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Doggy-Style in the Pussy Cat


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"Sorry! Just a slip."

And nothing more. She didn't seem perturbed at all. It gave me the thought to explore a bit. To find the limits. I was, after all, doing something awfully nice for her.

I started by slightly reaching my fingers further around her front, stretching from her side to the edge of her abdomen. It was meant to appear as a readjustment to her.

And, again, no response.

After a bit, I began to edge my fingers down, until my pinkies felt the top of her panties. Again, she remained silent. I felt this last move was a bit bolder. Surely she had felt it. Was her non-response permission to explore?

Why not, I thought!

And so I played! I moved my hands up, down, around. Seeking new bits and new territory. I, of course, stayed away from the "critical" places, but my gentle movements did not seem to alarm her. Instead, Sam happily interacted with party-goers, talking about her costume and Grandma while I quietly felt up her midsection and lower back.

I'm not really a risk-taker, but I did decide to try a slightly more aggressive move.

"Sam," I muttered, "I'm getting real sore holding this position." And at that moment I moved one hand completely over her abdomen, while pressing the other lightly into her back. I braced myself for her reaction to my hand now on her lower belly.

"I'm a bit sore hunched down in here myself. Let's go take another break!" She made no attempt to remove my hand.

I felt a little bolder. In fact, I felt strangely confident. "Hey, how about a little massage?" Without waiting for an answer, I moved my hands to her back and ran them up and down, seeking out her pressure points. (I had actually read several books on massages in attempts to please former girlfriends. I had a decent idea what to do.)

"Hmmmm. That's good. You're a good costume friend! My back has been getting sore from holding up this heavy cat head!" (Hey, she should have tried being stooped over for an hour like me.)

I didn't like her use of the phrase "costume friend," but that didn't stop me. I continued with an innocent, one-handed massage .(We had started walking again, and I needed other hand on her side for ease of movement).

It was slow going, and it seemed that Sam stopped to talk to everybody. I especially grew irritated after we had gotten outside. So close to our resting point, she had taken up some debate with a person apparently dressed as Socrates. I moved to a gentle two-handed massage as they discussed Philosophy 101, the Sophists, and the Mind-Body problem.

Gads--I think she must have talked to Socrates for about 10 minutes before I lost my patience. A bit frustrated, irritated, overheated, and (no doubt) dehydrated--not to mention horny (hey! I had been touching up her partially naked body for 60 minutes now!)--I rebelliously grasped the back of her bra and undid the hook.

I could hear her briefly hesitate in mid-dialogue, but I doubt the drunk Socrates picked up on it. I waited, continuing her back massage without the encumbrance of her bra strap.

Nothing changed in her demeanor.

"Well, I think we need to go take a break before the contest judging. No doubt my partner back there is dying from the heat! He's such a good guy. See you later, Socrates!"

We began to move forward.

"Sorry about that," she said to me. "You must be hot and sore back there. I can be a bit selfish! I was enjoying your massage so much that I didn't want to move!"

Once again, she caught me off guard. Was she being honest?

My mind started throwing everything together. Half-naked bodies, innocent touching, pleasing massages, an unhooked bra.....

It had to be. You would, too! Wouldn't you?

With no words, I reached around her front, slid my hands under her bra, and cupped her breasts. I felt her shudder, then shift her upper torso so that her bra fell away from her body. Her nipples were already rock hard. Though her breasts were small, I could still feel their softness.

I rested my cheek into the middle of her back and pressed it against her in the darkness of the costume. "Stop here," I heard her whisper. Her breathing was heavier than usual.

God, I felt so hot! And not only from the trapped heat inside that costume. My genitals literally burned with passion, and my dick throbbed with achy goodness.

The moment seemed surreal. The unattainable girl. The innocent Christian. The one who never would.

And here I was, with her. My hands massaging her naked breasts.

I dropped one hand down to her hip and pressed her back towards me.

She understood. I felt her lean forward--perhaps such that her head and hands could brace herself against a tree--pushing her hips backwards into me. Now that she was bent over at the waist, I edged forward.

I had tented my shorts, and I now felt the tip of my penis touch her backside. Her womanly scent had filled the costume. I moved my hands to her sides, found her panties, and pushed down, but----No.

Sam immediately brought back her hands and grasped mine. With no words, she gently moved them away. One to her abdomen, the other to a breast.

I understood.

I now intensely pressed my groin into her backside, rolling my hips, trying to gain entrance. I felt the head of my penis find a cleft, and I pushed forth. I felt slight penetration before our mutually stretched clothing blocked any further passage.

I instinctively stepped back, slipped my penis out of my briefs, blindly angled it back to the previous spot, and went forward again. I felt the giving wetness of her panties.

I wanted more. More depth. I moved my hands from her breasts to her shoulders, pulling back on them as I pushed my groin forth. I could feel the intensity of the barrier before me. I strove to break it.

Pressing, pushing, pulling.

Once inch inside.

Pressing, pushing, pulling.

Another quarter-inch.

Pressing, pushing, pulling. held.

A new approach. I rocked back and pushed forth. Hard. Then back. Then forth. Hard.

Again. And Again.

(Surely, to an outsider, we looked ridiculous. A big furry pink cat, head bent forth, leaning against a tree, the back end of the creature pressing forth into the front end....)

I picked up the intensity. Ramming speed. Over and over. I could feel the same penetration, but no farther. The costume limited my thrusts. Unable to stand straight up, I could only lean over Sam's back as I tried to push into her.

Passion inflamed, I pulled back and dropped my hands to her panties, again trying to push them down. But ....

Stopped again.

Sam again reached back, this time grasping her panties on both sides just after I had slid them over the widest part of her hip.

"No!" I heard her huff.

I pleaded in a hushed whisper: "God, I want you Sam. I'll be good. I want to share myself with you."

That line had worked before, but not tonight.

"No!" she said firmly, raising her voice. I remember her Promise Ring.

I ceased my resistance, but I quickly moved one hand up her firm belly and back to her breasts. I slid the other in front of her and dipped under her panties, feeling--for the first time--the gentle softness of her bush. I immediately sought out her genitalia, only to find her thighs pressed tightly together in firm denial.

I sensed that she wanted me. But, I had to break her resistance.

I took the hand from her breasts and brought it behind her body. I grasped the bottom of her left butt cheek and pulled it away, towards the outside of her hips. I again angled my cock, such that it pressed into her, and sought a home in the middle of her pantied backside.

Soon I was again rocking into her body, pushing and pressing as deep as possible into a newly discovered cleft.

Sam didn't resist, but neither did she open her legs. I pressed on, enthralled. primary excitement was the sensational thrill of the encounter, not the sexual contact. I simply wasn't going to finish this way.

That's when the unexpected happened.

"Sit down," Sam whispered.

Surprised, I obeyed. Was this it? Had I won her over?

I moved my hands to her hips as we sat down together. Her hands had left her panties. Greedily, in the dark of the costume, I pulled them down, right before my face. (Oh, I wish I could have seen!)

But they didn't go all the way down. Sam had broadly spread her legs, and her panties could only be dropped three-quarters of the way down her backside.

No matter! I brought a hand around front and quickly found her now open pussy lips before she could stop me. My finger hungrily danced around the edges, wanting to inspire her to love-making, but...things were just happening too fast.

As I simultaneously sat down, tugged on her panties, and reached to fondle her....I fell backwards due to the force of her body being thrown on top of me. I felt my right leg fly up in the air. At the same time I heard a zzzziipppppp, and felt the coolness of the night air.

Then I felt Sam's hand wrapped warmly around my cock before she forced it out of the costume.

My brain simply couldn't process all that was happening, until...a swirling pressure sent tingles rippling up and my penis. Over. And. Over. Again. A gentle pressure. Up. And down. Then around. Thick flicks of a tongue, right on the most erogenous zones.

Masterfully done.

My body instantly relaxed. I vaguely processed what had happened. With her right leg (or right front paw), Sam had pushed back and raised my own right leg (or right back paw) into the air, rolling me slightly backwards as we had sat down. She had slightly unzipped the costume and wrested my penis outside. Then, she had bent forwards (showing quite a bit of dexterity, I might add!) and--using the opening just below the cat's head--taken me in her mouth.

It was quite remarkable! And, I realized, to anyone watching: It would look like a typical cat licking itself. Ingenious! A blow job in a public place disguised as a costume act.


It didn't seem right.

But hey--don't think that thought was really going through my mind at the time. I was simply loving it!

I think some people get nervous in public. I've seen amateur porn videos where the guy simply can't get it up in front of the cameras. Too self-conscious. Honestly? I had never had any type of sex in front of other people. But at that moment I knew other people might be in that fraternity's backyard. I could heard voices. We were never more than 20 yards from other people.

And the thought that others might see what was happening exhilarated me! I've never been harder or more excited. And I know Sam felt the same: I now had my fingers crammed into her pussy.

The smell of sex permeated the costume, and drove us both wilder. The pressure of Sam's lips increased and I felt her pace quicken. My fingers did the same, and I felt her hips begin rocking violently. My primary attention turned from my own sensations to hers. I felt her body tense as she released my penis from her mouth. I heard a heavy gasp.

I stopped moving my fingers and slowly slid them out of her vagina. I lightly kissed the middle of her back as her orgasm waned.

After a few moments of heavy breathing, I felt her move forward. With a light kiss, she tasted the tip of my cock. Seconds later she was again moving intently up and down my shaft.

I realized that this couldn't possibly be her first time. She was too good. Sam wasn't the girl she appeared to be.

It just happened so fast. I tried to delay, delay until the last possible second, but I just waited to long. Moments later, my orgasm broke inside her mouth. She quickly separated from me, and I felt a sense of alarm. (I had once crossed a woman's personal barrier, and I never wanted to do it again.)

I felt semen pouring out of my cock, rolling down the sides.

And then...those gentle lips again. That initial concern melt quickly with each touch. Round and a round she moved, occasionally taking the tip in her mouth.

I had never had a girl continue a blow job after I had orgasmed. Sam was so loving, so caring.

And that's when I heard the voices:

Oh my God! Look, that cat's licking itself!

It's doing more than licking itself!

Holy shit! It's giving itself a blowjob!

Look at it's dick!

Why to go pussy! I wish I had a pussy like you!

Sam popped up immediately.

Get up! she hissed.

I staggered to my feet, pulling my cock inside the costume. Walking quickly and awkwardly, we moved...well, I couldn't see anything! It seemed that we were moving back to and then through the house.

People were suddenly all around.

Yeah! That's the cat!

The head was giving a blowjob to the tail out back!

Licky! Licky! Little kitty!

Did you enjoy your milk, pussy?

There was even applause.

So many voices. So much else was said, but I picked up little. Then, we must have walked out the front door and the voices began to fade.

It seemed that we walked for quite a while before either of us said anything.

I was too afraid to ask Sam about the contest.

What's next? Aw, do you really care? I told you the interesting part! I bet you want to know about Sam's eventual reaction. Well--we all do crazy things in the midst of passion. Turns out that Sam--the perfect religious girl with the Promise Ring--was just as horny as, say, Big Daddy. But she had more control of herself. I

You might guess that I wasn't her first blow job. And, no, I wasn't the first to jerk her off. But, to her mind, she was a virgin. A man had never put his penis inside her. And I never did either--even though we dated for three months. To her belief, she was maintaining her promise to be a virgin on her wedding day. And I respected that.

I did, of course, enjoy the best blow jobs of my life during our time together. Sam loved to please a man. I did learn, though, that she was selective. She liked Big Daddy, but she didn't trust him. She told me I was a different kind of guy.

Why didn't it work out between us? Honestly--I was the problem. Sam seemed to be the ideal woman to me. But, in the end, I just wasn't what she wanted. It hurt a bit, but I had some incredible memories to savor. Life goes on.

And, as far as Sam's reaction about being caught in public? Turns out Sister Christian liked the thrill of public exposure. Maybe someday I'll tell you about the library or the custodian's closet.

If you care: To my knowledge, this episode--the only one during which we were ever seen--never got back to her. A strange party, a strange costume. Surely there were people there who knew one or both of us, but they apparently could never put the costume to the people inside. The episode did become campus legend. Apparently, there are always a few pink pussy costumes on campus for Halloween.

By the way (for you younger folk): This was the days before picture phones and Facebook. A few people saw something in the dark. It made a good story for them to tell, but there's no video or picture fame to live forever on the Internet.

Just good memories for all.

Especially me.

My only regret is that Big Daddy never believed me when I told him.

Or at least he said he didn't believe me. I sometimes wander if he was just trying to protect his ego.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

great idea for a story, but a little too long to develop it. would've been best without getting caught in the act.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

This is one of my biggest fantasies -- To be constrained with a sexy woman as a first encounter, in a costume where I can touch her in public and possibly have sex right in front of everyone.

There's an old story on here called Costume Sex, it has always been one of my favorites with the exception of characters being brother and sister. Incest has never been one of my things, but I could never come up with a premise for two previously unattached people being in a costume like that, or I would have submitted a story on it myself.

Thanks a bunch!

AmitdankevinAmitdankevinover 13 years ago

It was a very good story. I liked it very much. You described everything really well and I loved both of your main characters. Keep it up. And, Good luck for contest.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Great story

I'm sure it was a true life adventure. Fun and light, just the way sex should be.

LunaEroticaMysticaLunaEroticaMysticaover 13 years ago
Quite a tail.

This was quite the entertaining tail! *grins* I loved the costume description, especially the tech aspect of big blue eyes and little, red, licking tongue. Where can I get one? ;) I'm glad he was respectful of her, when she said No. You did a great job with the first person point of view and allowing us a look inside this frat boy's head. I'm sure he wasn't minding Samantha's motor mouth either, in the end. In fact, he seemed to thoroughly enjoy that particular part of her anatomy. *LOL* This was fun!


northlandernorthlanderover 13 years ago
Different Story

Pretty good. asnd one that could easily be a real life happening

RyeandGingerAyleRyeandGingerAyleover 13 years ago
Not the first two-person-costume sex story I've read, but the background theme makes it different.

Well done!

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