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Don't Tease Daddy 01


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He'd started trying to find some porn video or other, at the time he hadn't cared what it was so long as it was something to distract himself from thoughts of his little girl, so he could get off in peace. But there was a content tag on the site he always used, one he'd somehow never noticed before: Daddy/daughter. He clicked on it, obviously. He'd been physically incapable of not clicking on it.

And then, there he was, inundated with videos of supposed father-daughter pairings. He didn't believe any of them were actually related. It was obvious, how fake the relationships were, how slutty and wonton the girls were for their 'dads'. There was no way it was real. It wasn't what he needed. He didn't like the idea of a fake relationship, he knew daughters wouldn't inherently be so eager for their fathers. But in that moment he realized, that was part of his own desire... He wanted her because she was perfect and innocent and that opened up so many avenues he'd never thought of before. So many possibilities...

Hilary was a smart girl, he wouldn't fool her, but the thought of trying to test the waters a little, to see just how interested she was in sex... it was making his cock even harder. When the videos had proved useless to him, Greg found himself on a forum for like minded men. He couldn't believe it existed, but the longer he thought about it, the more he realized it was inevitable. There was no way he was alone in his perverted desires. There were hundreds, if not thousands, of other dads on the forum, talking all sorts of things about their daughters. One post caught his eye over the others. 'Side Effects: Cum Slut'. One of the fathers on the forum had discovered a particular side effect of some over the counter pill Greg had never heard of. It was meant as a pain reliever or allergy med of some kind, but it seemed to have unintended results. With a little persuasion and planning, it made this man's daughter--and countless others, if the replies were any indication--a wanton whore for her father's cock.

Greg had added it to his cart and hit purchase in all of 30 seconds. With the pill on its way to his mailbox, Greg let himself imagine all the things he wanted to do to his little girl. His hand pumped his cock, his grip tight, and before he knew he was cumming all over the hardwood floor of his bedroom to thoughts of his daughter's tight little cunt.

Greg had a plan. It wouldn't be fast, he knew, he'd have to be patient. But it would be worth it, certainly, if he had Hilary coming to him, begging for his cock. He was finished pretending there was an alternative, it was impossible. Hilary may not have known it, but the way she was teasing him all day every day couldn't continue. She didn't mean to, Greg knew that, but it was clearly based in her own unfulfilled interests in sex... so if he could fulfill those interests, show her what she was missing... Greg groaned..

* * * * * * * * * *

When he got home from work the next day, both his kids were home. He knew Hilary would be there, Spring Break had started that day and she didn't have any school for the whole week. But it was a surprise to see Patrick's car in the driveway, Greg felt a rush of affection for his family. He was lucky, really, he may have been divorced with a piece of shit ex-wife, but his kids were awesome.

After he'd hung up his coat and taken off his shoes, Greg made his way into the house. The TV was on in the living room, so he headed there. Patrick was lounging on the couch, sprawled with some cop show or other playing on the TV. But Greg's son wasn't watching the screen, he was watching his sister. Hilary was across the room doing yoga in the same tiny shorts she'd worn the day before, and a similarly tiny tank top. Neither of them had noticed their dad come home, so Greg took in the sight before him. There was no doubt Patrick was staring at his sister, his mouth hung wide open and his hand was frozen on the TV's remote. Hilary had no idea, she was bent over her yoga mat with her ass in the air, stretching and rocking in place. Soft sighs issued from her pillow lips. Her shorts were stretched tight over her little ass, they pulled taught in between her cheeks and Greg couldn't help much imagine what it might be like to peel them off her...

It was this that made him remember what should be in the mailbox. Grinning, he went back to the front door and found the package. The pills he'd ordered came with next day shipping, as if they knew they were often used by impatient fathers. When he went back inside, he called out: "I'm home! Where are my two favourite kids?"

"In here!" Hilary called. Greg found them still in the living room as expected, but Patrick was no longer drooling over his sister. He watched the TV intently now, and Hilary had shifted positions so she was lying on the floor stretching her legs.

"How's Spring Break going so far, kiddo?" He asked before standing behind Patrick and ruffling his hair. "And you, what brings you around? We've got no dinner plans, so you can't be here for food." He laughed.

"Can't a son just want to spend time with his family?" Patrick looked up at him, grinning. "Besides, someone has to watch over Hilly here when you're not around."

Greg could see Hilary rolling her eyes from across the room. She'd finished her stretch and was sitting cross-legged on her mat. "He's been staring at me like a creeper." She told her dad, laughing.

"You wish." Patrick replied, but it was half hearted and his face looked hot. Greg laughed, looking between his children. There was no doubt Patrick had started noticing the same changes in Hilary, though as a horny young twenty-something, he could be excused much easier than his father. Greg waited for the familiar guilt to set in, the horror at the way he was thinking about his little girl, but it never did.

"Hilly, I just had something delivered that might be perfect for you to try out." He spoke calmly, the words flowing from him easily as he strode over to his daughter. "They're supposed to be good for soothing muscles while your body finishes growing, but they're especially good for after a workout, you want to give it a try?"

Hilary gazed up at her father as he stood over her. Her tits looked even bigger from this angle, the cleavage in her tiny tank top was absurd. "Sure daddy, thanks!" She grinned up at him, holding out her hand. She already looked a little like the wanton slut he hoped she'd become, with her eyes all wide and her plush pink lips parted.

Greg took it as a sign that he'd made the right call. He shook a pill from the bottle and placed it in her hand. Without another thought, Hilary popped it into her mouth and followed it with a swig from her water bottle.

"I hope it works, I'm always so sore after yoga."

Greg smiled and petted her hair. "I hope so too, baby."

Patrick scoffed from behind them. "I can't believe you're still calling him daddy, Hil, you're eighteen years old."

Hilary frowned. Gregs hand, still on her soft hair, pulled her closer. "Your sister can call me daddy as long as she likes." He said sternly.

Patrick just rolled his eyes and returned his gaze to the TV.

After dinner, Patrick left for the night and Hilary was camped out with Greg on the couch for another movie. He'd been watching her carefully for any signs that the side effects of the pill were as he hoped, but it wasn't until halfway through the movie that Hilary started to get restless. It started with her squirming on the couch, unable to get comfortable. She crossed and uncrossed her legs, lay back for a moment before scrambling into a different position. When she let out a long sigh, Greg reached for the remote and paused the movie.

"Something wrong, kiddo?"

Hilary's face scrunched up in the most adorable way, her lips pursed. "Just feel weird, daddy. I don't know what's up."

"What feels weird, baby?"

Hilary chewed on her lip, her eyes flitting around the room, anywhere but on his.

"You can tell me, Hilly, I'm your daddy after all. You can tell me anything."

"I know, but it's weird." She whined.

"What's weird?" Greg asked, mimicking her tone with a smile. "There's nothing weird about a daughter going to her daddy for help, if not me then who would you go to?"

"I guess you're right." Hilary sighed and shifted on the couch. When her arms crossed over her chest she let out a hiss and winced before dropping her arms to her knees. "I just... I feel really funny. My boobs are all achy, I think maybe I'm getting my period."

Greg tried not to grin. "You know, that used to happen to your mom often too.


"I learned to help her with it, she used to say it gave her some relief. Do you want me to try to help you too, kiddo?"

Hilary chewed on her bottom lip, her cheeks were tinged with pink. "Isn't that wrong though, daddy?"

"What could be wrong about a father helping his little girl feel better, baby?" Greg gave his daughter's knee a reassuring squeeze. "Besides, we won't tell anyone. It can be our little secret."

Hilary stared at him for a moment, Greg could almost see the wheels turning in her head. This was it, the moment he would find out whether his plan might progress or if he'd be turned away outright. Finally, his daughter let out a breath. "Okay daddy, I want you to try to help make me feel better."

Greg kept his returning smile calm and casual, but inside he was buzzing. He had to take this slow, though. He had a plan and he was going to stick to it. Greg shifted on the couch, moving so he could lounge in the chaise corner. Then he spread his legs and patted in between them. "Come lay here, baby, lean back against me and I'll make you feel better while we finish the movie."

Hilary nodded and scrambled to the spot between his legs. He could tell she was still hesitant, but it was a good sign how she was pushing past her own discomfort to do as he asked. With her back pressed to his chest, Greg hit play on the movie and slowly shifted his hands to his daughters breasts. He was prepared to find her braless, Hilary hadn't changed since that morning and still wore the tight little tank top that had been teasing him all day. But he wasn't ready for just how perfect and soft her little teenage tits would be even over the fabric of her top. Little was the wrong word, they filled his hands completely, but fuck did they feel young and new. Greg coughed to hide his groan. He kneaded them gently, massaging the soft tissue. When he pinched and twisted at her nipples through the top, Hilary let out a sigh and snuggled further into his chest.

"How does this feel, kiddo, any better?"

She hummed her approval. "Yes daddy, please don't stop." She craned her neck to look up at him behind her, Greg smiled and pressed a quick kiss to the tip of her nose.

"I won't, baby girl. Anything to make you feel good."

Hilary grinned back. "Thanks daddy."

Greg was rock hard beneath his daughter, his cock pressed tight to his belly. When Hilary wriggled a bit, trying to get more comfortable, Greg wondered if she'd noticed. If she did, she didn't say anything.

They continued watching the movie, Greg's hands still softly rubbing and kneading at his daughter's breasts. The longer he felt them and the more Hilary gasped and whimpered at his gentle movements, the more Greg became convinced that he was doing the right thing. His little girl's body was perfect, made for him, he was certain of that now.

Greg was so consumed by the feel of his daughter's breasts in his hands, he almost forgot the reason he'd picked the movie. Toward the end, there was a particularly racy scene that he hoped would make Hilary even more excited, that it might trigger even more of the pill's delightful side effects.

As the scene progressed and the characters began touching each other, their gasps and moans began to drown out the quiet whimpers and gasps from Hilary. He knew she was affected, though, she was squirming in her spot, her hips making small movements in time with the people on screen.

"Still feeling okay, kiddo?" He asked, his tone as innocent as he could make it.

"My boobs feel better, daddy."

"But something else is wrong?" He pressed.

Hilary sighed. "I just feel real funny, that's all. Don't worry about me."

"Of course I'm going to worry about you, baby. Tell me what's wrong?"

"I just feel a little... frustrated..." She wriggled her hips. "Down there. It happens sometimes, it'll go away."

Greg was happy his daughter's back was to him, she couldn't see the grin spreading over his face. "Oh I'm sorry baby, is it the movie? I know watching something like this can make girls a little hot and restless." His hands stilled, her perfect teenage tits fit them so well he wasn't sure he could ever let go.

Hilary turned to peer up at him, her cheeks were pink. "Yes, but the feeling is bigger this time. I feel... It's hard to describe." She turned away to face the TV, her face hot.

"Are you getting wet in your panties, kiddo?" Greg asked seriously, she sucked in a breath. "It's okay baby, it's natural. But daddy doesn't want you feeling uncomfortable. You know, I can help you with that feeling too? Just like I helped make these feel better." He squeezed her tits gently.

He heard her breath catch. "But, isn't that wrong? I don't think you're supposed to help me like that, I'm your daughter..."

"Don't be silly, baby. Daddies are supposed to help their little girls with whatever they need." He gently pulled at her tits, massaging and twisting her nipples. "I know you don't know much about sex yet, and I don't want you having learn in a way that makes you uncomfortable. Let me help you instead, baby, then I know you're safe."

Hilary gasped, her thighs squeezing tight together. Her breathing was shallow now, full of small catches and whimpers. Finally she let out a low whine. "Ah!" Her breath hitched. "I don't know, dad."

Greg took the opportunity before him, his little girl wouldn't say it but she needed him. One hand released her nipple and drifted down her belly to the edge of her leggings. Greg didn't say anything, he just slid his fingers into the tight fabric to find the lips of her pussy. He had to choke back a groan when his fingertips hit the soft skin covered in a slick sheen of her perfect teenage juices. She was fucking drenched. "Oh baby, you're soaked. You must be so uncomfortable."

"Daddy!" Hilary whined, squirming in his arms. "I don't think..." Her breath caught at he pressed her clit lightly. "Oh..." She breathed, eyes fluttering as she relaxed a little. She tried, just briefly, to pull at the arm in her pants, but he'd slid his middle finger between her slick folds. It was clear she wanted him, she just couldn't accept it yet. Greg continued rubbing her softly and dipping into the tight, scorching hot hole. It took everything he had not to groan and jam his fingers all the way inside her. The only thing that held him back was the knowledge that she was a virgin, and that was was going to ensure that the first thing she ever fucked was her father's cock.

"Don't worry, kiddo." He cooed in her ear. When Greg started rubbing the hard little nub of his daughter's clit, she cried out and arching her back and pushing her head into his shoulder. "Daddy's just going to make you feel better. There's nothing wrong with that."

"But--" Hilary gasped and whimpered. Greg smiled into her hair and pressed a kiss to her head, she wasn't going to last long, he was going to have his little girl cumming all over his fingers any second now. "Daddies aren't supposed to touch their daughters like this..." She panted, the word trailed off into a loud moan. Hilary was shuddering in his arms, cumming on his hand and drenching him with her precious girl cum. When she finally went limp, sucking in heavy breaths, Greg's fingers stilled to rest on the heat of her perfect little pussy.

"See, baby? Daddy knows how to make you feel better."

Hilary only whimpered. As Greg kept his arms around his freshly creamed daughter, he tried to block out the throbbing in his cock. It would take time still, before he'd get her to touch him. That was the plan, baby steps. For now, Greg couldn't quite believe what he'd done. One hand still held the soft flesh of his daughter's tit while the other rested on the slick, soaked heat of her pussy. Her little hole was so tight, he'd barely dipped a finger into but it had gripped him hard enough that he was forced to think about just how tight it'd be around his cock. He could still picture it, too, even if he hadn't gotten her leggings off this time. The glance he'd gotten the day before meant he knew exactly how it looked, all tucked away and waiting for him.

The movie continued, but Greg wasn't paying attention. "How are you feeling now, kiddo?" He spoke softly, he knew she'd be a little embarrassed and didn't want to spook her.

When Hilary replied, her voice was quiet. "Really good, daddy." It was hard for her to admit, he could tell. He'd get her comfortable with it, though. This wasn't going to be the last time she came on his fingers. And with any luck, he'd have her virgin cunt cumming on his cock very soon.

"I'm glad, baby." He pressed another kiss to her hair. "Sometimes girls need help cumming, it's nothing to be ashamed of. I want you to feel comfortable learning about your body, I can help."

Hilary let out a breath. "Okay daddy, I do want to learn." Greg could tell he hadn't quite convinced her, but all the same he considered it a very successful first step of the plan. He'd gotten her off, she knew what it felt like and now they shared a secret, he had no doubt he could get more out of her--and hopefully with the help of those pills, he'd have her begging for it before long.

* * * * * * * * * *

At work, Greg was restless. He'd been silly to even go into the office that morning, what with Hilary home from school all week. It wasn't like he was particularly needed, as the head of the company he did little other than take meeting and make big picture decisions, all of which could be put off for a few days. So only hours into the workday he'd made the announcement to his staff, he'd be taking the rest of the week off to enjoy Spring Break with his kids. He'd intended to at least stay the whole day, but by noon he'd decided to say fuck it, and head home early.

It was a good thing, too, because when Greg got home he found his kids in quite the compromising position. It was the sound he heard first, as he cracked the front door open quietly. Dramatic panting and moaning, gasped proclamations of "Harder!" and "Take it, slut!" His kids were watching porn in the living room, and they hadn't noticed him open the door. Greg wasn't sure why he'd tried to sneak in, but it was a good thing.

He knew it was both Hilary and Patrick watching without even seeing them, Pat's car was in the driveway and he had no doubt Hilary was home enjoying her time off from school. What he couldn't sort out, is why they were watching it together, and how something like that could've even come about. Though, he had an inkling it was the work of his son. Greg neared the living room and stood at the entrance, just out of sight, and he took in the view.

"Turn it off, Pat!" Hilary whined. She was standing in the room, her eyes flickering between the screen and her brother, thighs pressed together suspiciously.

"Grow up, Hil. Just enjoy it." Greg could hear the thrill in his son's voice.

"I can't, it's... wrong."

"It's nothing you haven't done with the boys at school." Patrick rolled his eyes. "A little more dramatic than fumbling teenagers, maybe, but it's the same thing."

Hilary's eyes were trained on the screen and growing steadily wider. The scene had transitioned, the much older man had pulled out of the young, freshly legal woman and was now between her knees licking her cunt while she writhed and whimpered. "I've never..." Hil's words trailed off as the man added a finger and the woman cried out, arching her back. Hilary sucked in a breath.

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