bug Jaycee's phone -- I paid the bills for it -- and I also asked either he, or an expert that he recommended, do an evaluation of my company's entire IT system.

When Andy, the expert that Sam recommended, showed up the next morning at my office I introduced him to John and told John that he was the representative of a customer who we would be doing lots of business with so he should take the entire morning to bring him up to date on all of our systems. John looked a little piqued but I didn't give a shit. He would be way more than piqued before the day was over.

After lunch I met with Andy and he told me that he and one associate of his, with the help of our most experienced IT employee besides John, could do a complete analysis of our system within 48 hours. I wrote him a check and told him to go for it.

Once Andy left my office I called John in. He still looked a little upset with the task I had assigned him that morning so I decided to hit him between the eyes. After I made a production of locking the door so that he could not open it and escape I started in.

"First of all John give me your office keys, key cards, office cellphone, and all other firm materials," I said, holding out my hand. He started to protest but my look shut him up and he complied.

"Second, Andy, the guy you took around today, is an IT expert who I've hired to completely inspect and overhaul our system. You will not come to work for any reason while he and his associate are doing that, understood?"

John sheepishly nodded his head.

"Third, John, in the next hour I'm going to find out what the fuck is going on with you. How you handle yourself the next hour will likely determine whether you still have a job here, whether you will be blackballed in the state, whether you will go to jail, whether your marriage will fail, and/or whether I will kick the shit out of you."

John's pique deserted him quickly, and was replaced by a forlorn look and a sweaty brow.

I tossed a first photo of him and Alicia at him. "How the fuck do you know this woman?"

"Uh...well..." he started stammering before an idea seemed to click in his head and he said "I just ran into her at a restaurant last week. I really don't know her except that her name is Alicia."

"Wrong!" I yelled and cuffed him on the back of his head -- not too hard, but not gentle either. Then I tossed the second photo onto his lap. "This is from a different day last week; and I have more," I said with a diabolical grin holding several other photos in my hand that he couldn't see. "Now start telling the truth.'

John almost started to cry; and then did when I tossed the photo of him, Jaycee and Alicia together. Then he more or less blubbered out what probably was the truth. He prefaced it with "I couldn't help it, Lance. Alicia is so sexy I just couldn't resist her. After I fucked her once she had me by the gonads and threatened to show my wife the photos of us fucking which would ruin my entire family's life. I have two little kids you know," he got out before he started blubbering some more.

I just stood over him with my arms crossed (and my digital tape recorder going) as he continued his story over the next 45 minutes or so. The bottom line was that Alicia had been hired by Jaycee and John was tasked with finding out all of the financial information Biggs Alternatives, LLC had and putting in a bug that if activated could cede control to anyone with the proper password. Since most of my personal financial files were also in the system John was also tasked with finding a way to access them so that they could also be taken over, so most of my financial holdings would be at risk.

"You were going to betray me for one fuck with Alicia and the blackmail threat?" I snapped when he was finished talking.

"No...well...Alicia fucked me a few more times -- she's a goddess -- to give me a carrot in addition to a stick, and she and Jaycee convinced me that you were doing illegal things and that I might even eventually get a monetary reward for helping them."

I grabbed John by the throat squeezing hard enough so that he knew that I could crush his larynx with just a little more pressure, then got my nose within an inch of his and said "You're suspended for a week. Get the fuck out and don't come back. You are to tell no one about our conversation. If either Jaycee or Alicia contact you fake illness and even go to a private hospital and check yourself in if you have to, but do not meet with them and do not discuss anything with them. Got it?"

Since he couldn't talk due to the pressure of my thumb on his throat he nodded agreement. I released him, and as I opened the door I said "I'll still pay you for the next week, what happens after that to be determined. Now remember what I said and get the fuck out," I snarled. I couldn't resist kicking him in the ass, and causing him to crash into the hallway wall, as he exited.


After the episode with John I was proud of my thespian abilities over the next 48 hours while Andy analyzed our IT system. I played another tennis match with Alicia -- which we won -- and even had some body contact with her afterwards; and I was as pleasant as could be to Jaycee, even eating her to three orgasms one night before I fucked her comatose.

Once I got the report from Andy about what had been done to my company's computer system and the inroads into accessing my person financial data I hired his associate for the next two weeks to do everything necessary to repair any damage and to harden the system so that only I could access critical information. Now it was time for my confrontation with Alicia.

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