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Do We have a Deal?


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"Brilliant, for starters stand up and face my congregation." Myra ordered as Ancyla blindly commanded. "Now we need to do something about those looks of yours that you have conjured up. Grow your breasts so they are double the size they are now." Anycla could only look in horror as her hands made the spell movements on their own and her breasts began to balloon in size. The crowd marvelling as they went from already busty D cups to outrageously huge udders.

"That's a good start but I still think you look too human, that writing on your chest has the right idea. Firstly lose all the hair on your head and pussy, then I want you to make your ears pointy, upturn your nose and give yourself a curly tail just above your ass." The tears we're in full flow as Ancyla moved her hands in the appropriate motions and watched her hair fall to the ground. She could feel the tail sprouting from her lower back as her nose turned itself up, causing her to snort with every sobbing breath.

"Everyone I'd like to introduce our new pig slave." Myra announced. "However I'm getting a bit sick of the tears. From now on you are only allowed to smile and act like you are enjoying my orders." Although she didn't feel any different, Ancyla felt her face contorting into a big happy grin. "Isn't that better everyone? Now that our high priestess is beginning to enjoy her new life as a sow, let's take her to get some food. Come with me Ancyla, although you are to walk on all fours like the pig you are" Ancyla found herself compelled to walk alongside Myra as she began to head for the front door, with the whole temple following behind.

Three doors down from the temple was the nearest pig farm, and Ancyla realised with dread that they were heading right towards it. As they reached the farm, the congregation and some of the town watched in awe as Myra opened the nearest pen and kicked Ancyla into the muck, with pigs sniffing around the newest addition to their pen.

"Now my little sow pet. You are to eat the pigswill from that trough in the corner of the pen until it is all gone. And every time you swallow a mouthful your belly is to grow by 10% so you can bulge yourself into the disgusting pig you are." All Ancyla wanted to do now was curl into a ball and die, but instead all she could do was crawl through the muck towards the trough with a big grin on her face.

Turning her nose upright to resemble a pig's meant that the rotten smell from the swill hit Ancyla even harder than it would have done. She gingerly dipped her hand into the mess of rotting fruit, stale bread and leftovers before raising it to her mouth and devouring the vile concoction. Meanwhile her other hand worked the motions to make her belly swell.

"That's a good start!" yelled Myra, "but pigs don't eat with their trotters. You are must eat by putting your snout directly in the trough." The sheer sadism on display from this priestess was bewildering for Ancyla. She allowed herself a moment to wonder where this hate was coming from, before once again feeling the compulsion pull her head down into the swill trough and begin greedily feeding on the filth, her nose assaulted with terrible smells while her taste buds screamed in disgust and her hand continued to make the motions to make her belly swell and pulse.

After what seemed like an eternity Ancyla found herself licking the trough clean. She turned around to see the crowd had swollen to watch the spectacle. Still on her hands and knees in the muck with a big smile on her face, she looked down to see her belly sticking out around her oversized breasts. She crawled back through the muck and waited at the door to the pen while Myra admired the sight.

"Would you look at this disgusting pig? I'll tell you what, roll about in the filth for a minute while squealing like a pig and touching yourself and I'll let you shrink your belly back to its original size." This was not a command but a deal, so Ancyla once again found herself compelled to stand up, showing her whole morphed pig body to the gathered crowd in order to shake Myra's hand.

The pigs all instinctively cleared space as Ancyla rolled into their filth, squealing her lungs out while her hands we planted firmly between her legs. The crowd was already fairly large but her squealing meant even those out of sight could hear her and wanted to see what was going on. By the time her minute was up pretty much everyone who lived near the temple of Freya was gathered to witness the spectacle.

When Ancyla was finished she was caked in filth all over her body, she stood up and glared at Myra but it was undermined by the big grin still on her face.

"You now have my permission to shrink your stomach down to normal size." Myra stated, allowing a moment for Ancyla to do the hand motions to transform her bulging unsightly belly back into the trim and elegant waistline she used to have. "Your squealing really attracted a crowd my dirty little sow, I worry that with all the muck covering you and your face morphed to look like a pig they won't recognize you. So be a dear and regrow your trademark crimson hair, so everyone knows the identity of our degraded beast."

Ancyla did the hand movements and felt her hair begin to grow back, watching a mixture of sadistic pleasure from those who were in the temple, and dawning realisation from passers-by that this humiliated thing was the city's high priestess. Above all else she wished she didn't have to keep this ridiculous grin on her face, making it look like she was enjoying herself for everyone who didn't know the full situation. As if reading her mind, Myra had a sadistic idea as she whispered her next order into Ancyla's ear.

Next the assembled crowd was treated to Ancyla climbing up onto a nearby hen house so she was clearly visible to everyone, even the people at the back.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" She announced, almost imploding with embarrassment. "It's true that I, Ancyla, high priestess of the temple of Forsetti just love being a dirty pig." She then did a playful twirl, showing off every inch of her muck encrusted nudity. The twirl finished with her facing away from the crowd, she then took the opportunity to bend over and pull her cheeks apart giving everyone a good view of her pussy and ass. "My filthy sex holes are now property of the temple of Freya and I will use them to do her bidding." Myra climbed up on to the hen house next to Ancyla and gave an announcement to the audience.

If you will join me and my lusty pig whore in returning to the temple. We have a special presentation just for you.


Back at the temple of Freya, Ancyla was place on top of the altar so everyone gathered could see her. The temple was full to bursting point as Myra took the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen I bet a lot of you are wondering what is going on. Well let me just make a quick deal. Ancyla, in exchange for my complete honesty, I will be immune from prosecution for what I say" once again Ancyla's hand met Myra's and she began her story

"The reason Ancyla has been doing all these humiliating things is that she made a bad deal with me. I had been planning to trick you into taking a bad deal for a while now as I wanted you to know why I think the deal keeper aura is immoral."

"The first deal I made after coming to the city was put to me like this. "Agree to follow our every command and we won't hurt your parents." Think about that, some thugs held my parents at knifepoint and the only way to save them was to sell myself into slavery, a deal your aura enforced. The next deal was that in exchange for my parents being escorted safely out of the city, if I ever saw them again, I was to slit my own throat. That's it, in other cities a mugging will cost you some coin, worst case scenario you might be assaulted but in the holy city of Forsetton it cost me my life. I was forced to be a prostitute for 3 years, forced to smile and agree to anything clients demanded." Ancyla's animosity towards her captor began to morphed into sadness, she had no idea people did such things in her city, more than ever she wished she was able to wipe her dumb smirk off her face.

"In the end I was able to escape, by waiting for an opportunity when my captor was asleep and slitting his throat. Dead men can't issue commands and I ran before another forced me into a deal." Myra took a moment to compose herself before turning to Ancyla. "Now do you see why I am putting you through this? I command you to stay on this alter, open your legs, spread your pussy and beg the audience to fuck you. Act like your life depends on you getting fucked in the next 5 minutes. No act too depraved that you won't do it in exchange for sex."

Ancyla's response was immediate, she moved her legs as far apart as she could, wrapped her hands around her legs in order to pull her pussy open for the audience and began to beg for sex.

"Everyone please come and fuck this naughty pussy! Look how inviting it is. If it helps I'll suck your dicks first, or you can fuck me in the ass if you prefer." The crowd was beginning to laugh and jeer and in response Ancyla was compelled to become more and more desperate for sex. "Come on, surely one of you has wanted to fuck the high priestess of Forsetti before, well here's your chance, there's nothing so depraved I won't do it, if it gets your cock in me I'll lick your ass and eat your shit just please somebody fuck me!" Myra instructed her to stop for a bit.

"This was me. However this isn't the whole story. Ancyla, continue begging for sex, however you no longer need to smile and pretend you are enjoying it, also make yourself look like how you looked when you first turned 18." Ancyla's hands began to move on their own again, her nose and ears returned to normal and the tail on her lower back shrunk away. Her breasts shrunk back to their original size and then kept going to the C cups they were back when she was 18. Her skin lightened and freckles appeared on her face as she reverted to her youth. Then with the smile gone and tears running down her face, she once again pulled open her pussy for the audience and choked out her pleas between sobs and sniffs in a higher pitched teenage voice.

"Hey look everyone, now I'm a horny nubile teen. I bet you want to fuck me now. Come on I'll do anything to have a cock in me. If you don't want to fuck me go fetch your pigs and I'll fuck them, seriously there's nothing so depraved I won't do. I will suck your pigs cock while you fuck me in the ass on the steps of the temple of Forsetti. You can knock me up and I'll wait until the children are old enough then fuck them too. Please I will ruin my life for anyone generous enough to give me cock." Myra shushed Ancyla as she curled up into a ball and bawled her eyes out.

"For 3 years that was my life. For many in Forsetton that still is their life. All because of your aura." Myra stated at the broken high priestess of Forsetti.

"I'm so sorry, I had no idea, please let me put this right." Myra walked over and put her face right into Ancyla's face.

"Damn straight you're going to put this right, I've been planning this for a long time and it's time to move on to stage 2 of my plan.


The next day the priests and priestesses of the temple of Forsetti were happy to see their arch priestess back to her old self. With what had happened at the stock and some disturbing rumours coming out of the Freyan district they had become to grow concerned for Ancyla's wellbeing, now they were happy that she was feeling better after only one day rather than the 2 stated in the letter. The morning briefing went as normal, Ramona was given the first slot and nobody was sure why. Finally Ancyla spoke on a matter of great importance.

"Everyone listen very closely," she bellowed, drawing herself up to her full intimidating height. "I have received a credible threat to the Aura itself. We have ascertained that the potential culprit is working within the upper echelons of the temple and so we had appointed a secret investigator to sniff them out. The plan is simple, I have given the investigator a button with a symbol of Forsetti on it. It should look like this." Ancyla held up a bright red button with the twin swords of justice crossing its front. "Every member of the temple will make a deal with me that will go like this." Ancyla called over Ramona and handed her a price of paper to read out.

"In exchange for your continued membership of the temple of Forsetti, do you agree to obey any instructions given to you by someone in possession of this button for the rest of today?" To which Ancyla replied.

"I do." She shook the Ramona's hand and with a pop the deal was struck. There was a great deal of mumbling and protestations, however they figured Ancyla had their best interests at heart and if the investigator wasn't trustworthy she wouldn't have been the first to make that deal. Eventually Ancyla had every member of the temple approach her until one by one and everybody present had made that deal.

"Thank you all to agreeing to this, now all I can say is that I am so sorry." A wave of confusion passed over the temple as Ancyla knocked on the door nearest her, signalling Myra's cue to enter, wearing the button prominently on her top.

"Nobody leave!" She yelled, planting every person in the room to the floor to watch in horror as their arch nemesis wielded control over the temple. "Ancyla honey do you want to explain to your temple what is happening?"

"You may have heard some troubling rumours yesterday about my behaviour in the Freyan district. Well they're all true. Myra has used our own deal maker aura to make me her slave and now she has used me to enslave all of you." As a wave of fear washed over the temple Myra stepped forward to address the crowd.

"Silence!" She yelled, forcing the assembled priests and priestesses to stop talking and creating an eerie quiet in the room. "OK my new slaves, your first order is to strip, I want to see a sea of flesh in front of me." As Ancyla pulled off her robes, she saw the faces of her fellow followers contorting with effort to resist the command, to Forsetti that this wasn't happening, however the compulsion was too strong and it wasn't long before faithful stood naked in the temple, awaiting their fate.

"Aww there's a lot of sad faces out there." Myra mocked, "how about this order I used on your high priestess yesterday. Smile, no matter what happens you must act like you are enjoying yourselves. If anyone asks, you all decided it would be naughty fun to become slaves of Freya for the day." Ancyla watched as the room winced into a sea of smiles. "Brilliant, OK everyone, out the front door, time to meet your adoring public."


The temple of Freya was far more modest than that of Forsetti, while Forsetti was able to boast a complement of at least 50 priests and priestesses the temple of Freya only had about 20 regular attendees.

And every single one of them was stood outside the temple of Forsetti, wearing a red button with crossed swords on it.


The people of Forsetton would be talking about this day for years to come. After the parade of humiliation through the town, pretty much every farm animal in the Freya district was replaced by a priest or priestess of Forsetti. The blacksmith had a variety of cruel devices she wanted to try out and had no shortage of volunteers. But the centrepiece of it all was the high priestess watching her temple degrade itself all around her. She was placed on the steps of the temple of Freya and given the cruellest of the demands. Her ability to shaped shift was well known and before long everyone had come to demand she alter herself in one degrading way after the sun began to set and Myra knew they did not have much time left, she prepared for the grand finale. Ancyla was placed inside a tub used for washing sheep, and every member of her temple was then ordered to relieve themselves in it. The priests were ordered to leave their seed in it and before long everyone was joining in, peasants brought muck from the farms and waste from the streets well until the high priestess was left stewing in filth pooled up to her neck. With a smile on her face Myra leant over and whispered in her ear.

"This is what it is like to be surrounded by filth, remember that. Now you may leave the tub return to your temple and your vows... Once you masturbate to orgasm 10 times, and don't forget to keep smiling for your adoring public."

Myra turned and left as the sound of Ancyla's moaning began to grow, she knew the whole temple now understood the true evil of the Aura they created and looked forward to a future where they did something about it.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

loved it!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
forget the other anon

you're improving- keep writing!

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