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Demon's Punish Ch. 01

Story Info
A new entity is born, punishes, and plays.
16k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/20/2016
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Author's notes:

Todger65 and sexnovella were kind enough to read through my final draft. Todger65 went above and beyond, providing very helpful tweaks and in-depth review of the chapter. Much love to both of you!

All sex is between two consenting and willing adults over 18 years of age. The story is written in third-person past-tense with limited perspective based entirely upon the protagonist. So you will not know what the other characters really feel, so you'll have to trust me that at their core everyone is doing what they are doing under their own free will and desire. People may be unaware of what is motivating their behavior, that motivation could be revealed and made conscious, but it always lies upon the individual to make a choice.

In this chapter, there is use of "mind control" like magic which is figuratively described as a "weight" or "pressure". There is no physical violence happening. It is entirely emotional. All characters have free will and therefore the ability to say No and reject actions they do not ultimately want to do. No threat is used or implied to compel people to act counter to their wishes. The only thing that can happen is "pouring gas on a fire" so to speak, which is heightening what someone already wants to do to tip the scales and/or "put people in their place" so that they feel the full weight of their actions. This can cause various effects like "paralysis" or "contrition" or a host of other similar spectrum of behaviors.

There's other magic as well here that extends beyond mind control.

This story is inspired by Lucifer written by Neil Gaimen and the recent show on Fox.

If you aren't comfortable with religious mythology being used in erotica nor any aspect of emotional/mental magical effects, then please don't read this story.


Humans were given life by the Word;

Their greatest gift was free will.

None born to the Word could be corrupted;

Those of the Word were allowed to trip and fall.

Always their actions were their own;

Their actions were theirs to be judged.

And so Demons punished the wicked;

And Angels protected the righteous.

"No," Gideon said, "You agreed to give me a kiss."

"Right, yeah, sure, but sucking your-"

Gideon frowned, stepping closer to Lucy and raised a finger. He felt the weight of her promise inside of himself. A portion of that emotional weight radiated outward from his finger. Lucy staggered and dropped to her knees under that mental pressure. "The top definition for kiss on Google, and therefore the defacto definition of such an act in the eyes of humanity is as follows. A kiss is to touch with the lips as a sign of love, sexual desire, reverence, or greeting."

Lucy's corn silk hair bobbed. Her eyes cast a furtive glance to either side, but there was no one around. The path where they were was empty in both directions. Kids rushing home from school were long gone, and the joggers had not yet arrived to take their place.

Gideon's dark eyes never left Lucy's baby blue's. He took another step forward; he placed that same long finger under her chin and tilted her head backwards. Her eyes were narrow slits. Her mouth set. More of the weight of her promise passed between them. Her shoulders slumped. He paused, not knowing why, and let the moment drag on between them. Lucy's pert lips made to open but never seemed able to muster up the courage.

"We aren't at school, Lucy." His voice was smooth as cream. "There are no football boys to interrupt us, nor your clique of supposed friends to encircle you. It's just you and me." He removed his finger from under her chin, feeling that he had held it there as long as was required, although again not knowing why. As he did so, he felt the heaviness recede from Lucy. Her shoulder's and face lifted. Her aura of superiority resurfaced.

"So?" She struggled to her feet, grabbing the ground and pushing until she was red faced and sweaty. She looked down at her hands caked in dirt; her bare knees stained green with chlorophyll. She tried to take a step but instead crashed back to her hands and knees.

"You feel that don't you?"

She grunted.

"That's the weight of your promise. It was on my shoulders until I got you your 'A' on the math mid-term." He paused, tapping his smooth upper lip. His lips twitched in a smile. "Until I let you copy my answers on the mid-term, and you didn't get caught."

She grunted.

"That's quite a wicked thing, even more so since so many of our classmates look up to you as their role model."

He watched her struggle to speak. Her lips and jaw worked to open an inch. Sweat matted her platinum bangs to her pale forehead. Red color blossomed along her cheeks and throat. Gideon's eyes wavered, drawn to watching the blush race down her chest. He could see the soft swell of her breasts with the first three buttons of her top open. His lesser self wanted to peel her open like a banana and run a hand along their snow white expanses.

Lucy retook her feet but was bent over panting with her palms resting on her knees.

Gideon shook his head and searched for her eyes again.

Before he could find them, she got out, "A kiss on your lips as in-"

Gideon's eyes met hers. The words died on her tongue.

He raised his forefinger up again. "Ah yes, where was I until your cleavage interrupted me?" Her eyes were a pure mountain stream blue. He wanted to swim in them. He wanted those eyes to wash over him, to worship his body as he did hers. "Ah, umm."

"In greeting," she spat out before sucking in a huge breath. "Can't. Can't. Breathe."

He frowned. "Yes, you look winded." His lips pulled back into a tight line. "Greeting would be an option, but you see we already greeted each other didn't we? Just fifteen minutes ago. I walked up to you. You said 'Hey loser,' and slugged me in the arm. I blushed and stammered out a quick 'Hey'." All of that had happened. Fifteen minutes ago he'd been different. Fifteen minutes ago had been a different life. He didn't finish the thought. It didn't matter.

"Yeah," Lucy said, more as a huff then an actual word.

"I imagine things felt much different fifteen minutes ago?"

She nodded. She was all red faced and sweaty like she'd just ran a marathon.

"So greeting is out," he had four fingers up now and ticked one off. "Tell me Lucy, do you love me?"

Her eyes widened, and she managed to stand upright. "I, I mi..." She started and shook her head. Her eyes went ice cold. "No."

"Ouch." Gideon's lips twitched, "But I never deluded myself into thinking you did." He ticked off a second finger. "So your choices are reverence or sexual desire." Now he let the full psychic weight of her promise descend upon her. She plunged to her knees, hands ramming into the grass, head slumped, hair raining down upon the ground. "Do you honor and respect me? Do you wish to show me that?"


Gideon ticked off the third finger. "That leaves us with?"

"Sex." Her voice was quiet and timid.

Gideon heard some note of eagerness. A spark that could be fanned. Something hidden? He hadn't taken any pleasure before. He had felt cold, going about what had to be done, what needed to be done; like a parent forcing medicine down a child's throat. Sure medicine the child didn't know it needed, so the parent took no pleasure. Worse, the parent felt horrible being forced to inflict any measure of discomfort. Still, the parent could not afford to hesitate. The analogy crumbled in his mind.

He'd never heard it on her before. Something below her usual royal disdain for everybody. A hint at what? Feeling towards him maybe?

Gideon licked his lips, finding them dry and chapped. "That's right, sexual desire." His voice was husky. He let silence strain against her. Her body quivered but didn't rise. She didn't run away. She didn't laugh or try to attack him.

"We are young, sexual beasts," he said. "Our hormones flood our bodies with desire and aggression. I don't kid myself into thinking I'm your preferred choice to unleash that sexual desire, but-"

He dropped to one knee and fished his left hand through her curtain of platinum hair. He found her chin and tilted her head back again. He pushed clumps of it out of her face. Her skin was velvet warmth. He marveled in it.

"But you can't deny some sexual desire exists between us," he finished.

She was quiet for a long time. He let the weight of her promise descend again. It swept aside her self-deception and delusion. "Yes," she said.

The reservation his greater self had enforced upon him evaporated. He smiled and couldn't help bring his face closer to hers. He wanted to taste every inch of her body. Every boy and most girls at school did. Only two had ever gotten so much as a kiss. The ice queen was supposed to be unattainable, above any notion of casual sex. Was it only an act then? He was as curious to find out why as he was that she might hold any sort of feelings for him.

He felt the weight upon Lucy all but disappear. Before he could blink, she lunged forward and tackled him. Her lips sought out his own. Her hands were strong from sports; his weren't. She closed on him, lowering her head like a snake striking for the kill.

He felt the moist heat of her breath upon his face. He smelled the cinnamon on her breath. He could see the cherry red lips about to suction onto his own; her pink tongue about to plunge into his mouth. This was showing sexual desire. It was a kiss, sure, but he wanted to punish her. Didn't he? No he wanted to brush away the surface mask, and see what lay beneath. Making out wouldn't accomplish it. There wouldn't be another opportunity. It felt like a mean girl once more winning in a game rigged so that she always did. She'd taste him and resume her ways.

Black ice splintered and churned in his soul. The cold night surged through his veins. He tucked his arms in and threw all of his weight to the side. His momentum sent them both rolling into the bushes. Branches snapped and leaves fell all around. He hugged her tight, keeping rock and branch from hurting her. He made sure he was on top when they stopped. His hands found her wrists and pinned them above her head.

With her options gone, the full emotional weight of her promise once more fell down upon her. He embodied that weight. His body pressed into hers. His legs wrapped around her legs, his chest smashed against her racing bosom. His pelvis thrust into her pelvis. He felt warmth pulsing through him, not a natural thing but feverish and feral.

She looked up at him, her face fierce and wanting. Her lips were open and inviting. Her delicate tongue moistened them in a languid lap. Her teeth were perfect and white. Her blue eyes radiated surprise but also desire. Her heart hammered through her chest, but it matched the beating of his. And yes, he couldn't help but press his raging hard-on against her, but she pressed back every time.

They battled and grinded against each other until the precum staining the front of his pants met the moisture coating her panties. It was electrifying. She must have felt it too, because her eyes widened and the sexiest gasp he'd ever heard came from out of her mouth. It took every ounce of his will not to kiss her lips but to instead massage her pelvis with his.

He eased the weight on her enough so she could speak. He wanted her to talk now. "Aren't you glad, I didn't let you kiss me?" He said.

"Yes." She smiled and spread her thighs wider. "Don't stop." She started panting. "Please don't stop."

"Please?" He managed a chuckle.

Her eyes widened. "Yes. Don't."

He released her hands, and they stayed above her head. He slowed his dance against her body and rolled to the side. She kept her thighs spread, panting with desire, and making little mewling sounds. It reminded him of when his dog begged for table scraps.

He ran his hands down to her shirt and unclasped all the buttons there. "You promise not to kiss me until I tell you?"

She nodded. "Yes."

"How I tell you?"


He could feel the psychic weight doubling with the exchange of vows. He dialed it back instead of ratcheting it up. Her hands tucked under her head of her own will like she wanted to be under arrest. Her eyes watched his every movement.

"Please." She wiggled her bottom, arching her back off the ground. It was quite a feat of yoga. Her back bowed, and her legs spread even further. Her skirt, already short, rode up until her pink panties were fully exposed. They were slick with her juices. The lips of her outer labia were painted against the sheer fabric.

With the buttons free, he let her shirt fall to either side. It revealed a matching pink bra. He reached into his pocket and took out his phone. With a practiced flick of his thumb, his phone focused its camera on Lucy's body. He pressed the volume button, and it snapped a photo.

Maybe she didn't hear over the panting of her breath or see because her yoga pose had her head tilting back. Maybe she didn't care. He traced his fingers below her bra. Instead of tucking the phone back into his pocket, he turned on the video. "Lucy?"

She tried to raise her head but the pose didn't allow for it. The crown of her head settled back on the ground. Her hair was matted with sweat and dirt. Her body formed a perfect arch. "Yes?"

"Tell me what you want?"

Her arms and thighs were quivering with the strain of maintaining the pose. The light wasn't great, but his camera still captured the magnificence of her body.

"I want you to get me off."

His hand came into view of the camera, as he slid it under her bra and snapped her breasts free. They were twin handfuls of perfection. The nipples stood as erect as his cock. He tweaked one with a flick of his finger.

She grunted that magnificent sound. Somehow he kept his dick in his pants. "And will you suck my dick if I do?"

"Yeah." She arched her back even more like an invisible wire was pulling her up to the trees.

He wanted both of his hands, so he discarded the phone. He stepped between her legs and kissed down the expanse of her abs. The panties were so slicked with her juices that he could see into her slit. He hooked one of his arms just under her raised ass and played with the pliancy of her skin. There was hard muscle there, but also so much soft flesh.

Her arms gave out, and she dropped her head and upper back to the ground. She pushed her matted hair out of her eyes and stared up at him. All superiority was gone. Her eyes darted back and forth. She bit at her lip.

She let a grunt when his face descended upon the mound of her pubis. There was only the finest tuft of silken hairs leading like a path down below the elastic band of her pink underwear. He hooked his thumbs under that band and paused to savor his progress. She shivered as he stroked the boundary to her most intimate space.

He lowered his mouth over the pink fabric and nuzzled her crotch like a dog saying hello. He pulled her legs apart and hooked them over his shoulder. Lucy's new pose didn't look comfortable, but he didn't care. He wanted to suck at the ambrosia he'd spent years masturbating about. And it was warm and musky, dirty and sensual. She moaned.

Her body was contorted, but it wasn't stopping the sounds of delight issuing from her mouth nor the ability for her thighs to clamp down around his head. He slapped her ass like she was a bad child.

"What?" Her voice trembled. She relaxed her thighs, and they parted again.

"There we go." He flicked his thumbs over the thinnest parts of her underwear, and cut it in both places with his nails. He started for a second, expecting to have sliced her open, but there was no sign of blood. He tugged once and the material fell to the ground. He didn't care how it had happened.

Now he could see the fleshy clamshell her vagina made. It was petite in its separation as if shy about opening up to his advances. The skin along her thighs was butter soft and snow white, but here the meat was dark and fiery.

He pulled back the hood protecting her clitoris. Beneath was a tiny bud about to sprout. He was tender with it, running his tongue in slow laps like he was cleaning out the last morsels from a bowl of soup. Her upper body moved in waves, as her abs clenched and she tried to push back up into a proper arch with her hands. He smiled and lifted his head.

"Is this what you were after Lucy?"

"DON'T STOP!" She screamed.

Someone else nearby, probably a jogger, shouted through the bushes. "Is everything okay?"

Gideon grinned over Lucy's bare pussy. "Oh yeah, about to eat some pie."

"Oh my god!" Lucy screamed, struggling to get up, which was impossible with how she was being held.

Gideon let the full emotional weight of her promises rain down upon her. Any feigned modesty or false pretense was swept aside. It was like dropping a nuclear bomb. Her body went limp, and she devolved into simpering whimpers. There was more command behind his voice. He felt the cracks in the person seeking an excuse to barge in on them. He dropped a bit of that pressing weight upon that unseen person. "Leave us to our consensual..." He ran his eyes along the defined lines of Lucy's body. "...Enjoyment."

"Oh. Okay." And then the voice faded; they weren't interrupted.

"Now," Gideon sighed with annoyance, purveying Lucy's limp body. "Do you want me to continue?"

Her blue eyes flickered up towards his, but only held his gaze for a second. "Yes." She added a nod and then looked back towards her privates suspended in the air by Gideon's arms.

"Good, I was enjoying myself." He lowered his mouth back over her clitoris and resumed his casual lapping of her juices and stimulation of that tiny bud. Lucy resumed grunting for him.

He no longer wanted his pants and took them off in one clean sweep. His cock swung free, writhing and hot. He dropped down to his knees and brought her body with him. Her ass rested wedged against his cock.

"Yes!" Lucy grunted. "Oh yes, yes, yes."

His cock caressed her ass, allowing Lucy's juices to mingle with his own now. It established an icy hot menthol electric current to flow between them. He spread her ass cheeks to let his cock head poke against her anus.

"I'm, I'm a."

Gideon grinned at her. "Don't worry; we aren't going to change that today."

"What?" She gasped, as he let go of her. She writhed like a mound of snakes, hissing in fury and fear. "No, I don't understand. You can't. What are you?"

He let the emotional weight of her promise and the wickedness of her past deeds pin her to the ground. He stood back up and jacked off. His release was immediate. He gushed over her pretty face, hair, and neck. A tiny part of him felt bad for degrading her like this, but it was just punishment for all those she'd degraded in the past. The greater part of him was sure of that. The release was almost as fulfilling as meting out her punishment.

He redressed in one fluid motion. "Now," he began looking down at her. "The bargain was getting you off for a kiss of my choosing when and how to be determined by myself. As I am not ready for that kiss today," He dropped down to one knee, "I will still uphold my end." He extended his long forefinger again and held it up. It was coated in darkness, but he wasn't sure if she could see that. "You desire this finger don't you?"

Even coated in his cum, naked save for a portion of her bra that wasn't covering anything important anymore, she nodded. "Yes." A pant. "Please." A grunt. "Very much." A whimper.

Gideon grinned and plunged it into her cunt. He was hard and fast with it, punching it up into her slit. Even with just his one finger, she was tight. He pounded away with his finger as she started to moan long strings of "Ohs" and "Ahs". When he got her climbing up to her climax, he slowed and felt her ease back off. Her eyes flashed, and she begged. He ratcheted up the tempo, and she moaned encouragement. Again, as she mounted the peak of her climax, he down shifted. He played with her, feeling the sinusoidal wave of her pleasure. It was palpable to him. It was like turning on the throttle to a lawnmower and watching the engine rev up and down as he played with the lever of her desire.

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