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Don't Ignore Infatuation

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To their regret two college kids ignore mutual infatuation.
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Deidre McKenzie and Brett Wilson both attended the University of Southern California (USC), Deidre on a half tuition merit scholarship and several stipends and monetary awards from the Theater Department making up full tuition, and Brett on a full ride volleyball scholarship. Their attendance at the same college at the same time with most, if not all, of their expenses paid were two of the few things that they really had in common -- except for the desire to ultimately have children.

Deidre is five foot one inch (1.55 m) tall, 105 pounds (48 kg) with light brown hair, blue eyes, and perky A cup breasts, and despite the fact that she was in the Theater Department, except when on stage she was on the introvert side of an ambivert during her time at USC. Deidre had had bad experiences with jocks during High School and completely avoided them if possible. She was attracted to average sized sensitive and studious guys.

Brett is six foot five inches (1.95 m) tall, 220 pounds (100 kg) with blond hair, brown eyes, and an extrovert personality and who is practiced at hiding his intelligence well with his charm. He has a low opinion of people who express emotion on a regular basis. He was attracted to tall blond women, regardless of their level of intelligence, and from his sophomore year in High School through USC never dated any woman who wasn't blond and at least five feet ten inches (1.78 m) tall.

Despite going through USC all four years together, Deidre and Brett rarely directly interfaced. They had the same English class as freshmen, the same French class as sophomores, actually double dated one time their junior year since Deidre's date at the time was good friends with Brett's date, and as seniors they both were in PHED 121, Yoga for Athletic Performance. Brett was in the class to help in recovering from an injury and Deidre was in it by mistake, thinking that she was signing up for PHED 120b, normal yoga, but saw no reason to transfer out since most of her classmates were women, Brett, a wrestler and a football player being the only males.

They did have one unusual experience that they shared. During parents' weekend of their junior year they sat at the same table during a luncheon, and their parents seemed to be very friendly with each other. Also Brett's mother talked extensively with Deidre and Deidre's with Brett.

After the luncheon Brett's mother inquired about Deidre. "Deidre seems to be a very intelligent and attractive young woman, Brett. Have you ever dated her?"

"Come on Mom, you know that I only like tall blond buxom women like you," he cackled after initially slightly blushing.

"You're horrible," his mother grinned while punching him in the arm.

At the same time that Brett's mother was talking to him Deidre's mom was talking to her. "Brett seems to be a very nice good-looking young man. Have you and he dated?

After an initial slight blush of her own Deidre replied "Mom, you know that I don't date jocks."

"Pity," Deidre's mom replied, "he'd be a great catch."

"But I'm not a fisherman, Mom," Deidre laughed.

Given their personalities, proclivities, and likes and dislikes it seemed incongruous that during the last half of their junior, and their senior, years that despite the difficulty in seeing members of the audience from the stage Deidre could swear that she saw Brett in attendance at least four times during curtain calls of plays where she had a major or starring role, and during at least five home volleyball games Brett was quite sure that he saw Deidre in the crowd -- and he even had one of his friends surreptitiously give her a ticket to the sold out last game of the year, which was the de facto conference championship.

Brett and Deidre seemed to make fleeting eye contact when they were in proximity of each other; both seemed confused and perhaps embarrassed by it.


About sixteen months after graduation Brett married Cheryl, a blond five eleven big-breasted business major who had graduated from UCLA at the same time that he graduated from USC, and Deidre married Kent Carlson, her USC boyfriend of sixteen months who had just graduated from USC's graduate business school, who is a five foot eight inch brown-haired blue-eyed sensitive guy.

Brett was entrepreneurial and started a dot-com business shortly after graduation. Cheryl was his first employee, and ended up with 5% of the business before they became romantically involved. Because they were intelligent, hard-working, and personable, the business quickly became successful. Before marriage they had agreed on having at least two children, although Cheryl seemed decidedly less interested than Brett. However, Brett was (as Deidre's mother had noted) a great catch and rather than take the chance that he would lose interest in her she smilingly agreed -- and agreed as well to a prenup which exempted Brett's 95% ownership in the business from community property.

Brett enjoyed married life with the exception of fleeting episodes of guilt after sex with Cheryl when he wasn't thinking of her as he ejaculated -- especially since those orgasms were the most intense of his life. He stayed in good shape by exercising almost daily and playing in a recreational volleyball league.

Kent turned out to have good entrepreneurial instincts as well and his business had every appearance of being successful within three years of his marriage to Deidre. Deidre was able to pursue her career in theater and while it wasn't particularly economically rewarding, it was spiritually rewarding. Her only disappointment was that Kent was less supportive of her career than she thought that he would be and seemed to want her to either get a high-paying job, or just do volunteer work.

Aside from Kent's lack of support for her career Deidre enjoyed married life with the exception of fleeting episodes of guilt after sex with Kent when she wasn't thinking of him as she orgasmed -- especially since those orgasms were the most intense of her life. Although non-athletic and averse to any competition, she stayed in good shape exercising by herself almost daily including biking, jogging, light weight-lifting, and aerobics.

Brett and Deidre were both 26 years old when Kent and Cheryl attended the same conference in Carmel-by-the-Sea, California, a virtually idyllic venue in Monterey County. Even though Brett and Cheryl both worked in the same company, the conference subject matter was only of interest to Cheryl's duties, but Brett had been working hard and needed a break so three or four days at such a picturesque spot was attractive to him. Deidre was between plays but had been asked by The Cat Theater in Carmel to talk with them about possibly providing workshops in the future for community theater members, so Deidre was happy to go along with Kent to Carmel.

It was the morning of the second day of the conference attended by Kent and Cheryl when Brett and Deidre literally ran into each other exiting the same luxury hotel that they were staying at. After grabbing her so that she didn't fall Brett broke into a big smile and said "Deidre McKenzie, it is you, isn't it."

"Uh...hi...Brett...uh...sorry I didn't look where I was going," she stammered.

"No, the fault was mine. What are you doing in this idyllic spot?"

"My husband Kent is attending a conference here, and I tagged along especially since I am going to meet with representatives of the Cat Theater at lunchtime."

"I'm going downtown myself -- would you like a ride? I hear that parking is difficult, and there's no reason to bring two cars if we're going from and to the same places," Brett grinned.

"But what if you want to come back early?" Deidre inquired.

"I promise to adapt my schedule to yours," Brett quickly replied.

"OK...I guess it will be more fun to sightsee with someone else," Deidre responded, with an uncharacteristic feeling of her face getting flushed.

Since USC Deidre had moved on from any introverted aspects of her personality and was now a true ambivert; Brett was still his pleasant extrovert self. After catching up with what they had been doing since college they had a very joyful interchange of ideas as they walked around the picturesque city. When the time for Deidre's luncheon approached Brett had a suggestion. "Deidre if I agree to pay everyone's fare do you think that the three people you're meeting would care if I came along for lunch? I promise not to interfere in your discussions."

"We can ask," she beamed.

"Where are you meeting them?"

"At the Cat -- it's about two blocks from here."

When they got to the Cat three board members met them and they were happy to accept Brett's invitation as long as the Divvy, where they had a reservation for lunch, could accommodate one more. When it turned out not to be a problem they were seated with Brett across the round table from Deidre so that she could sit between two board members.

After initial pleasantries Brett primarily watched and listened as Deidre blew the board members away with her expertise and suggestions, while Brett was extremely impressed by her poise --- and something else that was not possible to put into crystallized thoughts, let alone words, the same problem Brett had when interacting with Deidre at USC.

After an enjoyable 90 minute lunch the diners went to The Cat so that the board members could give Deidre a tour with Brett tagging along.

After the tour Deidre held Brett's arm and said "Thanks for the lunch -- and I hope that our theater talk wasn't too boring for you."

"I enjoyed it; I learned many, many new things today, and I'm sure that I'll be able to appreciate plays more in the future," he replied.

"Did you enjoy the plays that I was in at USC?" Deidre blurted out before she could catch herself. She actually had no desire to ever let Brett know that she saw him in the audience at several of the performances.

Brett's response was even more uncomfortable than Deidre's question. They both turned red as he stammered "Yeah...uh...well...I think...uh...I went with a play or two at school; were really...great!"

Deidre quickly changed the subject with "Since you accommodated me, let's go wherever you want now," as she took his arm and moved him away from The Cat.

They ultimately went on a two hour guided walking tour -- which they both enjoyed -- with a few other tourists from England and Germany, and shortly after the tour was over they needed to get back to the hotel to meet their spouses after the conference day was concluded and go out to dinner that night. On the ride back both Brett and Deidre seemed pensive. Finally Brett asked "Would you like to go to the beach tomorrow and rent kayaks and paddleboards while our spouses are in meetings?"

"Uh...sure...I'd love to," Deidre smiled.

"Why don't you meet me at my car at 9:00 a.m.," Brett posited.

"Sounds great," Deidre smiled.

After they alighted from Brett's car Deidre said "Thanks for a great time today, Brett," and then got on her tippy-toes and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

After dinner and dancing -- at separate venues, with different sets of conferees -- Brett and Deidre retired with their spouses to their luxury suites. Neither Cheryl nor Kent knew what hit them as Brett and Deidre attacked them with honeymoonesque alacrity, resulting in smiling great sleeps for all four.


Deidre and Brett rendezvoused at 8:55 the next morning, both clearly anxious to start their day. At the beach they both kayaked and paddle boarded having a great time. When it got to be 11:30 a. m. they had a quick lunch at a hut right near the beach, and lounged in the sand for about an hour to digest their food. At the end of that time Deidre -- in her bikini much appreciated by Brett's bulging eyes behind his reflective sunglasses -- asked "What else would you like to do today, Brett?"

Something seemed to click in Brett's mind. He slowly removed his sunglasses while staring at Deidre. Then he took her hands in his, sighed heavily, and said "I promised myself five years ago that if I ever got this chance I would ask; even if you end up hating me I've got to take the chance. What I'd really like to do more than anything else in the world is to fuck you."

Brett was prepared for almost any response except the one he got. After a delay of at least a minute where Brett and Deidre silently stared at each other Deidre responded "Not on the beach -- we need a hotel room, but not the ones we're at with our spouses."

Brett quickly kissed her on the lips and then said "Gather your stuff."

Fifteen minutes, and several uncomfortable glances at each other, later they were in a room at the motel closest to the beach.

It was clear to both Brett and Deidre that they finally had to admit that they had years of built-up fantasies about each other. Why neither of them were willing to acknowledge -- let alone act upon -- those thoughts during their time at USC was unclear to both of them. You would think that after years of yearning that they would ravage each other like a pair of jungle cats; it was yet another surprise that they did not.

Brett and Deidre gently but purposefully removed the other's clothes as they stared at each other in the motel room. They seemed to be staring into the other's souls as much as their eyes. When they were both naked Brett lifted Deidre into his arms and they kissed lovingly, not with animal passion but in an adoring controlled manner. When they broke their kiss Brett gently laid Deidre on her back on the bed and started to lick her pussy; Deidre had other ideas, however, and skillfully maneuvered them into a sixty-nine.

After increasing the sexual tension exponentially by their mutual oral gratification Brett rotated his body 180° and gently placed his penis at Deidre's vaginal vestibule. As he slowly but purposefully penetrated her anxious pussy he planted kisses on her face and neck while one of his hands stimulated one of her eraser-hard elongated nipples on her tiny breasts, and she latched her arms around his neck like she was holding on for dear life.

While not frantic Brett's reciprocations in her pussy and her pulsations of her pc muscles were vigorous. Neither lasted long; shortly Deidre was screaming in ecstasy while Brett's grunts were interspersed with exclamations of satisfaction and joy. When they finally came down from their orgasms, and survived two intense aftershocks, Brett withdrew and lay next to Deidre nose-to-nose, both with smiles of contentment on their faces.

Deidre spoke first: "I can't believe that I cheated on my husband; I hate cheaters. Yet when you told me that you wanted to fuck me the only thought in my mind was that for reasons I've never been able to rationalize or explain I've had an animal attraction to you since the time that I first saw you. I don't think that I ever thought 'I wish that Brett would ask me out on a date;' but I did often think 'I'd really like to fuck him.' I guess that's why I said 'yes' even though I hate cheaters."

Brett's smile got bigger. "I too hate cheaters -- but I rationalize my feelings toward you by kidding myself into believing that even reality with you is just a fantasy. I never thought this moment would come, but I dreamed often that it would. My feelings toward you are so messed up that they're unreal. I don't know if my feelings are lust, love, infatuation, hunger, or some combination. There is no way I should be attracted to you physically or emotionally, yet I'm like a moth to your flame."

Happy confused pillow talk continued for several minutes more before Deidre moved her hand to Brett's crotch and his cyclops instantly saluted. As Deidre squeezed Brett's cock she cackled "This time I'm on top -- and no gentle affection like the last one -- this time it is going to be balls out fucking."

Deidre's prediction was correct as the lovers suffered mutual orgasms so intense that they both briefly lost consciousness.

Two hours after they apprehensively entered their motel room, Deidre and Brett glowingly exited it. After a swim they drove back to their hotel, Deidre's head on Brett's shoulder, and his hand on her thigh, most of the way. When they parked in the lot at the hotel they nervously stared at each other. "I think that it would be a really bad idea to have contact in the future, or to even exchange phone numbers," Deidre hesitantly said. "I don't want to cheat again, but in circumstances similar to today I couldn't control myself."

Brett nodded his head in agreement. "You're exactly right, and I feel the same way. I've fulfilled my most important fantasy -- aside from having children -- and I don't want to screw up your life or mine." Then he looked around to be sure no one was watching, then mumbled "One more kiss." They exchanged a quick but passionate kiss, and then parted, vowing to never to see each other again.

After Deidre douched that night Kent was in for another satisfying wild ride after which he fell into a deep sleep. Deidre enjoyed herself, but spent most of the night staring at the ceiling, just like Brett did after he brought Cheryl through four orgasms with his mouth and cock.


Eight months and eight days after the Carmel conference concluded Deidre gave birth to a seven pound ten ounce bouncing baby girl. When she first realized that she was pregnant she had a scare that it might be Brett's baby, the possibility of which she hadn't even considered when overcome by lust during her bareback mating with Brett. However, her OB/GYN assured her, based upon all normal signs, that she was pregnant before the conference. While that was a great relief to Deidre she was still apprehensive until little Carla was born. Carla had blue eyes, just like Kent and Deidre, not brown eyes like Brett and his parents, which she remembered well from talking to them extensively at parents' weekend her junior year at USC. Her OB/GYN also told Deidre that Carla was obviously full term, her development having every manifestation of a full term baby, making it almost a certainty that she was already pregnant before sex with Brett.

While both Kent and Deidre were thrilled with parenthood, the responsibilities of raising Carla fell much more on Deidre than Kent had assured her when they had the "children" talk both before being married and before she got pregnant. Kent also had been less than supportive of Deidre's acting career, but by sheer will, love, and ambition Deidre became an exemplary mother and continued her career.


About two years after Carla was born Brett was hosting a couple of clients, a man and a woman, in Pasadena. It was no accident that he met them there, even though his office and their offices were not in Pasadena, because it was centrally located to all three offices and for another reason not having to do with geography. The other reason was that Deidre was the lead in "King Liz" by Fernand Coppel, a short-run play at the Pasadena Playhouse.

After conducting business Brett suggested to his clients that they join him for the 6:30 performance of King Liz, for which he had purchased second row seats in the 686 seat Pasadena Playhouse, with dinner to follow. They were game, but a bit confused by the fact that he bought four bunches of a dozen roses each before the performance.

As usual, Deidre gave a great performance as Liz Rico and got a standing ovation at the curtain call. After the play, with roses in hand, one dozen for each of the three females in the cast and the female director, Brett led his excited, but cautious, clients backstage. To the security dude Brett said "I'd like to see the director; I've got some flowers for her and the female cast members."

This was a little unusual for the bored security dude but it was a change of pace so he accommodated Brett and returned shortly with the director.

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