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Degenerate Star Ch. 03 - Tension


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"No, Sir." The passenger replied. Riley rode in the backseat, listening to the automaton in her body drive.

He reached out a hand and grabbed her by the pussy. Thick fingers squeezed her lips, crushing them painfully and then forcing their way into her. It fucking hurt. But it was topical, just flesh on flesh. Not a burning electric fire in her insides, biting at her clit.

"You sure there's no fight in there?" he smirked.

"No, Sir. I'm just a slave."

"Good girl."

"Thank you, Sir." The passenger said as a wave of intense pleasure shot through her belly. She let herself moan loudly.

It had the desired effect. Zed laughed, "That's better. I should punish you for allowing yourself to be used by the crew... but you couldn't help it, could you?"

She wanted to bite her lip, scream, scratch his eyes out. "No, Sir. I'm just a slave."

"That's right. You can't help it. You're made for use. I saw the video. You got used, used hard. I saw Rohm and Jadaciux showed you Inspect. Why would you pretend to not know it."

"I don't know, Sir."

"Lying cunt. Try again."

Riley ground her teeth as the passenger answered, "I was a starship captain. I graduated top of the Federated Systems Academy. It was pride, Sir."

"And one little spanking broke that pride huh?"

"Rohm and Jadaciux broke my pride, Sir."

"That's good. It gets a lot easier once you let go. Remember that the next time you are told to do something and feel a sting. That's pride fucking with you. With your implants, pride will only lead to pain. A lot of fucking pain."

She stared at the floor refusing to say anything. Zed stood and walked slowly around her.


The passenger bent at the waist, showing everything to Zed behind her.

"Not bad. When you are given this command you should reach back and hold yourself open. Anyone telling you to bend wants to see the goods. Or is about to use the goods."

She reached back and pulled her cheeks apart.

"Good girl." He said as one hand reached down and cupped her. Thick fingers traced her slit.

Riley moaned and rotated her hips.

"The next pose is Submit, go to your knees, keep them open. Hands behind your neck. Keep your tits out."

She complied as he walked back around to her front. He tapped a boot against the inside of her knee. "Wider."

The passenger exposed herself even more. Zed dropped, sitting on the bed. Sneaking a glance up at him Riley wasn't surprised to see that his gaze fell well below her neck. She felt a flush of heat as she blushed. Not only was her chest lewdly shoved out for him, she knew he could see every fold of her pussy. That he was looking at her there, something she had never done with ex-boyfriends, made her want to squirm and clench herself.

"The next position is Ready," he explained. "It's the same pose, but with your forehead touching the ground."

The passenger wanted to move into it as quickly as possible, but Riley resisted. Instead, she kept her fingers laced together behind her neck and bent forward, slowly, lowering herself to the deck. She could feel the burn in her abdomen but wanted Zed to see just how fit she was.

He watched her practically licking his lips. She wondered what it would be like to simply have sex with others without an emotional bond. The notion of it seemed very unappealing and clinical. She added the qualifier 'willing' to the thought. After all, she'd fucked Zed without any emotional attachment, but it hadn't been her choice at all. The act itself seemed so mechanical when devoid of feelings.

He stood up and walked around her. When he was behind her, he stooped down, one of his hands coming to her back. He traced her spine down to the small of her back.

"Forgot to mention, ass up in this pose. When you hear someone call this position it pretty much means they are about to fuck you."

The passenger pushed her ass up into the air. This was even worse than the Submit pose. Kneeling only gave a hint of a view, a promise of more to come. This one showed off everything. His hand slid down her back further, and she felt a beefy finger touch her puckered hole. She whimpered.

"Gonna be tough focusing on training with you. Every noise you make just begs to stuff your holes with cock."

She moaned, "Thank you for the compliment, Sir."

"You want me to fuck you slave?"

The passenger wanted to beg for it, Riley stopped her, "I want what you want, Sir."

Zed hmphed, "What do you think I want?"

"What I think or want doesn't matter. I'm just a slave here for you, Sir."

"Clever girl," Zed said. "I think you're playing games, but it doesn't matter. The implants will ensure that what you are playing at now will become second nature to you in time. Let me show you."

His hand slid down to her slit and traced along the lips. When he became sufficiently lubricated the finger toying at her opening dipped inside. Just a little, just the tip. Riley groaned as the flood of heat in her ached for more.

"Repeat what you just said."

"What I think doesn't matter. I'm just a slave." She said as his finger went back to tracing her.

"You are not allowed to climax anymore."

Riley wanted to laugh. She never wanted that during any of this ordeal. She was already winning this battle of wills. "Yes, Sir."

Zed chuckled and drew out his wand. She flinched, expecting him to cause a wave of pain. Instead, his thumb danced across its surface. He then slipped the wand away. Riley relaxed, uncertain of what he'd done. Nothing good, she was certain.

"If you want to cum. You are going to have to beg for it."

Riley wanted to look back at him but didn't dare. Ask for it? Was he insane? "Yes, Sir."

"And the way you are going to beg is by repeating what you just said."

"Yes, Sir."

"Let's hear it."

"What I think doesn't matter. I'm just a slave."

She felt his fat finger trace her opening and allowed a shuddering sigh to pass her lips. Encouraged, he continued stroking her. She could feel his finger slipping around her with more ease every moment and knew the implants were making her drip with need. She moaned.

He pushed a digit inside her. It felt so good she wanted to just melt. And when he curled it inside her and began toying with her, she couldn't help but reward him with a series of needy sighs. The passenger clenched around him, trying to draw more of him in.

Zed responded by slipping another one in. It felt perfect. Zed was a big man, with big fingers, and she loved how two of them felt in her. She let the passenger ride. Her hips dipped trying to push him further inside her.

"That's it, you filthy little whore. I knew the moment I saw you that you were made for fucking. That you wanted to be nothing more than a cocksleave. That you would fucking love being trained."

Riley ground her teeth while the passenger let the words shame and heat her up. She didn't want this. Zed was forcing her. Whether she enjoyed it or not was inconsequential. She wasn't really a whore. She was made one by Zed's words.

As she pushed herself against him, she could feel the fires building up in her belly. Her legs felt wound tight. She kept pushing hoping to shatter the tightness and find release. The more she pushed, the more Zed pushed back against her, fucking her as she moaned on all fours.

"Oh stars..." she whimpered. She could feel a rushing sensation coming like a freighter ship right at her. She bucked her hips trying to find that perfect spot that would grant release. Yet it was always just agonizingly out of reach. She slammed back harder, heard herself cry louder, and wanted release more with every stroke.

"Keep fucking me you little whore. I know you want to get off. Don't you?"

"Yes." The passenger begged desperately.

"And what did I tell you?"

"I... I don't know..." she cried in frustration. Why the fuck was he talking to her? She was so close, she just needed... something... something to push her over the edge.

"I told you that you couldn't cum. Not unless you begged."

"Please," she moaned. She snarled, her voice getting demanding, "Please... please... fucking please let me cum."

"Not until you beg."

"I am begging. Please, Sir. Please. Pleasepleasepleaseplease."

"I told you what you need to say."

"I... please... I can't... I don't know, please." The passenger pleading wanting nothing more in the universe than to climax on his hand. Riley watched both aroused and horrified. She'd never degraded herself like this before. It was unimaginable, and yet... here she was, watching herself beg to be fucked.

"What are you? And does it matter?"

"My needs don't matter, Sir. This is all for you. I'm just a slave, Sir." She squealed out desperately, trying to find the magic words that would end the torment.

"Louder." He said as he began driving his hand against her.

She moaned long before finally whimpering, "My thoughts don't matter. I'm just a fucking slave, Sir."

When he forced a third finger in her, Riley grunted and cried out hungrily. "I'm just a fucking whore of a cocksleave slave sir. This is all I was made for. Nothing else matters."

"Cum for me." He whispered.

Every muscle in Riley's body seized up. She couldn't make a sound to breathe. Even eyesight seemed to fade. She was rigid, clutching at Zed's hand as he continued to penetrate her brutally.

Riley screamed. Then her entire body thrashed. The most powerful climax she'd ever had destroyed her. There was nothing left but a burning white-hot heat and light that devoured everything. Timeless and soundless she felt herself being ripped apart in the void.

Then it all came crashing down around her. She could hear herself screaming, crying out. Could feel herself shoving back against him so hard that every thrust ended with a painful stab to her cervix. Felt his fingers, those thick sausage fingers thumping as they bottomed out inside. Her legs quaked and quivered. She wanted to collapse sideways to the deck, but Zed held her up by the cunt, still grinding his hand in her.

When her eternity of white-hot lightning ended, she felt herself falling back to the floor. She could feel everything twitching, clenching, hungrily trying to get more of Zed inside her. Floating on syrupy waves. She heard herself, down between her legs, making the most obscene sloppy noises. Her nipples ached furiously, and she moved her hands to grab, pinching them hard. The flares of fire soothed her core.

She floated back into the universe finding her head in Zed's lap. Her body still racked by an unending series of afterquakes. She clutched at his thigh, a life-preserver in her sea of chaos. She couldn't bear to look up at him. What a disgusting mess she must be. She was embarrassed he saw her like this. She was embarrassed to have a man who could order her to bend over and look inside her at the least flattering angles, but this was too much.

When thick fingers combed her hair she forced an eye open. Zed leered down at her. Then he said the most cruel words she'd ever loved and hated at once.

"You are so beautiful. Just perfect the way you are..."

Zed swept the captain up easily. Lifting her from the wet floor and moving her to his bed without effort. He threw her down so he could tear his shirt off while hunched on the bed over her. She knew what he intended. He was going to take her.

Did she want that? No, she told herself. She wanted a choice. She wanted to be able to tell him to move gently, to attend her needs. Her needs? He'd just turned her into a puddle of jelly moments ago while he used just his fingers on her. Conflicting sentiments battled inside her. Until he removed his shirt.

She'd seen him shirtless enough to know every muscle, every angle, every hair. And yet, hulking above her, his need for her so obvious she couldn't help but feel her breath catch and butterflies tumble inside her tummy. He wanted her and that made her glow.

Zed practically tore his breaches off as she lay there, still dazed from the power of her last climax. When his thick cock showed itself pangs of hunger tore through her. The passenger reached out to touch it, to heft its mass as he wriggled the last bits of trouser off.

He was huge. Inhumanly so. His chest alone was as wide as two men standing side by side. Riley guessed him to weigh around a hundred fifty kilos, maybe more. All of it muscles. Most of it implants, not his own. That didn't make the sight of it any less appealing. She wanted him on top of her, be damned if it crushed her to death.

Finally naked, he stretched his arms over his head, joints popping. The sight of him languidly moving, showing off for her made her melt. She couldn't help but let her eyes feast on him. So huge, so masculine, in his arms she'd never have to worry about advances from the rest of the crew.

He reached one knotted arm out and gripped her thigh, then pulled her to him. Her legs parted of their own accord as he yanked her close. He slumped over her resting above her on all fours. He was so impossibly huge he nearly blocked out all light. In his shadow she could feel her legs reaching up to try and lock around him.

With one hand, he took her hip and pulled her body up to his. When she felt his hardening cock nestle against her, she sighed. The burning heat of him made her insides go gooey. She couldn't think at all, could only half smile up at him, terrified that in his need he would tear her in half. Her worried gaze was captured by cold blue eyes hungry with need. All thought ceased. Riley's brain seemed frozen in that moment, lost in those cool, penetrating eyes.

"Guide me in." He said.

It took a moment to register but Riley eagerly reached down and wrapped her hand around his cock. He was hard, hard enough to cut diamonds. When her palm wrapped around him, she could feel the nubs buried in the skin start moving. Just having them dance across her hand made her want to grip and feel what they could do. The thought of those rotating around him inside her was too much. She pushed his tip to her, lining him up to slide in.

He ground his hips and pushed forward but stopped and pulled away. She gasped in subverted expectation. Her legs tried desperately to find each other around his hips. She tried to pull herself up into him with her legs. He chuckled and shifted moving away again. She cried out.

"What?" he asked, "do you need something?"

"Stars yes," she begged, "I need you."

"You need me what?"

"I need you now." She whined. The heat inside her, the emptiness, she wanted him more than she'd ever wanted anything. Starships be damned, she wanted another mind-shattering climax. The desperate need for it was so monumental she couldn't think of anything else.

She let go of him, her shoulders falling back into the bed and reached down with her other hand. He twisted his hips and then stabbed at her. She thought he was going to impale her, but instead, his shaft slid along her slit. She made a disappointed moan and then felt his shaft vibrating against her. The nubs were running sideways against her. Between the vibrations and hammering of the nodules on her clit she could feel another climax coming on fast.

Gasping a series of oh's she began pleading, "Please, oh please..."

"You're forgetting something important."

She was? Not possible. Things were her specialty. She made lists. Could recite the prep list of a starship from memory. What could she have forgotten? How?

"Please, Sir, fuck me." She cried out. "Please, Sir. Sir, Sir, Sir, please!"

"That's not it, but if you insist." He mocked.

He shifted his hips again and she was able to bring him back in line with her. Riley couldn't breathe. The anticipation of him entering her was so overwhelming she just froze, locking onto his eyes.

When he finally pushed forward and she could feel him filling her ever so slowly she wanted to scream. She couldn't though. He had stolen her voice and thoughts. All she could do was remain frozen as he pressed in forcing her wide open. Wide eyed she looked up in his face for any hint of emotion. He seemed content seeing her like this, impaled and begging.

When he finally bottomed in her she let out a shuddering groan. She wanted to swear but nothing was working. Her body quaked, quivered, was on the razor's edge of orgasm, yet something was painfully holding her back. Every muscle from tummy to thighs contracted and held, waiting for a release that just would not come.

The wounded animal sounds poured out of her. He pulled back and thrust into her. Her thoughts were jumbled, hazy, confused. Something inside had seized up and she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"You have to say the words if you want to cum." He grunted, pumping steadily inside her. He, too, was trying to hold back while buried deep inside her.

Words? What words? What were words? A dim memory of a time before the burning fires consumed her.

"I'm a slave." She cried out, "I'm your slave. Just a slave."

"Good girl," he said, and the fires inside her jumped from ten to eleven. "But there's more."

Riley cried out in utter frustration. Muddle-brained, she couldn't take much more of this torture. She clung to her mantra. She was just a slave. Her slave brain only wanted one thing. But if he wanted something else... And then she knew, slaves' thoughts didn't matter.

"My wants don't matter. My thoughts don't matter. I'm just a slave. Just your slave. Your toy. Your plaything."

"Filthier," he said.

Desperate now she rattled words off like a machine-gun, "I'm just a toy. A slave. Your cunt. Holes. Anything you want I am. For you a cocksleave. Your whore. Your holes. Fuck this dirty little cock hungry slut slave..."

"Cum for me..."

A white sheet of light slammed into her. As tense as her body was, it increased tenfold. A wonder her limbs did not snap under the pressure. The heat that had been driving her so desperately engulfed her, consumed her. She heard her voice, distant, far away, crying out obscenities. She burned in a euphoria so intense she could not see. But for bright blue eyes. Anchors keeping her in the world. Those blue eyes engulfed her, carried her, rode her out.

Along with her distant cries, she heard faint grunts. A growl. Someone howling out in ecstasy just above her. She was lost in all the sensations. Her own ecstasy, and another's, so close. Heart to heart, growling, snarling, crying. She was crushed and the tempest whirled her into a fading blissful light.

Riley felt herself lying facedown on the wide burning chest of Zed. Her body, at random, would quiver uncontrollably. Her thighs were a mess of heated fluids. She was sore, exhausted, drained, and energized at once. She clutched at the skin beneath her. Her own breathing was ragged and forced.

Distant stars, she thought, no wonder we never hear about the slaves. The slaves never escape. Numbed physically and mentally, she could only ride out the fading aftereffects of her last climax.

Zed lay under her, his head propped up on a fortress of pillows. A dark cigarillo burned in his lips. The spicy smell of it mixed in with Riley's afterglow created a scent she'd always recognize as post-coital bliss.

They lay in silence as Zed smoked. Riley was ashamed of the things she said, things she felt. She stared across a field of chest hairs at the far bulkhead. Unable to believe she'd humiliated herself so completely at his request. Worse, even more than he requested. She'd voluntarily cried out words she'd never considered thinking let alone saying. The monster had broken her.

And yet... there was a calm in this space, her laying a cheek on his skin that surprised her. There was nothing in the universe that could hurt this man. And she was tucked under his arm. All in the galaxy was well. She wanted to do nothing more than blink and stare at the wall.

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