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Dragon Wars Book 1 Pt. 01

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Prequel to the the Silvertree Chronicles.
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Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/19/2021
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Dragon Wars, Book 1 Part 1.

Synopsis: A prequel to the Silvertree Chronicles. When the God known as 'The One' sent the Comet Dragon Heart through the Solar System at the behest of the Dragon God IO. Part of his price for the request, the most populous race of his followers in totality, the Dragonborn, would all cease to exist in this world.

Inspired by multiple RPG universes but not endorsed by the former or current owners of the franchise. © EmotionalStorm April 2021. This story cannot be transferred to any other site besides without the prior authorizations in writing from the author and EmotionalStorm must be credited for this work.

Author's Note: For those who have not read my bio, please note I write as a form of therapy for a Traumatic Brain Injury. I know the English majors will probably encounter issues that annoy them. If these are your focus, instead of the story itself, then this is not the story for you. I am not and will never be a professional writer.

I do it to tell the story, for those who wish to read them. I have worked to try and improve my writing style while struggling with this issue. I have added some editing software and written several other stories published on this site.

Warning: Each book will have 1-3 characters, that delves into their bedrooms and their overactive and in some cases, over-the-top sex lives (Maybe more). From normal to torturous. To better understand differences across species and social groups. Also, those that are far outside the 'human norm.'


Horgax 10th, 30,003 4th Age of Dragons

IO had a rare one-of-one meeting with 'The One' to put forth his request. IO spoke, "You know I could simply do this on my own. I do not require your permission to do so, you would be forced into arbitration with all of the Gods who oversee the world of Tildar. Something neither of us wants to take place. Other races have done this, but the dragons never have."

The One sighed. He knew the God of All Dragons had the power and the upheaval this would likely cause as he foresaw the request coming and wanted to see how carefully he worded the request, "What are you proposing?"

The One wanted him to choose his words wisely as he would work to ensure that, like the others before him who made this request, he lost more than he gained for his attempt to gain this advantage. He looked across at the Greater Deity who still reigned below him as the creator of everything and everywhere.

IO responded, "My pure dragons are being hunted to extinction in some parts of this world. The board needs to be reset for them. They are supposed to be the Alpha predators in any world and the top of the food chain and that is not happening here.

The world would pass through the tail of the comet Dragon's Heart. It would increase the reproduction rate of all dragon races in this world. To bring them back to being the Alpha predators they were designed and meant to be!"

The One thought long and hard on an answer before he responded almost 500 years later. IO had left many holes as he had made his request so simple. He had to have penalties and boons that affected this world and all worlds that had dragons on them. Just as he did on others who did this before him.

He finally responded after looking at all of the permutations, "Very well, your cost would be multi-folded. The Dragonborn who live the same lifespan as humans and have not had these issues must be sacrificed on this world as part of your deal.

Many of them are dragon hunters and the biggest cause of your problems as you defined them. You would automatically make them extinct if we did not see too this issue. Your Chromatic Dragons would work to kill them all off by breeding, food, or both.

Elven fertility, all elven fertility, will have to increase as well with Dragon's Heart, to deal with all of the additional outside threats as they have the lowest fertility rates of any race, including your own. While having the same 2 years before your eggs hatch.

It will only last partway into the 6th Age of Dragons as the effect wanes for the Elves from Dragon's Heart, not from the Dragonblood that we will discuss. That effect is eternal for these elves and their progeny.

Your Dragons will keep this fertility increase as you will need it. In exchange, they will spend the first 100 years of adulthood not breeding or breeding with non-dragon races until the beginning of the 6th era. At least half of all existing dragons are required to introduce Dragonblood into other races, by species if possible. Shadow dragons being the exception due to low numbers.

I would encourage higher percentages from Bahamut, but it is his decision. You should voice it to him privately as it is in his best interest for his likely allies. Chromatics will do it by force and in numbers. It is their nature when these things happen. These Half-Dragons will become the results of these unions, you already have some and they are few in number.

Not many cross-racial boundaries, even within dragon species. This will optimally expand Dragonblooded wizards and sorcerers for generations in other races to face your ever-increasing threat to their survivability.

Also, your psionic dragons must be used as well in this effort to expand those talents to the other races. This must continue through the remainder of the 4th age, throughout the 5th age, and periodically in the 6th age when your dragons will be called upon in a time of crisis to seek this solution.

At some point in the future, at my discretion, what we have called 'ancient magic' of the Dragon's and the Elves will wain to level the board for the benefit of non-magical or less magical races. This will even affect Loth, though she is not worthy of my concern after her fall into the Abyss.

Before that occurs, some draconic magic will be barred from those who are not pure dragons. At least until your lower deities work to expand that in the future, During the 6th and final age of Dragons in that world.

I foresee this happening and it will be allowed given certain conditions. They will work bargains to gain access to draconic magic based on race and merits of extreme service to dragon species to the given lower deities, or peers of yours like Corellon.

Those bargains would be allowed and can only be discussed with your Gods in the 6th age when the timing is right. All Gods with these powers will have the ability to craft relics with these 'ancient magics.'

They will do so up to and through the end of the 5th age. To store ancient magic for the future they will need if their populations get low and still need to field champions.

Any God can recreate one of these relics if lost in the 6th age, but it will come with a great cost in power, magical or divine power. Eventually, you will bring millennia-long wars to this world on an epic scale with your action.

The 5th Age of Dragons will be nothing but a war for 10,000 years give or take a century or two. Constant World War with no more than 2 truces of any length in the time allowed. Those truces will be added to the 10,000 years required.

The longer they are, the longer this world will work to destroy itself. As your species battle each other and drag every species into the fight. As they work to protect allies or destroy enemies of those who will not aid their side in this fight.

You cannot let them know about these truces until one is requested. They must also be balanced between the factions. Until you get your dragons to negotiate a treaty.

Your Dragons must do this and not the Deities. Your other Gods will have no input into the treaty process. It must be left to the Kings or Queens at that point in time to solve.

Other than Sartior who will be needed to broker the peace. Yet, even his interaction is limited. No divine direction can be given other than 'it's time to seek peace.' That will result in a, very likely, flawed treaty that will be broken constantly in the centuries that follow.

Dragons will be the Alpha predators and the top of civilized governments at that point when they can all share a seat at the same table without killing each other and work to stay out of the affairs of other races. No promises after that point.

That treaty will be broken time and time again while those who value its 'worth' to keep indiscretions hidden will work to protect the illusion of that treaty. Eventually, it will all be exposed and more wars will rage.

You will have to make decisions about Half-Dragons, how to be fair to them for centuries of hard work. All while keeping them from becoming your next Dragonborn. I guarantee nothing beyond the first year of the 6th age.

The 5th age is likely where the last of the great relics will be created for this world. One or two might rise after but they would be the rare exception. When the 6th age starts, after the treaty comes about, ancient arcane magic will become blocked to this world at that point.

Long after, until your Dragons leave the world as it will fall at some point as others have. This will occur toward the end of the 6th age or the beginning of the new age. Dragons will have abandoned this world for one reason or another; with few exceptions.

At least until your subjects know the end is coming. Some of it may return to the elves if they have power, numbers, relics, or a combination thereof to support it. But it is highly doubtful that this would occur in this world.

This would be after your dragons have left obviously. They would be stuck with mythic magic and potentially draconic mythic magic if they have earned the right and thus the ability to escape this world as the Dragons will do. I would say the humans as well.

Yet the crafting time and dedication can only be done by longer-lived races. The comet will signal the start of the 5th age of Dragons. The Destruction of the continent known as Griliar as it exists today will fall into the ocean.

The other deities overseeing Tildar will be given a 500-year warning to work plans to migrate their people from this continent in the last century only, except for the Elves who have not made this request yet from me to reset the board.

That will be the case for you when and if the next request comes from another. The only one to not make this request for a world is Corellon. I hope he never makes this request as they always cost more than expected by the requester as even you, IO, will learn.

I will start with the Elves and the Dwarves, not that they have many on that continent. The dwarves don't have the talent to migrate on their own having abandoned magic, mostly. New lands will form with the shifting of the world plates and the northern content will grow vastly larger than the 2 are today.

World Wars will rage. The third moon Darion will be thrown into an unusual orbit causing it to orbit strangely lower on the horizon as the southern sphere of the world will be void of major landmasses, most will never see it being different. Dragon's heart's gravity will dictate this new orbit as it passes that moon.

I will use that moon to signal events in the future, to base predictions upon, or to alert the residence of that world that trouble is coming. Not to be shared, as I hope they all become smart enough to plan for this. Tidal events will be massive.

Except for a few hundred islands from the highest mountain tops of the old continent, the southern portion of the world will be void of land. You are not to warn any of them to account for those issues. We will see who the better planners are for safeguarding during the transition.

The elves are numerous currently, many have bred with metallic dragons over the years, the humans call this 'sewing their oats' if you will. As have the dwarves with some of your gold dragons, though the dwarves gain little in terms of magic from those unions.

The offspring do gain other attributes and provide some talents for artificers to learn from. The Half-Dragons could have a magical talent for themselves, but the offspring would only add to the abilities of artificers in the case of the dwarves.

The Half-Dragons are to be left with the non-dragon parent unless orphaned with no parents willing to raise them in which case the female who will be overseeing the eggs will see to their survival before returning them to their 'native Species' lands as productive adults. This would be rare.

Lastly, mating for life on dragons will become 1,000 years as a bond on ALL WORLDS, for your metallic, neutral, and chromatic dragons only. To increase diversity. The fertility stopping after 3 millennia. Your Metallics, Chromatics, Neutrals, and shadow dragons will live no longer than 12,000 years at a maximum age without magical aid.

Yes, that last one is a slight increase that not many will likely reach. While 10,000 years is the most likely age they would reach, but not during this war. They will hit the ancient category in 7,000 years as per normal. At 4,000 years they will slide into the old category and very old at 5,000 years.

You have fewer than 200 Shadow dragons in the world and their number is never large on any world. They do not bond and that does not change. They will likely become extinct in this world in most of the future permutations I have seen.

Though they are required to participate in the Half-Dragon efforts, they will be given flexibility on when and if as they never bond. Bahamut will bring in Mithril and Adamantium dragons, they are required to participate as well even though their numbers are small they will bring young with them.

They will not be around for long likely. I am guessing they will retreat to their planes within the first 1,000 years with a larger population than what they came in with if not dead outright on this world. Overall, they will benefit from fertility increases for another world eventually.

Enough time to bolster the other Metallic Dragon numbers and combat skills. To take challenging assignments and keep the field balanced early on. One might return later in the 6th age if any survive, time will tell as it is one of many possibilities.

This is allowed and not to be shared. They serve many purposes in the early part of the chaos you are starting with this request. These dragons, in their first 100 years of adulthood they must work to breed with other races they are attracted, desired, or left with no choice. Not all of your dragons will go for the willing to breed with them, especially the Chromatic and Shadow dragons.

Your Copper dragons are rather whimsical about their breeding habits but do not force themselves. Just mislead the unknowing. This must begin from today before entering a bonded relationship with a dragon.

This must be done until the day the 6th age is started. Your Dragons may seek another mate to expand your genetics further every 1,000 years, beginning immediately, all life bonds will be broken on all worlds if outside of the first 1,000 years.

Once beyond breeding age, they become an old category Dragon, they will seek a life mate to live out their days with. If that life mate dies, they must travel alone unless divine intervention is given for them to breed Half-Dragons again, even beyond and into the 6th age. Even using Ancient Dragons and potentially on other worlds. This would be allowed and expected at some points.

This would begin immediately. Crossbreeding across dragon species should become difficult, if not near impossible without magical or divine aid. Dragon's Heart will block that for true dragons without magical or divine intervention. Not Half-Dragons, but pure Dragons. Half-Dragons will add a lot of variety to the world in their offspring when they create hybrids.

They will be entertaining to watch in these conflicts. Capable of creating great chaos even. The backbone of your armies on both sides and your forces to keep the war going that long. One will still manage to do it via magical means before this war is over. One will be created by magical means that will be nearly immortal from 2 royal lines.

This one will be the last to be created without divine assistance. This will likely have champions rise in the 6th age. Death will come for it, and I predict it will not come from Dragons as they will all be scared of this creature's power and what its death will signal.

When it dies, True hybrid dragons will be allowed and capitalized upon by your evilly aligned species to seek advantages. When it is killed Tildar's days will be numbered in centuries and is not to be shared with the other Gods for now. Those dragons that can leave, will leave. Those other races who have gained the knowledge will attempt to do so centuries later.

Some or one may aid many when the time comes. Loth will simply kill her followers and move off to another world she has followers on already. She cares nothing for her people beyond having power. Taking their spirits for reuse there, the ones she does not consume. In short, she will take her playthings and move on.

Same with the Orcs, Ogres, and most Giant species. Storm and Cloud Giants being the exceptions. Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings, Centaurs, Fay, and Elves are the ones this world's Gods will attempt to save if possible. To find a new world to populate and have supportive followers without many of the enemies they typically have, an incentive to them if you will.

If not, they will kill them all in mass if it becomes impossible. This history will be chaotic for ages to come and is uncertain, even to me. I foresee centuries of World War and chaos ahead. Even in the 6th age when the web of the treaty of lies will be burned away.

The corruption in all of your dragons in being honest with the non-dragon races at that point will be exposed. Your Metallics will seek atonement for the centuries of deceit to its allies. Dragon's Heart will arrive in 500 years.

Your Dragons' fertility rates and that of the elves will double as discussed. Magical prowess across all races will test the mettle of them all within this world. I am interested to see how unleashing this much magic on a world will play out for a change.

Instead of keeping it tempered. Your Dragonborn will die as the world passes through the tail of Dragon's Heart. You will not stand in the way of the request from Corellon if he ever makes this request. The costs will be just as high. He is the only one of the greater deities to keep from making this request, yet.

Corellon will be extremely upset with this meeting. The human Greater Deity AO will also be upset about this, but humans are slow to react regardless and he has had his bite at that apple already. Their people will still see this as a far-off issue as was a part of his agreement when he did this.

To be short-sighted in things and the best fertility rates of civilized races to keep rising from the ashes. Warning signs will occur that it is happening. I will address their concerns myself and in private. All deals have a cost.

The Dragonborn and their Deities are not to know, that is between you and me alone until they are gone. I will make most of the details of your deal known after that happens, to explain all of the deaths. As I have for the other Greater Deities in these resets."

IO thought about his words and what they would mean, sacrificing 8 billion Dragonborn lives to give his true dragons the power they deserve and a group with increased fertility that could be expanded to hundreds of worlds potentially.

The One was right, the Dragonborn had been the largest population of dragon hunters by far, almost 10 to 1 to any other race. They lived in lands occupied by humans on the continent of Griliar.

Almost as populace as the humans in this world, who numbered over 9 billion with 4 billion on the southern continent. Most of them would be lost in the coming migration as they had no means of moving that many people in 100 years. IO looked up, "Agreed."

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