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Designated Driver

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Wife retrieves drunken husband and friends and is rewarded.
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"Honey, please come get us. We're too drunk to drive. I don't want to risk a DUI."

That phone-call from my husband Vic, started the most adventurous time of my life. If I had only known when it started.

Vic and his buddies were out drinking. An old friend, Roger, had come to town so Vic and his pals took him out on the town to show him some of the 'entertainment' venues of our fair city. I don't know where they had been all evening, but Vic called from a 'gentleman's club', one of those places that cater to men who are anything but gentlemen. It was a titty bar. I'd known of the place; it was notorious around town. It offered strippers who took it all off, 'nude dancing'.

When Vic had left earlier in the evening, I gave him a wifely lecture about behaving himself when driving. I promised him I would come get him from anywhere if he'd had too much to drink. He agreed. We didn't want to risk him getting arrested for drunk driving or, even worse, causing an accident and hurting someone. So, true to my promise, I got out of bed, threw on a shirt (no bra) and a pair of shorts and drove to the club where the boys were enjoying themselves. It was one in the morning.

In addition to Vic and Roger, the other two guys were Tom Murphy, 'Murph', and a guy they called 'Ski'. His first name was Norman. I can't spell his last name; they just called him Ski. Murph and Ski were married and I'd socialized with their wives at picnics and parties over the years and had lunch with them occasionally. Roger was staying at Ski's house. My husband had picked up Murph, they met the other two at a bar, and went to series of places before getting to the gentleman's club.

When I got to the club, I was met at the door by the bouncer who gladly let me in when I explained that I was retrieving my husband and his drunken buddies who had been 'over-served'. He mentioned that he had first thought I was "one of the girls" and commented that I would look good up on the stage. I didn't quite know how to take his comment. It was a compliment, but it implied that I was 'that kind of girl', which I surely wasn't. Perhaps it was because I was not really dressed appropriately. I had thrown on a thin white blouse and my boobs were jiggling and my nipples were poking against the thin material. Below my waist was just a brief pair of gym shorts (over panties) and slip-on sneakers. I only expected to be there a few minutes.

I don't want to sound like a 'goody-two-shoes'. I've been around and had a number of relationships before I met Vic. Once we'd settled down, I had been a good, faithful wife. I wasn't sure about Vic, but figured what I didn't know wouldn't hurt me. I knew he loved me and that was all I needed to know.

The four 'boys' were sitting at a table a few feet from one of the runways where the girls were dancing. It took me a moment to find them, during which one asshole in the crowd propositioned me and grabbed my ass. I jerked away from him and gave him a dirty look. The lights were dim and the crowd was raucous, with a lot of shouting and lewd comments about the dancers.

Vic got a chair from another table and I joined him and his buddies, watching a blonde girl strip on the stage. She was thin and pretty, although I don't think anyone was looking at her face. She had a nice set of tits, but I could tell she had implants. I consider myself to be luckier than girls with fake tits; mine are real and they are of a nice size, proportionate to my body type.

I said 'hi' to the guys and they ordered me a rum and coke, which conflicted with my role as designated driver. I made them get me a Diet-Pepsi instead. I wanted to leave, but they were having a good time and wanted to stay a while. The nearly naked girl on the stage had them enchanted. I didn't know how far the girls stripped until I saw the young maiden on the stage remove her G-sting and then spread her legs so Vic and his companions could admire her naked cunt. I was kind-of grossed out, but the idea of a woman stripping for my husband and his friends, showing them her most intimate features, was a turn-on, as well. I found myself watching the girl on the next stage, a dark-haired girl with tattoos all over her body. All of us speculated about whether she had tattoos that she hadn't yet exposed. Well, she had shaved her pussy and had a tattoo of a snake on her bald pubis. I thought she looked gross, defacing her body like that. She was a pretty girl, with clear skin and would've been more attractive without the ink.

Of course, that led to a conversation about whether and where I had tattoos. I told them I had none on my body which prompted a remark from Ski that, he knew I didn't have any tattoos. Murph affirmed his statement. I was immediately suspicious about how they knew, which led them to explain that, earlier in the evening, my husband had showed them some nude photos of me. I was embarrassed. I had let Vic take some pics of me with his camera and put them on his phone. I hadn't thought about him sharing them when he'd taken them. I kind-of suspected that he might show his friends some of them when they were 'sharing stories about their families'. I shouldn't have been surprised.

Any doubts I'd had about what they had seen were resolved when Murph asked, "Do you still shave your pussy in a 'V'?"

When we were first married, I had trimmed my pubic hair into the letter 'V', for my husband Vic. He'd obviously shown his friends the photo of my pussy. He tried to explain, saying he only wanted to show one of me in a bathing suit, but he said that Ski had grabbed his phone and scrolled through the whole album of me naked. While I was a bit embarrassed, the compliments from the guys offset my modesty and, with the nude girl on the stage and others around the club, it was kind-of arousing that my husband's friends had seen pictures of me naked. They were telling me how I was better looking than any of the girls in the club. I told them they were "full of shit", which only generated more comments. Ski said he'd like to see 'in the flesh' what he'd seen on Vic's phone. I told him to dream on. That led to Murph saying he'd like to see if the 'V' was still there. I wouldn't answer his question.

Another large-busted girl, named Bambi (probably not her real name-duh!) came out and Murph changed seats with me, so I was next to the stage. The girl began to strip and focused on me at the urging of the four assholes at the table with me. They handed me bills, fives, tens and twenties, to slip into Bambi's garter. Bambi gave us, particularly me, a real show. She danced for four songs and by the fourth number, she was naked and spreading her cunt a few feet from my face. They her to give me a lap-dance, but I refused. While I was focused on Bambi, I was leaning toward the stage and Murph pulled my shorts down in the back, exposing half of my ass-crack. He had his hand on my naked butt before I pushed it away.

Looking around between dancers, I noticed a little girl with a cute little butt across the room on another stage that I found to be really attractive, but I kept my mouth shut. Roger noticed me looking at the girl and offered to buy a lap dance for me. I refused. I was embarrassed that he had noticed my fixation with the girl. They arranged for her to come to our stage for her next show. The 'boys' continued to drink and I'd had a rum-and-coke myself. I figured I could handle one, but I didn't stop them from getting a second one for me.

The cute little girl, she wasn't very tall but had a nice little set of tits, came out to dance for us. She said her name was Venus. The guys speculated about whether her pussy was shaved into a 'V'. That started the whole thing about my pussy and them wanting me to show it. We watched her strip, and sure enough, her pubic hair was shaved into a 'V'. When she was wiggling her pussy a few feet from my face, Ski got 'handsy' and reached under my shirt and grabbed one of my tits. He flicked his fingers over my nipple for a moment before I stopped him. At the same time, Murph slid his hand into the back of my shorts again and was working his fingers toward my pussy when I stopped them. I looked at my husband, and he was just laughing while his friends copped-feels.

They said it was Roger's birthday and he hadn't 'gotten any' yet, so, with my husband's encouragement, I sat on Roger's lap for one song with the next stripper. Roger took advantage, and I didn't stop him. He slid his hand under my shorts and panties and fingered my pussy. He slid two fingers into my vagina before I stopped him. He put his fingers to his nose and inhaled the scent of my cunt. Vic was watching. I returned to my seat, but my pussy was soaked from the attention.

Well, they bought me a lap dance. I couldn't believe I was doing this, but I'd read about such things, including women getting them from dancers. I was curious-that's my excuse. I went into a private room with Venus. She was really cute and was very talkative. She asked who I was and what I wanted her to do. I just said I wanted the experience and for her to 'do whatever she did'. She was quickly naked and sat on my lap, facing me. Her nice little titties were right in my face. She told me it was okay for me to touch them, so I did. I held her little globes in my hands, I'd never done that with a woman before. She didn't object when I licked one, then the other nipple. Her little nubs stood out like pencil-erasers. I thought she had the prettiest tits I'd ever seen, including those in magazines and on-line. When she pulled my shirt up, she pushed her pussy against my belly and rubbed her wet snatch on my skin. The heat between her legs aroused me further. When she raised my shirt up to my neck and off my arms, she had access to my tits. She fondled them and then rubbed her nipples against mine. She kissed me. Her lips were soft and sensuous. We tangled tongues for a few moments.

My pussy was on fire, so I didn't object when she stood and pulled my shorts and panties off my hips and down past my knees. They fell to my ankles. I was essentially as naked as she was. I asked her if this was allowed and she said it was. My 'friends' had paid for it, and apparently, the club was quite permissive when it came to whatever happened in the private rooms. She pulled one of my feet out of my shorts and lifted my leg. Then, she pushed her crotch against mine. It felt the warm, wetness of her vulva rubbing against mine. She leaned in and kissed me and I began to come. I felt her warmth and wetness on the delicate flesh of my pussy. She was grinding her crotch against mine and I could tell that she was coming along with me. We rubbed our cunts together while kissing passionately. We finished and took a few minutes to regain our composure. It had been a fantastic experience.

She stood and I pulled myself together as she dressed too. I wanted to take her home with us, and was tempted to ask. When we walked out to our table, two of the guys were gone, also getting lap-dances. My husband and Ski were still at the table. Venus whispered something in Ski's ear and he gave her a fifty.

I asked, "What was the money for?" They already paid for my lap-dance.

Ski said, "She answered my question about whether you still shave you pussy in a 'V'.

I just looked at him, the bastard.

When Murph and Roger returned, I figured it was time to get the guys out of there before they got even drunker. They objected. I insisted.

Murph said, "We'll go if you dance for us, later."

I said "no way" and the others joined in, asking me to dance for them later. I had no intention of stripping for these guys, even though they had seen photos of me naked and had copped-a-few-feels. I looked at my husband for support in getting us out of there. He was 'helpful' when he said, "Debbie (that's me) will dance for us back at our place." I just looked at him, wondering if he was serious. I said to him, "I might dance, but I'm not going to strip." Vic just smiled.

We piled-into my car, with three drunk guys in the back seat and my husband in the passenger seat. He said we should just go to our house rather that drive all over the city, particularly since I'd had a few drinks myself.

On the way, I looked a Vic and said, "What are you doing, showing them photos of me, you asshole. You're embarrassing me."

He said, "They just took my phone and since they'd shown me photos of their wives, I couldn't refuse."

"Oh no. You couldn't refuse showing them naked pictures of me, because you didn't want to look bad to your friends. What a protective husband you are." The asshole.

He just smiled and asked me to forgive him.

I said, "I don't know. Maybe I'll cut you off for a few weeks."

He replied, "That'll hurt you as much as me." That was true. I liked sex as much as my husband.

I said, "I'm not going to strip for you and your friends."

He said, "That's okay, just dance a little, maybe just to your underwear."

"I'm not wearing a bra."

"We all know. We've seen your titties bouncing around under your shirt."

"You want me to show your friends my tits?"

He said, "Sure, why not."

"Did you like seeing your friends feel-me-up? Roger had his fingers in my cunt."

He said, "Yeah. I saw."

I looked at him. He wanted me to strip for his friends. I wasn't thinking clearly, because the idea kind-of turned-me-on. Seeing those girls strip with all those horny men leering at them was perversely arousing. Having all three of the guys feel my ass, tits and pussy had my 'motor-running'. My lap-dance with little Venus had really gotten my juices flowing and I was still horny. I had that urge down there that needed to be fulfilled. I was expecting to jump my husband once we were in bed and get myself off.

We got home safely and we all tumbled into the house. Vic and I hadn't had kids yet, so it was just us and the dog. We had a guest room, a couch, and an air mattress for our guests. Murph and Ski called their wives and told them where they were. I'm sure their wives were not happy, having a drunken husband wake them at two in the morning. I made some coffee and we set up the bedding.

They weren't tired and hadn't forgotten about me dancing. Vic, my husband, facilitated by playing some music like what we'd heard in the gentleman's club. With their encouragement, I started to dance in the middle of our living room. The more I danced, the more they encouraged me, the more excited I got. When they began to shout for me to "take it off", I looked at Vic for guidance. He was joining in their chants. So, I pulled my blouse over my head and danced around topless. They cheered more and I became more aroused. I wiggled my tits for them and rubbed my nipples on Murph's and Roger's faces. Then, I kicked off my shoes and let my shorts drop to the floor and danced in just my panties. My panties were wet from my dripping pussy and from perspiration and were pretty-much see-through. I knew they wanted to see my beaver and see if I still shaved to a 'V', but I was not planning to show them.

I held my tits in my hands and danced in front of all four men, telling them that I had nicer tits than those strippers. They all agreed, whether they were being truthful or not. It fed my ego and my libido to hear them praise my nearly naked body. I allowed let each of the men to fondle my tits and lick my nipples. I had never done anything this erotic before. My crotch was so hot, it was like I was on fire.

I said, "Okay boys, that's all for tonight. You all need to go to bed."

They howled in protest, wanting to see my pussy. I wasn't going to show them, but my husband made the decision for me. I was turned away from him admonishing the guys to calm down, when Vic grabbed my panties and pulled them down my legs. He was too quick. My pussy was exposed and they could see that I had my pubic hair trimmed to a 'V' in homage to my husband Vic. I let him take my panties completely off so I was naked. I took a big drink of rum. Things were getting out of hand. Now I was the nude dancer and the realization that four men were focused on my body was very arousing. My titties were hard and my pussy was dripping.

When they asked me to give their visiting friend, Roger, a lap-dance for his birthday, I agreed, without giving it much thought. I enjoyed my lap-dance earlier, had enjoyed it when Roger had fingered me and I wanted to do it again, except this time I was naked. Roger was sitting on one of our kitchen chairs wearing only his undershorts. I had expected him to be fully dressed, I guess, but didn't object so long as he had his boxers on. I sat on his lap and gyrated over him to the beat of the music. I saw my husband watching and wanted to give him a show. I wanted him to see that his wife was hotter than any stripper. With the encouragement of the other men, I lowered myself onto Roger's lap. I could feel Roger's prick standing up in his shorts and rubbed my naked slit over it, sliding back and forth. Damn, it felt good.

Of course, you know what happened next. Roger's prick escaped from his boxers and was standing proudly. I slipped my pussy over his naked cock and impaled myself on it. I felt his dick slide up into me like it belonged there. It felt good to finally have a cock in me after an evening of teasing. Everyone was encouraging us. My husband was watching me fuck another man and he was smiling, enjoying the show. I decided that if he wanted me to fuck his friend, I'd give Roger the best fuck of his life. My tits were rubbing his face and I was humping up and down on his cock. I don't think anyone could see where we were coupled, but they knew what was happening. My vagina was gripping Roger's cock and I was trying to pull the semen from his balls.

"Come in my pussy. I want to feel your cum inside me." I told him. I was on the pill, so no worries. Feeling him fucking me bareback, the skin of his cock pressing against the soft, sensitive flesh inside me was marvelous. I was coming when Roger unloaded into me. He got that look on his face that men get when they are coming. His cock blasted semen inside me; I felt him pulse inside me a number of times and felt the warm cum wash over my cervix.

I stood, with semen dripping from my cunt. We had a decision to make. I looked at my husband and asked, "Do you want me to let all your friends fuck me?" He nodded and things continued.

Someone said that I was the "designated driver and the designated pussy for the evening".

I looked at Murph, who seemed to be most eager to see my pussy. "Come fuck me, Murph. Show me what you've got."

I knelt before him and sucked his cock for a minute, making sure he was hard. Then I reclined on the air mattress. Murph had gotten naked and mounted me. I felt his cock probing at my opening and he easily slid into my cum-filled snatch. He looked me in the eyes and told me that it was a dream come true. "I've wanted to fuck you since I first met you." That made me feel good, so I kissed him and sucked his tongue into my mouth.

His cock drove up into me. He was pumping rapidly and I made him slow his pace so we could enjoy it. I liked Murph and had thought of screwing him in some of my wilder fantasies. Now that it was really happening, I was amazed at how good it felt. I didn't pay much attention to my husband, who was watching his wife get fucked right-before-his-very-eyes. I wanted everyone to see Murph fucking me, so I pushed him away and got on my hands and knees on the floor. Murph stood behind me, bent his knees and lined-up his prick with my wide-open cunt. He proceeded to fuck me vigorously for quite a while. He apparently had come during his lap dance earlier, so he had some stamina. His hips banged against my ass with each in-stroke and I moaned with each plunge into my vagina. He was banging against my cervix, fucking me in a way I'd never been fucked before. When he stopped humping, I knew he was about to blast his sperm into my cunt. I felt every spurt wash over the inside of my vagina. It felt so good and I was coming along with him. He finished and his dick went limp. He pulled it out and it dangled between his legs, covered with our juices, while his cum dripped out of my gaping cunt.


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