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Downward Dog Pt. 01


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Rick stared a second longer, then let out a nasty chuckle. His gaze left Heather's eyes, instead sticking on her breasts and hips. "I don't think so, sweetheart," he growled. "I do what I like in my own home, and no stuck-up Karen is going to tell me any different."

Heather's face turned red as she felt a flash of anger pulse through her veins. Jackie had instructed her to be nice, but this was too much. "Well, enjoy your home while you can!" She snarled. "You won't be living here much longer! I have the power to chase you out of the neighborhood, and I will!"

Finally Rick's eyes rose to meet hers again, if only to give her a mocking grin. "Good Luck," he said flatly, and slammed the door in her face.

As Heather walked back down his front walk, bristling with anger, Rick watched her bouncing ass with hunger and curiosity. Why was it that the hottest women always seemed to be frigid bitches? He would have to find a tall, curvy, redheaded porn star for this evening's entertainment, just to work out his frustrations.


Heather was still in a huff when she got back to her house. That fucking Rick Carver! A repulsive, infuriating man. Well, there was at least one thing Heather could comfort herself with: no matter how low and pathetic she felt compared to Jacquelyn Song, there would always be one man she was unquestionably above.

Her anger cooled into nervous anticipation as she saw Jackie sitting casually at the dining table, waiting for her return. The younger woman flashed Heather a smile as she slid into a chair. "Well, how did it go, girl? Did you patch things up with the bad bad man?"

Heather huffed, looking away. "I tried Jackie! I really did. But like I told you, that guy is just impossible! He was completely unreasonable."

Jackie's smile froze and disappeared. She gave Heather a cool, considering look. "And, of course, that means that you were one hundred percent sweet and reasonable the entire time you talked to him, right? Like I explicitly told you to do?"

"W-well, yes Jackie," said Heather, feeling a cold sweat ooze from her pores at the displeased look on her life coach's face. She had planned to simply lie, but looking into Jackie's hard eyes, she didn't have the nerve to disobey Jackie, even if it was just with a little white lie. "I mean... I was as nice as I could be, considering his rudeness. Once he got short with me, of course I had to defend myself," she said desperately.

"Jesus fucking Christ," said Jackie with weary disgust, pushing herself back from the table and standing.

"I should have known that you wouldn't be able to do this one simple fucking thing. Any normal woman would have no problem being nice for one conversation," said Jackie grimly, drawing herself up to her full five foot one height, her eyes flashing dangerously. "You've disappointed me, Heather. And now you will be punished."

Once upon a time, Heather would have laughed at the tiny young woman's display, but she had learned from experience that Jackie wasn't bluffing when she said things like this. The little brat had a mean streak and a way of getting exactly what she wanted.

"I-I'm sorry, Jackie," said Heather, cringing. 'I lost my cool. It won't happen again."

"Women can control their emotions," said Jackie coldly, " But animals can't. You want to act like an animal, Heather? Tonight I'll treat you like one. If Human training is too hard for you, let's try some dog tricks."

Heather opened her mouth to protest, but Jackie overrode her.

"Sit." Jackie pointed a finger straight down, her eyes hard and commanding.

Heather knew she should refuse... but that meant giving up all of the other assistance that Jackie had been giving her.

Heather slowly dropped to her knees, feeling the now familiar tingle trace down her spine and between her legs as she sunk below Jackie's eye level, down to where she belonged: beneath her mistress, looking up.

"Good girl," said Jackie with a warm smile that didn't reach her eyes. "Just like always, good girls get a treat. But puppies don't get the same treats humans do. They get something that puppies like."

Jackie reached into a pocket and pulled out a small brown bone shape. Heather's stomach roiled. A dog treat. Surely this was just a bluff to teach her a lesson. Jackie couldn't really expect her to...

Jackie's hand moved forward, holding the biscuit directly under Heather's nose. She could smell it: like old meat and stale bread.

"Take your reward, puppy," said Jackie solemnly. "You earned it."

Heather couldn't disobey Jackie. She carefully took the biscuit into her mouth, gagging as she reluctantly crunched it up, filling her mouth with the stale, rancid taste.

Jackie's eyes sparkled as she watched her new sub swallow down her reward with difficulty, opening her mouth and sticking out her tongue to prove her obedience. Heather was in the perfect submissive state of mind right now. Time to nurture a different kind of dependency.

"Lay down," commanded Jackie, lowering a flat palm to the floor. Heather complied, crushing her tits onto her own hardwood floor as she stared up at Jackie, waiting for new commands.

"Roll over!" snapped Jackie. Heather was eager to obey, rolling onto her back without complaint.

With a lopsided smile on her face, Jackie reached down with aching slowness. Heather's eyes, filled with a mix of fear and longing, followed the slow progress of the dainty hand until it rested gently between Heather's splayed legs.

"Jackie, we can't..." whined Heather. "I... Me and Luke are..."

"Shhhh," whispered Jackie, "Puppies can't talk."

Then Jackie began slowly and firmly giving Heather the kind of petting that the sexually frustrated housewife had been subconsciously craving from her for a while. Jackie's hand cupped and pressed, rubbing hard against the tight crotch of her puppy's jeans, drawing low, shameful moans from Heather's throat.

It was at the same time the most humiliating and deepest orgasm that Heather had ever experienced: Lying face up on the floor of her home, legs splayed and bent at the knees as her nineteen-year-old assistant pawed and pet her fully clothed crotch, cooing and whispering how she was a good girl the entire time. Finally, Heather's thick thighs clamped tight around the teasing little hand as she moaned and gasped, hiding her face in shame.

Jackie allowed Heather a few minutes to collect herself before speaking again. "My poor little bitch is in heat," she said teasingly. "But don't worry, just like we agreed, I'll be in your bedroom soon, giving you and Luke some hot lovemaking tips."

The thought still caused a wave of fear and arousal to flood through Heather, amplified by the aftershocks of her orgasm. "B-but Jackie," she protested feebly, "I thought we said you would do that if you solved my neighbor problem, and..."

Jackie rolled her eyes. "Oh, don't worry about that," she said sharply, "You might have fucked up with Mr. Carver, but luckily you have a superior woman to swoop in and fix things for you."

Jackie stood up and moved toward the door, wearily shaking her head. "Just watch Heather. You won't hear a peep out of your neighbor tonight. That will be all the proof you need."

The confident young woman swung her purse over her shoulder and stepped into her shoes. Heather lay on her hardwood floor, still not trusting herself to speak in case doing so would shatter Jackie's regained good mood.

"And talk to hubby," said Jackie. "Set a date for our first sex training session. Within a week." And with that, she stepped out into the evening, slamming the door behind her.


As she closed the door behind her, Jacquelyn Song smiled to herself, pulling out her phone and pulling up the texting app.

She had known, of course, that Heather would fuck up her peace mission to her awful next-door neighbor. Heather simply had no ability to deny her nature long enough to be pleasant to someone she despised.

Not that it would have worked even if Heather had been nice. Rick Carver was a real piece of work, and it would take more than a smile and a kind word to convince him to give up his nightly porn sessions, Jackie was sure. Luckily, Jackie thought that she knew one incentive that would change his mind...


Rick Carver really took his time tonight choosing a selection of videos to watch. Tall curvy redheads, in a variety of situations and positions. The perfect remedy for the annoyance that nosey bitch had caused him earlier.

Suddenly, unexpectedly, Rick's phone chimed with an incoming message. He frowned, pants already around his ankles. He didn't have much of a social life, so it was unusual to receive any texts. Was it his boss?

[Good evening, Mr. Carver. This is your neighbor Heather Brandt.]

Rick blew out a huff of disbelief. This idiot really didn't know when to quit.

[how did u get this number] He texted back quickly.

[Let's cut to the chase. Earlier I asked if you would stop blasting your loud porn, remember?]

Rick rolled his eyes. [yeah so]

[I also told you that if you needed anything, all you had to do was ask. I don't think you understood what I meant. Here, let me show you.]

Rick was about to write another rude reply when the next message popped in. His fingers froze and his eyes widened.

It was a picture of the bitch next door, wearing nothing but skimpy white underwear, giving him a sultry fuck-me stare and resting her hand on her pussy.

Rick looked up at the tabs on his computer, then down at the phone in his hand. After a moment's hesitation, he closed the browser window and gripped his cock firmly, staring at the photo on his phone.

Ok, as much as he hated to admit it, now this bitch had his attention.


On the day that they had agreed, Heather and Luke could barely look at each other. They buzzed around the house with nervous energy, eying the clock. Jackie wasn't expected until seven that evening, but Heather found herself unable to get anything done, instead nervously fretting.

Heather still didn't quite understand how she had been manipulated into agreeing to this. Jackie had just seemed to insist that if she solved the problems with their next-door neighbor, Heather would have to agree to sex coaching. Heather had felt no choice but to go along with it.

Luke had been surprised when Heather had reluctantly broached the subject with him. But not shocked, which was odd. Heather had expected her husband's eyes to pop out of his head, maybe even for him to refuse. But all she had gotten was a strangled question: "Are you sure?"

When she admitted that she was, Luke quickly agreed. It would have been nice if he had raised a few more objections, but Heather grudgingly admitted that she had no right to expect more from him. After all, she had brought it up.

Finally, the time had arrived. Heather and Luke sat side by side on their living room couch, hand in hand but not speaking. Just as the minute hand hit the 12, the doorbell rang. They answered it together.

Jackie Song stood in the doorway with a bright, cheerful smile. She had chosen to play up her bratty sexuality to the fullest tonight. Her hair was in long silky pigtails. She wore a tight sky-blue crop top with the words "Bad Girl" printed across her little tits. Her nipples poked obscenely up through the material, although she gave no other visible signs of her arousal. Heather envied the confidence the younger woman had; being able to walk around so clearly horny without feeling any shame. Jackie strode confidently into the entryway, completely graceful and unbothered even in her tall heels. The movement caused her tiny skirt to ride up a little, revealing another sliver of her toned thighs.

She was the picture of youthful, teasing sexuality. Jackie was making a loud aggressive statement: she hadn't just come to be an observer tonight. Jackie planned to have some fun.

Suddenly Jackie threw her arms around Heather's neck and drew her in for a deep, wet kiss, pushing aggressively against Heather's soft lips and flicking her wicked little tongue deep into the married woman's slack, shocked mouth before she could react.

Jackie wiped her mouth with the back of her hand as she pulled away and giggled coyly. "Sorry, Ms. B! I've just been so excited about our little date tonight! For real, I've been hot and wet all day just thinking about it!" She leaned back in, almost nose to nose with Heather again, making Heather's breath catch in her throat with surprise. "You too, right babe?" she murmured with a smirk. Heather blushed. "Umm, well yes. I mean, not any m-more than usual..." murmured Heather desperately, feeling the heat in her cheeks. Jackie wasn't wrong, but Heather had been so ashamed to feel that way that she had no intention of admitting it in front of her husband and Jackie.

"Don't worry babe!" said Jackie with a sharp smile, "I think it's soooo cute that the thought of having sex with your hubby gets you all hot and bothered. I'm sure that all that horniness has nothing to do with the fact that I'll be there watching you take Luke's fat cock."

Then Jackie turned to Luke, who had an expression of mixed fear and lust on his honest, square-jawed face. "And here's the big strong man of the house himself," purred Jackie, moving over to him with a slinky walk. "Ready to show me how you do things stud? I'm really curious." She gripped Heather's husband by his collar and began pulling him down.

Heather cleared her throat uncomfortably. Jackie's eyes slid to the side, giving Heather a nonplussed look. "Umm Jackie," said Heather, trying to keep her tone firm. If she didn't remain in control tonight, things could easily get out of hand. "You didn't say anything about kissing Luke. You told me you were here to be an observer."

Jackie certainly hadn't been acting like a dispassionate observer so far. And that wasn't even to mention the fact that seeing Jackie and Luke kiss was what had caused the rift between them in the first place.

But Jackie was a young woman who didn't take no for an answer. "Aww, come on Heather," she teased. "Luke had to stand there and watch us kiss just a second ago. How can you deny him just a quick little smooch?" Her words were flippant, but her eyes were hard. Heather gulped. She knew how Jackie could be when she was unhappy. And her young life coach did have a point: Jackie had just kissed her. It was only fair.

Dry-mouthed, Heather nodded fractionally.

With a triumphant grin, Jackie resumed her irresistible pull on Luke's collar with her grasping little fingers, bringing him into range of her soft pink lips. Heather watched as her husband parted his lips to allow the young woman's dominant kiss.

Heather's eyes widened as she watched the unmistakable swell of Luke's hard cock tent his pants with shocking speed. Luke was unquestionably turned on by the sexy little brat. It stung. Heather's mind flashed to the previous week, where she had sat naked in bed, whispering in Luke's ear. Pleading with him as she used her hand, her words, and her naked body to try to arouse him. Nothing had worked. And all Jackie had needed was one kiss to instantly have her husband rock hard and desperate to fuck. The humiliation burned. Jackie really was superior to her in every way.

Heather couldn't help but read a certain gloating smirk in Jackie's expression as she pulled away from Luke. Jackie looked down at Luke's crotch as well, laughing as she grabbed the married couple by their hands. "Well! It looks like everyone is ready! Let's head to the bedroom and start the show!"

Jackie's little hand felt hot in hers as they made their way to the bedroom. Heather looked nervously over Jackie's head to her husband. He was looking at her as well, as Heather felt the flash of heat as their eyes met. Luke wanted this badly, and Heather realized she wanted it just as much. By any right, she should be furious and humiliated by the bratty young woman arrogantly invading their bedroom. And she was. But it was also turning her on, to be so totally under Jackie's power that she couldn't even object to this huge imposition.

Finally, they were there, in the soft light of their bedroom. Jackie cast an eye over the decor and furniture, an unimpressed look on her young beautiful face. She walked with swaying hips over to the luxurious king-sized bed, giving it an oddly thoughtful look. Jackie placed a small hand flat on the bed. "Here it is. The marital bed for Lukey and Heather. Where you two make sweet love and sleep peacefully next to one another. A special place, for just the two of you." Her mouth unconsciously twisted up into a viscous grin for a moment before she quickly turned and softened her smile into one more friendly.

"All right, girl," she chirped cheerfully, "Time to strip!"

Heather looked back and forth between Jackie and Luke. They both stared at her expectantly.

"I..." said Heather hesitantly, "I thought that we would both just take off our clothes at the same time..."

Jackie shook her head, her long shining pigtails shaking. "No no no, Heather, that's where your wrong. No wonder you two need me so badly. You have to give hubby a show! Get his blood pumping a little. Don't worry, he's going to do the same for you in a sec."

The idea of stripping naked while her husband and the woman he had cheated with watched still made Heather a little uncomfortable, but she found herself unable to refuse Jackie's confident command. With every motion watched by their burning eyes, Heather stripped away her clothes, exposing first her long pale legs, her tender belly, and her bra and panties (matching of course, she had been well aware that Jackie would see and judge them tonight).

With shaking hands, Heather unclasped her bra as well, shrugging the straps off her shoulders to let it fall loosely off her tits. She felt her face grow hot as Jackie and Luke looked on in admiration. Obviously, she had been naked in front of her husband countless times, and Jackie had already seen her naked on the night of her first submission, but something about the two of them spectating together while she stripped for them felt intimate in a twisted way she had never felt before.

"Ooh, I knew if Ms. B!" crowed Jackie gleefully. She grabbed Luke's arm and pointed at Heather's big stiff nipples. "See, Lukey, your wife is just as horny as you right now. She just has an easier time hiding it." Jackie emphasized her last remark by sliding a little hand briefly up the bulge in Luke's pants, making him squirm uncomfortably. Heather opened her mouth to object, to draw a line early so that things didn't get out of hand, but Jackie simply winked and cut Heather off before could begin. "Just a little joke babe! Lighten up! We need to break the tension a little or this whole thing will get awkward quick."

Still unconvinced, Heather swiftly removed her panties, trying to get her humiliating inspection over with.

But Jackie wouldn't let her get away that easily. The little brat circled Heather, looking her up and down as the naked housewife tried her best not to cringe. After a moment of concentration, Jackie gave Luke a knowing smile. "You have pretty good taste, Lukey!" she said brightly. "Fat titties, an ass that won't quit, and legs that go all the way up. And look at that hot little cunt! I don't normally get cock envy, Lukey, but your wifey is making me wish I had something long and hard to explore her with."

Jackie returned to Luke's side, looping an arm through his with a gloating look on her face. "I know you must see this stuff all the time, but give me your impressions. What do you think?"

"Well, uhhh... said Luke lamely, his eyes still running over his wife's exposed body. "I mean, Heather is a beautiful woman," he said, sounding mildly confused. He clearly wasn't sure where Jackie was going with this, and, to be honest, neither did Heather.

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