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Doing a Friend a Favor

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My friend screwed up, and I lucked out.
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"So, you don't want to fuck my wife?"

Until he asked, I never realized just how stupid my friend Vince really was.

"Of course I want to fuck your wife. Anyone with a brain and a working dick would kill to get with your wife. She's got be the sexiest, most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on. What I can't understand is why you'd even ask me to get busy with her. Has your dick stopped working? You run out of ammo? Have you lost your mind? What the fuck's your problem?"

Shoving aside his beer, Vince trained his gaze on the floor under his barstool, unable to look me in the eye as he swallowed his pride and admitted how he found himself in such a ridiculous predicament. "I did something really stupid that I shouldn't have done, and I got caught. So, I figure letting Kirsty hook up with someone I know she's always been attracted to, might be a way to make things right."

I was so shocked, I didn't realize how loud I was getting as I raised my voice over the music blasting from the wall-mounted speakers, to tell him what I thought of him screwing around on a sweet, adorable lady, like his wife Kirsty. "What the hell were you thinking fucking around on someone like her? If she were my wife, we'd never get out of bed. I'd been banging her morning, noon and night, so she'd know that she was my whole world. So, what the hell made you decide to stick your dick in some strange?"

He lifted his head and found the courage to glare me down as he shot back, "I lost my head, okay, Mr. Perfect? I know I screwed up. But if you'd consider even spending an hour with her, I would owe you my life. I just don't want to lose her."

He had to be crazy, if he actually thought me hooking up with his wife was going to fix his marriage. But, if this is what he wanted, who was I to say no?

I gotta say, as stupid as this plan was, my dick was already on board, twitching like a bastard in my jeans, just from the thought of sliding between Kirsty's long, shapely legs and banging her till I had screaming my name.

Still not completely convinced, I needed to know how he imagined the two of us were ever going to hook up. "And if I were to agree to do this thing, how the hell would it even work?"

"Kirsty knows I'm sorry enough to do anything to save our marriage, even if it means letting her even the score with someone like you."

I narrowed my eyes on him. "What do you mean, someone like me?"

He looked me up and down. "Well, look at you. You're really good looking, got a nice head of dark hair, you take good of yourself, you're successful. And from what I hear, you really know your way around a woman. Normally, I'd never let you anywhere near my wife, but I'm so desperate I really need you to do this for me."

Though I'd never had any complaints, I still couldn't see how me getting horizontal with his sexy young wife was going to be enough to save his marriage.

"So, you're saying Kirsty knows you're trying to hook us up? And she's okay with it?"

He nodded, his shoulders sagging as he turned his attention back to his beer and started peeling off the label. "You're the only guy she'd ever agree to get with. After the way I fucked up, I can't really blame her. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, and all that shit."

I stared off into space, as an image of Kirsty naked on her back, spreading her legs for me filled my head. "So, she's expecting me to drop by?"

"Yeah. She's waiting for you. All you got to do is ring the doorbell and, you know..."

Yeah, all I had to do was get over there and fuck my best friend's wife. A voice in my head kept telling me this was nuts, and there was no way I could ever get naked with my buddy's wife.

But if agreeing to get busy with her was enough to save their marriage, I couldn't really see a way to say no.


I'd just barely rang the doorbell, and I was shocked at how fast she flung it open. And holy shit, from the look on her face, Kirsty looked angry enough to rip a guy in half. The way her eyes were flaring, as she raked me over from head to toe, I could tell she was spitting mad.

Small as she was, she grabbed me by my shirt, yanked me into the house, shoved her tongue in my mouth and nearly kissed my face off.

I'd never experienced an angry kiss before, but she was so enraged she was shaking in my arms as she clung to me, desperately exploring my mouth with her tongue, like she was on some kind of weird treasure hunt. But fuck it was hot, and I had no plans to stop her.

Every inch of her was trembling, when she finally pulled back and nodded at the bedroom. "Well, I guess you'd better do whatever you came here to do, Nick, so we can get this thing done."

I put a hand on her shoulder and tipped up her chin, so she'd look at me. "You know there's no going back if we cross the line and do this."

Her bottom lip quivering, she broke down and cried. "Vince doesn't want me. And now you don't want me. What's wrong with me, that would make my husband pay for sex with another woman? And now I can't even talk you into bed. Am I really that repulsive."

"No! You're absolutely gorgeous." When what she'd said suddenly dawned on me, I could hardly believe my ears. "Wait, did you just say that Vince paid for sex?" Now I was angry, when I realized that the little fuck had lied to me.

She nodded, wiping at her eyes. "When he didn't come home last Saturday, and finally showed up on Sunday afternoon, smelling like sex, he lied and said he was at his cousin's stag and he'd had too much to drink, so he stayed at the hotel to sleep it off, because he knew he was no shape to try and drive home. But he didn't know that I knew the stag was on Friday night, because my brother was invited, and he said Vince was there that night, too.

"Wondering what he'd really been up to, I checked his phone when he was in the shower, and I almost died when I saw all the women he'd been trying to hook up with. The last one he met with, charged him a thousand bucks, that I realized he took from the money we'd been saving for our dream vacation, because we never had the money for a honeymoon when we were first married. And of course, I went to the doctor to see if he'd brought anything home with him. But thank god, he didn't."

I felt so stunned I couldn't even speak. Vince had made it sound like it was a one-time thing, just a slip-up. And now I find out that he'd been trolling online for hookers? What a dirty shitty thing to do to his wife. A woman he swore he loved and didn't want to lose. As far as I was concerned, he didn't deserve her.

I stroked her back. "Kirsty, I am so sorry. I had no idea."

She sniffled against my shirt, while I held her close. "So, he lied to you, too?"

"From what he said, I honestly thought it was just a mistake, a moment of weakness."

"That's pretty much what he told me at first. When I confronted him because I could tell he'd been with someone, before I'd even checked his phone, he said he had too much to drink at the stag, and he found himself in bed with a woman he'd never seen before. And he said he wasn't even sure if they had sex, but he didn't think so, because he was too drunk to do anything. When in fact, I discovered that lying sack of shit was online, looking to hookup with any woman he liked the looks of, all of them with big, huge fake breasts. I know I'm not exactly stacked, but I can't believe he'd cheat on me like this, and with someone he had to pay for."

"Kirsty, I don't even know what to say. Vince told me to come over here because you said you wanted to even the score. But I don't know how you can fix this."

She went quiet for a minute, eyeing me, till she finally managed a sly little smile and said, "We can make it look like we hooked up, because no matter what he said, I know it would drive him crazy to think I was with another man. And I do want to get back at him for doing this to me."

"So, how are we going to do this?" Though what I was really wondering, was why she'd even want to stay with him, after what he'd done. Or why she'd even care what he thought.

I watched amazed as she walked across the room and pushed a beautiful glass lamp off an end table, making me flinch as I watched it crash to the floor and shatter into a million pieces. Her face lit up with a devious smile, as she grinned and explained, "If the two of us ever did get it on, I've got a feeling things would get pretty wild. So, I think it should look like we did it every room."

She was right about that. Just looking at her breasts heaving through her silky robe, was enough to get me rock hard and lurching in my jeans, since I never bothered with boxers.

Carefully, she tip-toed in a big circle around the broken glass, took me by the hand and led me into her bedroom, nodded at her big king-sized bed and asked, "So, if we really were going wild on each other, what do think would happen to the bed?"

I smirked, "If we ever got naked together, I don't think we'd even make it to the bed."

She grinned, eyeing the outline of my erection bulging in my jeans. "So, would you take me on the floor, because you couldn't wait to have me?" She scurried over to the wall and held her hands together over her head, making her breasts pop, giving me an eyeful of her nipples, poking through the fabric of her thin, pale pink, thigh-high robe. "Or would you knee my legs apart and bang me up against the wall, like a rutting beast?"

My breathing was so ragged, I could barely form a word as I walked over, and acted out what she'd said. Kneeing her legs apart, I captured her face in my hands, sank my tongue between her luscious lips and hungrily kissed her.

I wanted to fuck her so badly. I swear I could almost feel the heat of her pussy clenching around my shaft. And just the smell of her desire filling the air, as my cock swelled painfully hard as we lost ourselves in the steaming hot kiss, was almost enough to make me lose it.

Though a battle still raged in my head, I knew I couldn't do it, because she was feeling too vulnerable for us to actually make love. I'd feel like I was taking advantage of her when she was at her lowest.

Then holy fuck, if she didn't tug down my fly and push my jeans to the floor letting my raging erection spring free, nearly slapping her in the face as it bounced up in the air.

"Ooh, you are a big one, aren't you?" she cooed as she wrapped her hand around me and started stroking me up and down in her tight little fist. Smiling into my eyes she whispered, "I'm going to make you come all over the wall, so Vince will think we never made it to the bed and you banged me against the wall, and I got you so hot, you exploded when you climaxed."

"Kirsty, you keep stroking me like that, I really am going to come."

She grinned. "Well, I should hope so. At least I know how to give a hand job, even if my husband would rather pay for a hooker than sleep with his own wife."

"Sweetheart, I don't think it had anything to do with you. Vince and I have known each other since we were kids. We grew up together. And he's always loved to dance on the edge. He'd ride his bike with no hands, and never wore a helmet or worried about getting scraped up, or breaking anything. The danger of pushing the boundaries was like a high for someone like him, that he couldn't find anywhere else."

"So, you're saying he found me boring, and he was looking for someone more exciting, and that's why he was willing to pay for it?"

I shook my head, stroking a finger along her jaw. "No. That's not what I meant. I'm trying to tell you that he's always been the type to take chances. And I think he looked up those women online, maybe even hoping to get caught. And now offering to let us make love is just his way of living outside the lines. He probably thinks the idea of us hooking up is exciting, and something he probably wished he could see with his own eyes. He always loved an audience, especially when he was doing something dangerous or crazy. And I think just knowing he was the one who set us up, would be a real rush for a guy like him. And I have feeling he'll use it against you later, if he ever screws up again."

She looked so defeated as she nodded. "Though I've never imagined us splitting up, and I hate the idea of dissolving my marriage, I think I'm going to have to call a lawyer and tell him I want a divorce. I can't imagine living with a man I can't trust. And I can't believe Vince and I had been talking about starting a family just before all this happened. He said he could hardly wait to be a father. And stupid me, I believed him, since I no idea what he'd been up to."

Trying to comfort her, I wrapped her in my arms, and held her close, though it was pretty hard to keep things platonic when her hands started wandering. My eyes rolled skyward as I felt her soft little fingers teasingly running up and down along my erection.

Then suddenly, she looked up and studied my face. When she asked, "So, did you actually come over here planning to have sex with me?" I froze.

After what Vince had done, I couldn't lie to her, and I knew I had to tell her the truth. "Yes. Vince said you wanted to even the score by hooking up with me. And I thought if I could help you two get past what he'd done, I was willing to do whatever you wanted."

Slowly she began to smile as she unbelted her robe, and let it slide down her body onto the floor, baring her beautiful naked body to my hungry gaze. "And what if I do want to make love with you? Even just to know what it would feel like to be with a man who really wants me." The way my cock was standing straight up in the air, twitching like mad, there was no way to hide how badly I wanted this with her.

I decided I might as well be honest and tell her the rest. "I really was hoping to make love with you, Kirsty, or I never would have agreed to come over here tonight."

I groaned as I watch her drop to her knees, brushing her hard diamond nipples against my trembling thighs as she circled me in her fist and slowly dragged her hot, wet, tongue from my throbbing balls all the way up to my angry red cockhead, that was throbbing against her full, lush lips as she slyly smiled up into my eyes.

My hands shot into her hair as she sank me into her mouth and started sucking me back. "Oh, fuck me, that feels incredible, Kirsty."

Smiling up at me, she let go and whispered, "Soon, you'll be sliding this bad boy between my legs. But first I want to enjoy this, because I just love the feel of you on my tongue, and the little gushes of precum I can taste as you make love to my mouth, feel like heaven."

I could feel the pressure mounting as she kept sliding her tongue up and down along my shaft, and all around my swollen head, and sucking on the tip, as I kept pumping, till I knew I had to stop her, or I was going to lose probably the biggest load I'd ever shot, right down her throat.

Knowing how ready she was, I wanted to be inside her when I came, so I could paint her womb with my seed.

That's when I realized that I wanted to get her pregnant, because I knew it was what she wanted, since she'd always wanted kids. And obviously now, she wouldn't be having them with her cheating husband Vince.

And sharing this with her, was something I'd only ever dreamed of, from the moment I first saw her walking into the senior prom on my best friend's arm.

All through college, every time I saw them together, I'd always wished she were mine, and could never understand what she saw in my friend. Especially since I knew Vince liked to fool around on other girls he'd been dating, though I'd hoped that he'd never do anything like that to her. But I was wrong, and a leopard can't change its spots any more than Vince could change his ways. The guy didn't have a clue what it meant to be faithful. And now he'd hurt her bad enough, that she was done with him, which thankfully meant that soon she'd be free to see whoever she wanted. And hopefully, with any luck, that someone would be me.

Desperate to come inside her, cradling her head in my hands, I pulled out with a 'pop', smiling at her cute little mewl of protest, as I lifted her into my arms, feathering kisses across her lips her as I set her down on her back in the middle of the bed. Taking hold of her by the ankles, I spread her legs open wide, and groaned at the enticing sight of her swollen pussy, just aching to be filled and fucked. Now all I could think of was coming inside her as deep as I could, so I could plant my seed, and mark her as mine.

Vince could go and bang whoever he wanted, or at least as many women as he could afford, but he wasn't getting her back. Once we made love, she'd be mine and I'd be hers.

And my old buddy Vince could go fuck himself.

Just knowing how much it would piss him off if I were to breed his wife, and put a baby in her, would be the sweetest payback ever, for both of us.

And of course, I'd be happy to make love with her till it happened, no matter how long it took. Because obviously there was no down side in making love to someone as sweet and sexy and gorgeous as she was, especially since I'd always been more than a little in love with her.

Maybe over time, if I was lucky, she might grow to love me, too. Then we could plan a future, with the family we created together.

Since I'm fairly thick, not wanting to hurt her, I knew I had to get her nice and wet before I tried pushing my way inside her.

Her eyes lit up with a sense of wonder as I tenderly kissed her lips and kept my eyes on hers as I worshiped her body, brushing butterfly kisses over her luscious breasts, suckling gently on her nipples, teasing them with my teeth, making her shiver. Before I kissed my way down to the junction of her thighs, licking into her navel as I went.

"Ooh, yes!" she hissed as I lashed out my tongue and slowly dragged it from her tight little rosebud up to her swollen clit, circling around it with the tip of my tongue.

"You're just so sweet," I whispered as I spread her open wide and speared my tongue inside her.

"Oh wow! I'm coming so hard!" she cried out as I tongue fucked her, working a finger around her clit.

"Then come all over my tongue, and I'll lick up every drop," I murmured against her pussy, really hoping she would.

I was so desperate to get inside her, I was leaking pre-cum like a tap, and the sheets were getting sticky. As much as I was enjoying eating her juicy little puss, I knew I wasn't going to last much longer, and I sure as hell didn't want to come all over her bed.

She smiled up into my eyes, almost begging me to mate with her, as I spread her legs, poising my cock at her entrance. Holding my breath, I eased my way in, till I managed to broach her opening and pop my swollen cockhead inside her. As she tightened her inner muscles around me, drawing me in, it just felt so good, I had to start thrusting. "I promise, we'll take it slower next time, but you feel so good, I can't hold back."

"Then don't. I want to feel you come inside me, Nick. And I want you to get me pregnant."

I smiled, glad we were on the same page as I brushed a kiss across her lips. "Then let's hope this works and one of my boys gets the job done. Because I would love to put a baby in you, Kirsty."

I'd been with enough women to know that what we were sharing was something pretty special. The desperate way she tugged my head down to kiss me as I flexed my hips, and really started to ride her, till I was nearly pounding her into the mattress, felt like we were burning up, we were so desperate to consummate our union and create a life together.

Her hands were twisting in my hair, both of us gasping for air, as I threw back my head and cried out, "Oh fuck me! I'm coming so fucking hard!"

"Then fill me up, Nick. Give me everything you've got."


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