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Deviant Empire Pt. 02

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A welcome and an epiphany. A new companion.
7.6k words

Part 2 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 01/04/2023
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There was still a lot on his mind after Will had popped his cherry... mostly when might be the next time... and who might be the next time. And if he might get together with Ahri for another go. One of these subjects came back into his more clear mind as he reached to get a friendly handful of titty from the blue girl still laying down next to him.

"I thought you ripped your outfit open, but... how the hell does it look like it was like this all along? What, are you naked and this is just a hologram?" Pretty damn convincing hologram if it was.

A shake of the head from the girl as she gave a chuckle and let him explore her fluffy boobs.

"Smart fabric. It can sort of... reform. To a point." To demonstrate... she grasped the side of the outfit at the hip... and just pulled it to the side as it formed a new seam to let her body just slide out of it... and she was naked right before him... "It also can pick up intentions a bit... so it knows what you wanna do... not exposing yourself when you just wanna adjust your junk."

Will could only look in astonishment at the display of advanced technology. At first he thought the sleek starfleet uniforms might be to hold to such tropes, but most might question just how are you taking that off when you need to go to the toilet? His logic was that the thing could just create zippers anywhere.

Just as easily as she pulled it off, Ahri pulled it back on her, in seconds the material seeking out her form and wrapping around her, once again enclosing her with not even a suggestion that it was ever parted. As she pulled the hole in her pants closed, it also left no mark of there ever being one, the entire thing looking like it was made right on her and she never took it off.

"That's just... fucking incredible. And it looks damned convenient. You just get home and..." Pull it off. "Though, it looks like you only have the jumpsuit aesthetic. We've got tons of fashion that goes all places."

"Oh, but it can do more than that... sucks up all the messes... Oh, and when you get one you can have it done in any color and shape you want. We have some really popular designs around. But, this is my uniform so... but I've got at home like eight different outfits."

Maybe Will could not consider it, but that would bankrupt a lot of fashion firms if you could just ask a tailor to give you jordans. Either way, he lost his previous assessment that they were lacking in fashion. Sounded like you could just go anywhere and get whatever outfit you wanted. He paused a bit as his hand massaged her titty.

"Uh... I'm not bothering you with this, am I?" He meant the constant fondling. She gave a smiling shake of the head.

"Go on. I know I don't have very nice boobs. But, they're nice. And the best way to say it is by showing them some love."

Hand continued its exploration of the soft mounds. It felt strange to have something akin to a friend and... feel their pillows. Okay, maybe if you had a REALLY good friend. The kind men might start wars over.

"This is all just so damned weird to me. I thought I had things figured out but looks like we all judged you a bit fast. Bet we got everything wrong."

"Hey, nothing wrong about admitting you didn't get it right. Yeah, it happens, especially if you judge too quickly. And maybe more than we can talk about right now." Her wrist came up to have the woman look at the display of what Will could consider a smart watch. "We have about 30 minutes left until we hit the ship. And even then, it's gonna take a bit to unload you guys."

The ship... right. His mind had skipped over that part, the room was so far fitting for what he might consider a cruise room... not the best, but certainly good enough. Though now he was getting thirsty.

"Well, you can set me right about at least a couple of things." Beat. "And... where might a guy get a drink?"

She held up a finger as if to prompt him to let go of her breasts as the woman would stand and... move towards the strange artwork in the room. Will initially saw some symbols in a grid pattern even with the grid drawn up, with all those markings glowing just faintly. He was quite certain that was a wall... But the woman pressed on what might count as the seventh symbol for... a drawer to pop out. Reaching inside, she produced what seemed to be two cans of soda... Will felt like an idiot. Now that he paid more attention he could see the stylized symbols for... well... he could guess some of them. Snacks, books, smokes, drinks... was that a crossword? And that.... Was a very, very familiar leaf symbol.

"We have plenty of variety. Up for anything in particular?"

"Uhm... water might be best." They had water, right? They sure did. Another drawer was just that. He was starting to get a good guess of them, though he might just poke around and see what was in his "minibar". He guessed that at least two others had alcohol. The tan would bring him a nice, crisp and familiar half liter bottle of water. No brand, the cap came off rather easily... but it was quite a refreshing gulp of the base material life shares as a need.

And while he did that, Ahri popped open the drawer that Will guessed to contain cigarettes... and there certainly were plenty of them in there. She popped one in her mouth and brought a light to it, taking a drag and holding it up to him.

"Want one?"

"Uh... I don't smoke. Also, isn't it... imprudent to smoke here?" The room was small. Even that one smoke could fill it up like nobody's business. But she shook her head.

"Ventilation can keep up no problem. Every ship is designed to handle it."

He might have imagined them engaging in some drugs he could not imagine the effects of. Conventional cigarettes felt out of place. But that one symbol tempted him. He pointed to it.

"Get me... uh... what's in there?"

Another drawer popped. As she closed the others, they practically sealed themselves back into the wall, making it very difficult to tell those things were removable. The man justified it as possibly having similar fundamentals to the smart fabric. What came out of that other drawer was a small, wrapped cylinder of potent smell and much more familiar effect. One light provided to him as he lit it and took a big hit before breathing out the smoke. Now this.... This he could dig. Seemed the place was far more understanding of such things... and just as the girl said... you could see the smoke just trailing into the ceiling and not building up.

"Ahhhh.... Yes. You know, this is pretty damn hard to use reliably back where I'm from." For a variety of reasons. "Though... how come you guys still use these? Smokes and such? I expected some pill that would make me experience a second life or something."

Ahri sat on the bed and took another drag of her toxicant of choice.

"Hey, some things are good as they are. Sure, we made a lot of progress on them. Now you can't get cancer from them anymore. And they're far less addicting. It's mostly in the mind now than the body actually getting hooked. Plus, for us it's more like a religious practice."

There were others who claimed smoking as a religious practice. Will had never taken them seriously despite his habit. But this reminded him of his earlier idea.

"I... have no idea what you guys actually believe. I mean... we thought that when you get advanced enough you just... discard the whole religion thing." Beat. "What do you believe?"

"Hey, you don't give up some set of values... something has to guide how you take things. And that's... probably more than I can cover right now. Back when we had our worlds, we had a lot of other beliefs, but when they took us into the Empire, they had one and... you start to see why it has no opposition. We call it True Family. The very abridged version is that you need a group to help you through everything and we should be true to them, enjoy ourselves and work hard. There's... a lot more details."

That... did not sound like religion. More like the results of research. So far he heard nothing of gods or afterlife. His state of mind was getting a bit muddy, and inhibitions were going first... well, some of them.

"Uh.... So where's the religion part? That just sounds like a set of... ideas."

"Oh, well... our prime god is the Outsider... well, the only god we care for. He's like... our protector. He made the rules so we can do better than all others. Then there's Chaos, who is just... screwing everything up." Sounded like your standard abrahamic religion... one good guy, one bad guy. They must have put the rules in there to allow for these... deviations.

"So, you worship this guy. How do you know he's the good guy and what you're doing is right? Oh, and... did they say anything about what happens after you die?"

Just as Will was wondering where an ashtray was, the woman shook her ashes on the floor... or more like in mid-air... the ashes did not make it to the floor. Neither were they sucked up into the ceiling... Will was certainly high because he thought they just disappeared. But as his burned off part broke off right above the bed, he could see that the stuff just... went away. No, this was violating some fundamental laws of physics... he had to be high. This was good stuff. Ahri continued without commenting on this detail.

"Ah, well... first... we know because he steps in to help us out a lot, second because he's heavily responsible with how we set up... I mean... without him, we would not even have gotten started. And everything he's done, he's done to help us. Plus, we know it's going better for us because we started as a disadvantage in the galactic scene... When the Empire reached space, the Tan had plenty of worlds already. And they caught up in just a couple of centuries. Honestly, there's a lot of big and small things. You kinda need to... experience it. And not much on what happens after we die, mostly we care on what we do here... what we leave behind. But he said he's working on the afterlife thing."

That was a lot of information that Will might not be able to process or remember later. But so far he was doubtful. He did not have a good opinion on religion anyway, but he could see she had passion. It was best not to disagree with people like this. But how could they hear from a god that he's "working on the afterlife part"?

"Okay... I need to see this out more when I'm not smoked out. Ugh... hope this won't make the arrival worse."

"Need a quick clear pill?" Those drawers seemed to have everything. One had... common medicine. Though this one seemed to have controlled access since Ahri did not just press on it and seemed to actually sketch some sort of symbol. She held out a small pill that would... apparently... clear up the effects. Will would keep that for when he was about to go.

Ahri would not cover her tits until it was time to go, but the rest of the conversation was far less consequential, mostly due to the worsening state of his mental faculties. Time flies when you are up high, the man needing a reminder from her of their arrival and to get ready for that. The pill did as advertised... not quite a bucket of cold water, but in just minutes he could feel it going away as if he imagined everything. And the room did not smell of their consumption... though his clothes did. Deodorant was also in those convenient drawers. Though this one lived up to the name as the spray practically deleted every smell he had on him... a bit of proper perfume to not make him some odorless weirdo before she would once again enclose her boobs and escort him towards the exit.

The trip had been surprisingly smooth. No feeling of inertia as the shuttle sped up, no shaking or wobbling... as the man turned the camera that had his feed connected to he could see the downright gigantic ship they were headed for. Its technical classification was of a battleship, though this one had most of its combat equipment stripped to be replaced by the new amenities. It could still defend itself, though it could no longer take on a fleet. The size is about half of long island, though considering it also had a height, it must have had far more space. The small fleet of shuttles that collected the passengers were coming in to dock, some still trailing behind the one William was in, some already docked and emptied. There was apparently no rush as all of them had to dock so the reception could get started.

Ahri let the man know the final details he might need going on. He would be assigned a personal comfort worker... which was a job hard to describe, but one could consider it like a family member for rent, maid, cook, guide, confidant... and a good partner for plenty of sex. She was also in that pool, though the chances that she'd be assigned to him again were slim. Still, he could refuse his assigned comfort worker and ask for another with... other conditions... race, gender... and some other peculiarities. They had a good number in reserve, but he might have trouble asking for one particular thing, especially if someone has them already. Not like she had five clones on board.

The extra time was valuable to have the man calm his nerves and make a mental checklist of what he wanted to do. He HAD to get that conception blocker implant... from what the tan said, if he had that and it was on, he would be firing blanks and had no worry about dropping a baby on anyone too eager to get one. Second... he wanted to check out what food these people had because clearly they did not subsist on some paste or pellets. If they enjoyed light drugs, they must have some fine ass food. And he was certainly a man to appreciate them.

And finally he wanted to see just how these people were really like. They were clearly defying any usual explanation and were certainly alien in way if not in biology. Check their religion out some more, see how much he could learn. Just because he was here to fuck, didn't mean he can't learn something.

Oh, and he will certainly do plenty more fucking.


On the exit ramp there was a mass of people from virtually all walks of life, a cacophony of accents and languages, a mosaic of colors and facial structures, clothing from the traditional garbs of countries to designer outfits costing more money than Will had ever seen to discount rack... or his usual middle class jeans and tee with the occasional jacket. He recognized a couple of faces as being some prominent celebrities... NOT flanked by bodyguards... They were getting mobbed by other people who were so damn pleased to get a moment with them and they were trying to fade into the background for once. At least it was a potent distraction as the doors have not opened yet. A handful of attendants tried to keep the more rowdy elements of the crowd in line, though the earthlings were clearly in numerical inferiority as there were more coming from the reserve. Will decided to stay quiet to not find out what amazing ways these people have for riot control.

As phones were used to film this iconic moment to no doubt be posted to facebook or youtube the next chance they had, the waiting game was played... and finally... After what felt like hours but was mere minutes, the wall they were staring at began to lean outwards and let inside much stronger light from beyond. For a moment, Will considered that they were gonna go out in space... but no... the wall would set out into a big ramp to allow the mass of people to scurry on outwards, to join the bigger mass of people gathered outside before a small army of identically-dressed aliens in a room that would put a stadium to shame.

Will kept to the back of the crowd to not get trampled over as many were far too enthusiastic to get off in the first damn moment... soon coming to stand before a few individuals as the mass spread out to be as equally distant to what felt the center of activity. One dark-haired woman who stood behind the lined up people was dressed a bit differently, outfit of black and white in a pattern as she seemed to coordinate others to unload what quite literally felt like an army... and yet the wide space allowed them to fit. The boy could not even tell the features of the woman from this distance, other than those colors to mark her distinct. Behind her was another massive wall that might as well be a door because this place seems to treat them as equally usable. Finally, the last visitors from Earth got in line and it seemed the reception was beginning.

As many were wondering how they were supposed to hear the woman who seemed poised to speak... above her would appear what was most certainly a display... in the air... without anything behind it. Now they could all see the woman's figure much better... she looked to be in her thirties, human, but features still slim and almost... defined. There was an air of authority around her, though no earth-like markings to indicate her rank. She spoke with a well-practiced tone indicating that authority, but she also seemed quite relaxed about this.

"People of Earth.... I heard it's customary to address you like that. Welcome to the Phoenix, which will be your transit towards the empire for the next week. My name is Andra, and I am your captain. First I'd like to welcome you all into the comforts we can bring you. While it might seem that we're trying to butter you up, we really added nothing to the ship other than waiving the cost of the trip. The entire ship is open to you all to explore, though I assume you might prefer the residential, commercial and entertainment sectors more. But if you feel like you want to come by control or engineering, feel free as long as no disruption happens. Each of you has an attendant assigned, though you are free to voice any preference in a new one, though we have given some attention to your preferences. You also have a living complex and an amount of fortune allowed for any purchases you wish to make on the ship. All I can say is... enjoy the ride, we'll be in the Outsider system in seven standard days and from there on you can look further than just this little luxury ship. And this... is a gift from me personally."

The last part was clearly not scripted as even the mass of people before them shuffled to turn and look at what she was doing... the woman... reached for her chest and Will knew what was about to happen... as did many others... as she parted the outfit like it was a jacket, gasps, whistles, chuckles and a few cheers rang out. The screen allowed them to see down to her waist, and thus they had a prime view of that pair of tits that indicated proper motherhood was relatively recent, full and bringing the promise of nourishment while hanging low with the weight of all that delicious pleasure within.. One man very audibly shouted out "Nice tits!" and the woman responded.

"Thank you. If you want more... impress me. Or just look up my movies. You've got plenty in the film registry. Now, we have a nice little welcome wagon for you... after you've found your guides." There were a number of "aaaaww" cries as she covered herself. Even the comfort workers chuckled... this was off script and a guilty smile was on the woman's face as they all got a full five seconds of seeing her boobs before she closed the outfit again, the thing joining like it had never been apart

With that, the holographic display went out, the woman turned and walked away straight into that wall that began to open to let her pass. The lined up comfort workers held up what seemed to be clear tablets with a face and a name for who was assigned to them... which made sorting easy. Will also noticed it was alphabetical, so.... There it was. His big mug, right above the name of William Carter. The girl holding it was... another wonder. A clearly robotic being... that almost looked human if not for the obvious synthetic finish.

The synths were created by the humans of the Empire, playing with AI until it got to the point of sentience. There was no nightmare scenario of them rebelling against the fleshlings, as they got full rights off the bat, no question about it and rarely any distinction. As far as the empire was concerned, synths might be constructed in a workshop, but they get rights as citizens. Will also heard that they were made to the point where they could pass for human if they wanted to... able to eat food, drink, sleep, fuck... but they chose to look distinct as a form of cultural identity. He got that right, and it was a nice move from them... as he'd be creeped out to find out that someone he knew was a robot, but knowing they were so off the bat seemed to lessen the blow.

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