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Doctor's First Prostate Massage


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Oh god. He shook his head, trying to reset his brain. This was a fertility procedure. Dr. Patrick was a medical professional and his friend. There would be no cocksucking. But that didn't stop him from rocking his hips desperately against an imaginary tongue.

It seemed impossible, but all this stimulation wasn't getting him any closer to orgasm. If directed at his cock, a quarter of it would have been plenty, but his body seemed to rebel against the idea of circumventing his normal route to climax. If this kept up, Dr. Harrison would never get his asshole away from this invasion, or out from under his friend's gaze.

He forced out some words. "I still don't feel near...climax."

"Ok. Some men do find this difficult, although rest assured that your body will respond eventually. I'll need to try some additional stimulation if the wand itself isn't enough. You'll feel my touch in some sensitive areas, but make sure that you hold this position."

Before Dr. Harrison had time to process fully what he'd just heard, gentle fingertips brushed down the back of his vulnerable ball sack. He jumped, so sensitive there, a place that never got any touch, because it was never accessible except in a position like this. Instinctively, he pulled his legs together to protect himself.

"Blake, if you don't let me do this, we won't get the sample for your specialist. Can you hold still, or should I use the spreader bar?"

"Uhh..." Worst question ever. And getting his brain to think it through was pretty difficult, what with most of his blood volume pumping through his cock. Why wasn't there a third option, one that involved not letting his friend tease his balls when he was already on edge? Also, why the hell wasn't this over yet?

"Open your legs," Dr. Patrick instructed when he didn't answer.

After a moment, he obeyed, and damn, did it take an act of will.

"Wider." Another hesitation, and he inched his feet out further than they had been before. A small whimper escaped him as he waited for the tormenting fingers to return to his exposed balls.

Instead, the wand pulled out of his ass again. Oh no. He felt a touch on his leg -- a cuff wrapping around just above his knee. It tightened, and he heard the buckle snap into place. His pulse pounded as Dr. Patrick attached a second cuff to his other leg. The cuffs felt heavy, and he knew they were holding the metal bar in place between his legs.

He closed his eyes as the wand invaded him again, freshly lubed. He was truly helpless now against the agonizingly blissful vibrations in his secret spot, against the fingertips that touched just beneath his asshole and stroked lightly downward again. He shuddered and tried to squeeze his legs shut, to deny access for further torment, but of course, he couldn't. The spreader bar kept him open wide. He moaned as the soft strokes continued.

"Jeremy, please don't," he begged, need overcoming his humiliation. "Fuck, that's making it so much worse."

The soft touches to his balls didn't let up. "'Worse' in this situation surely means 'closer to climax,' so I'm going to continue."

"Ohh god," Dr. Harrison groaned, but he couldn't really argue. He was starting to feel that familiar ratcheting of tension, but not nearly to the degree that he would wish.

"Stimulation to the testicles also helps build up the fluid supply," Dr. Patrick added. "You wouldn't want to produce an inadequate sample and have to repeat this, would you?"

God, no. If he'd known earlier that this procedure was basically an extended cock tease, he might have refused. But at this point, no way was he letting everything he'd allowed the other doctor to do go to waste.

Dr. Patrick was now massaging his balls, first one, then the other. The stimulation overload, not to mention the orgasm denial for the past three days, had left them swollen and tender. Distantly he registered slight surprise that he felt warm skin, rather than latex, but he didn't complain. The gentle squeezes, the thumb rubbing circles into the side of each testicle, actually felt good, if you ignored the part where they made his cock throb.

In fact, Dr. Harrison hated to admit it, but it was getting hard to distinguish need from pleasure. While in some ways going without fulfillment was torture, this probably was the greatest height of sensation he had ever experienced during sex, even counting orgasms. Not that this was sex. But it was hard to think of it as anything else, with the wand up his ass and Dr. Patrick's thumb sneaking in to rub that frustrating spot right between his asshole and his sack that made his cock catch fire again.

The run-up to orgasm hit rather suddenly. The pleasure began to coalesce, migrating inward to where the vibrator inexorably pushed his magic button, drawing his balls in tight.

"Jeremy, I'm --" he got out, before the wand shut off. And just like that, the orgasm stalled out, leaving him at the edge, frantic for anything that would push him into that ocean of bliss.

"Why did you stop?" he gasped out.

"There won't be enough seminal fluid yet. It's important to continue stimulation after the point where climax can be achieved, to ensure a full sample."

Dr. Harrison gritted his teeth to keep from begging. He closed his eyes and pressed his sweaty forehead into the table, muscles trembling from prolonged tension. Taking a deep breath, he tried to back down from this excruciating precipice, to regain some kind of control over his body.

When he had just about managed it, the vibrator turned on again, back to the low setting. His cock spasmed, but it wasn't going to be enough to salvage the orgasm; not right away, at least. Dr. Patrick's palm suddenly brushed down his chest, right over his nipple, hardening it instantly. Fuck! His nipples were sensitive enough under normal conditions, and this situation was far beyond normal. Even the thin fabric of his t-shirt didn't reduce the sensation very much.

Another swipe over the same nipple, and another zing right to his cock. Having his nipples played with when he couldn't touch his cock was almost as bad as having his prostate worked over. He fought the urge to rock his hips, hoping Dr. Patrick wouldn't realize how much this was getting to him. But no such luck. At the next touch, his body betrayed him. His cock jerked, throbbing visibly, and a large drop of fluid oozed from his slit.

"That's it," Dr. Patrick murmured, gently squeezing his nipple between thumb and forefinger. Dr. Harrison pulled on his bonds, but he couldn't get his hands up to protect his chest. "This is what we need to ensure the procedure is a success," Dr. Patrick went on in the same reassuring tone while his fingers moved to the other side. "Keep still now, and hold off your climax as long as you can. I need time to get the cup under you, remember, or the sample will be spoiled."

Dr. Harrison honestly didn't know how much more he could stand. His heart rate was elevated into the highest range, he was nearly hyperventilating, and the steady strokes against his nipples had tingles racing across his body just under the skin. He tried his best to hold still, but in the end, he was shamelessly pushing back against the wand in time to the teasing fingertips brushing across his areolas.

When his orgasm began to rush over him again, he was sorely tempted not to say anything, but the thought of losing his painstakingly-produced ejaculate was even more unbearable than the risk of another orgasm being denied.

"I -- I --"

And everything stopped again. He really wanted to cry this time. He was so fucking close, and he never would have believed anyone could be this fucking close and not come.

"Please," he implored pathetically. He was pretty sure a tear actually fell onto the table.

Surprisingly, Dr. Patrick's hand pressed flat against his upper back, a soothing caress rather than a tormenting one.

"Shh, Blake, I know," he murmured. "That was the last time, I promise. You're doing so well. Take some breaths. You're almost there."

Dr. Harrison couldn't really process anything except the burning, buzzing, pulsing in every intimate part of his body, but he did attempt to slow his breathing, at least enough to keep from getting dizzy. Dr. Patrick rubbed slowly across his shoulder blades, a counterpoint to the chaos in the rest of him.

After much longer than he wanted to wait, the vibrator finally turned back on, but at an even lower setting than he had started with, and it wasn't quite reaching his prostate anymore. Nor was it moving. It still sort of pushed his button, but the buildup was going to be way too gradual for the state he was in.

He thrust his hips back, trying to get more stimulation from the wand, but the other doctor moved with him, then laid a hand at his hip to still him.

"No, no," Dr. Patrick chastised. "Not yet. This is the critical step -- you have to let me control the pace."

"I can't...I bad..." Dr. Harrison panted almost incoherently, still fighting Dr. Patrick's grip and trying to fuck himself on the magic wand that he both loved and hated. On some level, he knew he was embarrassing himself horribly, but he no longer had the wherewithal to care.

"Soon," Dr. Patrick replied. "But only if you do what I say." The wand switched off and pulled out, leaving devastating silence and emptiness in its wake.

In that stunned moment, Dr. Harrison's situation revealed itself in a new light. He was bound to the table, spread out and unprotected, with no orgasm after what must have been an hour of teasing. And it was entirely up to his friend whether he ever got one.

Oh god, the shudder that ran through him was actually arousal! He was truly fucked.

He tried his voice. "I'll do whatever you say, Jeremy. Just please let me come. And please collect the sample."

Two fingertips landed at the nape of his neck and trailed slowly down his spine, making him shiver involuntarily.

"Whatever I say?" That promised wickedness. And those fingers traced inexorably all the way into his crack, across his asshole, making it spasm, down his ball sack, and away again.

Clearly they had crossed some kind of line. The doctor had just touched his back entrance with unprotected fingers. This couldn't possibly be part of the fertility test. Dr. Harrison cast his mind back, trying to figure out if he had gone wrong somewhere. The reasons for letting himself be tied up and denied had all seemed legitimate at the time. Although now that shock had sharpened his mind slightly, he didn't recall reading anything about restraints when he had researched this procedure. And the part about needing to continue stimulation beyond the point of orgasm...that hadn't been in the test protocol. With increasing dread, he realized that there was definitely nothing about sexually stimulating other areas of the body. The whole situation had been so humiliating, so unexpectedly lust-provoking, that he'd somehow let a colleague he thought he could trust take advantage of him.

While he frantically considered how to salvage his position, the fingers returned to his back entrance, sliding around in the lube left from each penetration by the wand. Despite that he probably should have been afraid, what Dr. Harrison still wanted most was the orgasm that had twice been denied, that even now hovered like something just out of sight. The play of fingers against his over-sensitized hole was definitely not helping. It roused a sympathetic throb from his prostate, made his perineum tingle, and scrambled his thoughts again. He clenched his hole, trying to encourage Dr. Patrick to put something in there, but he just laughed and wiped his hands on the towel he had laid out.

"You're incredible like this, Blake," Dr. Patrick told him. Now both hands were pushing under Dr. Harrison's shirt to his waist, caressing slowly up and down taut, bare skin. "All flushed and fucked and desperate. I know this isn't necessarily something you wanted, but as you've discovered, being suspended between desire and fulfillment is quite a high. And I'm a bit of a virtuoso when it comes to keeping people there. Wouldn't you agree?"

Dr. Harrison couldn't agree, because he couldn't think straight. The hands on his waist loosened a little, the fingers curled, and the caressing got lighter until Dr. Harrison was fighting very hard not to squirm, or giggle. That really tickled! God, oh god, oh god -- if Dr. Patrick realized he was ticklish, he was really done for.

The tickling at the smooth skin of his waist didn't stop. Was this a bluff? Or did the other doctor know somehow? Dr. Harrison tried desperately to keep his muscles under control, to allow those devious fingertips to dance over his exposed skin without tensing up or pulling away. Of course, not fighting the sensations crawling over him made them even stronger, but he had to do this. His waist was not remotely his most ticklish spot, and right now every last one was accessible. Damn, Dr. Patrick was some kind of evil genius at playing his body, because Dr. Harrison was managing, he was enduring it, until one finger dragged just the right way over just the wrong spot, and he let out a strangled shriek while jerking to the side.

"Please, please, you can't," he begged immediately.

"Can't I?" Dr. Patrick sounded smug as well as amused. All ten of his fingers scratched lightly at Dr. Harrison's waist and pulled laughter from him.

"I'll do whatever you want -- whatever you want!" Dr. Harrison exclaimed breathlessly. "Just tell me what to do!"

How he wished he had just held still when the other doctor told him to, back when his greatest threat was the vibrating wand on too low a setting.

"Well, to some extent, this is what I want. You, at my mercy, begging. You, on the point of an orgasm you can't have. You, so sensitive that the lightest touch is too much."

Dr. Patrick scaled back to a single point of contact, one finger that traced a path around Dr. Harrison's side and over his hip, dipping toward the crease where his torso joined his thigh.

Dr. Harrison thrashed. He couldn't help it. That really was his most ticklish spot.

When he could think again, and realized nothing was touching him, he tried reason. "You've already accomplished all that. I'm begging. So please, won't you let me come?"

"Yes -- if you're very good. And if you're not, I expect you'll regret it by the time the nurses find you in the morning, your balls so blue they'll definitely never make any babies."

A shiver ran down Dr. Harrison's spine. It sounded over the top, but he really wasn't in a position to question whether his colleague was serious. He seemed pretty damn serious. And since all the other clinic staff would have left by now, and no one would be back on site for about twelve hours...he wasn't about to take that risk.

"I'll do whatever you want," he repeated.

"I'm glad to hear it. First, I want you to promise that this interaction tonight stays between us. That's to your benefit as much as mine."

"Ok." What was his other option? To tell people he'd been tricked into an erotic torture session with another man? No thanks.

"Second, you'll get your orgasm and your sample, but we do it my way. No fighting."

Dr. Harrison just nodded.

"And as a bonus, in exchange for not tickling you until you lose your mind...I want to fuck you. With my cock."

Wow. Dr. Harrison guessed he should have seen that one coming. Until tonight, he'd never been aware that the other doctor was interested in men, but he obviously was getting off on sexually tormenting Dr. Harrison. So it would make sense that he would want to literally get off on it. All things considered, it wasn't that great a leap from what Dr. Harrison had undergone so far, to taking a cock. Hell, he might even like it. New heat surged into his groin at the thought. Great. So now there was that.

"Fine. I agree," he replied.

"Good. Now let's get back to this deliciously responsive body of yours." Dr. Patrick grabbed the hem of Dr. Harrison's t-shirt and pulled it over his head, leaving it hanging from his bound wrists. "I'm sure we don't need that anymore."

Dr. Patrick lubed up the wand again and re-inserted it into Dr. Harrison's now completely naked body. Just like last time, he left it on ultra-low, and not where Dr. Harrison wanted it. But he'd learned his lesson, so he remained in position, letting Dr. Patrick tease the wand up onto that sweet spot for just a moment, then back off. Heaven have mercy. At this rate, he's reach orgasm just about the time he was losing his mind.

"So I've noticed that you've maintained a full erection since the moment I touched you," Dr. Patrick commented after a minute. "And even though you've tried to hide it, I think you're enjoying this more than you expected."

Dr. Harrison said nothing. He had no idea what was safe to say.

"I want you to tell me what you've liked the most," the other doctor commanded.

That damn wand, still there, gave his pulsating prostate another brief nudge. Though the vibration level was low, Dr. Patrick added a bit more pressure against his inner wall.

"I liked when you said you'd let me come," he replied, dodging the obvious intent of the question.

He wasn't comfortable admitting to himself how all this made him feel, let alone to his tormentor. Who used to be his friend. And was now -- ugh. Going to be picturing Dr. Harrison like this, naked and impaled, every day when they saw each other at work. The thought made him blush furiously. Might be a good time to move back to Texas.

"Blake..." It was a warning. "You said you wouldn't fight me. Answer."

There was a ghost of a touch in the hollow of his armpit, and he instinctively pulled back on his arm, but the cuff jerked him short.

"Yes, ok," he said quickly. "Uh, the wand feels good."

It passed over his secret spot again, the intensity briefly turned up.

"This wand?"

"Yes..." Dr. Harrison breathed, equal parts shame and contentment. So sinfully good. Right there.

"What else?"

"Um..." This was excruciating. Did he really have to say this?

A light scratch in his armpit.

"When you...when you...played with my balls," he spit out.

Shit, did he just say out loud that he liked having his balls teased while his ass was fucked with a vibrator? His agonizing was interrupted by skillful fingers stroking and squeezing his sack. Ripples of pleasure sparkled everywhere.

"Mm hm. What about being restrained?"

Did he like having his knees forced wide, his private area on full display, and his hands bound so he could neither touch himself nor protect himself from touch? Not a thing he was admitting to anyone. "N-no."

"Oh? Are you sure that's what you want to say?"

The hand around his balls squeezed, pleasure blending toward pain. He tried to twist away, but that only pulled on his sack harder.

"Tell me the truth, Blake, or our deal's off."

Dr. Harrison struggled against the cuffs reflexively. "Ok! Yes, I like it. I wish I didn't."

"It's exciting, isn't it," Dr. Patrick said in a low, almost hypnotic voice. "Being out of control, having no say over what you feel, when, or where."

Once again, the wand in his back channel was shut off and removed. There was a brief rumpling sound, and suddenly something hot and smooth and incredibly hard, something that could only be Dr. Patrick's erection, pressed between his ass cheeks, grinding up and down his crack. It was demeaning, yet the clear demonstration of his own helplessness set his cock aching again. The blunt shape of the other doctor's cockhead caught against his exposed asshole, and Dr. Harrison sucked in a breath at the unexpected immediacy. That bar of iron was going to invade his most intimate place. Apparently right now.

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