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Dr. Miller’s Human Sexuality Class

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Dan enrolls in a sociology class.
9.6k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 02/17/2023
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Dr. Miller's Human Sexuality Class

In this story, I have changed the setting and the names to protect both the innocent and the lascivious. It takes place during the mid-1980s. Those were very different times. Fashion and language were different. Technology was quite different. We didn't have the internet, and cable television was just becoming widespread. Pubic hair was all the rage. The only sexual fear for straight people was getting pregnant and the pill took care of that. I have tried to be as historically accurate as my aging brain can remember. All characters are at least 18 years of age. All constructive feedback is welcome.

One attribution note: I am indebted to billtomlin60's article How to Spot a Real Female Orgasm, and all the comments on it found here on Literotica.


I was a senior and I needed both a literature class and social science class to complete my general education requirements to graduate. Because of my class standing, I was finally going to be able to register early in the cycle. I filled out several possible registration cards, and waited dutifully in the line. When I got to the registration window, I was pleasantly surprised to find that SOC369 - Human Sexuality was still open. I registered for the class and hoped it was everything the rumors made it out to be.


As the Spring Semester started, I tried to find out if I knew anyone in SOC369. None of my engineering classmates were interested. And I was disappointed to find that none of my female friends had registered for it either. It had the potential to be less than fun. But I remembered the stories about the course - lots of discussion of sex, sex, and sex. It couldn't be that bad.

The class was scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. The first class was on a Thursday and I arrived ten minutes early for the first class. The room was already packed. On the front desk were two piles of papers with a sign that said, "Take one of each." One was the syllabus and the other was a list of assignments with details and due dates.

I looked around the packed room and saw a seat next to a pretty brunette. "Is this seat taken?"

"It looks like it's perfect for you."

I held out my hand, "Hi, I'm Dan."

She smiled sweetly, "I'm Hannah."

A woman in her forties entered the room and began walking around talking to students. I assumed this was the famous Dr. Miller. She was tall and thin with a nice figure. She was professionally dressed in a skirt, blouse, and blazer. The skirt came to just above the knee and showed some shapely, bare legs. She started working the room.

When she got to us, she said, "Hannah, good to see you again. Did you have a good winter break?"

"I did Dr. Miller."

Dr. Miller turned to me and extended her hand, "A new person in my class."

I stuck out my hand, "Pleased to meet you Dr. Miller. Dan McDevitt."

"A senior. Mechanical engineering major."

"Wow! I'm impressed."

She chuckled at herself, "I try to learn about my students beforehand. It isn't hard if you actually care about people." She looked at her watch, "Show time."

Dr. Miller walked to the front of the room, "Let's get started. My name is Dr. Shannon Miller. This class is SOC369, Human Sexuality. If you aren't registered, you will have to leave. No auditing."

Two guys got up and headed toward the door.

She continued, "It isn't that I want to be a hard ass, but if I didn't have that limitation, this place would be standing room only. If you are curious how the course was numbered, I asked for it and there was no objection until I was teaching it for three semesters. By then it was too late to change it."

There were some scattered laughs and giggles.

"We'll skip the usual introductions. I think I know everyone. If you don't know your classmates, I think you will quickly learn about them."

"As the title suggests, this is a course in human sexuality. I must tell you that this class will get very graphic at times. We will examine the wide range of human sexual activity, from straight sex to some of the kinkiest stuff you can imagine. This may be uncomfortable for some of you. As a class, we can overcome this discomfort by keeping our minds open, being respectful of each other, and sharing our thoughts. Given the number of smiles, that sounds like what a lot of you signed up for.

"I expect everyone to act as an adult. I don't want to hear titters and I don't want to hear anyone shaming anyone else. Respect is our watch word. If you cannot act as a mature adult and show respect to everyone in the room, then I will ask you to leave. If you do not voluntarily leave, I will have campus security remove you. I don't fuck around with any of that. And yes, I have a potty mouth. I want everyone to feel safe here. This class is like Las Vegas. If someone shares some intimate part of their life, I expect it to stay in this room. Am I clear?

Dr. Miller looked each of us in the eye, "Good. Does anyone want to leave?" Again she looked around.

"Very well. I will also use a lot of visual aids - photos and film. This is not pornography. Since this is a liberal arts college, I am a strong believer that this is a time for you to explore and learn about yourself. I cannot require that you engage in sexual activity. That would be unethical and for many people, immortal. I will provide alternative assignments that you are free to undertake. In the assignment sheet I provide details on how you can fulfill both regular and alternative assignments. For example, after today's class, you may decide to experiment with self-love. Essentially, in the privacy of your room you can masturbate and then report on your observations. If you would like to have an observer present, that is also an option. Any questions?"

"Seeing none, we'll get started." She went to the front of the class and pulled down a screen. She flipped on an overhead projector and placed a slide on it, "So here is a very simple question: Why do we want to have sex? Danielle."

"Because it makes us feel good."

"Yes, it does. Brian."

"We have a drive to reproduce."

Dr. Miller walked to the side of the room, "One of our strongest instincts. Sarah."

"Because we are attracted to the other person and we want to be intimate with them."

"Ah. Intimacy. Another strong drive. Hannah."


Dr. Miller laughed, "Yes. The elephant in the room. Today we will discuss orgasms." She put up another slide, "So what is the average time it takes for a man to reach orgasm if he is masturbating? Dan."

"Five minutes."

"Not that long. Greg?"


"Almost. Rich?"

He laughed, "Maybe three?"

"Good guess! Three minutes. So how long does it take a woman to reach orgasm if she is masturbating? Bridget?"

"I'm guessing. Four minutes?"

"Yes, good guess. So what can we conclude from those two numbers. Elizabeth."

"That men and women are pretty close to having the same sexual response if they are stimulated properly."

"Excellent! If you are gay, lesbian, or a virgin, you don't have to answer this next question. By a show of hands, how many of you know that your partner reaches orgasm during straight sex? Penis in vagina sex."

Of the 25 people in the room, about 18 hands went up.

"Please leave your hands up. We have ten men and eight women. Now, how many of YOU reach orgasm during straight sex?"

All the men left their hands up, but only one woman left their hand up."

"Very interesting. So ladies, the men think you are having an orgasm when you really aren't. Am I reading that correctly?"

Several female heads were nodding.

"Why is that? Hannah."

"We fake it."

Dr. Miller shook her head, "We fake it. That's kind of sad. Why? Rich."

"The woman doesn't want to make us feel bad."

"Yeah. Studies have shown that men's egos are easily bruised when it comes to sex. Some women also want to boost their partner's ego. Why else? Anne."

"To get it over with."

There was laughter around the room.

Dr. Miller continued, "You laugh, but I think Anne is not making that up." Anne shook her head. "I think you will find that sometimes straight sex is not pleasant for many women, mostly because their male partner doesn't know what they're doing."

"Anyone else? Roxane."

"To avoid being shamed and being thought to be frigid."

"That is a big one. By the way, no woman is frigid. That is a myth developed by men to compensate for their poor sexual performance. One last item. Sometimes a woman fakes an orgasm for non-sexual reasons such as trying to cement a relationship, become someone's girlfriend or fiancée. Questions or comments?"

Dr. Miller looked around the room, "I find all this very interesting. Gentlemen, do you know how to tell if your partner is actually having an orgasm or faking it?"

I shook my head. I thought I knew, but now I had my doubts. I looked around and the other guys looked just as puzzled.

Dr. Miller said, "Don't be embarrassed guys. You've taken the first step to becoming a much better lover. Carlos, are you ready?"

I just realized that there was a guy at the back of the room manning a film projector, "Yes, Dr. Miller."

She pointed to a guy near the door, "Sam?" He nodded. "Yes, Sam. Can you hit the lights?"

Sam killed the lights and a film began to roll.

The title flashed up, "Orgasmic Response in Human Females." The first scene had a bunch of co-eds walking and talking on a college campus somewhere. A female narrator said, "One of the most misunderstood aspects of human sexuality is the orgasmic response of human females. This film will briefly examine this topic."

The scene changed to a couple making out. "It should be noted that approximately five to ten percent of women are incapable of having an orgasm. This is often due to some physical limitation."

A graphic came up, "There are two types of female orgasm: vaginal and clitoral. The first, vaginal orgasm, is described by women as starting deeper in their body and elicits a full body response. These types of orgasms are caused by objects in the vagina stimulating the walls, Gräfenberg spot or G-spot, and cervix."

An anatomical diagram came up. "The G-spot is located on the anterior wall of the vagina. When a woman is standing, it can be thought of as the upper side of the vagina." A red arrow pointed to a spot on the diagram, "In its relaxed state, the G-spot is smooth. As a woman becomes more aroused, it becomes wrinkled. The G-spot is best stimulated digitally with one or two fingers using a 'come hither' motion."

A photo of a woman's vulva came on the screen, "Clitoral orgasms have a more localized reaction and are caused by stimulation of the clitoris and clitoral hood area." Red arrows appeared on the screen, "Clitoral orgasms are more intense, but are shorter in duration than a vaginal orgasm.

"There are several signs that a woman is experiencing an orgasm. Please note that not all women display all these signs."

A photo of a light skinned vulva was displayed, "First, blood will rush to a woman's skin and in light skinned women, this will be seen as flushed skin. Blood will also rush to a woman's clitoris, vulva, and vagina. Often the clitoris will become engorged with blood and may extend out of the clitoral hood."

The screen shifted to a photo of a lovely pair of breasts with large, erect nipples, "Second, a woman's nipples will be erect. Most women experience pleasure when their nipples are stimulated either orally or manually. Although not all women experience hard nipples during an orgasm, most do. Typically a woman's nipples are hard, erect, and sensitive. In all cases, an orgasm will increase a woman's heart rate. Often to between 160 and 210 beats per minute.

"Let's observe an actual female orgasm. This will be a clitoral orgasm."

The screen shifted to a camera angle that was directly between a young, naked woman's legs. She had a nice bush, but her labia were shaved. The focus was on her vulva, but the rest of her body was visible in soft focus. She was small-breasted and had applied a small vibrator directly to her clit. Her vagina was slightly open and juices ran across her perineum.

"This woman's orgasm is about to begin. I direct your attention to her vaginal opening, her anus, her nipples, and her face."

The woman began panting, her eyes closed, and her mouth took on the classic 'O' shape. Her pelvic muscles began rhythmically contracting and you could clearly see her vagina and anus pulsing out a steady rhythm. Her nipples were hard and she reached up and pulled hard on one of them.

"During her orgasm, all her focus is on the stimulation being directed to her clitoris. She is unaware that her breathing has increased and her eyes are closed. Most women are incapable of vocalizing anything during orgasm. It should be noted that after orgasm, a woman's clitoris is very sensitive."

"Now let's observe a vaginal orgasm."

Once again, the screen was filled with a woman's vulva. Someone was fucking her with a smooth dildo. The angle was upward, striking the top of her vagina. She was rolling both her nipples.

"Once again, this woman's orgasm is about to begin. Observe her vagina, nipples, and face."

As the orgasm began, her eyes practically popped out of her head. She let out a long groan, mouth open. You could see her vagina contracting on the dildo. She came for probably about a half a minute. And then the film was over.

Dr. Miller said, "Sam, can you flip on the lights? So what did we observe? Dan."

"In both cases, the woman's vagina was contracting. On the first one, so was her anus."

"Good observation. Actually, her anus was contracting on the second one, but your view was blocked. I don't want to say every time since life has no absolutes, but in at least 999 times out of a thousand, the woman's pelvic muscles will contract during orgasm. Those contractions affect both the vagina and the anus. What else? Sam."

"Neither woman was talking or saying anything."

"Let me ask one of our female colleagues why. Hannah."

"Because you are completely focused on the pleasure. When you're cumming, you don't have to or want to say a thing."

"Great point. A sure-fire way to know a woman is faking an orgasm is that she is very vocal. Some of you look surprised. Gents, how many of you say something when you're ejaculating?" She looked around, "No one. Why is that? Dave."

"My mind focuses on what's happening with my cock."

There was some laughter.

Dr. Miller said, "A little crude, but I like that term - cock." She said it again with emphasis, "Cock. What else did you observe about the orgasms? Brian."

"Dr. Miller, with the second one, I think that was a dildo, the dildo was at a different angle like it was hitting the top of her vagina instead of going all the way in."

"Excellent. The narrator mentioned something called the Gräfenberg spot or G-spot. That is on the roof of the vagina and the dildo was striking it. Is anyone familiar with the g-spot? Roxane."

"My boyfriend took your class last semester. He loves to rub mine."

"Who's your boyfriend?"


"I'm glad to hear my class has had a positive impact on your life."

"Life changing Dr. Miller. Mind-blowing."

Dr. Miller chuckled, "We'll learn more about the g-spot next class. Carlos, are you ready with the next film?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Sam, if you please."

The lights went out and the screen lit up. "Orgasmic Response in Human Males".

The screen was filled with four guys in athletic attire walking across a field. A man began narrating, "This film will examine the orgasmic response in human males. Ejaculation is often associated with orgasm in males. While these events often occur simultaneously, they are distinct and separate events. Orgasm is characterized by pelvic contractions, intense pleasure, and release. Ejaculation is the expulsion of semen from the penis. While rare, some men can experience non-ejaculatory orgasms."

The screen was filled with side-by-side pictures of penises, one uncircumcised and the other circumcised. "While each penis is different, they come in two distinct varieties, circumcised and uncircumcised. A circumcised penis has had the foreskin surgically removed. The absence of the foreskin has no impact on a male's ability to reach orgasm."

There was a close-up of a penis head. "The glans is the most sensitive area." A red arrow appeared, "The crown of the glans or the edge is filled with countless nerve endings." Another arrow appeared, "The frenulum is another sensitive area."

Now there was an anatomy diagram, "The prostate gland is another source of pleasure. It can be accessed directly through the anus or massaged by pressing on the perineum."

"Let's observe an ejaculatory orgasm brought on by masturbation."

The screen was filled with a guy stroking his erection. He had his legs up so that his ass was visible. I was surprised that they selected a smaller than average cock. Then I remembered that this was an academic film and not pornography.

"This man has been manually stimulating his penis. His orgasm is about to begin. Observe the pelvic contractions seen at the base of his shaft and at the anus."

Sure enough, there were the contractions and almost simultaneously he let loose a string of cum that shot out of the picture.

"Oh!" Several of my classmates responded.

Two more shots of lesser amounts came forth. He stopped stroking, "The penis becomes very sensitive after orgasm and often cannot be touched."

The screen shifted to another erection. This time a man was prone with his feet either side of his butt, "This man has manually brought himself to the edge of orgasm. A partner will now digitally stimulate his prostate."

The guy stopped stroking and what looked like a female hand probed his asshole. She slipped two lubed fingers in and began moving.

"The prostate is a walnut sized gland located on the anterior wall of the rectum. This man's orgasm is about to begin. Once again, observe the contractions at the base of his penile shaft and anus."

The contractions began and this time the guy shot his load onto his chest. Four shots total. I was really surprised to learn that you could cum by not touching your cock.

Dr. Miller said, "Lights, please."

The lights came back on, "So what did we observe? Elizabeth."

"Both men and women have pelvic contractions when they come."

"That's interesting, isn't it. Later in class we will examine how to extend orgasmic response in both men and women. Brad."

"Dr. Miller, the whole prostate thing is cool. I didn't know I had that.'

She laughed, "All part of the price of admission. Roxane."

"The cut versus uncut part. My boyfriend is uncut and he says it gives him a distinct advantage."

"Tell Andy to stop by my office and I'll reduce his grade from last semester." Everybody laughed. "He knows better than that. Anything else? Sarah."

"Do we know how much a guy shoots when he cums?"

"I direct your attention to two rock bands - the Loving Spoonful and 10CC. Both named after the amount of fluid a man ejaculates. That makes it easy to remember. Our time is almost up. For homework, you have two options. You can do an analysis of today's class and provide reading notes from the textbook. There is an outline on what that entails in the assignment sheet. If you would like to submit an alternative assignment in lieu of an analysis, also see the assignment sheet. Remember, I can't require you to do anything sexual. If you choose the alternative assignment, I would like you to masturbate and write a short essay answering the questions in the prompt. You should review the questions before you masturbate so you will be looking for the answers. If you choose to have an observer with you, you will want to include their observations with yours. See you next Tuesday."

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