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"Oh my gosh, Dorey, it is a beautiful cock. Wow, are you sure we can't share. Maybe a few times, you know once a month or so."

"Get sucking and then get out. You've got a guy and this one's mine. I catch you prowling around him in the future I'll tell mom and dad about the fire."

You've heard the expression; a hard cock has no conscience? Welcome to me and mine. I enjoyed every little thing Katherina did, every lick, every suck, and every bob of her head and every stroke of her soft hand. All too soon I was coming. If only I could have held out a few more minutes.

"Yummy. You have a winner here my dear sister. He squirts real big and a tasty. Please promise me if you ever get tired of him you'll call me first. I could get used to this man."

"Get and don't let the door hit you in the ass as you do."

I was reaching for my pants, "Stop Thomas we've got some unfinished business to conduct."


I loved every minute of our business that afternoon. Our first time in the shower was kind of cramped and hurried. This time I was able to spend time admiring every curve and nook and cranny. And I have to tell you she has some wonderful nooks and crannies. She tasted so sweet when I dived between her legs. Her first orgasm was so hard I had to give her another.

Thankfully by then I was able to arise to the occasion and had a great ride. I'm getting better, twice in the same day. Thank the gods that are in control of that stuff.

When the sun was going down I was also for a third time. Not to brag but I think she kind of went into a coma for a minute or so.

As we lay on the couch resting, "Why didn't we do this in my bed? If my couch isn't already ruined I'm getting some kind of cover for it. Maybe I could throw it out and order a leather one. Ever fucked on leather?"

Later my stomach growled, "Are you hungry or ready for another round? Forget it, I'm thinking pizza." When the doorbell rang she went to the door naked and to pay the driver. "That was fun. I showed the girl my tits and you should have seen her reaction. Maybe it would have better to have sent you."

Ever have naked pizza? Be careful the hot sauce doesn't drip on the delicate parts.

As the eating slowed down Dorey looked at me, "We haven't, you haven't said what you think of my proposal. I'm kind of assuming from what has been happening this afternoon you are on board. But you haven't really said yes or no have you?"

I smiled and asked, "How about I spend the night and let you know in the morning?"

"No, that's not going to happen. You sleep in your bed at night. I sleep in my bed at night. We may nap from time to time but you're not spending any nights at my house and I'm not spending any nights at yours. In fact I'm not spending any time at your house. I'm not some piece of pussy that wanders from bedroom to bedroom. Well...say something, please."

"You win. We'll do it your way with one amendment to the contract. There will be a written contract right? With all the rules and conditions spelt out in legalese and I can get my attorney to check it over?" As she was hitting me, "No seriously, there may be times when you of us doesn't want to get together. I'm at an age where sex isn't on my mind all the time. I'm past the teen-age stage. From what I've been told that you ladies aren't obsessed of it as much as us men are. What I'm trying to say is if I'm wanting and you're not excited about the idea you have to feel free to tell me to just go and turn some porn on              and jerk off. I can tell you to break out the vibrator and solve your itch. OK?"

Strangely we shook hands on it. When I was leaving that night she was more than willing to give me that big kiss I was wanting.


Everything was great. If I had an urge I'd call Dorey and make a date and she was free to do the same. Over the next six months there were several occasions that things didn't work out. One time she suggested I check out a certain web site and take care of my problem. Another time I listened to her and her vibrator over the phone. To be honest I wish I had taken the invitation and went over. I ended up doing myself that night.

One evening as we lay relaxing in her bed, "You seem to enjoy it when I tickle your prostate don't you? I think you come extra hard when I've got a finger up there."

"You know...The first time it was scary. I was thinking, what if she thinks I'm gay or something. But ya...I kind of like it. It adds something special. You can feel free to do it any time you want, as long as you use plenty of lube. When you tried without, it wasn't good."

She took a deep breath, "Ever been pegged?"

"What no, never even thought about it. Saw it one time on a video. That was as far as it went. It has never crossed my mind. What are you trying to tell me?"

"Well...I saw it on the web and after you seemed to like my finger. I had the idea that maybe we should try it."

A discussion followed that went on for over an hour. We finally agreed that she could order a slender dildo and we would see how it worked, on both of us. It took us all one afternoon playing gin to five hundred points to see you got ass fucked first. Sadly she won. As she was celebrating her victory she let slip that she had in fact already ordered one and it had arrived that morning.

She reached into the table drawer nest to the couch were we had been playing cards and pulled it out still in its plastic package. "I ordered this also." and pulled out a giant size bottle of lube. "In the kitchen next to the sink is a scissors, go get it please. I want to try this right now."


"No buts. You agreed, you lost, and your ass is mine."

As I headed to the kitchen I heard her say, "I promise to be gentle. You'll like it. I know you will. I'll meet you in the bedroom. Hurry, I want to see how this all works."

She was sitting cross-legged on the bed. The quilt had been pulled down and a pad of some sort was spread out. "Are you going to get undressed?"

"No, I don't think so. All we need is you naked. So, drop those duds and get your body down here, on your knees. Yes like that maybe put your heads down so your ass is up in the air. Perfect. Now this might feel a little chilly but it'll warm up quick enough.

I was terrified. My fears were unfounded. It felt good, better than good. As she was moving it in and out she reached under me and stroked my hardness. Ever come so hard you leave this place and enter another world? Try getting your other to use a dildo on you. I can guarantee a mind altering orgasm.

I collapsed and could only lay there trying to recover. I felt her shaking me and crying out, "Thomas, are you alright? Did I hurt you? Talk to me."              

It seems I may have fallen asleep for just a moment or two. I was lying in my juices and when I rolled over she started to laugh. "God, look at the mess you made. That would have ruined the sheets. I'd never be able to get it all out."

I looked up at her sitting by my side with that instrument in her hand. "Your turn my dear. Get yourself ready. Lose them clothes. I want you naked, nothing, not even your socks."

"I think maybe on your back. I want to be able to see your face. Why don't you just wait a minute while I clean this thing? How much of this lube do I need? Is that enough? Here it goes."

She took it like a trooper. I was working it and she was smiling and encouraging me to do it faster. I fastened my lips on her pussy and did my best. Her legs snapped shut around my head. I thought I was going to die. I couldn't breathe. She was humping her hips. Her hands were on the back of my head forcing me tighter.

At the last moment she fell back and let me free. "Whoa, that was something. If I survive can we do it again? Oh my god! What you did to me. I've seen the elephant. Come here, give me a kiss."

We cuddled for an hour. We talked softly telling each other how it felt. She promised to do me on my back next time so she could do what I had done to her. When she reached down to hold me I couldn't respond. My cock was like me, exhausted.

I offered to do her one more time, "No, I've had enough for one night, maybe again in a year or so. My heart can't take too much more of that."

At her suggestion we moved out to the living room, sat naked on the couch, drinking cold beer and touching each other. When I failed to get hard, "Dead are we? Maybe it's time for you to get dressed and drag you r ass home. If I live I'll give you a call in a month or so."

As I was dressing she asked, "Want to go for a ride? No... Not that kind. I hear the swans are thick down on the river. We could pack a lunch and spend the day."


Over the next five months we had our little get-togethers about every seven to ten days. If we were feeling real adventurous the skinny dildo would come into play. Mostly it was oral with some intercourse thrown in. It kind of surprised me when it was Dorey calling me and setting up a date more often than me calling her.

It wasn't always sex either. The swans were checked out. We went out to dinner and or a movie a few times during that period. One time I was her date to a wedding of a close friend. On several occasions I was invited to dinner and there wasn't any sex. But there never failed to be some hugging and kissing.

I remember very vividly one night I was called and she wanted me to stop over the next night and Dorey had expressly said she was horny and I should expect to be ready to give her more than one orgasm. When I pulled up there was another car in the driveway. Katherina answered the door, "Oh...Thomas...Ah, hello. Is it one of those nights? Come in...Come in, it's chilly out there."

"Dorey, Thomas is here. Are you planning a little fuck fest? Can I watch? Can I join in? Peter is out of town on one of his trips and I could use a little cock. It's been ages...Please. I won't be greedy. Could I have just a quick poke or two? Something to hold me over for the next few days till Peter gets back."

Dorey came into the living room, "Ok, just this once." She turned and headed toward the bedroom dropping her shirt and bra on the floor as she walked.

With a surprised look on her Katherina squealed, "Oh...my...god. She said yes. Quick before she changes her mind. Come on Thomas I get the first fuck."

All my life I had wondered what it would be like. Now it was happening and I was ready to run. What if I couldn't satisfy two? Could I hold up? Bring two different women an orgasm. What had I gotten myself into? Maybe I should just sneak out the door. Of course the opportunity and curiosity got in the way and I followed them down the hall.

It was one of my most wonderful experiences in the world of sex. Two women were with playing with and sucking my cock. I've seen it on videos but the real thing is so much more. Looking down and watching them take turns. Or one with the knob in her mouth and the other licking the shaft or sucking on a ball.

A finger was searching for the back opening. "Don't do that. He'll come too soon. We don't want that. If you want some cock you better stop that."

Katherina was on her back with her legs high in the air, panting with every push. Dorey asked, "Are you ready?" Without waiting for an answer a greasy finger slipped inside me and I was exploding. I have no idea who she was asking and it didn't matter. We both were ready. Katherina screamed as I kept pounding away until I couldn't any more. Katherina's legs fell, she let go of my shoulders, her tits stopped bouncing all over her chest and she smiled up at me. "Thank you. I needed that."

The finger was slowly withdrawn, than I could feel more movement and realized there was a finger in Katherina's ass also. I rolled over on my back spent and worthless. Dorey Gave me a quick suck and then moved over to her sister.

"You are the best sister in the world. I love you. You take such good care of me don't you?"

I rolled to my side and watched Dorey clean up her sister's crotch. It had the desired effect. I was growing hard and Dorey noticed it. A hand reached out and encouraged the growth that was taking place.

As she was climbing on top of me Dorey was telling her sister, "His second wind is all ways better. He'll keep it up until l can't take any more and I am fully satisfied. Get out of the way I'm going for a ride."

This may have been the first time I was asked to fuck twice in such a short time. In the past there was always a break between the bouts. The truth be known, I loved both ways. I was close when Dorey fell off and was satisfied.

In moments we were in a triangle. Katerina had me in her mouth. I was between Dorey's legs and Dorey was fastened to Katherina's pussy. I couldn't hold back and shot off. I could feel Katherina swallowing. I' m not sure but I think Katherina cried out next. Maybe Dorey never did finish but then she had just had a good one so who knows. I never asked.

The shower was really crowded with three of us in there. Someone was grabbing something all the while we were in there. Eventually the water turned cold and we had to get out. I was all shrunken and Dorey had to make sure her sister saw it. "Do you think we could bring him back? I wouldn't mind another little suck on it. He looks so good hard. I can understand why you've latched onto him."

"Just leave him be. You wanted a quick poke if I remember. You got a whole lot more. Your Peter is due back any day. Get dressed and get out. I'll see you tomorrow at the coffee shop, if I can make it that is. I feel a little exhausted right now."


It was a month after the time Katherina had talked her way into Dories bedroom and a threesome. Dorey told me she had asked for a return engagement several times and asked me how I felt about it. I confessed it was spectacular event but I wasn't sure if another time was a good idea. I'm not sure how she may have felt about it. She may have been disappointed or she may have been relieved, I was not sure. Either way it never happened again.

But Dorey being inventive new things popped up every now and then, usually positions or different touches. Then one evening she called me all excited, "Come on over, I've got a new toy. You're going to love it and I can't wait to try it out."

She told me the pizza was on order when I arrived and asked did I want to flash the delivery girl? Over the past few months she had gotten used to requesting that our order was delivered by little Cindy but this was the first time she suggested I pay her. I refused the offer. "No way...You want me to get arrested? There are laws about such things."

"Not a problem she's in college, I've talked to her. She was excited to see you in all your glory. Do it. Don't be a chicken shit."

I kind of agreed but at the last minute I hid my bottom half behind the door as I handed her the money telling her to keep the change. "Gee, Mr. Thomas I was hoping for a better tip than money. Dorey tells me you're real handsome and in great shape."

"Well you're just going to have to believe her because that's all your getting." As I closed the door I heard a "Damn it," from the other side as her footsteps faded away.

"Did you do it? Give Cindy a thrill?"

"I did not."

"Crap, I kind of told her you would. You know the poor girl is at that church run all girl college across town, how's she ever going to see a naked man if you chicken out?"

We ate the pizza. Me naked and Dorey in just a pair of panties, when I asked why she told me I'd see shortly. As we were cleaning up the kitchen after I was patting her on her butt whenever I had a chance. "Keep it up bud and it'll be my turn soon. Why don't you go and turn down the bed, I'll be right behind you." And she laughed, "In more ways than one."

I was sitting on the edge of the bed when Dorey walked in with a new larger dildo n one hand and some black plastic something in the other. "Think you can handle this? She asked holding up the very realistic dildo.

Being brave I told her, "If you can I can." I should have kept my mouth shut or told her no way.

She held up what I realized was a harness, "How about if I put this on?" Without waiting she was stepping into the harness and telling me, "See this little knob it goes in me and when I fuck you I get to feel something to. Kind of neat I think."

"Now how do you want it? Face down and your ass in the air or on your back with your legs up?"

"I don't think I want it at all. Why don't you call your sister and you two use it? I'll just wander on home."

"I guess you weren't listening." In her boss voice she told me, "On your back or on your front. Two choices, which one will it be?"

It sounded like I had two choices so I lay on my back and begged her to be slow. "Oh I will. Real slow I want to watch it ever so slowly slipping up inside you. This is going to be fun. Katherina said you wouldn't do it. Wait till I tell her you did."

She spread lots of lube and then one finger, "Relax Thomas, just relax," Then two fingers, "Yes, we're getting there. Keep relaxing." A minute later, "Now the real thing."

It didn't hurt. It felt strange. Different. When Dorey would finger me in the past she would wiggle her fingers as she moved in and out. This was just in and out but it was so much more filling. Is this what she felt when we fucked?

"Are we having fun Thomas? How does it feel? Should I go faster? Can I go faster? How about I do this?"

She took my hard cock in her hand and started jerking me off. In moments I was coming all over my chest and stomach. "That was great. I don't think I've ever seen you shoot that much. How did it feel? I'm disappointed. That knob didn't do much for me. You're going to have to help me out."

As she pulled out I realized I wanted to feel that again. Not right away but some other time. When I opened my eyes Dorey was kneeling over me. The harness was gone and her slightly hairy pussy was poised over my face. "Eat me Thomas. I need it, bad, real bad."

I don't think she ever came so quickly and so hard before. I was grateful when she finally fell away and lay beside me panting. As she recovered, "Wow! That...Was...Something. Did you like it? Can we do it again? I felt so powerful. Is that how you feel when you're fucking me?"

I rolled on my side and was playing with a still hard nipple. "You do remember don't you? I get the same privilege. But instead of using your toy I think I'm going to use the real thing. Not now of course. I might be done for the night. I'm thinking we should set a date for Friday night, about seven I'll come over. Any problem with that?"

I was done for the night. Dorey spent a little time nursing on my wilted member and it failed to respond. It did grow but not to any great size or hardness. When she gave up she leaned over me and said, "Ok, Friday sounds good, under one condition. You flash Cindy. Give the poor girl a peek at what a man looks like and I think you should be hard. Your erections are so damn god looking."


I think that this tale has gone on long enough. We continued to do and redo all the things that brought us pleasure.

Yes I flashed Cindy. Her eyes got so big I thought they might pop out of her skull. As I was closing the door I could hear her saying, "What until I tell Marybeth what I just saw." After that it was my job to pay her whenever we had pizza. Two events stand out in my memory. It was her junior year as I was handing her the money she asked and before I could answer she reached out and took me in her hand. She ran away laughing hysterically. The other event was when I answered the door another girl was standing there with her, "Hi Mr. Thomas. This is my best friend Marybeth. She didn't believe me. So thank you and this pizza is on me."

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