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Deviant Empire Pt. 08

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Everything falls into place as home is found.
54.8k words

Part 8 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 01/04/2023
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Author's final note:

This has been quite a project. The part ahead is the longest of them, what is essentially the climax of the story. There is another to follow, but that will be far less plot important and more spread out in separate events of endgame enjoyment.

I invite all to tell me how they feel about the story that I have offered... good, bad... mixed. Leave a comment to show what you got out of it. I know there are very few scenes in the series to count as "hot" and much more that are sweet, wholesome or at times comedic. I have tried to lean on the side of verisimilitude and as such did not find the idea of the characters engaging in the usual erotic tropes to be reasonable.

There are songs referenced that a reader could improve their experience if they look them up.

But, after such a long journey, here comes the end of the story.


After all this time, the two did not know what to expect when they landed. Videos and descriptions do not do anything justice. The ride down from the Phoenix, the place where they had all these life changing experiences... was short. The two were invited to exit the shuttle before they could take a good look at the planet of Redlight. Stepping outside took their breath away... as did for others.

It was close to noon, as their links could tell them. Nothing but buildings as far as the eye could see, towering skyscrapers of a reddish tint, shuttles zipping through the air, suspended walkways allowing foot traffic from one building to another even for long distances, sometimes meeting in a hanging platform the size of a town square, little figures seen flowing on those three-dimensional roads. Pretty much every meeting of roads contained a park or gathering place of sorts... They saw outdoor eating areas, lounges and pools. Looking down was a terrible idea as they were on such a juncture, designed as a landing pad, higher from the ground than they have ever been while still being on an actual structure. Astorian engineering outright defied gravity.

And then they started to notice the detail that they grew so accustomed to... everyone... was displaying their fun parts... with only a few exceptions, people walked around in the colorful outfits that seemed almost designed this time to showcase dicks, pussies, asses... tits were practically on a pedestal with elaborate half-cups supporting them... and the occasional male chest that could make women swoon was exposed. They were over-dressed. One quick adjustment to once again have those holes in their Empire-issue outfits. The two might as well throw their old clothes in the garbage.

They were also at a loss for what to do... until a repeat performance of their entry to the ship could let them see a woman holding a sign with both their full names. William and Winona Carter. Not a lot of hesitation to go towards her. The siblings had no damn idea where to go.

Approaching the synth woman would also reveal one important detail... she was not technically a woman. Between her legs was a dick hanging... and it did not come with a pussy behind it.

"Guess you're our new comfort worker?" Will could tell by the uniform.

"Yep! I'm Eve. Gonna be with me a lot longer." She collapsed the sign... her link... back into normal mode. Those things had so many damn uses. "Unless you want something else, that is."

Win let her brother take the lead as she just stared at the place. It actually looked... well, out of a damn sci-fi movie. Like she just moved to Coruscant or something.

"I... refused a synth girl already and I think it might be unfair to do so again. Don't worry, think you'll be fine." Hand reached over to shake.

"Nice to hear... Uh..." She got a bit sheepish. "Sorry about the whole situation you are in. Trying to do our best, so we'll be as good as can be." Beat. "Unless you do something horrible or such."

"I should be sorry that our people decided to be stupid dicks. Most of us would expect to be thrown in prison or something. Though by now I expect even that to be better than what we're used to."

"There's actually a good number of the passengers that are being dropped at Threadway for being..." Breath taken to try and not say they were horrible rapists and such. "Unpleasant."

"Prison planet, right? I will not mourn for them. Eh... so, what happens now? We're pretty much lost. Don't know this place, don't know where to go..."

"We can take you two home and explain more when you can have a place to... sit down. A comfort level suite has been assigned. As refugees, you are at a minimum of comfort level, rather than basic."

"I... don't know what those mean but I heard you guys gave us a place to live, so let's go."

They started walking on the platforms with a clear destination in mind for Eve. She first showed them how to best move around the planet. For short distances, walking on these little skyways was done to get somewhere... or if someone really knew where they were going... they could just take them anywhere. To go to higher or lower ones, there were big elevators in the buildings to make the transit. And for longer distances... shuttles. If they set navigation on their link to a place, it would sync with the global transit network to arrange for a shuttle ride. They were communal, but efficient. Eve also started explaining fortune levels.

"To get a feel of how much people deserve, you have fortune levels... five of them. Basic, Comfort, Distinguished, Remarkable and Accomplished. You need to have amassed a great deal of fortune to go up a level and if you start draining too much it you can go down."

"Sort of like... social strata. The poor, the middle class, rich, super rich and Bill Gates."

"Of a sorts. I would not say basic are poor as they do get a decent access to food, medicine and everything they need, nothing held back as long as it's a necessity, even some basic luxuries as entertainment is also a need. "

"Sounds better than how we do it. Maybe. But I guess comfort gets better."

"Oh yes, more luxuries available, the possibility to be chosen as a head of family, taking more prominent jobs, access to implants, biosculpting and genetic treatments." A pause as the chipper demeanor dropped a bit. "Sorry to say, but implants and treatments are not available with refugee status. In case you want to one day leave, we would not want them to trouble you on the way out in case it's a too... urgent retreat. And forcing medical procedures if you leave was considered to not be a very good pursuit."

"Not to worry. We wanted to apply for citizenship anyway."

"You did?! Wow, already?"

"Place is just fantastic. I'd need brain damage to want to go back. Took in the values too." He pointed with his thumb to the gawking Win. "Brother and sister. Doing it."

"Oh! Congratulations! I'll see about getting you in contact with a social worker. You wanna hear about the rest of the levels?"

"Do the super rich get really big benefits?"

"Mmmhh... some. They can start taking higher and higher government positions. The fourth actually gives access to a personal shuttle for planetary transportation while the last can own space ships to use."

"So... rest of us have to use public transit? Cars were kind of a thing for anyone who wanted to do just about anything had back home. And... not to look the gift horse in the mouth, but so far it sounds like only the rich can rule over you and we have a big problem with that. What if they abuse people while still racking it?"

"Sucked to be in a traffic jam, though." Win commented.

"Oh, we know. And that's where misfortune and its levels come in." Eve continued her chipper explanation.

"I... actually haven't heard about that yet."

"Well, on top of being an economic model, fortune measures how much one is... providing to the rest. Not just with jobs, but with other little things like safety and being pleasant and such. If you don't something actually dangerous, it's measured in fortune. Misfortune is for when people get dangerous."

"So, misfortune is for criminals."

"Yes. Any kind. Stealing, assault, rape, such things that you really can't stand. Those get measured in misfortune. And it also has levels. Yes, you figure there too, but you're on zero right now which means you're fine and good. Even if one is just a very unpleasant person they won't figure on misfortune."

"So, the more one climbs in that... the more you take measures against them."

"And the more their fortune level is capped. There is a separate distinction if one is dangerous or simply... prone to misusing things. Get on level one of misfortune and you can't be accomplished, go further and further... and you go lower and lower. If one is considered safe to be around others just... undeserving of greater gifts... they can wander freely. Dangerous, but possibly redeemable... prison. Clearly unrepentant..." Death.

Will considered the logistics of the situation. This would mean that if anyone wanted to be at the top of society, they had to be clean as can be. Trying to game the system, steal from millions or such... could leave you a pauper.

"Sounds like anyone with a high level of fortune has to be both providing and clean in a record. I assume misfortune can go down."

"Very slowly, but it can. Actual redeeming for their actions. Some do come out of it... some just fester in hatred and some... well, go further. But... ride is here."

Just as they reached the transit station, which was a little outcrop on the side of one of these walkways... would a shuttle slide down before them, landing to open its doors. In the simplest terms, they could consider it a flying bus... and people were either standing and waiting for their stop or sitting down to play with their links. Eve pulled them to a few seats to relax for the journey.

"Okay, I really like the place. So it sounds like you put us up at middle class. Or some such. Feels strange that you don't all have shuttles."

"Oh, you'll see why." She smiled sweetly as those words were said. "But, no need to worry about providing and such. We'll take care of you. But if you want... feel free."

"Is work obligatory for people?"

"Not quite. You can live on basic well enough... sure, if you start going a bit too much in the negatives you might have a worker come around and ask if they need help finding a vocation, but... some just don't. It's okay. Others just can't stand without doing something. Eventually they find a way to give back."

"I'd like to, just... got barely an idea how this place works, no college degree here. Bet I might have to go through your academia. And wasn't even very good at my old job."

The sister was staring out the window at all the buildings they flew in-between, at the little people down there, at the sights and occasional impressive landmarks. Not even one statue of James.

"Well, what do you want to do?" The synth asked.

"Back home I was something you would call customer support... or we do and you have another term. People coming with complaints all day and you having to find some way to make them happy with their service and..." The man was clearly unenthusiastic about the idea of dealing with irate customers all day.

"No... what do you want to do? That sounds like you did not really like working there."

As the shuttle stopped to unload a few passengers, Will had to pause and think at what she was asking.

"Uh, well... it was... what I could manage... do you mean that..."

"Not a requirement. You can take any job if you want unless it's got some big requirements. Can't open a business of your own or go into government or fortune calculation or research, but... anything you want to do?"

Even his sister had to look back at the girl as she said that. The implication was that... you could do what you wanted to do. Follow your passion.

"You mean I can just... take a job as anything I want to do? I... haven't really thought about it. That's kind of the stuff you put aside to just go and find a real job." A long pause. "Guess I once... wanted to cook. Like those chefs in the restaurants. Maybe not there yet, but... probably fast food joint or maybe a small restaurant."

"Sure thing!" She smiled wide. "But, go where you wanna go."

Both of them had an increasingly astonished face, but Will was making the connection faster as the revelation flowed on his face, a finger rose up to then point forwards. Eve's smile got more and more cheeky.

"I think I know why! It's because of the fortune system! Our bosses would WANT us to have a job we love because that's more fortune for them!"

"And not be dicks to us and push us because otherwise they'd just fucking throw themselves into poverty!"

"And lose their business." Eve completed that sentence.

"Bless this fucking place!" Win cried out to turned, smiling heads.

"Goddamn! You guys keep making it better and better."

"Wealth is not just money and goods. It's all the things that can improve life. Why not get paid if you really make it better through the more intangible means?"

"Having people just be crushed by other stuff to get luxuries and food doesn't really mean progress, does it? Still feels weird that I can't have a car and drive out."

"Will..." The girl noticed it as the shuttle no longer stopped to drop people off.

They noticed... the sun. Of course, the sun was in the sky... they noticed it before, but it was now moving MUCH faster on the horizon. Time was not being messed with, but time zones were being crossed.

"How... how far are we going?" Will dared to ask.

"Enough to have a time adjustment. Considering shipboard time, we tried to find a place to sync with it. Eight hours adjustment."

Right, they left in what was the evening for the ship, but arrived at a location where it was noon. And now they were going somewhere to experience the evening again. Soon would that giant ring appear in the sky to mark the border between the two halves of the day. It looked massive from down here.

"We're basically going to fucking france!" Win checked her link to adjust the time... and noticed that it did that on its own. Right, it adjusted as they landed and it was doing so AGAIN.

"Well, it is a planet..." Will started.

"Yes, it's a planet... ugh.. Just not used to moving this much in... such a short time."

"Technically, the ship moved far faster while we were on it. Just flew past the planet like it was a gas station."

She gave a deep sigh.

"I'm never gonna be used to the distances."

"But... wait... so we can basically take the bus to anywhere on the planet? And get there fast?"

"Or take a shuttle off planet, go wherever you like. Pick up, start anew somewhere else or just go on a vacation."

Once again, Will blinked in astonishment. The entire Empire was in his reach within a day or two.

"Goddamn. Guess I don't really need a car. Unless you have to zip around urgently everywhere. And if you need to move between planets on a moment's notice... yeah. Okay... starting to make sense. And less traffic."

"We have these tracks in places where you can drive ground or air vehicles... on Garden it's a popular idea to take one and just... go around it."

"That's the... resort world. Where you barely built anything. Actually sounds fun." Will looked out the window as day turned to dusk from simple movement. "You guys really think of anything. Sorry I doubted you."

"Question everything. If you find a fault, let us know."

The dim light present at the time of their arrival invited lights to shine upon the walkways, reminding them of their fatigue as it was evening for their bodies. Just a short walk towards a building, an elevator ride and one more step through wide hallways until one fateful door awaited them... It was hopeless to try and remember anything further than some nearby locations. They would need to use their navigation extensively.

"And this... is your place. It's yours. But if you want separate complexes, let us know and we'll try to get one close by."

Win and Will expected the place to be slightly smaller than their shipboard accommodations. It WAS a luxury cruise. THE PLACE WAS BIGGER. About 30% bigger. The kitchen was well stocked and roomy, already fit with everything they might need, living room could host a dance party, the dining room almost had an echo... bathroom was much bigger... including a tub that might be fitting at a kids pool.

"You could fit a family in that!" Win spoke without thinking.

"I... think that's the point."

Two bedrooms of slightly bigger size, one extra room that was free game for what they wanted to do with it... and you could park a car on the balcony. And this time... the view was not made up. From it they could see other close buildings, other balconies lined up in a grid. Some people out on them... some smoking, some fucking and some actually using it as a toilet as they just... went towards the end. Will noticed that... the waste did not go beyond the front of the balcony for those people. This also made him remember that being on top of a skyscraper was windy as fuck.

"Anything... about this we can't see?"

"Forcefield to take care of any... waste you throw over... also block the wind and rain. And it can be changed to any theme you see fit from here..."

"I didn't feel any wind on the way."

"They are also over the walkways. Air would be thin up here. And they also take care of rain. Beautiful sight to watch from above."

They could indeed see some walkways close by. She showed them the little panel from which one could do the same thing here that they did with the ship "balcony", a recorded footage of green hills coming before them. It felt like they were there. You could tell the depth of distance and there were no sounds coming in from outside to disrupt it, the recording playing its own. For now they decided on the real view.

"Surprised you guys don't replace the walkways with forcefields... give it image, shape, texture..." Will mused.

"And what happens when power might flicker for a few seconds?"

"Metal is fine!" He did not want to imagine a few hundred people plummeting down into those depths.

"What... is down there, by the way?" Win asked.

"Maintenance, heavy load material ferrying, a lot of big trucks carrying around megatons, elevators to distribute them back up... You can go there if you want, but the roads are perpetually filled with trucks moving at high speed, closest is the bottom layer walkways. Sun doesn't much get down there so it's rather dark and constantly lit."

"And guess not much danger of falling since you have those forcefields to keep us in place." Also railings. But the forcefields were about a meter away with just a little "net" to catch anything.

"Got it. Anything else you need?"

"Can you just let us... stare in awe a bit?" Will did not even try to hide it.

"Sure thing!" She giggled. "Gonna go fix dinner because you two must be starving."

The synth let them lean on the railing and just look at the view with wide open eyes, an astonished expression on their face. Win attempted to form a sentence, but just... noise came out.

"I know...!" Will could get her feelings.

"Just look at fucking everything! And no need to actually hold a job you hate, or even one at all... I could not even dream of having a place this big! I expected to see buildings shaped like dicks and tits and people fucking everywhere, not... THIS!"

"I know. Thought I might have to take a job as cum dispenser or something." He didn't. The astorians did not actually consider bodily products of sentients something to package or slip into food. Nor was there white chocolate flavored with spunk.

"Or that I'd have to be a porn star or whore or..." Deep inhale. "Fuck Earth, even if we didn't bang each other I'd not want to go back." Beat. "Unless they have a dark secret or something."

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