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Deviant Empire Pt. 02


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But he was still impressed.... This was a damn AI in a fully synthetic almost-human body... and here he had one as his very own.... Everything. Polymer instead of skin, carbon fiber hair, clear glass for eyes, lights in plenty of places... And yet her face was quite expressive. All smiles. The girl was downright giddy to see him approach her, but the boy was already feeling sorry for what he was about to say. There was a bit of an artificial tone to her speech.

"Hello! I'm Trina. I guess you know what we're supposed to do. We can get right into the fun, though it's no rush..." She took one look as most of the people were practically running for what was beyond that grand door... a heck ton of stands with things to try out. "Maybe we can get warmed up a bit? Oh, and... you might want this..."

She presented him with what rang in his mind as "mobile phone", though the thing more resembled a block of clear plastic that seemed to be able to provide a display. Something arcane had to be at work because he could not see the display from the other side, despite seeing through it. Obviously, he needed some instruction for it, and she'd have to walk him through using the product.

A Link is a fusion of many devices currently in use by Earth... indeed usable as a mobile phone, with the added features of a smartphone... so far so good. But it was apparently... much more powerful despite lacking anything that might be visible as... components. Or a battery. He could see his hand through it and he might confuse it for a piece of glass... until she showed him how to change its appearance... now he could have a solid and black piece of plastic. But when the robot girl started to reshape it, the man had to blink in amazement... a link could be reshaped in ways that defied science... it could be compressed into the size and shape of a watch... and strapped to his wrist. He remembered the watch Ahri checked the time on... and... yep... you could check the time on it. But much more importantly he could check his funds on it... yes, he had a stipend for his time on the ship. 1000 fortune sounded like... well, he had nothing to compare it to. It could be a thousand dollars... which was generous... or 1000 yen... which might barely last him a day. The much more ridiculous part of the Link came when she told him it could become a full on laptop... that... was so out there that he had no idea where to even start considering it. All these shows that these people might as well consider them cavemen.

"Thank you." He started. "Uhm... sorry to say this... but... could it be possible to change my attendant? I mean, you look nice.... But... uhm... I would like... if I could get one of those cat... women?"

A bit crestfallen, but she kept a smile.

"Oh, a Raff. We have a good number. I will forward the request. If we have one, she'll be with you later today. But... until then... how about we go enjoy the reception and I see you to your room?"

Will could accept that. There was... little reason for why he asked this. He was a man and he liked catgirls. Heck, he was not the only one to make this request. Later in the day the workers would exchange plenty of banter about the plentiful requests for Raff.

Beyond that door was the real welcome wagon, specifically dozens of stands which provided them with a taste of what the empire had to offer... mostly in the form of food. And this was certainly what he also came here to see. While some would try the amazingly realistic video games, shyly strip down to get a proper empire outfit... out in the open... or thumb books which did not stumble and rush past the obvious sex lives of their characters, the man would line up to try everything that was edible in decently sized portions.

His nose would guide him towards the first, which had the incredibly simple but almost universally beloved... bread. But not your day-old, yielding bread with literally no crust and a taste that was barely acceptable. The man was offered a coveted end piece that he could rip from a loaf, feeling the crunch and warmth before inhaling that harmonious flavor, finally biting down to take in the yin and yang of a delightfully crunchy outside and a still soft and quite pleasant core, still a bit warm and steaming. He audibly moaned with a closed mouth, still chewing before he swallowed, to the delight of those serving him... and his temporary companion. Fresh produce was remarkably similar to what they had, though there were some additions which he had not seen before... everything was so pleasantly fresh and ripe, flavorful tomatoes, cucumbers tasting as if fresh from the vine, even a raw onion was damn good, and that was before he moved onto fruits which threatened to ruin his shirt with their plentiful juices, pleasant sweetness and full flavor. He was not the only one delighting at such simple things. Some had barely had the chance to taste things so.... Well done... that most were surprised that bread could be so damned good.

Moving onto the small bites of prepared foods, there were still similarities, but notable distinctions. What he thought at first to be sushi turned out to be called "food wraps" for them, and they approached them with far more possible ingredients. A sushi chef actually started arguing with the servers of that stand before he tried a few bites and wisely considered that they might have something to learn. Will kept expecting to find something he could not imagine how it was made... but things in the food department still seemed... recognizable. He could... with some proper recipes and ingredients... perhaps fix himself similar meals... and there seemed to be no preference for some food that might take some high tech machine to make. Nope, he could make this at home with his existing equipment.

He got thoughtful as the man ended his rounds through the stands... bursting with so many bites of food that made him wonder just what they considered an amazing meal. There was a pattern forming in his head that he would need a proper sit down to consider... and such he asked to be helped to wherever he would be sleeping.

Travel onboard the ship was done via the help of transit stations, incredibly fast pods that seated at best four people, hurrying through the walls of this monolith to bring them where they needed. There was practically no waiting time to have one arrive... and barely any for it to reach its destination. He noticed the obvious buttons of "Control", "Residential", "Commercial", "Entertainment" and "Engineering" but also a number pad... with the same numbers he was used to using. One press of the residential button and they were already stepping out to walk in a long hallway that forked out to lead to an array of doors. He struggled to remember his room number... though he did not need to.

Will expected a room similar to the one he had been in so far, and had far too much on his mind to notice the space between each door... the entry opened without him even having to press anything, apparently also powered by this "intention tracking" technology that could just tell what he wanted to do. Beyond that door was... not a tiny room. His complex could at best be described as a vast apartment, the living room being big enough to accommodate a dozen people without them even being in arm's reach of each other. He noticed the absence of a TV, but a few other electronics, the couches and armchairs instead angled towards some mysterious sphere that was embedded in the far wall, with enough room between them that it might be hard to read anything on that thing. One door led to a kitchen that was as big as his living room back home, fully stocked and loaded... he even had groceries ready if he wanted to make some things. Another detail noted that the "refrigerator" seemed to not actually keep cold. Next to the kitchen was a proper dining room with an actual bar... to say nothing of the table that seated ten leisurely. The bathroom could fit a pool table in it, with a big tub and plenty of space to move around, towels supplied as well as bath robes and all the needed items of hygiene. He might need some explanations with some of them, but once again... familiar. The place had TWO bedrooms containing the comfiest bed he ever graced with his body... and one final room that initially scared him as he entered it. This could NOT be a balcony leading out to a green countryside... and it was not. His "balcony" was a big room with a section reserved for where people would stay... and even had a table if he wanted to eat out here... or have a morning coffee... and the place seemed to have some sort of holographic projector to simulate the vista. He would play with it later. But that was the extent of how much these people were giving him. This place might score better than the best hotels on Earth.

With all this generosity, Will felt a bit bad to dismiss his comfort worker and set down to wait for the next one. The man needed to think, because he had picked up a lot of things on the way that itched him to be put together. Will was in no way a simple man, though he needed a moment to think and consider. He ran over what bothered him and tried to construct the bigger picture.

He expected the aliens to use translators, or barely speak their language. Translators were used for some other foreign people, but from what he noticed... he could only conclude... that the aliens spoke English. Modern English. Even the woman who flashed them... used an expression that spoke of a full cultural osmosis between the language and the people. No, they did not just learn it... they used it.

Even the keypad was in Arabic numerals, the measurements were in familiar terms... there can't have been another guy called Watt in this empire to work on electricity. Kilometers, minutes, grams... liters. He saw that the bottle he was handed was marked half a liter.

Food said a lot about people... certainly, the chance for the same things to evolve somewhere else was there, but for them to call them the same things? Less possible. You had people on earth living a few miles apart calling a tomato something different.

One more thing and he might consider something afoot. What else... What else? Something bothered him some more. He had to start running things down. Smoking as well was not unusual. Plenty did that. Animals got drunk... no surprise on them having coffee or balconies.

He started to pace around the living room, trying to rewind his day back and notice all the details. And then he finally stopped. It was not something he saw... but something he did not see. If these people were so casual about sex... why were they still wearing full outfits? Making such advanced outfits to allow for disrobing but not just... be casually nude? They seemed to be able to do anything, so can't be about protection, can't be about culture since they said they started only after that god gave them such ideas. If they were okay with this from the start, they would have instead body paint, jewelry, piercings... and utility belts for pockets... but even fashion was something that they had matching Earth.

Too many coincidences, the man thought. He walked out to the balcony and summed up his conclusion that fixed all these... inconsistencies.

"These people... are from Earth."

Nothing would excuse any other truth.


Evening would greet the man with a tone from the door, reminiscent of a doorbell. Yeah, he figured out where this came from. After his previous epiphany, the man had lazed around the apartment, finding the manuals for the various electronic devices around the place. He found how to change the visual for the balcony... and after a terrifying sight of a black hole, he decided on a view that was taken from the bottom of a lake, with fish practically floating before his eyes. That was far more calming and he could light up again and properly enjoy the effects of that drug as he wound down from his frenzy.

After that, he found out that the mysterious sphere embedded in the wall was a holo projector that he could turn on by mere thought, with a vast amount of content available on demand...

Obviously, he first gravitated towards the porn, looking up the captain to find dozens of videos shot in full 3d that he could enjoy from the couch while watching the action as if it was before his eyes... seeing the woman get her cunt eaten out by a particularly eager Tan, seeing her get railed by one of the horse furries, and watching in a morbid curiosity as she just casually had a piss from what he assumed to be her command chair... you could tell from the people at other stations around her... pussy flaps open for a thick stream to arc up before falling to the floor with that telltale noise. Right.... He forgot that these people were also casual about the bathroom stuff. Will was surprised they even had bathrooms after he found out that the outfits they had could do a better job than diapers, able to take several adult full loads without even feeling different.

Several masturbation sessions later he discovered some more objectionable kinks, the incest being downright verified... and noticeable... Despite his earlier reactions he was transfixed in seeing what was obviously a mother and son duo going at it like lovers... you could tell from the kissing. Yeah, that was another thing a bit different. Kissing was only for lovers, maybe with the exception of a peck on the cheek for affection in family. But that man and older women were full on frenching as they muffled each others' moans. And when he found out just how much these people like to play with body waste he was thankful that his meal was so long ago... that was not an easy sight. Thankfully the projector did not have any smells.

His last foray into the grand archives of the ship was to look into these peoples' history and religion. The man looked for summaries as he could not watch a four hour special on every war, instead getting the abridged edition. The Empire started on the planet called New Astoria after "The Arrival" which described an event which might be called religious as straight fact, stating how two hundred people were brought by the god called the Outsider to the planet for a new beginning, from which the first settlement was formed as Hope's Landing, others soon setting out to form new settlements. It even went into detail as the man collapsed after the event and stayed in the hospital for several days... which did not sound like a god at all. There was no division in these facts, only different perspectives... Everyone agreed that this happened. After a thousand years that the planet needed to have the various factions forming to be finally overcome by one, the civilization took to space and started expanding to other systems, meeting other galactic empires... and more that he would watch later.

The mention of that god prompted the research into religion, which was much shorter. They did not discard any other belief, recording many other "attempts" at new beliefs and outside beliefs, not citing the presence of any dedicated effort to remove such beliefs... It all looked like this belief just won by sheer popularity. It sounded too clean. Religion was not like that. People divided over the smallest things... but... that was the whole point of the religion. True family was about coming together. It seemed to blend into an administrative organization as one family was just about 50 people, with one caretaker as a priest, one head of family as active leader, and true to Ahri's words... the outsider encouraged his people to be the best, to work hard to be able to pass their challenges on their own, to be true to their family, supporting each other to give an individual that important sense of community, to be honest and true and hide nothing, not even the aspect of sexuality, especially to enjoy that and do it to bring people together. It seemed people still got married, but here it was more of a declaration that you are staying together and divorce was so rare it made for a very short list in their two thousand years of history.

Just as he felt his head might explode from all the information he was absorbing, that doorbell finally gave him something else to do. The man shut off the display and walked towards the door to see who sought him out. He expected his new comfort worker... but he did not expect reality to hit him.

Before him was a Raff, one of the "bestial hybrids" that were essentially anthropomorphic and very sentient humanoid beings with animal features of an unprecedented realism. There was a lot of variation in how their features manifested, how they shared their strengths with the animals sharing their type... and how they came about. Will might be pleased to hear that he also cannot impregnate a Raff, as it takes one of a very similar type, but one can always genetically engineer them. But that was not necessary.

This specimen reminded him of a tabby cat, orange fur with black stripes... looked more like a tiger if not for the much more "friendly" features... he could tell a tiger one easily from the woman before him... mostly because her ears were pointy. It was very much a woman, wearing that same blue uniform, of about 40 years old, her curves filling that outfit nicely, a pair of tits that practically advertised her as a mother and two piercing green eyes that strangely made Will have a boner. It certainly did not remind him of that nightmarish movie and was more... like one tried to make a very human shaped cat. One that was on his doorstep and ready to serve.

"Will, am I right?" She noticed him staring and moved around a bit as if relishing the attention. "I hope I can be to your liking. For some reason a lot of men have refused my company... I do hope you will not join them. Sorry for being late... I did have to go see if the others in line wanted me." Even her voice was so damn sultry that the man could feel his pants tenting.

A lot of men were idiots. This woman... he had to breathe deep... he forgives the furries for their crimes... Will now understands. Technically this was more of a cat-woman. Or would the term cougar fit her? No... he would not use either term with her. The man was in love... or at least so damn aroused you could use his dick as an anvil to shape horseshoes on it. Eyes the right size and... no tail... where her fur ended he could see soft, pinkish skin. Thankfully her tongue was far more human than not.

"Please... do come in..." He stepped aside to let the woman inside. "Oh, yes... this will do very well." beat. "Sorry if it sounds like... you know."

"Oh, don't trouble yourself too much. I do aim to please... and you do sound pleased. So, are we tempted to go enjoy the fine amenities of the ship... or perhaps you would like to get down to something..." her hand gently squished one of her large breasts. "Far more interesting?"

"Yes... please. The... interesting."

This woman was playing him like a finely tuned violin... and Will wanted for nothing else. He was a storm rushing back to the couch, his clothes practically being thrown aside as the woman just clasped the side of her outfit to make it fall off her and reveal her nude form... while it took a bit to be amazed by this sight, the fur slightly obfuscating what he might recognize as a vagina and breasts... her slow steps towards him making his hardness amplify as she got closer.

Touch was far better than sight... her fur was as soft as he remembered a cat to be... short, fluffy... and beneath it was sensitive skin that ached for his touch. Her lower folds parted to show the much more fleshy interior where his tool would go, the woman pushing him down on the couch before positioning herself on top of his raised flag pole, sinking one centimeter every ten seconds in an almost agonizing procedure before he would be fully enveloped by her warm and wet folds, breasts brought closer, hanging above him to grasp and play with. It was hard to tell if skin or fur was better... the yielding mammaries combined with that soft finish felt like even better stress balls, these he could barely grasp with his hand... But Will would soon learn to only use his hands with her breasts... or be very careful if he wanted to suck on those titties... while the tips of her fun bags were bereft of any fur... it was very easy to fall into old practices and just clasp his entire mouth on it... and get a mouth full of hair. Experience comes with a lot of failures.

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