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Diane & John Ch. 05


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His cock didn't need a hand to guide him this time. He found my entrance, and I watched as it disappeared into me. I guess air had gotten into my vagina during the few seconds it had been unoccupied, and when he slid back in the air was forced out. There was an awful sort of farting noise. I didn't have time to be embarrassed or giggle, though, because I was getting fucked again, and big, warm Herman was sliding over my button with every stroke.

John whispered, "Baby, I'm about to come. It feels like I'm going to explode. Can you come with me? I can't wait much longer."

"Darling, I think I'm just as close as you are. If you would come down here and kiss me, I think that's all I'd need to go over."

John lowered himself to me, and I put my arms around him to bring his mouth to mine. We shared the deepest, most passionate kiss imaginable. That's all it took to burst that dam inside me, and it was like a rocket going off! I moaned and squealed into his mouth on my way through a wonderful orgasm.

Then, when I had come down from my peak but was still experiencing the thrills of my climax, John started pounding into me with long, hard strokes. Oh, my God, he hasn't come yet. He's going to come now, I'm still coming .... and ... I'm ... going ... to ... do ... it ... AGAIN!

I could feel another orgasm coming on like an approaching freight train. My arms were around him, I locked my heels to the backs of his thighs and used my legs to thrust my hips up to meet him at every stroke. Each time John slammed into me the collision of our bodies made a wet "smack.". Herman got huge, as he does just before he comes, and John thrust him really hard and deep into me. I met him by raising my hips, and he went way up in me, hitting that spot that hurts and moves my insides around so wonderfully. My ears roared, bells rang in my head, and the lights inside my eyes flashed red and yellow. It was as if I fell off a high cliff into a deep, bottomless orgasm. Oooohhhhhhh, Daarrrrrrrrliiing.

I was moaning and squealing into John's mouth. I climaxed, came, orgasmed, went over, and held John with my arms and legs, bells ringing and lights flashing. Knowing that he was exploding inside me made me come all the harder. His climax seemed to go on longer than before, and mine continued right along with his. I grabbed a handful of his hair and held his mouth to mine, as if our orgasms would continue as long as we kept kissing.

If this continues any longer, I just know I'm going to die. Nothing this incredibly, wonderfully, almost painfully good could possibly happen to me without my dying. I don't care if I die, as long as I can do it like this. Oh, my God, this is WONDERFUL!

John's strokes gradually became slower and less forceful, and together we came down from our orgasms. We were still kissing, both breathing hard and fast through our noses.

John finally took his lips from mine, and I said, "NO!" and pulled his hair to get his mouth back down to me for more kissing. I'm not completely finished with my climax, and I'm not going to let him stop kissing me until I am.

I put my tongue far into his mouth, and he sucked and licked it. At last I came down to the point where I could let him stop kissing me, and he seemed glad to be able to breathe and gasp through his mouth. My heart was absolutely pounding. The only thing I could say was "Ohhhhhh, Darling," as I pulled him down and raised my head for more kissing.

I felt Herman shrinking inside me, and he came out with a little 'plop.'

John slid from between my legs, and I turned on my side to snuggle into his arms. I could feel the puddle under me becoming a lake.

After some snuggling, it felt like I was making an ocean, so I knew I'd better do something about it. I quickly got up, cupped my hand under my streaming pussy, and walked bowlegged and giggling to the bathroom.

I'll just get myself cleaned up and back in bed. I need my after orgasm cuddle. John sure can manufacture the semen! Maybe I stimulate him, I sure hope so. Less than twenty four hours ago it had blood in it, but I'll never bleed from making love again. He still stretches me and moves my insides around, though. I hope that never changes.

I scooped some come off my thigh and sucked it off my fingers, enjoying the mingled taste of John's semen and my juices. I wet a washcloth with warm water. cleaned my pussy and surrounding area, and dried myself with a towel. I had to be very careful between the lips because I had definitely been rubbed raw. I saw the Vaseline on the counter, and I smoothed some of that on me and inside me. My vagina was like a warm pudding inside.

I hope this soreness is gone by tomorrow. I'd hate to think it would interfere with our lovemaking. What's the matter with me? I just got fu... made love to wonderfully and it finished with a fabulous orgasm. I'm already worrying about when I'm going to get it the next time. The nuns always taught that gluttony is a deadly sin, and I think I might be getting gluttonous about sex. I don't care, I'll just have to take my chances with Judgement Day.

I put warm water on a new washcloth, took a towel, and went back to the bedroom. John was sitting with his back against the headboard and looking very contented. I asked if he would let me clean him, and he pulled the covers aside and spread his legs. I gently cleaned the semen and other things off Herman, his testicles and the surrounding area. I mopped up my puddle, too. After I dried him, I gave Herman a nice tongue bath then dried him again.

John asked me to blow out the candles, so I did that and slid into bed. I noticed on the bedside clock that it wasn't quite midnight. He moved over on the big bed so we weren't lying in a wet spot, took me into his arms, and we had a wonderful naked kiss, murmuring words of love and satisfaction. I told him that he was a wonderful lover and teacher, and he said I was a talented and enthusiastic student.

After some lovely holding and sunggling, I knew I couldn't stay awake much longer. John knew I wasn't used to sleeping with anyone, so he was patient and cooperated until I found a comfy position. We were soon nestled together with his front against my back, his breath warm against my neck. The storm was really raging outside, strong winds blowing rain against our windows and shaking the sliding door. I felt wonderfully warm, protected, satisfied, comfortable, cozy, and loved. Sleepy, too.

John kissed me on the neck and ear, took a breast in his hand, and we exchanged "I love yous" and "goodnights." In that big, warm bed, my lover's body against mine, and his breath soft on my ear and neck, I thought of what had happened to me in the past twenty four hours. It's still Sunday, just barely. It was after midnight when I got my cherry popped, so all our lovemaking was today. Today I lost my virginity, I was fu...... made love to twice, had my pussy kissed twice, and sucked John to a climax once. How many orgasms did I have today? Let's see, last night .............


Part 2 - John

I lay there in bed with my little lover snuggled warmly against me. She was already breathing the even rhythm of sleep. My arms were around her, a firm breast cupped in my hand, and I was enjoying the mixed scents of girl. Shampoo, a little talc, a hint of White Shoulders, and a trace of the distinctive, undefinable scent of sex.

My thoughts were of the day we had shared. Our first full day and evening of being constantly together. Usually touching, often kissing, sometimes so physically and emotionally close that we were one being.

Nothing had happened that day that I hadn't experienced before. Nothing I hadn't shared with other women. With Diane, though, it was uniquely and unexpectedly delightful.

She was so fresh, everything was so new to her, it was her first experience of being a woman with a man. Diane was eager to please, eager to be pleased, took joy in the little things I showed her, and she made all those things new and delightful for me. It reminded me of taking my young son to the zoo for the first time. His wonder at the new sights and experiences made me see them through his eyes.

She was unaffected and beautiful. Diane had that special beauty of the young and was just discovering it. I don't believe she ever thought much about her looks until I told her how beautiful she was. She was a little uncertain and shy about it, but she told me how she liked the way men looked at her. She wasn't at all shy about my admiration for her beauty. She delighted in her newly discovered ability to give me an erection. She seemed to take that as comfirmation of her beauty and desirability.

We had simply shared the day with each other. Everything we did, we did together, and we were wonderfully intimate. Diane had given herself completely to me and to our relationship, and I wanted to make her glad she had done so. We shared a walk on the beach. We held hands. We shared a conversation while sitting at the pool. We shared long, loving oral sex on the couch and snuggled together for a nap afterwards. We showered together, we sat in bed together sharing a dinner and watching a movie on television.

When I suggested that she might enjoy fucking more than the movie, Diane immediately jumped out of bed and headed for the bathroom. She threw an enthusiastic, "Tooth brushing, be right back," over her shoulder as the door closed.

By the time I had the TV off and the candles lit, Diane walked out of the bathroom. She was wearing that transparent negligee she loved so much and was backlit by the bathroom light. For a moment I was treated to a glimpse of her lovely body in a way I hadn't seen it before. Slender, sleek, long neck, tiny waist, both girlish and womanly, slim hips, long smoothly tapered legs. Another mental snapshot of my little beauty that was mine forever.

I pulled back the covers for her, and my arms were immdiately full of warm, passionate girl/woman. She had a delightful way of squirming against me as if she was trying to get the maximum amount of our bodies in contact. She pulled my hair to get our mouths together, and we shared a toothpasty kiss. Diane was not to be denied when it came to kissing.

The feel of her active body against mine had an immediate effect on my cock, and there was a very urgent hardon throbbing against her belly. She slid a hand between us to grasp my erection, and the feel of her cool hand on my hot cock was incredibly exciting.

I slid a hand between her thighs, and she parted them eagerly. I moved my mouth to her already hard little nipples and sucked gently as my fingers found her wonderfully smooth, hairless pussy. One of Diane's hands held my head to her breasts, and the other stroked my swollen cock. As my finger found her cleft, I gently bit her nipple. She gave a little cry of pain/pleasure/surprise and pressed my mouth more firmly to her breast.

Her little pussy was already very moist, and I could feel that she'd had the foresight to put a dab of lubricant inside. As my finger entered her, she lifted her hips to encourage its penetration. She whispered, "Kiss," and I moved my mouth to hers. Her vagina was tight and grasping to my finger, and it seemed impossible that she could open enough to accept my cock.

Diane made it very clear that she wanted me inside her, right now, no waiting. The girl was ready, but I teased her by mentioning foreplay. She knew what she wanted, though, and she was in no mood to discuss it. I didn't want to rush things, though, so I decided to introduce her to the pleasures of mutual oral sex.

When I told her what I wanted her to do, she didn't know what I was talking about. She was eager to try anything, though. After a little direction and some shifting, I was lying on my back with Diane on all fours over me. I pulled her back end down to my face while pushing her front end down.

It didn't take my little student long to figure out what to do, and her mouth engulfed my cock hotly, wetly, suckingly, delightfully. I slid my tongue into her waiting pussy, and I could hear her squeal softly around a mouthful of penis.

As I started licking her swollen clitoris, Diane bobbed her head up and down to slide my cock between her soft lips. My little lover was as naturally enthusiastic about sixty nine as she had been about every other sexual variation I had introduced her to.

She was an orgasm waiting to happen, and my licks to her clitoris quickly had her heading for one. She took my cock out of her mouth, and her noises told me she was almost there. A few more licks, and Diane was coming; delightfully and noisily.

When she had completed her climax, I quickly got her off of me. I turned her around, onto her back with her legs wide apart. My cock wanted that hot little pussy, and it wasn't to be denied. She put her hand down to guide my tip to her entrance, and I plunged the full length into her.

Although the rough penetration of my cock into her little vagina must have caused her some pain, Diane's reaction was explosive. She immediately dove headlong into another climax. As she squealed and bucked, her vaginal walls massaged and milked my penis until I had about a half orgasm/ejaculation. Her tiny pussy didn't have room for both my cock and my semen, and I felt a stream begin to flow from her and trickle down my scrotum.

As her climax continued, she pulled me down to kiss her, and she held me desperately. It was as if her orgasm would continue as long as we were kissing. I was happy to oblige, and we kissed deeply as her climax slowly subsided.

Diane was the most naturally orgasmic woman I'd ever encountered. She'd had her first climax only a few days before, and this was only the second time she'd ever had intercourse. Already, though, she was marvelously multiorgasmic. I was faced with the delightful task of harnessing her raw sexuality and directing it towards the slower, sweeter, deeper side of making love. The orgasms would definitely take care of themselves.

When she had come down from her climax, I had her remain on her back while I moved to lay next to her. A position where I could fuck her slowly, watch her profile in the candlelight, and caress her lovely body with my hand. As with every other sexual variation we had tried, Diane loved it and responded eagerly.

I fucked her slowly and gently, watching her facial expressions change as her level of excitement ebbed and flowed. She was able to appreciate this less intense way of making love, and she found it to be as pleasurable as her volcanic climaxes.

Diane also discovered that what she called, "talking dirty," while making love added to her pleasure. I gently encouraged her to use words like "fucking" and "cock" and she freely used them as she told me of the pleasures she was experiencing.

I started gently stroking her clitoris as I slid my cock in and out of her. I let this slowly bring her excitement towards a climax, but I tried to keep her on the edge. She begged me to let her cum, said that she was going crazy. I told her to relax, enjoy, and let it happen.

Her breathing, facial expressions, and little noises kept me aware of just how close she was to cumming. Our mutual patience was rewarded when she slid into a gentle, sweet, and very long climax. In her previous orgasms, Diane had been very vocal and her body had spasmed as she came. This time, though, there were deep sighs, soft moans, and gentle movements of her thighs. There was that wonderful milking action of the muscular walls of her little pussy, though, and I almost lost control from the pleasure.

Her orgasm ended very gently, and she gave me the sweetest smile of pleasure and satisfaction that I'd ever seen. Diane whispered that she'd just experienced a new kind of climax, and asked how many different kinds there were. I couldn't answer that. For someone as orgasmic as she, the variety would probably be infinite.

Finally, I couldn't take it any longer. I felt like I was about to explode. As I got on top, my little lover raised her knees high and wide to welcome me. I looked down to see her tiny pussy open and gaping, waiting. As I plunged into her, there was a tickling, noisy rush of air being forced out of her vagina.

I slid my cock into her until I could feel our pubic bones meet, her sharp cervix against my tip, and her smooth little ass against my balls. I pulled back and rammed back into her as forcefully as I could, and Diane responded with something between a shriek and a scream.

I was sure that plunge had hurt her, and it took a moment to realize that the noise was one of orgasm, not pain. That single violent stab of my cock had sent her from zero to climax. It was the most intense and explosive orgasm I'd ever known a woman to have. She moaned, shrieked, bucked, scratched, thrashed, and CAME.

My own climax was delayed for a moment while I realized what was going on, but once it started it was momentous. I lost all concern about hurting her and rammed my cock in and out of her little pussy as hard and fast as I could.

Diane's vagina was so tight around my cock that it seemed to require some time for me to build up enough pressure to ejaculate. When I felt it start coming, though, I thought I would never stop. The force of my thrusts into that tiny pussy caused the cum to be forced out of her with lovely wet squishing noises each time I plunged. I could feel it splash onto my balls. The intensity of her climax enhanced my own, that drove her higher, she made mine more intense. Our orgasms seemed to feed off each other, sending us to new heights of intensity and pleasure.

At the height of our mutual orgasms, I looked down at her face. It was the most erotic thing I'd ever seen. A photograph of her face right then would simply be entitled, "I'm cumming."

My climax continued until I just couldn't come any longer, and I was happy to see that she was coming down from hers. There was no possible way I could have continued. I had shared intense orgasms with a number of women before, but I had never, ever experienced the passion that I had just shared with Diane.

As she went completely limp, I rolled off her onto my side. We each summoned up the last reserves of our strength, and she turned to me as I took her into my arms. My little lover was as totally spent as I, and she snuggled in my arms for comfort. We were both covered with a thin sheen of sweat, and I used my last reserves to tuck the covers snugly around us.

We lay still together for several minutes, basking and recovering. I thought she had gone to sleep, but gentle movements of her fingertips on the hair of my chest told me differently. We shared that exhausted, sweet, afterglow that follows abandoned, intense, complete lovemaking.

The first words were her whispered, "Oh, Lover, I didn't know it could be like that. I didn't know I could go that far and feel that much. It's scary, John, but I love it." I didn't have words to describe the feeling I had from giving and receiving so much fulfillment.

Diane finally said she was lying in a lake and had to get up. She returned shortly and gave me a very amateurish cleaning, but I didn't complain. Her efforts were so earnest and loving that it more than made up for the mediocre results. I especially liked the thorough licking she gave me.

There really wasn't any more to be said except "Goodnight" and "I love you." Our bodies, emotions, and passion had already said more than words ever could. My thoughts were those at the start of this story, and no more need be said.


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