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Downfall of Heroines Ch. 04

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The story continues as a friend of Shereena's looks for her.
16.6k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/13/2012
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Vivian wakened with a gasp, tensing up before relaxing. Immediately she felt a weight atop her, pushing against her slim body, taking her breath away. It was dark, leaving the brunette unable to see a thing. It only took her a moment to recognize what she was buried beneath. It was cool and slimy while squirming maggots slithered about along with the stench of death. Dead bodies lie atop her, and beneath her.

Of course, when one has served the god of death in ways that Vivian did, this was not distressing in the slightest. Groaning, she pushed and squirmed, attempting to free herself, all while gasping to breathe as the weight continued to push down upon her. After several minutes of trying to free herself, Vivian reached the top, realizing she had been laying amidst a pile of corpses that had been discarded in a large chamber, most likely part of a dungeon.

Climbing down, Vivian steadied herself on the cold stone floor. She was quite naked save for a pair of black leather stiletto heels, rather odd considering where she found herself. Her forehead and back had a rather persistent itch, she found herself scratching a few times as she pondered how she got here and allowed her eyes to adjust to the light. It took a while for Vivian to be able to see enough to make anything out. Only a few small, barred windows allowed the faint moonlight in, wherever she was, it was night outside.

Once Vivian was able to see in the darkness, she realized the corpses she had been nestled within were not human...but quite obviously demonic in nature. Her brow furrowed in thought, but then the memories came back to her. She recalled seducing Shereena, introducing the lovely blonde to one of her masters in a very enjoyable evening. However, their travel plans were interrupted by demons they stumbled upon. Their magic was quite potent, and after her first tryst with the creatures, had found herself transformed into one of them. It seemed like months that she served them, gleefully participating in daily orgies with many of the creatures. The number of them that had the pleasure of enjoying her had to number in the hundreds...if not even more. It was hard to recall, due to the sheer number that had fucked her while she was the lustful succubus.

Sneering, she spat on the corpses, even kicking one of them before stepping away and crossing her arms. She was no longer a succubus that was rather obvious as her physical form seemed to have shed the horns, wings and tail. Of course, she knew why this was so.

As her memories returned, she recalled soldiers interrupting an orgy of demonic lust. While the creatures were rather mighty, the sheer number of soldiers, accompanied by priestesses, were able to overcome the creatures. She even recalled taking a killing blow as one of the men stabbed a sword into her chest. Peering down it seemed her body had healed quite nicely, her flesh still smooth and pristine. For the god of death, dying is easily overcome. She had submitted to the magic required to restore he to life decades ago. No doubt, this shed the demonic taint within her, restoring her.

And if priestesses were present to rescue Shereena and Vira, then that mean she must be within the dungeon of The Great Sanctuary! Vivian smiled at this possibility.

Centuries ago The Great Sanctuary was built by the followers of the life goddess. If any were subject to the horrors of their enemies, they were brought to the sanctuary to heal and enjoy the rest of their life in leisurely bliss; the horrors they endured wiped from their memories. The magic that protected the place was potent enough that it was never penetrated by any with ill intent. But, if the bodies of the demons were brought here for disposal, magic would have been used to protect against demonic influence. But Vivian was tainted with death as well. This oversight had landed her within the confines of this place. This could be quite the boon!

Of course, this left Vivian with another predicament. She could already feel it. The infestation of the demons had left its mark upon her, her priestly powers were gone. She could no longer channel the powers of the death god. The sensation inside her was quite obvious. This concerned her greatly. She had served the death god for decades and was over 80 years of age. Despite retaining her youthful appearances, her lifespan was still limited to its normal allotment. If she were to die now, her soul would be lost to the ether, never to find its way to the death god's realm. Though, if she were able to contact the creatures she served, her life spent in their service would no doubt find them taking pity on her and binding her soul to the death god, even if as a slave for the creatures there.

She pursed her lips, if she were able to summon something undead here, this sanctuary could finally be taken, and perhaps she ensure her soul could find a more pleasing destination. Looking at the pile of demonic corpses she found a horrid creature with particularly long and sharp teeth. Vivian recalled with distaste that this thing fucked her at least a dozen times or so, pleasuring itself with her. Sneering, she grabbed a tooth and began pushing it back and forth. She felt it began to loosen, then finally rip free with a sickening ripping sound. Kneeling on the floor, she brought the tooth up to her forearm. She glanced outside, taking solace in the fact that she had not heard a sound from anyone the entire time. Feeling secure she was alone; she took a moment to summon up the courage...then began to slice a large cut down the length of her arm, crying out in the process. She panted deeply, tossing the tooth aside and allowing her blood to pooling on the floor. Using her other hand, she began to trace her finger through the warm blood, forming the rough shape of a skull. Crawling back a few feet, the woman remained in a kneeling position and began to chant, performing a crude summoning ritual; one that could call an unbound creature free to do its own will. Of course, being who she was, Vivian felt rather safe doing this.

Soon the blood on the floor began to boil, dark smoke rising up from it. With a sickening *splorch* dead flesh reached up from beneath and landed on the floor. Vivian grinned, it worked, she had managed to bring one of the death god's minions into the sanctuary!

Vivian had expected one of the greater servants to appear, something undead that was once human. However, this was not the case. Instead it was one of the lesser creatures. An elongated slug like body nearly three feet in length seemingly crawled out of the floor through Vivian's pooled puddle of blood. It appeared to be made of blackened and rotting flesh, squirming as the creature moved, maggots slithering their way out from open, oozing wounds. It supported itself with four long appendages, meant to be arms and legs they appeared more like tentacles than anything. Its face was a long proboscis that sat below a pair of bulbous glossy black eyes.

"Oh, you." Vivian said with a smirk. "I should have guessed you would be eager to answer the summons."

Vivian knew of this creature well, after all it had sought to enjoy her for decades now, but as a priestess she was above it in station. With that honor taken from her by the demons, she had no titles to put her above this creature; it was going to finally have the pleasure of taking her. She never found these things repulsive, but Vivian did take solace in her rank and never did anything that was beneath her. Of course now she was going to be beneath it. These things were breeders, used to spawn things that were pure undead, vessels of the death god created from its essence. This vile creature in particular was rather virile, and she had no doubts it would ensure she birthed its offspring.

"Oh, is that so?" She replied with an amused look on her elegant face and a chuckle, seemingly able to understand it despite no words coming from the creature.

The thing reached out to her with two of its tentacles, Vivian allowing them to slither around her forearms. She hissed as the thing oozed over the thick gash in her forearm, feeling its rancid ooze seep into the wound. After a moment the pain seemed to subside, and the thing withdrew the appendage, allowing her to see that there was no trace of the wound upon her anymore.

"Oh, thank you." She said with a smile, purring a bit. "You are such a gentleman. And you know a woman just loves a gentleman."

A disgusting slurping noise came from the creature as it reacted to her playful teasing. Taking her arms within its grasp again, the tentacles squeezed firmly, securing itself to her as it lay her back on the floor, her black hair splayed out across the stone, Vivian smiling the whole time.

The woman's luscious red lips parted as the thing brought its snout to them. Licking her lips, she allowed the thing to plant itself upon them, the slimy appendage covering her lips and chin as it secured itself against her. She reached up and placed her hands upon the disgusting creature as she felt its thick, squirming tongue pass through her lips to enter her mouth. Thick globs of maggoty slime dripped onto her tongue as the creature's own tongue wrestled with hers, Vivian enjoying this after months away from her beloved undead.

Vivian closed her eyes, her body relaxed. She had to admit it felt soothing to be so submissive, to be nothing but a toy to be enjoyed. As the kiss the continued, she felt the creature's tongue slither deeper into her, and with a disgusting slurping noise, it began to ease its way down into her throat. Vivian expertly took the thing, feeling it stretch her as it sank down, her neck visibly swelling as the disgusting little creature began its enjoyment of her. Mercifully the creature pulled back, listening to her pant deeply for breath before invading deep into her once more.

Vivian felt one of the tentacles unwrap from her arm, and a moment later the sensation of the thing slithering across her flat tummy caused her to arch her back in pleasure. Pushing against her flesh, the thing casually roamed about, leaving in its wake a thin coat of glistening slime that wriggled with vile little maggots that infested it. The thing pushed up between her firm breasts, enjoying the sensation of her smooth, pristine flesh. It felt her body began to undulate beneath his touch, Vivian unable to deny the pleasure this thing was already giving her after decades of denying it.

" good." Vivian gasped breathlessly as the thing's foot long tongue came slithering noisily out of her lovely mouth, dripping its maggoty ooze down onto her slim neck.

She looked down and licked her lips as she watched the thing's tentacle like arm explore her, encircling one of her firm mounds and winning a squeal from the woman as it squeezed, caressing her soft flesh.

"Please...fuck me." She said, her voice full of desire and lust as she stared up into the creature's large, almost hypnotic black eyes.

Her free arm dipped down between her legs, caressing herself before sliding up to her lower belly. Licking her lips, she slowly parted her legs as the creature watched, Vivian offering herself up to the creature after all this time. She sighed in anticipation as the creature moved to her, wrapping two tentacles around her long, slender thighs and squeezing, letting her know it was command here. The other two returned to her arms, pinning her down beneath it as its body hovered above hers. A large glob of slime dripped down from the creature as its body split open, its grotesque cock wriggling itself free, a vile appendage over a foot in length. The thing moved of its own accord, the bizarre organ translucent, allowing Vivian to see the darkened, throbbing well as the large quantities of maggots that inhabited this thing.

She gasped sharply as the thing touched her, the creature tenderly grinding the thing along her wet pussy, her desire quite obvious. Her hips trembled before beginning to slowly gyrate, moving against the motions of the creature as it prepared her body to enjoy his vile member.

"Please...enter me." She said, her voice straining as she needed to feel this thing inside her.

Happy to accommodate that request, the creature obliged. The tip of the thing slid down to her moist petals and spread them open as it eased itself into Vivian. She panted deeply, her belly sucked in as her lovely tits moved up and down deliciously with her sharp breaths. Her body wrapped around the thing tightly, her hips quivering as the disgusting manhood of the creature began to disappear into her, inch by inch, finally having the pleasure of enjoying Vivian, all while she begged for it to happen.

Vivian gasped breathlessly, finding herself barely able to breathe as the creature pulled back, then pushed into once more, a bit quicker this time. And again, and again. Pinned down, she found herself being fucked, enjoying the helplessness she felt as the thick, squirming organ pumped in and out of her, conquering her lovely body.

"Yes...yes...yes..." She gasped, her voice mixed in with deep gasps for breath, her body squirming in pleasure as she was taken.

The creature was enjoying itself immensely. The thing stared down at the woman it desired, watching her writhe in pleasure as she eagerly accepted each thrust of its vile cock into her body. It felt her wrapped snugly around him, the sensation of her warm, moist canal welcoming his manhood into her. The organ slurped noisily in and out of the lithe woman who submitted to him, the creature's slime smeared inside her as it took her, maggots crawling free from the thing's cock to nestle themselves inside her.

The creature had barely gotten started, but Vivian was unable to hold back and came rather quickly. The creature thoroughly enjoyed watching her gasp for breath, her body tense up and jerk almost uncontrollably beneath him as she succumbed. The creature held her fast, keeping her limbs pinned down, enjoying her helplessness, despite her willingness, feeling her limbs strain against his grip as pleasure rolled through her.

" are otherworldly." Vivian finally cooed, grinning playfully before her lips began to moan anew, showing her appreciation for what this creature was doing to her.

She wasn't sure if it was due to her time away from these creatures, but what she was experiencing here this was more pleasurable than anything she had felt before. Was this creature truly that gifted?

Its stamina was incredible. Vivian happily endured it for hours. Several more orgasms rolled through her body, and while she lay still, completely exhausted; a lovely smile could be seen on her lovely lips. Her disgusting slug-like undead lover never stopped, a pool of slimy maggots slithering about on the floor between her splayed open thighs at continued pumping in and out of the woman he lusted after for so long.

Finally, the thing approached its own climax. The base of its cock began to swell, Vivian watching as a thick mass of black worm like creatures slowly made its way down the length of the organ, the woman watching them squirm about, swelling its organ as they went.

"Yes...put your seed in me." She sighed, licking her lips.

Unable to take her eyes off the thing, she watched as it flowed down the lengthy shaft and reached her body. The creature's thrusts slowed down, allowing the thick mass to press up against her impaled pussy. Pushing into her, Vivian felt it spread her open, causing her to gasp sharply. With a loud **schlorrrp** the thing suddenly slurped its way into her. She groaned as it did so, then panted softly, feeling a sense of relief.

Her vile lover let out a few disgusting sounding noises from its mouth while it deposited the stuff into Vivian. She could feel a deep, soothing warmth in her belly as the vile stuff flowed forth from its cock and into her womb. Smiling, she ran her hand along the underside of the creature, feeling its organ swell and recede within her as it forced the potent seed into her belly.

"Hmm...that was amazing." She cooed, the lovely brunette obviously quite pleased with what this vile creature did with her.

The creature stared down at Vivian, satisfied for the time being. It knew that its corruption would tire her body, and she would drift off to sleep as its deathly seed weakened her living form.

However, this was not the case. Grinning, Vivian reached up and took its snout in her hands, guiding him to her mouth, an offer the creature was quick to take up, its tongue slithering back between her lips as its thick snout covered the lower half of her lovely face. Despite her exhaustion, Vivian wanted more! Happy to give her what she wanted, it began to thrusting into Vivian anew, its slimy organ slurping loudly as it sank deep into her. It was deep in the middle of the night and it would still be hours before the priestesses awakened.

Perhaps her corruption by the demons had a silver lining, allowing Vivian's body to endure the deathly seed, and therefore experience all the more pleasure. Either way, her vile lover was more than happy to continue its enjoyment of the insatiable Vivian. After it had pleasured itself with Vivian to its satisfaction, it would no doubt begin more nefarious deeds, for The Sanctuary had finally been breached.


While Shereena had been rather shy during her life, she still had a small, but close circle of good friends. One such friend was a young noble girl by the name of Lady Colleen. While she was of little importance as far as nobles go, she was still a noble. Heading off by herself to investigate her friend's disappearance, along with that of Vira's was not something she could do on a whim. Even if she were able to head off, she would be accompanied by several guards at the very least.

Of course, Colleen's mischievous streak wasn't going to allow her to sit around while her friend was missing. With the winter having ended, travelling would be much easier to do, and Vira had given her a lead to follow...The Night Cloak Inn. Colleen did not know of such an establishment, but it did not take much asking around for some of the more travelled nobles to let her know it was in a sleepy village only a few days travel on the northern road.

Luckily for her, the court wizard's apprentice was easily manipulated. Lailee may have been gifted with book smarts and took to magic easily, but the young woman's social skills were lacking. With a little coaxing, Colleen managed to convince her to assist on this adventure to find Shereena and Vira. It is amazing how easily one can sneak out when invisible. Though Colleen figured they got lucky their pack horse didn't give them away!

The two young women were typical for the region; blonde, curvy and well endowed. The half elf Lailee was the taller, of the two, having taken after her human parentage and not looking much at all like the normally lithe elves, save for her pointy ears. Her body was slimmer than Colleen's, a tiny waist and long, slim legs; whereas Colleen was a bit thicker, her womanly curves more pronounced. Colleen's pretty young face had a playful smirk found on it most of the time, when she was younger she got Shereena into all kinds of trouble, and hopefully she could do it again one day. Lailee wore a modest outfit, her deep blue gown covering her body well, though even it was unable to hide her lovely womanly curves. Several scrolls sat in ivory tubes, hanging from her belt and her feel her clad in mid calf high boots. Lady Colleen opted for some shoes that were more comfortable than the heels she normally wore, but she was not dressed as modestly as her travelling companion. Her bright red and gold gown hugged her body tightly, doing much to reveal just how lovely a sight her body must be. The neckline plunged deep, giving anyone taller than her a good view of her cleavage, and a long slit up the dress allowed her leg to peek out every once in a while.

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